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4. Bacteria that cause diseases in insects are being used as biological controls of insect pests.

Biological controls are specific for the pest and do not harm the environment.

5. Using recombinant DNA, bacteria can produce important human proteins, such as insulin, betaendorphin

and hepatitis B vaccine.

6. Microorganisms can be used to help produce foods. They are also food sources (single-cell protein)


Microbes and Human Disease

1. Everyone has microorganisms in and on the body; these make up the normal flora.

2. The disease-producing properties of the species of microbe and the host’s resistance are important

factors in determining whether a person will contract a disease.

Microbes in Our Lives

1. Living things too small to be seen with the naked eye are called microorganisms.

2. Microorganisms are important in the maintenance or an ecological balance on Earth.

3. Some microorganisms live in humans and other animals and are needed to maintain the animal’s


4. Some microorganisms are used to produce tools and chemicals.

5. Some microorganisms cause disease.

The golden age of microbiology

Rapid advances in the science of microbiology were made between 1857 and 1914.

Fermentation and Pasteurization

1. Pasteur found that yeast ferments sugars to alcohol and that bacteria can oxidize the alcohol to

acetic acid.

2. A heating process called pasteurization is used to kill bacteria in some alcoholic beverages and


3. Robert Koch proved that microorganisms transmit disease. He used a sequence of procedures called

Koch’s postulates (1876), which are used today to prove that a particular microorganism causes a

particular disease.


1. In a vaccination, immunity (resistance to a particular disease) is conferred by inoculation with a


2. In 1798, Edward Jenner demonstrated that inoculation with cowpox material provides humans with

immunity from smallpox.

3. About 1880, Pasteur discovered that a virulent bacteria could be used as a vaccine for chicken

cholera; he coined the word vaccine.

4. Modern vaccines are prepared from living virulent microorganisms or killed pathogens, and by

recombinant DNA techniques.


A. Read and translate into Vietnamese

bacterium, one-celled organisms, bacillus, coccus, spiral, flagella, peptidoglycan, binary fission, fungus

(fungi), procaryotic cells Eucaryotic cells, multicellular, protozoans, alga (algae), photosynthesis, viruses,

parasite, flatworms, roundworms, helminths, interferon, virology, epithet, italicize, welfare,

bioremediation, spontaneous generation, maggot, broth, postulate

B. Answer the following questions

1. What are bacteria?

2. What are fungi?

3. What are protozoans?

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