Calligraphy class (Xing Shu)

Calligraphy class (Xing Shu)

Calligraphy class (Xing Shu)


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<strong>Calligraphy</strong> <strong>class</strong> (<strong>Xing</strong> <strong>Shu</strong>)<br />

中國書法課程 行書<br />

-劉才昌先生,香港中國書法家協會會長<br />

課程內容<br />

中國書法是漢字的書寫藝術,有如中華文化般源遠流長,也是一種很獨特的視覺藝術。<br />

導師會在課程中教授會員中國書法的基本概念和增加會員對書法的造詣,共分以下三個階段,各十<br />

八節課堂:<br />

楷書:又稱正楷、楷體、正書或真書,是漢字書法中常見的一種手寫字體風格。其字形較為<br />

正方,不像隸書寫成扁形。在現代,楷書仍是漢字手寫體的參考標準。<br />

行書:是在楷書的基礎上發展起源的,介於楷書、草書之間的一種字體,是為了彌補楷書的<br />

書寫速度太慢和草書的難於辨認而產生的。<br />

草書:漢字的一種書體,特點是結構簡省、筆劃連綿。形成於漢代,是為了書寫簡便,在隸<br />

書基礎上演變出來的。有章草、今草、狂草之分。<br />

行書課程現已接受報名,其課程詳情請參閱後頁。<br />

導師履歷<br />

劉才昌先生 一九三六年生,山東榮成人。現為香港中國書法家協會<br />

會長,香港中國書法研究所所長,香港美術家協會書法委員會主席,中<br />

國書畫函授大學教授。一九五五年考入北京大學,畢業後在大學從事教<br />

育工作二十餘年。書畫師從當代藝術大師劉海粟、徐北汀等,書法五體<br />

皆擅。其特點:用筆精到,富於韻律,結體嚴謹,流美多變。曾任中國<br />

書法家協會會刊編輯,在中國科學院、北京第二外國語學<br />

院、北京舞蹈學院、香港浸會學院等多個學院任教,並在北京電視台<<br />

書法藝術>專欄和香港電台節目中主講書法。其作品入選<br />

多届全國書法篆刻展、二十世紀書法大展、中國當代書壇名家作品展及<br />

日本、韓國、新加坡等重大國際書法展。<br />

作品入編、、、<br />

、等專輯。名列<<br />

中國古今書畫名人大辭典>、、、、、、及等。在新華社香港分社工作期間,曾策劃、參與主辦內地和香港美術交流展一百多次。榮獲國內<br />

外書法大展金獎二十餘次。除書法創作外,在書法理論方面也多有建樹,其書法論文榮獲文化部優秀獎。<br />

劉才昌先生還對香港書法教育貢獻良多,桃李滿門。前新華社香港分社社長周南、副社長張浚生及<br />

前律政司司長羅德丞、全國政協委員陸達權、簡福飴等均為他的學生。一些學生現在國內外的高等<br />

院校任教。香港回歸祖國十週年之際,中國文藝報在隆重介紹香港各界名流中,大篇幅地對其進行<br />

了報導。劉才昌先生是中國當代最著名的十大書法家之一,國家級出版社為其編輯經典專輯行世,<br />


<strong>Calligraphy</strong> <strong>class</strong> (<strong>Xing</strong> <strong>Shu</strong>)<br />

中國書法課程 行書<br />

-劉才昌先生,香港中國書法家協會會長<br />

課程詳情<br />

日 期 2013 年: -<br />

月份 日期 (星期四) 月份 日期 (星期四)<br />

6 月 13, 20, 27 9 月 5, 12, 26<br />

7 月 4, 11, 18, 25 10 月 3, 10, 17<br />

8 月 1, 8, 15, 22, 29<br />

(共 18 堂)<br />

時 間 下午 7:30 – 9:00<br />

地 點 香港會計師公會<br />

灣仔皇后大道東 213 號<br />

胡忠大廈 27 樓<br />

導 師<br />

語 言<br />

費 用<br />

劉才昌先生<br />

普通話<br />

香港會計師公會會員 / 國際聯繫人 / 註冊學生: 每位港幣 4,245 元<br />

非會員: 每位港幣 4,670 元<br />

文具(全套): 每位港幣 800 元 (供 18 堂使用,首次報名人士適用)<br />

文具(毛筆,墨水及淨皮宣紙): 每位港幣 600 元 (供 18 堂使用)<br />

名 額 14 (如報名人數不足,課程可能會取消)<br />

報名截止日期 2013 年 6 月 6 日<br />

Registration<br />

To register:<br />

By post: Complete the attached Enrolment Form and return it to the institute together with the<br />

cheque in payment on or before the 6 June 2013.<br />

Successful enrollees will receive confirmation 2 days after the enrolment deadline by email or by<br />

telephone whereas unsuccessful applicants will receive full refund by mail.<br />

For enquiries, please contact:<br />

2287 7009 (Ms. May Hung) for <strong>class</strong> information<br />

2287 7381 (Mr. David Lok) for payment & enrolment status

<strong>Calligraphy</strong> <strong>class</strong> – <strong>Xing</strong> <strong>Shu</strong><br />

Enrolment Form<br />

MCS-2 Event Code: LEC130613<br />

Member & Corporate Services,<br />

Hong Kong Institute of CPAs<br />

37th Floor, Wu Chung House,<br />

213 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong.<br />

Fax no: 2803 4620<br />

Please allow 4 days to process your application. In order not to delay the process, please DO NOT make any enquiries on your<br />

enrolment status. You can check it at “My CPA” at http://www.hkicpa.org.hk. Unsuccessful enrolment will be notified before the<br />

commencement of the <strong>class</strong> with full refund.<br />

Please use BLOCK letters :-<br />

Name: (*Mr./Mrs./Ms.) (Chinese): NO REFUND/ CANCELLAT<br />

HKICPA Membership No.: Email:<br />

(if applicable)<br />

Telephone No.: Fax No.:<br />

Mobile No.: (for emergency contact on the day of <strong>class</strong>)<br />

Additional participant (if applicable):<br />

Please “” as appropriate<br />

Enrolment fee: HKICPA members HK$4,245 x person(s) = HKD<br />

Non-HKICPA members HK$4,670 x person(s) = HKD<br />

Stationery fee: Stationery (full set) HK$800 x set(s) = HKD<br />

Stationery (brush, ink & writing paper) HK$600 x set(s) = HKD<br />

Total: = HKD<br />

Payment: *Cheque no.:_________________ (Bank: ______________ )<br />

*Cheque should be made payable to "Lau Choi Cheong" and sent directly to the institute.<br />

Notes on enrolment:<br />

1. Enrolment for the <strong>class</strong> is accepted on a first-come-first-served basis with priority given to HKICPA members.<br />

2. Full payment must be made before your enrolment will be processed. No pro-rata payment is accepted. No<br />

telephone reservation will be accepted.<br />

3. The closing date for enrolment is 6 Jun 2013. However, the Institute has the discretion to accept late applications as it sees fit.<br />

4. Successful enrollees will receive confirmation 2 days after the enrolment deadline by email or by telephone whereas<br />

unsuccessful applicants will receive full refund by mail.<br />

5. Unless the <strong>class</strong> is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, no refund for withdrawal will be given after the enrolment<br />

has been processed.<br />

行書<br />

Class<br />

Enrolment Deadline<br />

Date<br />

<strong>Calligraphy</strong> <strong>class</strong> – <strong>Xing</strong> <strong>Shu</strong> 6 Jun 2013<br />

(Mr./Mrs./Ms.)_______________________________________ HKICPA Membership No.: (If _________________________<br />

applicable)<br />

Email: __________________________________________________ Mobile no.: ______________________________<br />

Please put a “ ” if you require a receipt.<br />

6. Bad weather arrangement: the <strong>class</strong> will be cancelled if typhoon signal no.8 or above/ Black rainstorm Warning is<br />

hoisted at or after 2:30 p.m. on the date of <strong>class</strong>. In the event of bad weather, a make-up <strong>class</strong> will be arranged.<br />

7. The Institute reserves the right to change the venue and date of the <strong>class</strong> due to unforeseen circumstances.<br />

Personal Data: All information provided in this form will only be used by the Institute or its agent for the purposes of processing the<br />

registration and/or organising the event in which you have enrolled. Although you are not obliged to provide the data sought by this form,<br />

failing to do so may result in an inability to process your enrolment.<br />

Collected data will only be used for this specific event and promotion of any future similar events. By completing the form you agree that<br />

the staff of the Institute or its agent may use your personal data for the purposes specified above.<br />

The detailed privacy policy of the Institute is available at www.hkicpa.org.hk.<br />

Payment & Enrolment Status Enquiry: 2287 7381<br />

e-mail: finance@hkicpa.org.hk<br />


Seq. no.:<br />

Handled by:<br />

Class Information Enquiry: 2287 7009 (May Hung)<br />

e-mail: may@hkicpa.org.hk

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