Racespecifik avls strategi for Bull Terriers - Engelsk Bull Terrier

Racespecifik avls strategi for Bull Terriers - Engelsk Bull Terrier

Racespecifik avls strategi for Bull Terriers - Engelsk Bull Terrier


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B u l l T e r r i e r s | R A S 2 0 0 8 V e r s i o n 1 . 1 | 9 . m a j 2 0 0 8<br />

Bilag 10 - DNA testing <strong>for</strong> inherited disease<br />

Publiceret i Northern Provincial <strong>Bull</strong> <strong>Terrier</strong> Clubs blad, <strong>Bull</strong>graph 2007.<br />

B i l a g S i d e 1 6 1 a f 1 8 8

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