20.02.2013 Aufrufe





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ferently. Getting the right clothing,<br />

hairstyle, and bearing may make all<br />

the difference in the world.<br />

SAGittAriuS Ait‘s crucial to not<br />

take everyone‘s word for it now but<br />

to find out for yourself what might be<br />

the best plan for your money. investment<br />

vehicles can be confusing, so<br />

enlist the help of a qualified financial<br />

adviser to help cut through all the<br />

hype and get it done. Meanwhile, the<br />

universe adds plenty of spice.<br />

CAPriCOrN Much of the celestial<br />

energy indicates that someone or<br />

something from the past will come<br />

back to be dealt with once and for all.<br />

And your house of self-employment<br />

and groups is highlighted. Connecting<br />

with people you‘ve lost touch<br />

with may just lead to more money in<br />

the future<br />

AquAriuS this week your relationship<br />

sector indicates an incredibly<br />

social time for you. Your moneymaking<br />

endeavors are best served by<br />

going out to networking events and<br />

introducing yourself to as many people<br />

as possible. Look for clues about<br />

how to react. Your career is begging<br />

for some new energy, which is where<br />

your new friends come in.<br />

PiSCeS this week your house of<br />

day-to-day work brings you all kinds<br />

of compliments on the job. Higherups<br />

are noticing your work now and<br />

want to see you succeed. You‘re advised<br />

to speak up about your personal<br />

goals and your vision for the<br />

company as a whole. Your efforts are<br />

much appreciated. they‘ll be rewarded<br />

financially and with added perks<br />

and benefits.<br />

more Information<br />

on Page 31 or Tel:<br />

+34 693 945 289<br />

60.-€<br />

Your<br />

Advertisement<br />


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