13.04.2013 Aufrufe

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Modulare Aufbau<br />

Verfahrensdokumentation<br />

Verfahrensdokumentation<br />

(GoBS / GDPdU)<br />

(GoBS / GDPdU)<br />

SOX<br />

SOX<br />

(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)<br />

(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)<br />

Transfer Pricing / Verrechnungspreise<br />

Transfer Pricing / Verrechnungspreise<br />

Customized Content-Structures<br />

Customized Content-Structures<br />

CobiT (Control Objectives<br />

CobiT (Control Objectives<br />

for Information and Related Technology)<br />

for Information and Related Technology)<br />

BDSG<br />

BDSG<br />

(IT-Protextion / IT-Security)<br />

(IT-Protextion / IT-Security)<br />

ITIL<br />

ITIL<br />

(IT Infrastructure Library)<br />

(IT Infrastructure Library)<br />

Corporate Meta-Information<br />

Corporate Meta-Information<br />

DocSetMinder-Engine<br />

DocSetMinder-Engine<br />

IT-Infrastructure<br />

IT-Infrastructure<br />

Quality-Management<br />

Quality-Management<br />

More Compliance Modules<br />

More Compliance Modules<br />

Customized<br />

Content-Structures<br />

Predefined<br />

Content-Structures<br />

Metadata<br />

Application-Kernel<br />


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