28.06.2013 Aufrufe

Industrial Removal Office

Industrial Removal Office

Industrial Removal Office


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14 Gosman, Thelma, undated<br />

15 Gostynsid, Ignatz, 1949<br />

16 Gozonsky, Archie, 1938<br />

17 Gotkin, Motka, 1946-1949<br />

18 Gotlib, David, Ida, Schaja, 1949-1950<br />

19 Gotlib, Pole, 1935-1937<br />

20 Gottesman, Rabbi H. Zvi, 1939<br />

21 Gottesman, Gita, 1942-1943<br />

22 Gottfld, Benno, undated<br />

23 Gottlieb, Gdalia, 1941<br />

24 Gottlieb, William and Margaretha, 1940-1958<br />

25 Gottlieb, Jeanette and Marilla, 1945-1946<br />

26 Gottlieb, Gilbert, 1962<br />

27 Gottlieb, Hugo, 1947-1954<br />

28 Gottschalk, Emma Sarah, 1940<br />

29 Gottschalk, Fritz, 1940<br />

30 Gottschalk, Jolanda and Arthur, 1943<br />

31 Gotz, Leivi, 1934<br />

32 Gotz, Max, 1950<br />

33 Gooda, Lucie, 1938<br />

34 Gould, Grances E., 1943<br />

35 Gould, Rose W., 1939<br />

36 Govatsos, James, undated<br />

37 Goverman, Louis, 1940<br />

38 Goylik, Jerucham, 1932-1935<br />

41 1 Grab, Malka, Riwka, and Jankel, 1947-1949<br />

2 Grabir, Joshua, 1931-1932<br />

3 Grablunas, Joseph, 1944<br />

4 Grabowski, Zelman, 1946<br />

5 Grabowiecka, Rochel, 1935-1937<br />

6 Grabowski, Lina, 1938<br />

7 Gradenwitz, Dr. Felix, undated<br />

8 Graider, Bina B., 1936<br />

9 Graider, Bina, 1935-1936<br />

10 Granat, Gilla, 1941<br />

11 Granat, Sophie, 1935<br />

12 Grand, Goldie, 1941

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