28.06.2013 Aufrufe

Industrial Removal Office

Industrial Removal Office

Industrial Removal Office


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34 Greenstein, Pola, 1944<br />

35 Greenstein, Sadie, 1944<br />

36 Greenstein, Samuel, 1940-1957<br />

37 Greenstein, Samuel, 1955<br />

38 Greenstein, Sarah, 1942<br />

39 Greenwald, Chaim, 1937-1943<br />

40 Greenwald, Aranka and Olga, 1946<br />

41 Greenwald, Sandor, 1947<br />

42 Greher, Ludwig, 1938<br />

43 Grabowiecki, Wolf, and Pomeranz, Wolf, 1948-1949<br />

44 Greifer, Fred, 1939<br />

45 Greifer, J., 1938<br />

46 Greisdoff, Lily, 1951<br />

47 Greisman, Abraham Raphael, 1939-1940<br />

48 Grejsmann, Lazer and Family, 1956-1957<br />

49 Bachman, Richard, and Greunbaum, Franz, 1935<br />

50 Gretsky, Morris, 1953<br />

51 Grieff, F., 1938<br />

52 Griese, Franz and Rosa, 1950<br />

53 Griese, Hannelore, 1949<br />

54 Griffin, Etta E., 1937<br />

55 Grifkin, Rose, 1940<br />

56 Grimes, Millie Iona, 1943<br />

57 Grimmon, Harriet and Raymonde, 1948<br />

58 Grinbaum, Aron, 1956<br />

59 Grinbaum, Chone, 1946<br />

60 Grinberg, Inda, 1938-1939<br />

61 Grinberg, Mase, 1938<br />

62 Grinberg, Sose and Maer, 1939<br />

63 Grinblat, Avrum, 1939<br />

64 Grinblatt, Frieda, 1946-1949<br />

65 Grinker, Benjamin, 1936<br />

66 Grin, Wolf and Etta D., 1947-1953<br />

67 Grin, Family, 1943<br />

68 Grinsztajn, Bella, 1939<br />

69 Gritz, Etta, 1940-1951<br />

70 Gritz, Itzik (Isaac), 1936

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