31.12.2013 Aufrufe

1 Prof. Dr. Dr.hcmult. Friedrich Schneider VERZEICHNIS der

1 Prof. Dr. Dr.hcmult. Friedrich Schneider VERZEICHNIS der

1 Prof. Dr. Dr.hcmult. Friedrich Schneider VERZEICHNIS der


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Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften / Articles in Refereed Scientific Journals<br />

194. The devil is in the shadow: Do institutions affect income and productivity or<br />

only official income and official productivity? (together with Axel <strong>Dr</strong>eher<br />

and Pierre-Guillaume Méon), (2012), Public Choice, published online July<br />

11, 5/2013, 154, pp.204-229<br />

195. Who is Willing to Pay for Environment in the EU – An Empirical Analysis<br />

(together with Andrea Kollmann and Johannes Reichl) (2012), Euro Economica,<br />

2012, 5/31, pp. 15-27<br />

196. The Financial Flows of Transnational Crime and Tax Fraud in OECD Countries:<br />

What Do We (Not) Know?, (2013), forthcoming in Public Finance Review,<br />

41, 2013.<br />


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