07.08.2014 Aufrufe

STIMMEN-Werkstatt 2013

STIMMEN-Werkstatt 2013

STIMMEN-Werkstatt 2013


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Budam<br />

Zeiten<br />

Kursort<br />

Teilnehmer<br />

Stage Presence and Expression<br />

IN Live Music Performance<br />

Sa 27. juli<br />

10 – 12 und 12.30 – 14.30 Uhr<br />

Rittersaal, Alte Feuerwache, Gemeindehaus der<br />

Matthäusgemeinde Lörrach, Am Burghof 2, 79539 Lörrach<br />

11 – 25 Personen, offen für alle Interessierte<br />

Kursgebühr Euro 190.— | Frühbucher Euro 170.— | Ermäßigt Euro 40.—<br />

Anmeldung<br />

bis 15. Juni | Frühbucher bis 15. April<br />

To perform is to sacrifice. The audience being the gods, the stage the altar, the<br />

performer sacrifices a piece of her/himself. The workshop will be in two parts:<br />

Part 1: Budam will give a talk on music and performing. He will then<br />

perform a few of his songs and talk about the writing process and how the<br />

songs inspire the performance and vice versa.<br />

Part 2: Budam will work with the participants and will reveal some of his<br />

secrets to performing and writing.<br />

Course language is English.<br />

Budam, born on the Faroe Islands, is a singer, songwriter, theatre composer<br />

and an actor. After having studied in Iceland, Denmark, London and Cuba,<br />

he produced his debut album Stories of Devils, Angels, Lovers and Murderers.<br />

Inspired by artists such as Nick Cave and Ennio Morricone, Budam is a mixture<br />

of different genres that can be best described as Theatrical Indie Pop. Budam<br />

represents the perfect marriage of theatrical brilliance and musical versatility.<br />

With a deep and seductive voice, Budam‘s performance is forceful and untamed.<br />

His singing goes from animalistic growls to sensual sighs against the<br />

background of angelic harmonies and murderous rhythms.<br />


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