27.11.2012 Aufrufe

Gesund. Innovativ. - im BioCon Valley Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ...

Gesund. Innovativ. - im BioCon Valley Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ...

Gesund. Innovativ. - im BioCon Valley Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ...


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a n n ual report 20 07 he a lt h eco n omy a nd life s c ience in m ec klenburg -vo rpommern<br />

s s s s s<br />

12<br />

Activities and Projects<br />

National Conference for the Health Economy<br />

The “National Conference for the Health Economy” in Rostock has established itself – and<br />

subsequently strengthened its position – as the leading event for the health economy in Germany.<br />

Among the highlights of the years was the 3rd sector conference ”The Economic Factor of<br />

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Chances, L<strong>im</strong>its, Standards”, which was held from 2 to<br />

2 May in Rostock, Hohe Düne. For this occasion, the conference had the good fortune to engage<br />

Prof. Dr. Damdinsuren Natsagdorj as its plenary speaker. Since 1991 Prof. Natsagdorj has been the<br />

director of the Otoch Manramba Institute and medical director of the Mamba Datsan Clinic and the<br />

Educational Centre for Traditional Mongolian Medicine in Ulaanbaatar. He is known as the Khamba<br />

Lama (“great teacher”) and as such is the highest medical authority in Mongolia. This year too, it<br />

was possible to gain the benefit of high-quality lecturers from the various fields of complementary<br />

medicine in Germany. Prof. Dr. med. Karin Kraft from the Seat of Natural Medicine at the University<br />

of Rostock was responsible for the design of the programme. The conference also featured Iceland<br />

as its guest nation partner.<br />

The twelve debatable theses for alternative medicine, compiled by <strong>BioCon</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> ® in advance of<br />

the conference, became a major attention grabber which in turn led to a focused discussion of<br />

these subjects at the conference, gaining nationwide recognition.<br />

Further information at: http://www.konferenz-gesundheitswirtschaft.de/<br />

Clustermanagement Health Economy<br />

In the scope of the project “Clustermanagement Health Economy <strong>Mecklenburg</strong>-<strong>Vorpommern</strong>”,<br />

<strong>BioCon</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Mecklenburg</strong>-<strong>Vorpommern</strong> e.V. coordinated the two pilot programmes “Competence<br />

Network Orthopaedics ®”, Rostock, and “Transfer Network Community Medicine”, Greifswald. Both<br />

programmes display subprojects along the lines of the master plan “Health Economy <strong>Mecklenburg</strong>-<br />

<strong>Vorpommern</strong> 2010” and are increasingly turning out to be ideal model projects.<br />

Competence Network Orthopaedics ®<br />

The project partners from the fields of clinic, research, medical technology, orthopaedic technology,<br />

rehabilitation and the hotel business came together in order to make the most of each one’s<br />

competence whilst at the same t<strong>im</strong>e creating a synergy. The partner plan to <strong>im</strong>prove the workflow<br />

of the treatment of the patients and to network the individual institutions. On top of that it is<br />

the goal to develop services of different kinds in high quality which shall be booked (individually<br />

or as an “all inclusive” package) from the patient in near future. The innovation potential within<br />

the total value creation chain in the field of orthopaedics should create new possibilities and be<br />

tapped into by all network partners. In the project year of 2007, the focus of the activities was<br />

oriented on the further expansion and stabilising of the network. The spectrum could be expanded

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