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Download (PDF, 291 KB) - Familienverband von Richthofen

Download (PDF, 291 KB) - Familienverband von Richthofen

Download (PDF, 291 KB) - Familienverband von Richthofen


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H. Theil, C.-G. v. <strong>Richthofen</strong>, S. DeBeer George, H. Bögge and T. Glaser A/ BFerromagnetic Coupling by Spin-Polarization Mechanism in a TrinuclearV hoch iv Triplesalen ComplexInorganic Chimica Acta (Ewald Solomon Honorary Issue) 2008, 361, 916-923J. B.H. Strautmann, C.-G. Frhr. v. <strong>Richthofen</strong>, S. DeBeer George, E. Bothe, E. Bill andT. GlaserHighly Oxidized Diiron Complexes: Generation, Spectroscopy and StabilitiesChosen as Chem. Comm. Hot Article,Chemical Communications 2009, 2637-2639et. al.: Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetic Characterization of C3-Symmetric MnIII3Cr III Assembly: Molecular Recognition Between a Trinuclear Mn III Triplesalen Complexand a fac-Triscyano Cr III ComplexInorganic Chimistry 2009, 48, 10165-10176et. al.: Molecular and Electronic Structures of Dinuclear Iron Complexes Using StronglyElectron-donating Ligands: Implications for the Generation of the One-and-Two-ElectronOxidized FormsInorganic Chemistry 2011, 50, 155-171et. al.: Probing the Radialene-Charakter in Triplesalophe Ligands by Spectroscopic andStructurale AnalysisJournal of Organic-Chemistry 2012, 77, 1435-1448et. al.: Synthesis and Characterization of Trinuclear Ni II 3 and Cu II 3 TriplesalophenComplexes: Evaluation of Ligand Folding and Heteroradialene Formation and TheirImpact on the Magnetic PropertiesEuropean Journal of Inorganis Chemistry 2012, 5934-5952et. al.: Electronic and Molekular Structures of Heteroradialenes: A combined Synthetic,Computational, Spectroscopic, and Structural Study Identifying IR Spectroscopy as aSimple but Powerful Experimental ProbeZeitschrift für Naturforschung B 2013, 68b, 64-86***<strong>Richthofen</strong>, KAROLINA <strong>von</strong> Unser Domherr. Grimmen i. Pommern.Leipzig, A. Deichert (in Komm.) 1930. (48 S.) 8° 1.-Erinnerungen an Max v. Pochhammer.Berlin 1936Wir <strong>Richthofen</strong>s.(unveröffentlicht) Groß Rosen, 1938BBB<strong>Richthofen</strong>, CHRISTA <strong>von</strong> Germany. Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, Gardens.London 1992BSelbsteinbringung. Eine therapeutische Variable in der klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie.10

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