13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Download Katalog as Pdf (3 MB) - Digitale Kunst

Download Katalog as Pdf (3 MB) - Digitale Kunst

Download Katalog as Pdf (3 MB) - Digitale Kunst


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Tina MuliarAll Pigeons Are Born Artists2013Augmented-Reality-InstallationAugmented reality installationKlebefolienelemente, iPadAdhesive foil elements, iPadAugmented Reality greift in die Wirklichkeitein. Die künstlerische InterventionAll Pigeons Are Born Artists macht eineForm von Metarealismus erfahrbar undreflektiert die Idee, inwieweit Taubenkünstlerisches Potenzial besitzen.Kurzbio:Tina Muliar lebt und arbeitet in Wien (A),studiert <strong>Digitale</strong> <strong>Kunst</strong> an der Universitätfür angewandte <strong>Kunst</strong> Wien.Augmented reality impinges on reality.The artistic intervention All Pigeons AreBorn Artists gives palpable form to a typeof meta-realism and plays with the idea ofpigeons and the degree of artistic potentialthey possess.Profile:Lives and works in Vienna. Studiesdigital art at the University of AppliedArts Vienna.http://www.tinamuliar.netArbeitsprozess / Work Process64 65

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