15.11.2017 Aufrufe


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Rumifert®<br />

KUPFER, KOBALT + SELEN im Langzeit-Bolus<br />

1,2<br />

Für Leistung und Fruchtbarkeit<br />

Literatur:<br />

1 Black D. H., French N. P.: Effects of three types of trace element supplementation on the fertility of three<br />

commercial dairy herds; Veterinary Record (2004), 154, 652 – 658<br />

2 Mackenzie, A. M., Moeini M. M., Telfer S. B.: The effect of Cosecure on the conception rate and trace element<br />

status of dairy cattle; World buiatric association, Nutrition, AACV Sydney Australia, 1998, 1055 – 1057<br />

Boehringer Ingelheim (Schweiz) GmbH, Animal Health, Basel<br />

07.<strong>2017</strong> AHCH/RUM/171006<br />


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