09.03.2020 Aufrufe


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• This mode moves the optical pick-up to the position durable

to vibration. Use this mode when returning the set to the

customer after repair.


1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Select CD function.

3. Press [CD] button and @/1 button simultaneously. The system

turns off automatically.

4. After the “STANDBY” blinking display finishes, a message

“MECHA LOCK” is displayed on the fluorescent indicator

tube and the CD ship mode is set.


• This mode let you switch on or off power supply to the CD

and USB block during TUNER function.

• When CD/USB POWER is set to OFF, the power supply to

the CD and USB block is cut off during TUNER function. It

will increase the time taken to access CD or USB device when

the function change from TUNER to CD or USB but it will

improve tuner reception.

• When CD/USB POWER is set to ON, the power supply to the

CD and USB block is not cut off during TUNER function. It

will reduce the time taken to access CD or USB device when

the function change from TUNER to CD or USB but it will

decrease tuner reception performance.


1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Select CD function.

3. Press @/1 button to turn off the system.

4. Press x button and @/1 button simultaneously. The system

turns on automatically.

5. The message “CD/USB POWER ON” or “CD/USB POWER

OFF” will be displayed on the fluorescent indicator tube.


• This mode let you lock the disc tray. When this mode is

activated, the disc tray will not open when Z button or [DISC

SKIP/EX-CHANGE] button is pressed. The message

“LOCKED” will be displayed on the fluorescent indicator tube.


1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Select CD function.

3. Press x button and Z button simultaneously and hold down

until “LOCKED” or “UNLOCKED” displayed on the

fluorescent indicator tube (around 5 seconds).


• This mode prevents the system from turning off automatically

when TCM is not connected. Therefore, measurements can

be done even when TCM is not connected during production.


1. When the system in turned off, press [EQ BAND/MEMORY] button,

[CD-TAPE SYNC] button and @/1 button simultaneously. The

system turns on automatically.

2. The message “TCM OFFLINE” will be displayed on the

fluorescent indicator tube.


• This mode let you disable the remote commander reception.

When this mode is activated, the system will not response if

the button on the remote commander is pressed. The message

“Remote Disable” appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.

This mode is essential for conducting test and repairing when

no interruption from the other remote commander is expected.

This mode is cancelled automatically when the system is turned



1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Press x button, [FLANGER] button and [DISC 2] button

simultaneously until “Remote Disable” or “Remote Enable”

appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.


• This mode is use to load all the factory use preset frequencies

into FM 1-FM 20 and AM 1-AM 10. Originally, frequency of

FM 1-FM 20 and AM 1-AM10 are set to the minimum.


1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Press @/1 button, [TUNER/BAND] button and Z button

simultaneously and the message “Factory” appears on the

fluorescent indicator tube. The function is changed to TUNER


• To release from this mode, operate the cold reset. (Refer to

the “COLD RESET”).


• This mode is used to check the VACS level.


1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Press x button, [CD] button and [DISC SKIP/EX-CHANGE]

button simultaneously.

3. The fluorescent indicator tube displays “V$T% F AP#”.

“V” represents Conventional VACS (Triggered by signal level)

“T” represents Thermal VACS NEO (Triggered by


“AP” represents APVACS (Abuse Protection VACS)

“$” is the Conventional VACS level.

“%” is the Thermal VACS NEO level.

“#” is the APVACS level.

“F” is shown if the fan is triggered by software to turn in high


• To release from VACS display mode, do the step (2) again.


• MP3 Booster is built-in features of this model. It turns on

automatically when the MP3 audio track is played back. By

using this mode, you can turn on or off the MP3 Booster



1. Press @/1 button to turn on the system.

2. Select CD function and play back an MP3 audio track.

3. Press [RETURN] button, [FLANGER] button and [DISC 3] button

simultaneously. The message “BOOSTER OFF” or

“BOOSTER ON” appears on the fluorescent indicator tube.


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