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Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide

HMAC-SHA Signatures

Required Authentication Information

When accessing Amazon SQS using the Query API, you must provide the following items so the request

can be authenticated:

• AWS Access Key ID—Your AWS account is identified by your Access Key ID, which AWS uses to

look up your Secret Access Key.

• Signature—Each request must contain a valid HMAC-SHA request signature, or the request is rejected.

You calculate the request signature by using your Secret Access Key, which is a shared secret known

only to you and AWS.

• Date—Each request must contain the time stamp of the request. You can provide an expiration date

and time for the request instead of or in addition to the time stamp.

Related Topics

• Your AWS Identifiers (p. 18)

Basic Authentication Process

Following is the series of tasks required to authenticate requests to AWS using an HMAC-SHA request

signature. It is assumed you have already created an AWS account and received an Access Key ID and

Secret Access Key. For more information about those, see Your AWS Account (p. 18) and Your AWS

Identifiers (p. 18).

You perform the first three tasks.

API Version 2009-02-01


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