04.08.2022 Aufrufe

HELE- 2021-2022

Die Schweizer Künstlerin HELE präsentiert in Ihren aktuellen Katalog einige Beispiele Ihrer Arbeiten der Jahre 2021 und 2022

Die Schweizer Künstlerin HELE präsentiert in Ihren aktuellen Katalog einige Beispiele Ihrer Arbeiten der Jahre 2021 und 2022


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"I get my inspiration in everyday life from things that I perceive quite consciously. This can be a stay

in nature, observations and encounters. All this exerts a fascination on me. We live in a highly

technical media world. Everything that is created by hand has a special significance for me and

arouses emotions.

It makes me happy to bring my creative ideas to the canvas and to bring joy to people and to

beautify their everyday life.

Painting is my passion - creativity promotes sensory perception!

I have a positive attitude towards life, cheerfulness is my nature. I love the beautiful, the unique and

move in my own world. The play with colours, the rhythmic sequence of flowing, organic forms speak

my own personal language. Poetic, delicate, soothing but at the same time expressive."

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