27.10.2022 Aufrufe


Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/B0841Y63PC ===========================*=========================== RARRI, a hustler from the streets of Cali with a rough life and a complicated past. As he learns to navigate the streets as a drug dealer, he begins to learn of the life that his deceased father led and dreamed for him. A life filled with money, excitement, lessons and most of all, ladies. Follow Rarri as he finds out what 'BABE' means to him as he tries to not only live up to his fat

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/B0841Y63PC

RARRI, a hustler from the streets of Cali with a rough life and a complicated past. As he learns to navigate the streets as a drug dealer, he begins to learn of the life that his deceased father led and dreamed for him. A life filled with money, excitement, lessons and most of all, ladies. Follow Rarri as he finds out what 'BABE' means to him as he tries to not only live up to his fat


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