04.11.2022 Aufrufe

[GET_PDF] Blackest Ocean (Backyard Starship Book 8)

Copy Download Link~~> https://reader.ebookexprees.com/moses/B0B247KSVM Van is a veteran now, and the lessons are getting tougher.But so is he.When a ghost ship arrives in port, filled with the victims of a crime beyond imagination, Van and his crew will be drawn into a chase that goes beyond any star system the Peacemakers know.Beyond Guild borders, the Torus is a gateway to crime and profit beyond imagination. It&#8217 a wild, lawless place with few connections to the civilized stars, but Van and Torina discover a thread that connects the past, the future, and the present in a web of violence that can only be purged by fighting fire with fire.Unfortunately for the enemy, Van has a torch, and he&#8217 willing to use it. From the reaches of space where a secretive race ply their illegal trade, to the halls of Anvil Dark, Van will face his greatest step, and answer his most challenging question.After the Peacemakers, what comes next? And can Van survive it?

Copy Download Link~~> https://reader.ebookexprees.com/moses/B0B247KSVM

Van is a veteran now, and the lessons are getting tougher.But so is he.When a ghost ship arrives in port, filled with the victims of a crime beyond imagination, Van and his crew will be drawn into a chase that goes beyond any star system the Peacemakers know.Beyond Guild borders, the Torus is a gateway to crime and profit beyond imagination. It&#8217 a wild, lawless place with few connections to the civilized stars, but Van and Torina discover a thread that connects the past, the future, and the present in a web of violence that can only be purged by fighting fire with fire.Unfortunately for the enemy, Van has a torch, and he&#8217 willing to use it. From the reaches of space where a secretive race ply their illegal trade, to the halls of Anvil Dark, Van will face his greatest step, and answer his most challenging question.After the Peacemakers, what comes next? And can Van survive it?


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Blackest Ocean (Backyard Starship Book 8)

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Van is a veteran now, and the lessons are getting tougher.But so is he.When a ghost ship arrives

in port, filled with the victims of a crime beyond imagination, Van and his crew will be drawn into a

chase that goes beyond any star system the Peacemakers know.Beyond Guild borders, the Torus

is a gateway to crime and profit beyond imagination. It&#8217a wild, lawless place with few

connections to the civilized stars, but Van and Torina discover a thread that connects the past, the

future, and the present in a web of violence that can only be purged by fighting fire with

fire.Unfortunately for the enemy, Van has a torch, and he&#8217willing to use it. From the reaches

of space where a secretive race ply their illegal trade, to the halls of Anvil Dark, Van will face his

greatest step, and answer his most challenging question.After the Peacemakers, what comes

next? And can Van survive it?

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