16.12.2022 Aufrufe

[PDF READ ONLINE] The Ground Is My Ocean

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B09GY9ZWDN ===========================*=========================== All he wants is to be a normal teenager. But when a car accident shatters his life, Dylan finds salvation in the most unlikely of places.When a car wreck leaves sixteen-year-old Dylan with one leg, suddenly everyone in his life treats him differently. His girlfriend dumps him, his parents want to wrap him in cotton wool and the jocks at his new school see him as an easy target.As he

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yupu/B09GY9ZWDN

All he wants is to be a normal teenager. But when a car accident shatters his life, Dylan finds salvation in the most unlikely of places.When a car wreck leaves sixteen-year-old Dylan with one leg, suddenly everyone in his life treats him differently. His girlfriend dumps him, his parents want to wrap him in cotton wool and the jocks at his new school see him as an easy target.As he

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