06.02.2023 Aufrufe

Read Book The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook

Copy Link : https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/1118275993 ===========================*=========================== The Orthodontic Mini-Implant Clinical Handbook is the must-have book for trainee and practicing orthodontists. It provides the essential theoretical and clinical mini-implant information to enable the clinician to easily introduce skeletal anchorage into their practice across a wide variety of common clinical scenarios.The initial chapters cover general principles with subsequent chapters employing a step-by-step approach to guide the novice through the most common clinical uses for orthodontic mini-implants including: incisor retraction, molar distalisation, transverse and asymmetry corrections, and orthognathic surgery uses.

Copy Link : https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/1118275993

The Orthodontic Mini-Implant Clinical Handbook is the must-have book for trainee and practicing orthodontists. It provides the essential theoretical and clinical mini-implant information to enable the clinician to easily introduce skeletal anchorage into their practice across a wide variety of common clinical scenarios.The initial chapters cover general principles with subsequent chapters employing a step-by-step approach to guide the novice through the most common clinical uses for orthodontic mini-implants including: incisor retraction, molar distalisation, transverse and asymmetry corrections, and orthognathic surgery uses.

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