13.02.2023 Aufrufe

[Read] Download Myles Midwifery Anatomy & Physiology Workbook

Copy Link : https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/0702076481 ===========================*=========================== The latest edition of this popular volume offers a wide selection of appealing, interactive and engaging exercises specifically tailored for different learning styles.Fully updated in response to student feedback, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook, Second Edition presents a wide variety of activities ranging from colouring and labelling exercises and &#8216match and connect&#8217 to &#8216true false&#8217 and &#8216identify the correct response&#8217. Perfect for readers who find A&ampP challenging, or for anyone who just needs to recap and consolidate, the book also offers:&#8226 An engaging approach to afford a stimulating way to learn A&ampP&#8226 Straightforward language and a user-friendly style to help simplify challenging areas of study&#8226 Information based on the latest RCOG and NICE Guidelines&#8226 Content that is suitable for use internationally, for example, by including different approaches to manoeuvres or named movements used in obstetric emergenciesIdeal for all students of midwifery, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook is perfect for preregistration readers and anyone on &#8216return to practice&#8217 programs. Although designed for use with Myles Textbook for Midwives and Physiology in Childbearing with Anatomy and Related Biosciences, this resource is suitable for use with any midwifery textbook.

Copy Link : https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/0702076481

The latest edition of this popular volume offers a wide selection of appealing, interactive and engaging exercises specifically tailored for different learning styles.Fully updated in response to student feedback, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook, Second Edition presents a wide variety of activities ranging from colouring and labelling exercises and &#8216match and connect&#8217 to &#8216true false&#8217 and &#8216identify the correct response&#8217. Perfect for readers who find A&ampP challenging, or for anyone who just needs to recap and consolidate, the book also offers:&#8226 An engaging approach to afford a stimulating way to learn A&ampP&#8226 Straightforward language and a user-friendly style to help simplify challenging areas of study&#8226 Information based on the latest RCOG and NICE Guidelines&#8226 Content that is suitable for use internationally, for example, by including different approaches to manoeuvres or named movements used in obstetric emergenciesIdeal for all students of midwifery, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook is perfect for preregistration readers and anyone on &#8216return to practice&#8217 programs. Although designed for use with Myles Textbook for Midwives and Physiology in Childbearing with Anatomy and Related Biosciences, this resource is suitable for use with any midwifery textbook.

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