20.02.2023 Aufrufe

Read Book Spiritual Midwifery

Copy Link : https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/0913990639 ===========================*=========================== The classic book on home birth! The first section details the experiences of parents and midwives during the birth experience. The second seciton is a technical manual for midwives, nurses, and doctors. Includes information on prenatal care and nutrition, labor, delivery-techniques, care of the new baby, and breast-feeding.

Copy Link : https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/0913990639

The classic book on home birth! The first section details the experiences of parents and midwives during the birth experience. The second seciton is a technical manual for midwives, nurses, and doctors. Includes information on prenatal care and nutrition, labor, delivery-techniques, care of the new baby, and breast-feeding.

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