24.02.2023 Aufrufe

{PDF READ} Legacy: The art behind a Chiropractor Vol.1

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD https://den-grandong.blogspot.com/?ziz=B09CGMSR29 Legacy: The art behind a Chiropractor Vol.1 BOOK SYNOPSIS: The chiropractic profession had a huge boom in its beginnings thanks to the tremendous effort and sacrifice of all those people who promoted its development, even when they had to bear a tremendous physical and emotional burden when knowing that some colleagues ended up in prison. Despite this, many stood firm for doing the right thing and for defending what is ours. It is probable that chiropractic would not have survived until today without the efforts of all of them.The art of chiropractic is the most complex element to develop in our profession, as it requires a personal development of the chiropractor and an interest in reaching the essence and to the purest center of human connection. Art, in our profession, has to do with the seal that we possess on a personal level, with our evolution as human beings and it is what we are finally going to transmit

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Legacy: The art behind a Chiropractor Vol.1


The chiropractic profession had a huge boom in its beginnings thanks to the tremendous effort and sacrifice of all those people who promoted its development, even when they had to bear a tremendous physical and emotional burden when knowing that some colleagues ended up in prison. Despite this, many stood firm for doing the right thing and for defending what is ours. It is probable that chiropractic would not have survived until today without the efforts of all of them.The art of chiropractic is the most complex element to develop in our profession, as it requires a personal development of the chiropractor and an interest in reaching the essence and to the purest center of human connection. Art, in our profession, has to do with the seal that we possess on a personal level, with our evolution as human beings and it is what we are finally going to transmit

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