04.03.2023 Aufrufe

_PDF_ Leading Standards-Based Learning: An Implementation Guide for Schools and Districts (A Comprehensive, Five-Step Marzano Resources Curriculum Implementation Guide)

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/1943360375 Standards-based learning is a great step forward for schools, but it must be implemented correctly to ensure the best educational experience possible. In this comprehensive guide, the authors outline a research-backed, five-phase plan for leading the transition to a standards-based system. Throughout the phases of implementation, readers will find specific steps to develop curriculum, train staff, leverage technology, deploy new reporting systems, and communicate with stakeholders.Use this book to take full advantage of academic standards and criterion-referenced forms of education:Develop a strong standards-based curriculum.Align instruction and reliable assessments to the standards.Change outdated grading and reporting practices to promote student learning and growth.Share knowledge with and seek feedback from teachers, students, families, and other stakeholders.Achieve a sustainable standards-based learning system that benefits all students in a school or district.Study implementation examples from real teachers, leaders, and schools.Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Phase 1--Curriculum and Communication Chapter 2: Phase 2--Alignment and Capacity Building Chapter 3: Phase 3--Universal Implementation, Communication, and Reporting Systems Chapter 4: Phase 4--Continuation, Revision, and Expansion Chapter 5: Phase 5--Mon

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/1943360375

Standards-based learning is a great step forward for schools, but it must be implemented correctly to ensure the best educational experience possible. In this comprehensive guide, the authors outline a research-backed, five-phase plan for leading the transition to a standards-based system. Throughout the phases of implementation, readers will find specific steps to develop curriculum, train staff, leverage technology, deploy new reporting systems, and communicate with stakeholders.Use this book to take full advantage of academic standards and criterion-referenced forms of education:Develop a strong standards-based curriculum.Align instruction and reliable assessments to the standards.Change outdated grading and reporting practices to promote student learning and growth.Share knowledge with and seek feedback from teachers, students, families, and other stakeholders.Achieve a sustainable standards-based learning system that benefits all students in a school or district.Study implementation examples from real teachers, leaders, and schools.Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Phase 1--Curriculum and Communication Chapter 2: Phase 2--Alignment and Capacity Building Chapter 3: Phase 3--Universal Implementation, Communication, and Reporting Systems Chapter 4: Phase 4--Continuation, Revision, and Expansion Chapter 5: Phase 5--Mon

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