05.03.2023 Aufrufe

{PDF} DOWNLOAD Five Habits of High-Impact School Boards

COPY LINK: https://excellent.bestpdfbook.club/yumpuh/1578861764 ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: Written from the unique perspective of school board members who lead and serve districts of all sizes, this book provides succinct, straightforward information that school board members and superintendents can put to immediate use. Eadie explores five key behavioral traits of high-impact school boards: &#183 Concentration on governing above all other board work &#183 Deve

COPY LINK: https://excellent.bestpdfbook.club/yumpuh/1578861764

Written from the unique perspective of school board members who lead and serve districts of all sizes, this book provides succinct, straightforward information that school board members and superintendents can put to immediate use. Eadie explores five key behavioral traits of high-impact school boards: &#183 Concentration on governing above all other board work &#183 Deve

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