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Climate Change

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Greta Thunberg

in September 2022.

| Photo: Picture


5 Though the biggest way to slow carbon emissions

is to not have children, Thunberg was not

about to tell people not to do so. “I don’t think it’s

selfish to have children,” she said. “It is not the

people who are the problem; it is our behavior.”

6 Her concern for the environment isn’t paralyzing:

“I don’t sit and speculate about how the future

might turn out; I see no use in doing that,” she said.

“As long as you are doing everything you can now,

you can’t let yourself become depressed or anxious.”

7 The activist, known for her wit, has become a

symbol for young people across the world protesting

climate change inaction. Thunberg burst onto

the global stage with #FridaysForFuture, an international

movement that began in 2018. Thunberg,

then fifteen, started taking weeks off school to

demonstrate outside the Swedish parliament.

8 At sixteen, Thunberg inspired the largest climate

strike in history, testified before Congress,

and addressed the United Nations for the second

time. “People are suffering, people are dying, entire

ecosystems are collapsing ... and all you talk

about is money and eternal fairy tales of economic

growth. How dare you?” she said before the UN.

9 Also in 2019, Time magazine named her as its

2019 Person of the Year for “sounding the alarm

about humanity’s predatory relationship with the

only home we have, for bringing to a fragmented

world a voice that transcends background and borders,”

and “for showing us all what it might look

like when a new generation leads.”

10 She’s also gone up against world leaders on

frequent occasions: Russian President Vladimir

Putin called her “a kind and very sincere girl” who

doesn’t understand the complexities of “the modern

world,” and Brazil’s far-right president Jair

Bolsonaro labeled her a “brat.”

11 She has most famously clashed with President

Donald Trump on multiple occasions. After Thunberg

delivered her emotional speech to world leaders

at the UN, news cameras captured her staring

at President Donald Trump when he arrived in the

same lobby. Trump tweeted after her speech that

Thunberg “seems like a very happy young girl looking

forward to a bright and wonderful future.”

12 Trump also criticized Thunberg after Time’s

decision to recognize her in 2019. “So ridiculous.

Greta must work on her Anger Management problem,

then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a

friend! Chill, Greta, Chill!” he tweeted. Thunberg

copied his exact phrasing in her reply to Trump’s

November 2020 tweetstorm calling for states to

“stop the count” in the November election.

13 She also endorsed President-elect Joe Biden,

who has pledged to return the US to the Paris climate

accord. During the interview with The Times,

Thunberg addressed Biden’s pledge, cautioning

that “just because of that shift, we shouldn’t be relaxing

and thinking everything is all right now. Of

course, it will mean a change, mainly because it is

one and not the other in charge,” she said.

© 2021/Elinor Aspegren, Savannah Behrmann/USA Today

All rights reserved.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

5 – 7 to slow h.: reduzieren — paralyzing lähmend — wit (Wort)Witz — to burst h.: erscheinen

8 – 9 to address s.o. zu jdm. sprechen — How dare you? Was unterstehen Sie sich? — to sound the alarm Alarm

schlagen — predatory räuberisch — to transcend s.th. über etw. hinausgehen

10 – 11 to go up against s.o. s. mit jdm. anlegen — sincere aufrichtig — far-right ultrarechts — brat Göre — to clash

with s.o. mit jdm. aneinandergeraten — on multiple occasions mehrfach

12 – 13 to recognize s.o. h.: jdn. würdigen — anger management Aggressionsbewältigung — phrasing Formulierung

— to call for verlangen — state h.: US-Bundesstaat — count h.: Auszählung der Briefwahlstimmen — to endorse

unterstützen — President-elect designierte(r) Präsident(in) — to pledge zusichern — to caution warnen — shift



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