09.03.2023 Aufrufe

[PDF DOWNLOAD] My First Book of Basketball: A Rookie Book (A Sports Illustrated Kids Book)

Link >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/154780002X =============================== My First Book of Basketball, the sixthbook in the best-selling Rookie Book series from Sports Illustrated Kids, coaches young kids through the game of basketballwith a visual retelling of a professional basketballgame&#8212from the jump ballto the game-winning basket! Dribbling, passing, traveling, shooting, dunks, and more are all explained using a fun mix of Sports Illustrated action photography, simple te

Link >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/154780002X

My First Book of Basketball, the sixthbook in the best-selling Rookie Book series from Sports Illustrated Kids, coaches young kids through the game of basketballwith a visual retelling of a professional basketballgame&#8212from the jump ballto the game-winning basket! Dribbling, passing, traveling, shooting, dunks, and more are all explained using a fun mix of Sports Illustrated action photography, simple te

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My First Book of Basketball: A Rookie Book (A Sports

Illustrated Kids Book) (Sports Illustrated Kids Rookie Books)

Sinopsis :

My First Book of Basketball, the sixthbook in the best-selling

Rookie Book series from Sports Illustrated Kids, coaches

young kids through the game of basketballwith a visual

retelling of a professional basketballgame&#8212frm the jump

ballto the game-winning basket! Dribbling, passing, traveling,

shooting, dunks, and more are all explained using a fun mix of

Sports Illustrated action photography, simple text, a full

glossary of terms, and awesome graphics. Illustrated Rookie

characters&#8212agirl, Gabby, and a boy, Sprat&#8212apear

on every page, providing fun facts and simple explanations to

help kids better understand the game. Perfect for emerging

readers from preschool up, My First Book of Basketballis

meant to be a shared reading experience between parents and

their little rookies before, during, and after the game.

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