09.03.2023 Aufrufe

PDF/BOOK Wedding Photography Contracts - A Photographer's Guide To An Effective Agreement

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Wedding Photography Contracts - A Photographer's Guide To

An Effective Agreement

Description :

This book teaches you what you need for your wedding photography

contracts and explains the different clauses and sections that should

be included. There is also a sample of the contract we&#8217veused

in two different states to shoot over 350 weddings. While this book

contains our complete contract, please note that each State has

different regulations and laws, so you&#8217llwant to run your final

contract by a local attorney for approval, but having this written

already will save you lots of legal fees since the attorney

isn&#8217twriting it from scratch.The book is divided into sections

explaining the &#8220wh&#8221you have certain clauses on your

wedding photography contract, plus it gives you a full contract that

you can use for your wedding photography business. (*remember to

have it reviewed by an attorney in your area)The book also explains

how we get our contracts to and from our clients, how we take

retainers and the instructions we give to our clients to enhance their

experience with us.

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