12.03.2023 Aufrufe

$PDF$/READ/DOWNLOAD Digitagile® Finance: Adopting an Agile Culture and Embracing Digital Disruption to Achieve Higher Value Impact

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08CWD698F Here are some of the current existentialist questions that Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) debate during their private dinners or professional association meetings: What does agile mean and is finance compatible with being agile? Why does becoming agile present a particular challenge for finance? How can finance become more agile? Why is it necessary to reimagine the finance function in the digital age? What will the next wave of technological disruption be for the finance function? Why is digital transformation not only about technology but also about process and skills? Where does one start a digital transformation journey? Must digitalization and agility go together, or can one be used without the other? This book is an attempt to help find some answers to these questions. It shapes a distinctive and inspiring type of organization that I have called Digitagile&#174 Finance.

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08CWD698F

Here are some of the current existentialist questions that Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) debate during their private dinners or professional association meetings: What does agile mean and is finance compatible with being agile? Why does becoming agile present a particular challenge for finance? How can finance become more agile? Why is it necessary to reimagine the finance function in the digital age? What will the next wave of technological disruption be for the finance function? Why is digital transformation not only about technology but also about process and skills? Where does one start a digital transformation journey? Must digitalization and agility go together, or can one be used without the other? This book is an attempt to help find some answers to these questions. It shapes a distinctive and inspiring type of organization that I have called Digitagile&#174 Finance.

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Digitagile® Finance: Adopting an Agile

Culture and Embracing Digital Disruption

to Achieve Higher Value Impact


Digitagile® Finance: Adopting an Agile

Culture and Embracing Digital Disruption to

Achieve Higher Value Impact

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Embracing Digital Disruption to Achieve Higher Value Impact

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to Achieve Higher Value Impact READ [MAGAZINE]

Digitagile® Finance: Adopting an Agile

Culture and Embracing Digital Disruption to

Achieve Higher Value Impact


COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08CWD698F Here are some of the current

existentialist questions that Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) debate during their private dinners or

professional association meetings: What does agile mean and is finance compatible with being

agile? Why does becoming agile present a particular challenge for finance? How can finance

become more agile? Why is it necessary to reimagine the finance function in the digital age? What

will the next wave of technological disruption be for the finance function? Why is digital

transformation not only about technology but also about process and skills? Where does one start

a digital transformation journey? Must digitalization and agility go together, or can one be used

without the other? This book is an attempt to help find some answers to these questions. It shapes

a distinctive and inspiring type of organization that I have called Digitagile&#174Finance.

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