14.03.2023 Aufrufe

$PDF$/READ/DOWNLOAD Authentic Portraits: Searching for Soul, Significance, and Depth

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/168198346X An honest and personal book about creating better portraits and becoming your best self.The most successful portraits take us well beyond the surface of how someone looks and show us the inner essence of who someone is. They reveal character, soul, and depth. They uncover hidden hopes and profound truths, revealing that authentic and deeply human light that shines within. And while technical expertise is undoubtedly important, it&#8217s not the light, camera, or pose that creates a great portrait. It&#8217s you, and it&#8217s the connection you create with the subject that makes all the difference.In&nbspAuthentic Portraits, photographer Chris Orwig teaches you that the secret to creating meaningful portraits is simple: curiosity, empathy, kindness, and soul&#8230plus a bit of technique. While Chris spends significant time on the fundamentals of &#8220getting the shot&#8221&#8212working with natural light, nailing focus, dialing in the correct exposure, effectively posing and directing the subject, intentionally composing the frame&#8212he also passionately discusses the need for personal development, creative collaboration, and connection with the subject. Because who you are directly and deeply affects what you create, and it is only through cultivating your own inner light that you will be able to bring it out in you

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/168198346X

An honest and personal book about creating better portraits and becoming your best self.The most successful portraits take us well beyond the surface of how someone looks and show us the inner essence of who someone is. They reveal character, soul, and depth. They uncover hidden hopes and profound truths, revealing that authentic and deeply human light that shines within. And while technical expertise is undoubtedly important, it&#8217s not the light, camera, or pose that creates a great portrait. It&#8217s you, and it&#8217s the connection you create with the subject that makes all the difference.In&nbspAuthentic Portraits, photographer Chris Orwig teaches you that the secret to creating meaningful portraits is simple: curiosity, empathy, kindness, and soul&#8230plus a bit of technique. While Chris spends significant time on the fundamentals of &#8220getting the shot&#8221&#8212working with natural light, nailing focus, dialing in the correct exposure, effectively posing and directing the subject, intentionally composing the frame&#8212he also passionately discusses the need for personal development, creative collaboration, and connection with the subject. Because who you are directly and deeply affects what you create, and it is only through cultivating your own inner light that you will be able to bring it out in you

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Authentic Portraits: Searching for Soul,

Significance, and Depth


Authentic Portraits: Searching for Soul,

Significance, and Depth

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Authentic Portraits: Searching for Soul,

Significance, and Depth


COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/168198346X An honest and personal book

about creating better portraits and becoming your best self.The most successful portraits take us

well beyond the surface of how someone looks and show us the inner essence of who someone

is. They reveal character, soul, and depth. They uncover hidden hopes and profound truths,

revealing that authentic and deeply human light that shines within. And while technical expertise is

undoubtedly important, it&#8217snot the light, camera, or pose that creates a great portrait.

It&#8217syou, and it&#8217sthe connection you create with the subject that makes all the

difference.In&nbspAutentic Portraits, photographer Chris Orwig teaches you that the secret to

creating meaningful portraits is simple: curiosity, empathy, kindness, and soul&#8230pls a bit of

technique. While Chris spends significant time on the fundamentals of &#8220geting the

shot&#8221#8212working with natural light, nailing focus, dialing in the correct exposure,

effectively posing and directing the subject, intentionally composing the frame&#8212healso

passionately discusses the need for personal development, creative collaboration, and connection

with the subject. Because who you are directly and deeply affects what you create, and it is only

through cultivating your own inner light that you will be able to bring it out in your subjects.Filled

with instruction, insight, and inspiration,&nbspAutentic Portraits&nbspisan honest and personal

book about creating better frames. It&#8217salso about becoming your best self. Take the

journey, and you&#8217lllearn to find your vision and voice, bring intention to your photography

and your life, embrace mystery, and understand the importance of gratitude and empathy. Along

the way, you will teach the camera to see in a way that replicates how you feel, and

you&#8217llfind you have all you need to create work of lasting significance.TABLE OF

CONTENTSPart 1: The Foundation of Authentic Portraiture01: Authentic Portraits02: Beneath the

Surface03: The Paradox of Portraiture04: Harmony and Discord05: Thread06: The SearchPart 2:

The Art of Authentic Portraiture07: Light and Soul08: Invisible Light09: Defining and Cultivating

Soul10: Silence11: Wabi SabiPart 3: Mastering Technique, Gear, and Light12: Finding the Perfect

Portrait Lens13: Exposure Settings14: Seven Principles of Natural Light15: Working with Natural

LightPart 4: The Sitter and the Subject16: Finding Subjects17: Finding and Approaching People

You Want to Photograph18: Pre-Shoot Prep19: Preparing Yourself20: Photograph People, Not

LabelsPart 5: Posing, Directing, and Connecting21: Defining Your Directorial Style22: Practical

Posing Tips23: Connecting with the Subject24: Unlikely Inspiration for Connecting25: The Four-

Step ApproachPart 6: Camera Work26: Composition27: This to ThatPart 7: Stepping Up Your

Game28: The Other Side of the Lens29: Courage30: Inner Art31: Gratitude32: FAQ33: The

Journey AheadThanksImage DetailsIndex

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