17.03.2023 Aufrufe

PDF/READ Lights, Camera, Impact: Storytelling, Branding, and Production Tips for Engaging Corporate Videos

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B0BHC1TT41 Uncover and reveal your company&#8217s stories to create great results&#8212using corporate videos.Whether you are in marketing or internal communications, it&#8217s crucial to tell your company&#8217s story in a digital media world that can&#8217t get enough video content. But what video content actually creates a connection and an impact with your audience?Three-time Emmy Award&#8211winner Tony Gnau wrote Lights, Camera, Impact to help you produce better videos that get your message across every time. Make every video-production dollar count with his short storytelling tips for digital marketing and internal communication professionals. You&#8217ll learn DIY shooting suggestions for work you do without the video pros. This guide gives you the insights from top thought leaders in corporate communication in order to create a solid video-marketing plan.You&#8217ll discoverThe core videos for video marketing success, including &#8220About Us&#8221 videos.The best marketing strategy to ensure customers watch videos and take action.What to do before and after video production is complete to maximize results.How to add music for impact and making the most of client testimonials.When a DIY video is the best media choice, like when your audience opposes big companies or you&#8217re a small business.Whether you&#8217re making a

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B0BHC1TT41

Uncover and reveal your company&#8217s stories to create great results&#8212using corporate videos.Whether you are in marketing or internal communications, it&#8217s crucial to tell your company&#8217s story in a digital media world that can&#8217t get enough video content. But what video content actually creates a connection and an impact with your audience?Three-time Emmy Award&#8211winner Tony Gnau wrote Lights, Camera, Impact to help you produce better videos that get your message across every time. Make every video-production dollar count with his short storytelling tips for digital marketing and internal communication professionals. You&#8217ll learn DIY shooting suggestions for work you do without the video pros. This guide gives you the insights from top thought leaders in corporate communication in order to create a solid video-marketing plan.You&#8217ll discoverThe core videos for video marketing success, including &#8220About Us&#8221 videos.The best marketing strategy to ensure customers watch videos and take action.What to do before and after video production is complete to maximize results.How to add music for impact and making the most of client testimonials.When a DIY video is the best media choice, like when your audience opposes big companies or you&#8217re a small business.Whether you&#8217re making a

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Lights, Camera, Impact: Storytelling,

Branding, and Production Tips for

Engaging Corporate Videos


Lights, Camera, Impact: Storytelling,

Branding, and Production Tips for Engaging

Corporate Videos

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Corporate Videos READ [MAGAZINE]

Lights, Camera, Impact: Storytelling,

Branding, and Production Tips for Engaging

Corporate Videos


COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B0BHC1TT41 Uncover and reveal your

company&#8217sstories to create great results&#8212usng corporate videos.Whether you are in

marketing or internal communications, it&#8217scrucial to tell your company&#8217sstory in a

digital media world that can&#8217tget enough video content. But what video content actually

creates a connection and an impact with your audience?Three-time Emmy Award&#8211winer

Tony Gnau wrote Lights, Camera, Impact to help you produce better videos that get your message

across every time. Make every video-production dollar count with his short storytelling tips for

digital marketing and internal communication professionals. You&#8217lllearn DIY shooting

suggestions for work you do without the video pros. This guide gives you the insights from top

thought leaders in corporate communication in order to create a solid video-marketing

plan.You&#8217lldiscoverThe core videos for video marketing success, including &#8220Abut

Us&#8221videos.The best marketing strategy to ensure customers watch videos and take

action.What to do before and after video production is complete to maximize results.How to add

music for impact and making the most of client testimonials.When a DIY video is the best media

choice, like when your audience opposes big companies or you&#8217rea small

business.Whether you&#8217remaking a DIY video inside your company or hiring a production

company to create it, Lights, Camera, Impact will enhance your video skills so you&#8217llbe

certain your messages are hitting home. Get your copy today!

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