23.03.2023 Aufrufe

_PDF_ Focus On High School Chemistry Student Textbook (softcover)

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/1936114941 The Focus On High School Chemistry Student Textbook provides students with a solid foundation in chemistry that will prepare them for college level classes. Topics covered include atoms and mass, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, acids and bases, acid-base reactions, mixtures, separating mixtures, organic chemistry, polymers, DNA, RNA, and more. The Student Textbook contains ten full-color chapters. Grades 9-12.

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/1936114941

The Focus On High School Chemistry Student Textbook provides students with a solid foundation in chemistry that will prepare them for college level classes. Topics covered include atoms and mass, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, acids and bases, acid-base reactions, mixtures, separating mixtures, organic chemistry, polymers, DNA, RNA, and more. The Student Textbook contains ten full-color chapters. Grades 9-12.

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Focus On High School Chemistry Student

Textbook (softcover)


Focus On High School Chemistry Student

Textbook (softcover)

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Focus On High School Chemistry Student

Textbook (softcover)


COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/1936114941 The Focus On High School

Chemistry Student Textbook provides students with a solid foundation in chemistry that will

prepare them for college level classes. Topics covered include atoms and mass, chemical

bonding, chemical reactions, acids and bases, acid-base reactions, mixtures, separating mixtures,

organic chemistry, polymers, DNA, RNA, and more. The Student Textbook contains ten full-color

chapters. Grades 9-12.

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