25.03.2023 Aufrufe

_PDF_ What They Don't Teach You in School About Money: An Entry Level Book Explaining the Basics of Money and Investing

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08KCWBD9K This quick guide to the basics of money will start your journey towards financial freedom. If you're sick of not having enough money, wonder why money seems to flow away from you instead of to you, or just wish school would've taught you something that you need for success in the real word, then this is the book for you. One hour of reading should help set you up for a lifetime of financial success. This book lies out the basics of money and what steps you need to consider when trying to maximize your personal finances. Learn real life tricks to help you get ahead in the financial world. Have your money work harder instead of you having to work harder to achieve your financial goals.Start the process to change not only your financial future, but also the financial future of your children and grandchildren as well. Learn how to manage debt and use it to your advantage. Start applying the tools here to retire comfortably, especially if you are still in debt. The most important thing that you should take away from this book is that you can achieve your goals, no matter what position you are currently in. You are your most valuable asset and nothing can stop you if you don't allow it.Start the rest of your life now!

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08KCWBD9K

This quick guide to the basics of money will start your journey towards financial freedom. If you're sick of not having enough money, wonder why money seems to flow away from you instead of to you, or just wish school would've taught you something that you need for success in the real word, then this is the book for you. One hour of reading should help set you up for a lifetime of financial success. This book lies out the basics of money and what steps you need to consider when trying to maximize your personal finances. Learn real life tricks to help you get ahead in the financial world. Have your money work harder instead of you having to work harder to achieve your financial goals.Start the process to change not only your financial future, but also the financial future of your children and grandchildren as well. Learn how to manage debt and use it to your advantage. Start applying the tools here to retire comfortably, especially if you are still in debt. The most important thing that you should take away from this book is that you can achieve your goals, no matter what position you are currently in. You are your most valuable asset and nothing can stop you if you don't allow it.Start the rest of your life now!

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What They Don't Teach You in School

About Money: An Entry Level Book

Explaining the Basics of Money and



What They Don't Teach You in School About

Money: An Entry Level Book Explaining the

Basics of Money and Investing

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Entry Level Book Explaining the Basics of Money and Investing

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Explaining the Basics of Money and Investing READ [MAGAZINE]

What They Don't Teach You in School About

Money: An Entry Level Book Explaining the

Basics of Money and Investing


COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B08KCWBD9K This quick guide to the basics

of money will start your journey towards financial freedom. If you're sick of not having enough

money, wonder why money seems to flow away from you instead of to you, or just wish school

would've taught you something that you need for success in the real word, then this is the book for

you. One hour of reading should help set you up for a lifetime of financial success. This book lies

out the basics of money and what steps you need to consider when trying to maximize your

personal finances. Learn real life tricks to help you get ahead in the financial world. Have your

money work harder instead of you having to work harder to achieve your financial goals.Start the

process to change not only your financial future, but also the financial future of your children and

grandchildren as well. Learn how to manage debt and use it to your advantage. Start applying the

tools here to retire comfortably, especially if you are still in debt. The most important thing that you

should take away from this book is that you can achieve your goals, no matter what position you

are currently in. You are your most valuable asset and nothing can stop you if you don't allow

it.Start the rest of your life now!

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