08.04.2023 Aufrufe

download✔ Never Let A Unicorn Meet A Reindeer!

COPY LINK : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yump/0578598493 A story about friendship and being yourself Little Pepper was no ordinary cat but the blackest cat you'd ever meet. Pepper finds it really hard to make friends. Is it because of how she looks - the black cat curse? Or is it because she's a witch's cat? Read along to find out more.The Witch's Cat aspires to teach children the importance of being self confident.It encourages positive behavior, cognitive thinking, a growth mindset, empathy and positivity.The Witch's Cat will sit comfortably on your shelf alongside Pete the Cat

COPY LINK : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yump/0578598493

A story about friendship and being yourself Little Pepper was no ordinary cat but the blackest cat you'd ever meet. Pepper finds it really hard to make friends. Is it because of how she looks - the black cat curse? Or is it because she's a witch's cat? Read along to find out more.The Witch's Cat aspires to teach children the importance of being self confident.It encourages positive behavior, cognitive thinking, a growth mindset, empathy and positivity.The Witch's Cat will sit comfortably on your shelf alongside Pete the Cat

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Never Let A Unicorn Meet A Reindeer!

Description :

A story about a little girl that wants a reindeer for her birthday!

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