19.04.2023 Aufrufe

[PDF]❤️Download ⚡️ Anticancer Living: Transform Your Life and Health with the Mix of Six

COPY LINK: https://isbooktoday.com/yum/0735220433 ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: &#8220The health-care revolution continues . . . an accessible, science-based approach to wellness.&#8221&#8212Andrew Weil, MDWhat if we could make basic, sustainable lifestyle changes that could prevent us from getting cancer?What if those with cancer could improve their chances of living long, vibrant lives?The evidence is now clear: at least 50 percent of cancer deaths can be preven

COPY LINK: https://isbooktoday.com/yum/0735220433

&#8220The health-care revolution continues . . . an accessible, science-based approach to wellness.&#8221&#8212Andrew Weil, MDWhat if we could make basic, sustainable lifestyle changes that could prevent us from getting cancer?What if those with cancer could improve their chances of living long, vibrant lives?The evidence is now clear: at least 50 percent of cancer deaths can be preven


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Anticancer Living: Transform Your Life and Health with the Mix of Six




&#8220Thhealth-care revolution continues . . . an accessible, science-based approach to

wellness.&#8221#8212Andrew Weil, MDWhat if we could make basic, sustainable lifestyle

changes that could prevent us from getting cancer?What if those with cancer could improve their

chances of living long, vibrant lives?The evidence is now clear: at least 50 percent of cancer

deaths can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes. But many&#8212paients and

doctors included&#8212til don't realize the simple changes we can make to increase chances of

survival, or aid in the healing process for those with a diagnosis. Introducing the concept of the Mix

of Six, Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies make an informed case that by focusing on six key

areas of health and wellness, you can support treatment or reduce your risk for developing cancer

altogether.An accessible, prescriptive guide to wellness based on the latest scientific findings,

Anticancer Living outlines a path to radically transform health, delay or prevent many cancers,

support conventional treatments, and significantly improve quality of life.&#8220Anicancer

Livingwill empower millions of people with information they can use to reduce their risk of getting

cancer and improve their chances of surviving a cancer diagnosis. Highly

recommended!&#8221#8212Dean Ornish, MD, author ofThe Spectrum

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