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Assessment of Forest Structure, Regeneration and Biomass<br />

Accumulation of Replanted Mangroves in Kenya<br />

Joseph Kipkorir Sigi LANG’AT<br />

A <strong>Thesis</strong> submitted to Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment for the<br />

Award of Master of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management of<br />

Egerton University<br />

Egerton University<br />

September 2008


I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work and has not been presented for the<br />

award of a degree in any university and that all the sources used herein have been<br />

acknowledged.<br />

Joseph Kipkorir Sigi Lang’at Reg. No. NM11/1066/03<br />


ii<br />

Signature………………………<br />

Date……………………………<br />

This research thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as<br />

University Supervisor<br />

Dr. M. Karachi, Signature……………………….<br />

Department of Natural Resources,<br />

Egerton University,<br />

P. O. Box 536,<br />

Njoro, Kenya. Date……………………………..<br />

Dr. J. G. Kairo, Signature……………………….<br />

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute,<br />

P. O. Box 81651,<br />

Mombasa, Kenya. Date……………………………..


All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in<br />

any form or by any means without prior permission of either the author or Egerton<br />

University.<br />



I am very grateful to my supervisors; Dr. Moses Karachi (Egerton University) and Dr.<br />

James G. Kairo (Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute) who offered insights<br />

in my field work as well as the preparation of this thesis.<br />

I am also obliged to thank Mr. Bernard Kivyatu (Kenya Forest Service) for his<br />

technical support during data collection. The student fraternity at KMFRI’s Gazi Sub-<br />

station; Mr. Geoffrey Bundotich, Mr. Fredrick Tamooh (<strong>MSc</strong>. Students, Egerton<br />

University) and, Dr. Bernard Kirui (Napier University, Scotland) are thanked for their<br />

moral support and encouragement.<br />

This study was supported by Alcoa Foundation’s Conservation and Sustainability<br />

Fellowship Program for which my supervisor Dr James Kairo was a Practitioner<br />

Fellow (2006). Additional support to this project was solicited from Earthwatch’s<br />

Mangrove of Kenya Project through my supervisor Dr James Kairo. I am grateful to<br />

Dr. Mark Huxham (Napier University, UK) and Dr. Martin Skov (University of<br />

Southampton, UK) for accepting me to work in the Earthwatch Project.<br />

I would like to thank my parents and family members for their moral and financial<br />

support that has enabled me to accomplish this study. Finally yet importantly, I am<br />

very grateful to the members of the of Gazi village for the warm welcome and<br />

cooperation they accorded to me.<br />



With the realization of the consequences of mangrove degradation, many reforestation<br />

projects have been initiated in some parts of the world; in Kenya reforestation of<br />

degraded mangrove areas has been going on since 1991. The established plantations<br />

now provide a great opportunity to assess forest structural development and biomass<br />

allocation with forest age. The objective of this study was to assess forest structure;<br />

regeneration and biomass accumulation in reforested Rhizophora mucronata (Lamk.)<br />

and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Lam) stands that were established in 1994 at Gazi Bay<br />

and Ramisi respectively. Tree height and stem diameter measured at 1.3 m above the<br />

ground (also referred to as DBH or D130) were determined for all trees with stem<br />

diameter ≥ 2.5 cm in 22 and 10 plots of 10 x 10 m 2 each for R. mucronata and B.<br />

gymnorrhiza respectively. Juveniles of all species in 5 x 5 m 2 (inside 10 x 10 m 2<br />

plots) were identified, and counted. Fifty R. mucronata and sixteen B. gymnorrhiza<br />

trees were harvested at Gazi and Ramisi respectively. Fresh weights of all the plant<br />

components were determined in the field and representative samples were taken to the<br />

laboratory to determine wet-dry weight conversion factors. Merchantable (stem) and<br />

non-merchantable (branches and stilt roots) volume were determined using the<br />

Smalian’s formula and volume-weight conversion factors respectively. From the<br />

harvested trees allometric equations to estimate standing biomass and volume were<br />

developed using either DBH alone or in combination with height. Belowground<br />

biomass for R. mucronata was estimated using modified coring technique.<br />

Rhizophora mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations had a stand density of 5,132<br />

and 4,600 stems per hectare respectively. The mean canopy height and stem diameter<br />

were: R. mucronata; 8.37 ± 1.09 m and 6.24 ± 1.87 cm and B. gymnorrhiza; 4.69 ±<br />

1.06 m and 3.60 ± 0.82 cm respectively. The total biomass for R. mucronata was<br />

131.6 t/ha; giving a biomass accumulation of 10.96 t/ha/yr. The aboveground biomass<br />

for B. gymnorrhiza was estimated to be 16.65 t/ha, with a biomass accumulation of<br />

1.38 t/ha/yr. The stand volume was 100.44 and 14.81 m 3 /ha for R. mucronata and B.<br />

gymnorrhiza respectively. Rhizophora mucronata plantation had 4,886 juveniles/ha,<br />

while that of B. gymnorrhiza had 18,030 juveniles/ha. These results indicate the<br />

potential use of mangrove rehabilitation as a management tool of the system in<br />

Kenya. Information generated from this study has a wide application among Forest<br />

sector in Kenya as well other stakeholders interested in mangrove management.<br />



TITLE………………………………………………………………………………….i<br />

DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... ii<br />

APPROVAL BY SUPERVISORS ............................................................................... ii<br />

COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................................... iii<br />

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... iv<br />

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................v<br />

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. vi<br />

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... ix<br />

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................x<br />

ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... xi<br />

DEFINITION OF TERMS ......................................................................................... xii<br />

1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1<br />

1.1 Background Information ....................................................................................1<br />

1.2 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................2<br />

1.3 Overall Objective ...............................................................................................2<br />

1.4 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................2<br />

1.5 Research Questions ............................................................................................2<br />

1.6 Justification ........................................................................................................2<br />

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................4<br />

2.1 Mangrove Biogeography ...................................................................................4<br />

2.2 Mangrove Environment .....................................................................................5<br />

2.2.1 Climate .......................................................................................................5<br />

2.2.2 Sediment Characteristics ............................................................................5<br />

2.2.3 Tidal Inundation .........................................................................................6<br />

2.2.4 Salinity .......................................................................................................6<br />

2.2.5 Shelter from Waves....................................................................................7<br />

2.3 Valuation of Mangroves ....................................................................................7<br />

2.4 Threats to Mangroves ........................................................................................8<br />

2.5 Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forests .................................................9<br />

2.6 History of Reforestation and Management of Mangroves ...............................10<br />

2.7 Mangrove Reforestation in Kenya ...................................................................10<br />


3.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS .....................................................................11<br />

3.1 Study Area .......................................................................................................11<br />

3.1.1 Gazi Bay...................................................................................................12<br />

3.1.2 Ramisi ......................................................................................................15<br />

3.2 Study Design ....................................................................................................15<br />

3.2.1 Soil Factors ..............................................................................................16<br />

3.2.2 Forest Structure ........................................................................................16<br />

3.2.3 Forest Biomass .........................................................................................17<br />

3.2.4 Stand Volume...........................................................................................19<br />

3.2.5 Natural Regeneration ...............................................................................19<br />

3.2.6 Primary Production ..................................................................................20<br />

3.3 Data Analyses ..................................................................................................20<br />

4.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................21<br />

4.1 Soil Factors ......................................................................................................21<br />

4.2 Forest Structure ................................................................................................21<br />

4.3 Forest Biomass .................................................................................................24<br />

4.3.1 Aboveground Biomass .............................................................................24<br />

4.3.2 Belowground Biomass .............................................................................26<br />

4.3.3 Biomass Partitioning ................................................................................26<br />

4.3.4 Biomass Accumulation ............................................................................27<br />

4.4 Stand Volume...................................................................................................28<br />

4.5 Natural Regeneration .......................................................................................29<br />

4.6 Primary Production ..........................................................................................30<br />

5.0 DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................................31<br />

5.1 Soil Factors ......................................................................................................31<br />

5.2 Forest Structure ................................................................................................31<br />

5.3 Forest Biomass .................................................................................................33<br />

5.3.1 Aboveground Biomass .............................................................................33<br />

5.3.2 Belowground Biomass .............................................................................34<br />

5.3.3 Biomass Partitioning ................................................................................35<br />

5.3.4 Biomass Accumulation ............................................................................36<br />

5.4 Stand Volume...................................................................................................37<br />


5.5 Natural Regeneration .......................................................................................38<br />

5.6 Primary Production ..........................................................................................39<br />

6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................40<br />

7.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................41<br />

8.0 APPENDICES .................................................................................................50<br />

8.1 Appendix 1. Data used to develop allometric equations for R. mucronata .....50<br />



Table 1 Mangrove species found in Kenya and their uses.................................................11<br />

Table 2. Soil physical-chemical characteristics in reforested and un-forested sites ..........21<br />

Table 3. Structural characteristics for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza<br />

plantations ..............................................................................................................22<br />

Table 4. Stand table for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations ............................24<br />

Table 5. Different allometric models derived from different independent variables<br />

for biomass estimation in reforested mangrove stands ..........................................25<br />

Table 6. Allometric equations for estimating biomass for R. mucronata and B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantations.........................................................................................25<br />

Table 7. Allometric equations for estimating wood volume for R. mucronata and<br />

B. gymnorrhiza plantations ....................................................................................28<br />

Table 8. Juvenile densities in R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations at<br />

Gazi and Ramisi .....................................................................................................29<br />

Table 9. Quality classes for mangrove poles at Gazi Bay and Ramisi ..............................33<br />

Table 10. Biomass table for replanted R. mucronata stand at Gazi bay ............................34<br />

Table 11. Volume (m 3 ) table for replanted R. mucronata stand at Gazi bay .....................38<br />



Figure 1. Map of Gazi bay ................................................................................................13<br />

Figure 2. Map of the Kenyan south coast showing the study site: Ramisi ........................15<br />

Figure 3. Size class distribution for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations .........22<br />

Figure 4. Height-diameter distributions for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza<br />

plantations ..............................................................................................................23<br />

Figure 5. Belowground root biomass distribution for R. mucronata plantation at<br />

Gazi ........................................................................................................................26<br />

Figure 6. AGB distribution amongst tree components for R. mucronata plantation .........27<br />

Figure 7. Biomass partitioning in relation to tree size in R. mucronata plantation ...........27<br />

Figure 8. BEF-Stem volume relationship for Rhizophora plantation at Gazi bay .............29<br />

Figure 9. Variability of AGB allocation in relation to tree size for Rhizophora<br />

plantation................................................................................................................36<br />


AGB Aboveground biomass<br />

BGB Belowground biomass<br />

DAS<br />

D130<br />


Diameter above the highest stilt for Rhizophora species<br />

Tree diameter at breast height (measured at about1.3 m above ground)<br />

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations<br />

KFS Kenya Forest Service<br />

ha Hectares<br />

ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone<br />

IV Importance Value<br />

LAI Leaf area index<br />

RC Regeneration Class<br />

UNEP United Nations Environment Program<br />

WRI World Resource Institute<br />

WWF Worldwide Fund for Nature<br />



Allometric equation: refers to an equation derived from the relationship between size<br />

and shape of an organism.<br />

Billet: A portion of pole or log subdivided to a convenient length so as to reduce<br />

effects of tapering in stem volume estimation.<br />

Juveniles: refers to young mangrove trees that have not reached exploitable stage<br />


1.1 Background Information<br />


Mangrove forests constitute rich and complex ecosystems, which provide a range of<br />

important goods and services. However, they have been subjected to high rates of<br />

destruction around the world, and will be one of the first ecosystems to be affected by<br />

predicted sea level rise (Valiela et al., 2001; Saenger, 2002; McLeod and Salm, 2006).<br />

The mangrove forests of Africa have never been the object of any large-scale forest<br />

management. They have been mostly overlooked in national laws, and no appropriate<br />

use or protection methods have been applied to them (CEC, 1992).<br />

Poor management practices in general have caused severe widespread degradation of<br />

mangroves around the world (Choudhury, 1997). In most countries with mangrove<br />

formations no systematic silviculture or management is applied to the mangrove<br />

forest resources, with exception of Asia, yet they are being harvested and used<br />

extensively (Hussain, 1995). Probably because of lack of legal framework and<br />

appropriate management, human pressure on mangrove for fuel wood and timber is<br />

considerably increasing (CEC, 1992). Rhizophora mucronata is the most heavily used<br />

mangrove species because it is heavy and fine-grained and, with its short seasoning<br />

period, can be used as little as one to two months after cutting (CEC, 1992; Abuodha<br />

and Kairo, 2001). Major problems facing mangroves of Kenya are lack of appropriate<br />

management plans, inadequate knowledge of mangrove silviculture, of multiple use<br />

potentials of resources, and of techniques of natural regeneration (Abuodha and<br />

Kairo, 2001).<br />

Efforts have been made in Kenya at rehabilitating degraded mangrove areas. A<br />

program of replanting mangroves was initiated at Gazi Bay, in 1991. Five principal<br />

species; R. mucronata, Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Robinson, Sonneratia alba Sm.,<br />

Avicennia marina (Forsks) Vierh. and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L) Lamk., were<br />

planted as mono stands in their natural areas (Kairo, 1995). Assessment of the<br />

reforested mangroves at Gazi bay has been restricted to early development and growth<br />

performance, floral and faunal secondary succession (Bosire et al., 2003; 2004; 2006),<br />

and estimation of aboveground biomass (Kairo, 2001). Very limited work has been<br />

carried out to assess the yield of these forests based on their structural attributes and<br />

biomass increment. The focus of this study was, therefore, to investigate how stand<br />


structure and biomass develop with increasing age in R. mucronata and B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantations established in 1994 at Gazi bay and Ramisi respectively.<br />

1.2 Statement of the Problem<br />

Unlike the terrestrial tropical forestry, mangrove forestry has received little attention<br />

in Kenya and in the East African region. As a result, there is limited quantitative<br />

information on production of mangrove plantations. This study was carried out to<br />

generate information on structural development and biomass accumulation of<br />

replanted mangrove forests. In addition, this study aimed at assessing soil physico-<br />

chemical factors in the forested and non-forested sites.<br />

1.3 Overall Objective<br />

Assess structural characteristics, natural regeneration and biomass of reforested R.<br />

mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza mangrove stands at Gazi bay and Ramisi respectively<br />

and the influence of reforestation on soil factors.<br />

1.4 Specific Objectives<br />

1. Examine how reforestation has improved soil physico-chemical factors.<br />

2. Construct local stand and volume tables for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza<br />

plantation at Gazi bay and Ramisi, Kenya.<br />

3. Quantify standing biomass and volume as an estimation of sequestered carbon.<br />

4. Assess stand composition of natural regeneration pattern of reforested stands.<br />

1.5 Research Questions<br />

1. Has mangrove reforestation contributed to improvement of soil physico-chemical<br />

factors?<br />

2. How are size-classes distributed in reforested mangrove stands?<br />

3. What is the potential role of replanted mangroves in carbon sequestration?<br />

4. How has mangrove reforestation influenced stand composition and natural<br />

regeneration pattern?<br />

1.6 Justification<br />

Managing mangrove ecosystem requires information to understand and predict<br />

changes in ecosystem structure and function. With the upsurge of reforestation<br />


programs worldwide (Field, 1998) there is need to examine structural development of<br />

replanted mangroves. Reliable estimates of biomass and production are essential for<br />

describing the current states of forests, for assessing the yield of commercial products<br />

from forests, and for the development of sound silvicultural practices, for predicting<br />

the consequences of forest changes (e.g. in age-size structure). Accurate<br />

quantification of carbon stocks in forests is very crucial in understanding the role of<br />

forests in mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration (Brown, 2002) for<br />

national and international carbon accounting and monitoring requirements (Comley<br />

and McGuiness, 2005).<br />

Forest biomass has been estimated conventionally by allometric relationships between<br />

standing biomass and structural variables such as D130 and height (Clough and Scott,<br />

1989; Ong et al., 2004; Soares and Scaeffer-Novelli, 2005; Kirui et al., 2006). A lot<br />

of published studies on mangrove biomass estimates exist for natural forests<br />

(Saintilan, 1997; Ross et al., 2001; Sherman et al., 2003; Comley and McGuiness,<br />

2005; Soares and Scaeffer-Novelli, 2005) and for managed plantations in the South<br />

East Asia region (Putz and Chan, 1986; Ong et al., 1995; 2004); but information on<br />

biomass and production for East African mangrove plantations is scanty. Considering<br />

the important role played by mangroves, it is important to assess the structure of<br />

replanted stands. The R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations in Kenyan south<br />

coast provide an opportunity to evaluate biomass accumulation in reforested<br />

mangrove stands.<br />

Considering that mangrove forests provide about 70 % of wood requirement by the<br />

local people along the Kenyan coast (Wass, 1995), results from this study<br />

demonstrates the value of reforestation in increasing the wood volume. Based on the<br />

projection of wood supply and demand, Kenya forest sector is expected to experience<br />

a deficit of 6.8 million m 3 by the year 2020 (KFMP, 1994); therefore, in order to<br />

offset this scenario reforestation of degraded areas especially for mangroves need to<br />

be seriously undertaken.<br />



Mangroves are plant formations of tropical and subtropical coastlines, usually<br />

between 25 o N and 25 o S latitude(Tomlinson, 1986). However, as an exception to this,<br />

they are found as far north as the southern Japan (32 o N) and as far south as southern<br />

Australia and New Zealand (38 o S) (Macnae, 1968). Local environmental factors such<br />

as temperature patterns; both sea surface and air temperatures, warm sea current,<br />

frost, salinity stress, wave action, among others, determine the occurrence of<br />

mangroves beyond these latitudinal limits (Duke, 1992; Ricklefs and Latham, 1993).<br />

The term ‘mangrove’ describes both the ecosystem and the plant families that have<br />

developed specialized adaptations to live in this tidal environment (Tomlinson, 1986).<br />

Mangrove forests consist of 50–75 species in 20–26 genera in 16–20 families<br />

(Tomlinson, 1986; Duke, 1992; Kathiresan and Bingham, 2001). They occur over a<br />

diversity of geomorphological settings; river-dominated, wave-dominated, river and<br />

wave-dominated, tide-dominated, drowned bedrock valleys and carbonate<br />

setting(Thom, 1967, 1982), giving rise to regional variation in structure and<br />

productivity (Twilley, 1995).<br />

Mangrove forests are estimated to have occupied 75 % of the tropical and subtropical<br />

coastlines (Farnsworth and Ellison, 1997), but due to widespread degradation their<br />

coverage has reduced to 50 % (Spalding et al., 1997). The total estimated area of<br />

mangroves worldwide varies between 18 and 20 million ha (Spalding et al., 1997).<br />

However, recent estimates suggest that mangrove coverage area is about 15.2 million<br />

ha, down from 18.8 million ha in 1980 (FAO, 2007).<br />

2.1 Mangrove Biogeography<br />

Globally mangroves are divided broadly into two main regions; the Indo-West Pacific<br />

(IWP) and the Atlantic Caribbean and East Pacific (ACEP) or the New World-West<br />

Africa regions. The former region comprises of East Africa, the Red Sea, India, South<br />

East Asia, Southern Japan, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific<br />

islands east to Samoa. The latter region is composed of the Atlantic coast of Africa<br />

and the Americas, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific coast of tropical America, and the<br />

Galapagos Islands (Duke, 1992). Over a third of the total area of world’s mangroves<br />

occurs in South East Asia. It is in this region that mangroves are richest in species<br />


composition and most luxuriant in growth. Overall species richness of mangroves<br />

declines from a peak of 30 species in the South East Asia to less than 10 in the ACEP<br />

region (Duke, 1992).<br />

Kenya has about 54,000 ha of mangroves distributed along the coastline (Doute et al.,<br />

1981). Lamu and the Tana River Districts hold 70 % of mangrove forests in Kenya.<br />

Less extensive mangrove areas occur in Kilifi, Mida creek, Mtwapa in the north and<br />

Mombasa, Gazi and Vanga - Funzi areas in the south.<br />

2.2 Mangrove Environment<br />

Mangrove ecosystems vary greatly regionally in response to environmental factors.<br />

The most important environmental factors that influence mangrove growth and<br />

distribution include:<br />

2.2.1 Climate<br />

Mangroves attain climax growth only under tropical conditions where atmospheric<br />

temperature in the coldest month is higher than 20 o C and seasonal fluctuations do not<br />

exceed 5 o C (Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005). Richest mangrove communities occur in<br />

latitudes where sea surface temperature average is 24 o C (Agrawala et al., 2003). Any<br />

further increase in temperature may lead to proliferation of some species, provided<br />

that the direction of ocean currents facilitates seed dispersal (Kathiresan and Qasim,<br />

2005).<br />

Availability of freshwater is an important factor in growth and development of<br />

mangrove forests. Freshwater supply has often been indicated by the ratio of rainfall<br />

to evapotranspiration. Under humid conditions, where the ratio exceeds 1, the<br />

mangroves grow luxuriantly. However, in arid climates, where it falls below 1,<br />

mangroves are stunted (Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005). High rainfall in humid areas<br />

leaches out residual salts from mangrove soil and thus encourages the growth of<br />

mangroves (Jimenez, 1992).<br />

2.2.2 Sediment Characteristics<br />

Although the hardier species can grow on rocky areas such exceptions are few and<br />

generally soft fine-grained substrates are necessary for proper mangrove development.<br />


Consequently, the best growth and development of mangroves takes place in alluvial<br />

soils and muddy substrate which are formed by the deposition of water-borne soil<br />

particles (Macnae, 1968; Chapman, 1976). The species composition and growth of<br />

mangroves is directly affected by the physical composition of mangrove soils. The<br />

proportions of clay, silt and sand dictate the permeability of the soil to water, which<br />

influences soil salinity and water content. Nutrient status is also affected by the<br />

physical composition of the soil, with clay soils generally higher in nutrients than<br />

sandy soils (English et al., 1997). Nutrient concentration is one of the important<br />

factors in mangrove habitats. Two major elements, nitrogen and phosphorus, are of<br />

great significance for the growth of mangroves (Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005).<br />

2.2.3 Tidal Inundation<br />

Mangroves grow in the intertidal areas of protected coastlines. The tidal range in<br />

association with the intertidal slope determines potential extent of mangroves. A<br />

greater tidal range increases the intertidal area and depending on the slope of the<br />

substrate, which if smooth, encourages the growth of mangroves. The topography of a<br />

mangrove swamp is normally smooth and flat. However, any rise or fall in the land<br />

can greatly influence the direction and rate of flow of the water in the system<br />

(Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005). Horizontal distribution of the species is related to the<br />

duration of tidal flooding and the tidal range and many species of mangroves respond<br />

differently to different tidal regimes (Chapman, 1976). Tides also are important for<br />

the exchange of nutrients and materials between mangrove areas and other adjacent<br />

marine ecosystems. In addition, seeds and propagules are dispersed by water,<br />

consequently their distribution is greatly influenced by tides (Hussain, 1995).<br />

2.2.4 Salinity<br />

Salinity plays a vital role in the distribution of species, their productivity and growth<br />

(Twilley and Chen, 1998). Changes in salinity are normally controlled by climate,<br />

hydrology, rainfall, topography and tidal flooding (Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005).<br />

Mangroves generally tolerate higher salinity than non-mangrove plants, but they are<br />

poor competitors under non-saline areas where freshwater marsh plants grow better.<br />

Nevertheless, tolerance to saline conditions varies among mangroves. For example, R.<br />

mucronata seedlings do better in salinities of 30 ppt, while R. apiculata flourishes<br />


etter at 15 ppt. In general, mangrove vegetation is more luxuriant in low salinities<br />

(Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005).<br />

2.2.5 Shelter from Waves<br />

Mangroves grow only in sheltered shores. Protection can be provided by reefs of coral<br />

lying along the edge of the continental shelf. A chain of islands protects other<br />

shorelines, as winds tend to run parallel to the shore. As such the most extensive<br />

growth of mangroves can be seen in estuaries of rivers and protected lagoons and bays<br />

(Chapman, 1976). The soils in mangrove areas are characterized by salt and water,<br />

low oxygen and high hydrogen sulphide contents and high proportion of humus<br />

(Macnae, 1968). Therefore, these soils are very anoxic except for the surface layer in<br />

which roots spread. As a result, mangroves generally have shallow root systems and<br />

therefore cannot withstand strong wind. Thus, they grow better in a sheltered habitats<br />

(Hussain, 1995).<br />

2.3 Valuation of Mangroves<br />

For centuries, mangrove ecosystems have provided goods and services to the people<br />

at community, national and global levels (Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984; Rönnbäck,<br />

1999; Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000). They provide the local people with wood<br />

products including timber, poles, posts, fish traps, firewood and charcoal (Saenger,<br />

2002; FAO, 2007). The annual economic value of mangroves has estimated to range<br />

from $200,000 – 900,000 per km 2 (Costanza et al., 1997). Mangrove forests act as<br />

natural barriers against strong waves and other natural oceanic catastrophes. They<br />

have been observed to attenuate waves thereby reducing their impacts considerably<br />

(Othman, 1994). During the 2004 tsunami strike, shorelines with healthy mangroves<br />

suffered relatively less loss of human lives and property than those denuded of<br />

mangroves (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2005). Much of the fisheries production largely<br />

depend the mangrove ecosystems (Rönnbäck, 1999). Thus mangroves form nursery<br />

and feeding grounds for commercial and artisanal fisheries, and are important habitats<br />

and feeding grounds for a range of benthic and pelagic marine animals and bird<br />

species (Macnae, 1968; FAO, 1994; Saenger, 2002; FAO, 2007). In addition, they<br />

enhance environmental quality by reducing coastal erosion, trapping of sediments and<br />

other pollutants from activities upstream thereby maintaining water quality.<br />

Mangroves also act as sources and sinks of carbon within the tropical coastal zones<br />


(Gong and Ong, 1990; Twilley et al., 1992; Ong, 1993; Ong et al., 1995) and<br />

therefore, play an important role in mitigating effects of climate change.<br />

2.4 Threats to Mangroves<br />

Mangrove forests have been estimated to have covered 75 % of the tropical coasts<br />

worldwide (Farnsworth and Ellison, 1997), but human pressure has reduced their<br />

global range to less than 50 % of the total original cover (Saenger et al., 1983;<br />

Spalding et al., 1997; Valiela et al., 2001). In most areas of the world, they are over-<br />

exploited for timber and fuelwood production due to increased human population<br />

(Hussain, 1995). In eastern Africa, small sized mangrove poles of 2.5 to 14 cm<br />

diameter are extensively used for house construction (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000;<br />

Taylor et al., 2003). This operation has continued through selection of trees that need<br />

market specifications, without due silvicultural consideration (CEC, 1992; Hussain,<br />

1995).<br />

Mangrove areas have been converted to other land use activities such as agriculture<br />

and aquaculture, salt works and urban development (Primavera, 1995; Abuodha and<br />

Kairo, 2001; Kairo et al., 2001). Shrimp aquaculture is the greatest threat to<br />

mangroves and accounts for the loss of 20 to 50 % of mangroves worldwide<br />

(Primavera, 1995). Other threats include pollution, sedimentation, mining and<br />

damming of rivers that alter water salinity levels (FAO, 1994). Rise in sea level due to<br />

global warming also threaten mangrove forests (FAO, 1994; McLeod and Salm, 2006;<br />

Gilman et al., 2008).<br />

Major threats to mangroves of Kenya are over-exploitation, conversion of mangrove<br />

areas to other land uses and oil pollution. Over cutting has seriously depleted the<br />

availability of quality poles from most mangrove areas (Abuodha and Kairo, 2001).<br />

However, the forest areas are still allocated to concessionaires for building poles.<br />

There is also widespread small scale wood cutting by the local people to meet their<br />

needs (Kairo, 1995).<br />

Along the northern Kenyan coast, conversion of mangrove areas for pond culture is<br />

localized in Ngomeni. Mangrove forests have also been converted to saltworks; e.g.<br />

between Ngomeni and Karawa (Yap and Landoy, 1986), which is responsible for<br />


underground seepage of high saline water that seriously affects the neighbouring<br />

mangroves (Abuodha and Kairo, 2001).<br />

During the decade between 1983 and 1993, the port of Mombasa and its adjacent<br />

waters have experienced five tanker accidents spilling a total of 391,680 metric tons<br />

of oil. Large expanse of intertidal mangroves, seagrass beds, algae and associated<br />

invertebrates were covered with oil (Abuodha and Kairo, 2001). The saturated<br />

sediments act as long-term reservoirs of oil and are a major factor in continued re-<br />

oiling of the Makupa Creek in Mombasa and thus impeding the recovery of<br />

mangroves. A time period of up to 20 years or longer is required for deep mud coastal<br />

habitats to recover from the toxic impact of catastrophic oil spills (Burns et al., 1993).<br />

2.5 Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forests<br />

Mangrove ecosystems are complex systems composed of various inter-related<br />

elements in the land-sea interface zone, which are linked with other natural systems of<br />

the coastal region such as the corals, sea grass, coastal fisheries and beach vegetation.<br />

The concept of mangrove management has been highlighted with better understanding<br />

of these formations. Instead of simple management on stand basis, it is now realized<br />

that the whole ecosystem must be considered. It has been also realized that due to the<br />

diversity of mangrove formations, specific regulations are essential. Therefore, a new<br />

dimension has been added to mangrove silviculture; that of sustainable management<br />

of the ecosystem as a whole or an integrated management of the resource (Choudhury,<br />

1997).<br />

Integrated management of mangrove forests ensures that the multiple use potential of<br />

the ecosystem is sustainable since its major objective is to have sustainable<br />

management of the resource to yield wood, fish, recreation, and non-wood products.<br />

Sustainable management of mangroves provides employment to the local people,<br />

mangrove wood products for timber and charcoal, protection against coastal erosion,<br />

and breeding grounds for fish (Chan, 1996). Despite the availability of various<br />

examples of mangrove management in Asia, sustainable mangrove management in<br />

East Africa is yet to be effected.<br />


2.6 History of Reforestation and Management of Mangroves<br />

Reforestation and management of mangroves has been practiced in Southeast Asia<br />

for decades; mostly to produce forest products such as wood, fuelwood and thatching<br />

materials (Watson, 1928; Choudhury, 1997). The longest recorded history of<br />

mangrove management involving 600,000 ha of mangrove forests occur in the<br />

Sundarbans region of India and Bangladesh. This forest has been managed since 1769<br />

mostly for timber production and detailed work-plans prepared between 1893-1894<br />

(Choudhury, 1997). Similarly, the mangrove forests of Matang, that cover 40,000 ha,<br />

have been managed for fuelwood production since 1902 (Watson, 1928; Chan, 1996).<br />

More recently mangroves have been managed for fish production (Primavera, 1995)<br />

and eco-tourism (Bacon, 1987), erosion control in Florida (Teas, 1977), experimental<br />

analysis of mangrove biology in Panama and Kenya (Rabinowitz, 1978; Kairo et al.,<br />

2001) and restoration of forests damaged by oil spills (FAO, 1994). With the<br />

realization of ecological roles of mangroves (Odum and Heald, 1975) and the passage<br />

of laws protecting them from destruction, many small reforestation and afforestation<br />

projects for mitigating environmental damage have been carried out in several<br />

countries like Hawaii, Burma and Fiji (Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984).<br />

2.7 Mangrove Reforestation in Kenya<br />

Information on earlier mangrove reforestation in East Africa is scanty (Kairo et al.,<br />

2001). The earliest record of mangrove reforestation in Kenya date back to 1918 in<br />

which Smith and McKenzie Company undertook mangrove planting at Mobore in<br />

Lamu, after the forest was clear-felled during the First World War (Rawlins, 1957).<br />

The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) initiated mangrove<br />

planting program trials at Gazi bay in 1990. This program got momentum in 1993,<br />

when aid was received from Biodiversity Support Program - a USAID funded<br />

consortium of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Nature Conservancy (NC) and World<br />

Resource Institute (WRI) (Kairo, 1995; Kairo et al., 2001). Planting was carried out<br />

in 1 x 1 m 2 and 2 x 2 m 2 matrices for propagules and saplings respectively (Kairo,<br />

1995). The present study is based on 7.0 ha of R. mucronata and 3.0 ha of B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantations that were established in 1994 at Gazi and Ramisi<br />

respectively (Kairo 1995).<br />


3.1 Study Area<br />


Mangrove forests in Kenya , consisting of nine true mangrove species (Table 1), are<br />

found in tidal estuaries, creeks and protected bays scattered all along the coastline,<br />

between latitudes 1° 40’S and 4° 25’S and longitudes 41° 34’E and 39 o 17’E. The<br />

most extensive mangrove forests occur in Lamu and the Tana River districts, while<br />

the less extensive mangroves are found in Mida, Kilifi, Mombasa and Gazi-Funzi<br />

area, close to the Kenya-Tanzania border. Broadly, mangroves in Kenya may be<br />

divided into two blocks; areas north and south of Tana River. Mangroves north of<br />

Tana river are structurally more complex than those in the south largely due to the<br />

influence of Tana river as well as the East African Coastal Currents (Kairo, 2001).<br />

Table 1 Mangrove species found in Kenya and their uses<br />

Species Name Local Name Uses<br />

Rhizophora mucronata (Lam) Mkoko Timber, firewood, charcoal<br />

Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L) Lam. Muia Timber and firewood<br />

Ceriops tagal (Perr) C. B. Robinson Mkandaa Timber and firewood<br />

Sonneratia alba (Sm) Mlilana Timber and firewood<br />

Avicennia marina (Forsks) Vierh. Mchu Firewood and fencing<br />

Lumnitzera racemosa (Willd) Kikandaa Firewood, Ribs for boats<br />

Xylocarpus granatum (Koen) Mkomafi Timber, firewood and carving<br />

Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) Roem. Mkomafi dume Firewood and fencing<br />

Heritiera littoralis Dryand in Aint Msindukazi Poles, timber, boat mast<br />

Source: Kairo, (2001).<br />

The climate along the Kenyan coast is determined by the seasonal movement of the<br />

Intertropical Convergence zone (ITCZ), resulting in seasonal shifts in wind direction<br />

(McClanahan, 1988). The long rains occur from April to July and are associated with<br />

the southeastern monsoon winds while the short rains (associated with the northeast<br />

monsoon winds) occur from October to November. Mean annual precipitation ranges<br />

from 500 to 1600 mm (Mutai and Ward, 2000). It is normally hot and humid with an<br />

average annual air temperature of about 28 o C with little seasonal variation. Relative<br />

humidity is about 95 % due to the close proximity to the sea. The soils of the coastal<br />


area are predominantly unconsolidated collarine, with poor water holding capacity<br />

and extreme alkalinity (UNEP, 1998).<br />

The study was carried out in Gazi bay (4 o 25’S and 4 0 27’ S; 39 o 50’E and 39 0 50’ E)<br />

and Ramisi estuary (4 o 30’ S and 4 o 39’S) in the Kenyan south coast. The mangroves<br />

of Gazi bay are mainly fringe mangroves, with the major driving environmental<br />

factors being tidal, while those of Ramisi are riverine. In both systems past human<br />

disturbances have been considered as the most limiting factors in mangrove structural<br />

and biomass development (Abuodha and Kairo, 2001).<br />

3.1.1 Gazi Bay<br />

Gazi bay (Figure 1), which is about 55 km south of Mombasa, is a coastal lagoon with<br />

a total area of 700 ha mangrove forest (UNEP, 2001), dominated by R. mucronata, C.<br />

tagal and A. marina. The forest is sheltered from strong wave action by the presence<br />

of the Chale peninsula to the east and a fringing coral reef to the south. There are two<br />

major creeks penetrating the forest; the western creek is in the mouth of river<br />

Kidogoweni, a seasonal river, while the eastern one, Kinondo, is a tidal creek. Gazi<br />

bay has a semi-diurnal tidal regime with amplitude varying between 2.90 m at spring<br />

tide and 0.70 m at neap tide (Hemminga et al., 1994).<br />

The mangroves are not continuously under direct influence of fresh water because the<br />

two rivers (Kidogoweni in the north and Mkurumuji in the south) discharging in to the<br />

bay, are seasonal and temporal depending on the amount of rainfall inland. Ground<br />

seepage is also restricted to a few points (Tack and Polk, 1999). The freshwater influx<br />

via rivers and direct rainfall accounts for a volume of 305 000 m 3 per year, of which<br />

20 % is lost due to evapotranspiration. The evaporation is responsible for a salinity<br />

maximum zone of 38 ppt in the upper region of the bay covered by mangroves<br />

(Kitheka, 1997). High tidal flushing rates are coupled with short residence times (3–4<br />

h), which are a function of wide shallow entrance, lack of topographic controls and<br />

the orientation of the bay with respect to dominant water circulation patterns. River<br />

discharge is important during the wet season, which enhances weak stratification in<br />

the upper parts of Kidogoweni, whereas in the dry season, well mixed homogenous<br />

water is found in most regions of the bay (Kitheka, 1997).<br />


KEY:<br />

Mangrove forest<br />

Mudflat<br />

Figure 1. Map of Gazi bay (adapted from Bosire et al., 2003)<br />

13<br />

Study site

All the nine true mangrove species recorded in Kenya occur in Gazi bay (Kairo,<br />

2001). The general pattern of mangrove communities at Gazi appears to be similar to<br />

that of other parts in Kenya. Sonneratia alba, the most important pioneer species<br />

along open coast, occupies the lowest zone. The next zone is characterized by mixed<br />

vegetation: Rhizophora-Avicennia-Bruguiera community; followed by Ceriops-<br />

Avicennia community and Lumnitzera, Xylocarpus and Heritiera to the land ward side<br />

(Van Speybroeck, 1992; Kairo, 2001).<br />

Gazi village has a resident population of 1000 people (Kairo, 2001). Fishing is the<br />

primary occupation, while mangrove cutting is regarded as secondary. Approximately<br />

90 % of the men are involved in fisheries, while majority of the women earn their<br />

income from either weaving makuti (roof thatches made from coconut fronds), mats<br />

or from collection of firewood, mollusks and crustaceans, and from preparing and<br />

selling food items (Crona, 2006). About 90 % of the mangrove wood products are<br />

used for building and cooking (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000). Rhizophora mucronata<br />

and C. tagal are highly rated for wood and firewood as they are easily available,<br />

straight, and strong, have high calorific values and emit little smoke (Dahdouh-<br />

Guebas et al., 2000).<br />

The mangrove forests of Gazi have been exploited for many years, especially for<br />

industrial wood fuel and building poles (Kairo, 1995; Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000),<br />

which has left some areas along the coastline completely denuded (Bosire et al., 2003;<br />

Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2004). Mangrove reforestation program to rehabilitate<br />

degraded mangrove areas, restock denuded mudflats and transform disturbed forests<br />

into uniform stands of higher productivity was initiated at Gazi bay in October 1991<br />

(Kairo, 1995). In 1994 close to 70,000 R. mucronata propagules were planted in 6.74<br />

ha in the site located on the eastern creek of the bay bordering Kinondo village. The<br />

sites which were replanted had been clear-felled in the 1970s and did not show any<br />

natural regeneration almost 25 years later (Kairo, 1995). Subsequent development of<br />

the reforested areas has been monitored by comparing height and diameter increment<br />

of the planted trees, studying floral and faunal secondary succession (Bosire et al.,<br />

2003; 2004) and by estimating the aboveground tree biomass for mangrove<br />

plantations (Kairo, 2001).<br />


3.1.2 Ramisi<br />

Mangrove plantation at Ramisi is situated on the Ramisi river bank at Funzi Bay, 70<br />

km from Mombasa city. Unlike the fringing mangroves of Gazi, mangroves of Ramisi<br />

are riverine, dominated by: A. marina, B. gymnorrhiza, C. tagal and R. mucronata.<br />

Human induced stresses of the mangroves in Ramisi are similar to those in Gazi.<br />

Clear felling operations of the 1970’s created huge contiguous blank areas with no<br />

natural regeneration to date. Some of the degraded mangrove areas in Ramisi have<br />

been recolonized by the giant mangrove fern; Acrostechum aureum (Lin.) (Kairo<br />

1995).<br />

Mangrove planting at Ramisi was carried out in 1994. At least 13,000 propagules of<br />

B. gymnorrhiza were planted (Kairo, 1995). Unlike Gazi, no monitoring has been<br />

carried out in the plantations at Ramisi. The present study investigated structural<br />

development and aboveground biomass of both plantations.<br />

Key<br />

Tanzania<br />

Mangrove forest<br />

Figure 2. Map of the Kenyan south coast showing the study site: Ramisi<br />

3.2 Study Design<br />

Ramisi<br />

In a ca. 7.0 ha reforested R. mucronata stand at Gazi, six (6) transects were<br />

established perpendicular to the waterline, along which a total of 22 plots of 10 m x<br />

10 m were marked. The distance from one transect to another was about 40 m, while<br />


the distance from one plot to another along each transect ranged from 20 to 30 m<br />

depending on vegetation characteristics and landscape. For the B. gymnorrhiza<br />

plantation 2 transects were laid and a total of 10 plots were established along them. A<br />

total of 40 plots were randomly established in a non-reforested site at Gazi to serve as<br />

control for soil characteristics.<br />

3.2.1 Soil Factors<br />

Each plot in the three sites was divided in to four quarters and a subsample was<br />

randomly scooped at 1-cm depth from each quarter using a 10-cm long 6 cm x 6 cm<br />

D-corer. The subsamples from each plot were reconstituted as one sample and put in<br />

labeled airtight containers and taken to the laboratory for grain size and sedimentary<br />

organic carbon analysis. In the laboratory the samples were weighed and oven-dried<br />

for 24 hours at 80 o C after which they were weighed again to determine the soil<br />

moisture (SOM) content. Twenty five (25) grams oven-dry weight of each sample was<br />

treated with 10 ml of aqueous sodium hexametaphosphate ((NaPO3)6) in a labeled<br />

beaker and subjected to a series of sieves; ranging from 63 to 500 µm mesh-size, to<br />

determine the portion of different grain sizes. Ten (10) grams of the remaining portion<br />

of each oven-dried sample was accurately weighed and combusted at 450 o C for four<br />

hours in order to determine % soil organic matter (SOM). SOM generally contains<br />

approximately 56 % organic carbon (Brady, 1990). Therefore, % soil organic carbon<br />

(SOC) was estimated following Brady (1990):<br />

% SOC = % SOM x 0.56<br />

3.2.2 Forest Structure<br />

Methods for vegetation structural assessment as outlined by Cintron and Schaeffer-<br />

Novelli (1984) were used. Within each plot, tree height and stem diameter (D130) at<br />

1.3 m above the ground (Brokaw and Thompson, 2000) for all the trees with D130 ≥<br />

2.5 cm were determined. Tree height was estimated using a graduated pole, while D130<br />

was measured using a forester caliper. For R. mucronata trees diameter was measured<br />

at 30 cm above the highest stilt root. From the data obtained basal area, absolute<br />

density and frequency were calculated. Relative derivatives of density, dominance and<br />

frequency were then calculated from which the importance value (IV) of the stand<br />

was calculated. Basal area (m 2 ) was calculated as; BA = 0.00007854 D130 2 , while<br />


Importance value (IV) for each species was calculated as the sum of the relative<br />

derivatives of density, basal area (dominance) and frequency (Cintron and Schaeffer-<br />

Novelli, 1984). To evaluate quality of standing poles in the forest, a tree was<br />

arbitrarily assigned quality classes (Qc); Qc1 represented straight stems of minimum<br />

height of 2.5 m (≈ 8 feet); Qc2 were stems which could be slightly modified for<br />

construction and Qc3 represented crooked stems unsuitable for building (Kairo,<br />

2001). All the trees were separated in to utilization classes as follows; Fito (≤ 4.0 cm),<br />

Pau (4.1-6.0 cm), Mazio (6.1-9.0 cm) and Boriti (9.1-13.0 cm).<br />

3.2.3 Forest Biomass<br /> Aboveground Biomass<br />

Fifty R. mucronata and 15 B. gymnorrhiza trees of stem diameter ≥ 2.5 cm were<br />

harvested at Gazi and Ramisi respectively in order to develop allometric equations for<br />

estimating aboveground biomass. The D130 or Das (diameter above the highest stilt<br />

root for R. mucronata) and total height of each harvested tree were accurately<br />

measured in the field. For the R. mucronata plantation the harvested tree was then<br />

partitioned in to the stem (trunk), branches, leaves and stilt roots, and the fresh weight<br />

of each component was weighed in the field. Only the stem weight of each harvested<br />

tree was determined for B. gymnorrhiza plantation.<br />

A sample of each tree component was weighed and oven-dried at 85 o C to constant<br />

weight in order to obtain wet to dry weight ratios (conversion factors). The wet<br />

weight of each tree component was converted to dry weight using the corresponding<br />

conversion factor and summed up to obtain the total dry weight of the tree.<br />

Correlations between the structural variables (D130 and height) and the dry weight of<br />

each component and hence total dry weight of the tree were computed to derive<br />

allometric equations. The significance of the allometric equations was assessed by the<br />

correlation coefficient (r 2 ). The standard error of estimate (SEE) was used to identify<br />

the best biomass estimator for biomass of each component and total aboveground<br />

biomass (AGB). The standing AGB, expressed in tons dry weight per hectare, was<br />

then estimated by applying these equations to all the individuals in the plots as<br />

outlined in Clough and Scott (1989).<br />

17 Belowground Biomass<br />

Belowground biomass (BGB) was estimated for Gazi site only. BGB beneath and<br />

between trees was estimated using a modified core method of Saintilan (1997).<br />

Within each plot four trees were used for root sampling. Three cores, one at trunk<br />

base, middle and edge of the canopy, were made in three replicates at an<br />

approximately 120 o from each other. The roots were sampled in three 20-cm-depth<br />

profiles (0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm) and washed of sediment and debris<br />

through a 1-mm mesh. Live and dead roots were separated and live roots were sorted<br />

into diameter classes (40<br />

mm). Fresh materials from each root class were oven-dried at 80 o C to a constant<br />

weight.<br />

For root biomass beneath the trees, the basal area of the trees (t, in m 2 ) within the 10 x<br />

10 m 2 plot was determined from the formula (Saintilan, 1997);<br />

t = ∑�(D130/2)2 π �,<br />

10000<br />

summed over all trees within each plot. Since the area occupied by a single core was<br />

0.0154 m 2 (14 cm in diameter) the biomass in the core was therefore multiplied by the<br />

factor; F = t/0.0154 to obtain the total biomass beneath trees within each plot. Root<br />

biomass between trees (A, m 2 ) was given by the equation A= 100-t. And so to<br />

estimate between-tree biomass, the core sample was multiplied by F2, where;<br />

F2, = 100-t/ (0.0154 x 100)<br />

The estimates for beneath- and between-tree root biomass were then summed to<br />

obtain an estimate of total below-ground biomass for each plot. Results obtained were<br />

pooled to obtain root biomass per unit ground area.<br />

In order to estimate total plant biomass in the R. mucronata plantation both above-<br />

and belowground biomass was estimated. The AGB and BGB were summed to give<br />

the total biomass of the forest. Biomass accumulation in t ha -1 yr -1 was estimated by<br />

dividing the total biomass by the age of the stand.<br />


3.2.4 Stand Volume<br />

The harvested trees used for biomass estimation were also used for the estimation of<br />

stand volume. Both merchantable and non-merchantable volume was estimated for R.<br />

mucronata plantation, while only merchantable volume was quantified for B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantation. The merchantable stem was divided into 1-m long billet till a<br />

top diameter of 2.5 cm was reached. The diameters of both ends of each billet were<br />

measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and the volume of each billet was calculated using the<br />

Smalian’s formula (FAO, 1994):<br />

V = (D1 2 + D 2 2 ) ∕ 2 x π ∕ 4 x L;<br />

Where; V is volume; D1 and D2 are bottom and top diameters of the billet<br />

respectively; L is the billet length and π = 3.14.<br />

The volume of the stem section above the top 2.5 cm diameter (stem tip) was<br />

calculated using the formula for a cone (Teshome, 2005) as; ⅓AL, where A and L are<br />

bottom end cross-sectional area and length of the stem tip respectively.<br />

Samples of known weight of stilts and branches were submerged in water so as to<br />

determine their volumes. Thereafter specific gravity of stilts and branches were<br />

calculated using weight-volume ratios, which were then used to estimate their<br />

respective volumes. The entire woody components other than the merchantable stem<br />

were considered as non-merchantable wood as these are normally used by the local<br />

people as firewood. Volume regression equations were then developed so as to<br />

estimate the merchantable and non-merchantable volume in case of R. mucronata.<br />

3.2.5 Natural Regeneration<br />

Linear regeneration sampling (LRS) (Sukardjo, 1987) was used to assess the<br />

composition and densities of juveniles. Within 5 x 5 m 2 plots (inside the 10 x 10 m 2 )<br />

the species and abundance of juveniles were identified, recorded and grouped into<br />

three regeneration classes (RC) based on height: RCI (≤ 40 cm), RCII (40-150 cm),<br />

RCII (1.5-3.0 m with diameter

3.2.6 Primary Production<br />

Leaf area index was determined from 50 leaf samples collected randomly from the R.<br />

mucronata plantation. Fresh weight of each leaf sample was accurately measured and<br />

its area was determined by square grid method. Correlation of leaf area and leaf<br />

weight was then computed and the regression equation obtained was used to estimate<br />

the leaf area index. Net canopy photosynthesis was then estimated following English<br />

et al. (1997):<br />

PN = A x d x L;<br />

where; A is the average rate of photosynthesis (g C m -2 leaf area hr -1 ) for all leaves in<br />

the canopy, d is the day length (hr) and L is the total leaf area index of the canopy<br />

above the ground.<br />

The average rate of photosynthesis (A) for Rhizophora species has been found to vary<br />

between the dry (A = 0.216 g C m 2 hour -1 ; salinities greater than 35 ppt) and wet<br />

seasons (A = 0.648 g C m 2 hour -1 ; low salinities) (Clough and Sim, 1989). Alongi et<br />

al. (2004) used A values of 0.26, 0.38 and 0.43 g C m 2 leaf area hour -1 for the 5-, 18-<br />

and 85-year-old forests respectively in Malaysia. Therefore, assuming that the average<br />

rate of photosynthesis for East African mangroves is similar to that of the mangroves<br />

of Southeast Asia and Australia, the empirical value of A used for the R. mucronata<br />

stand at Gazi, was 0.32 g C m 2 hour -1 .<br />

3.3 Data Analyses<br />

All data analyses were done using MINITAB 14.0 software package. The sediment<br />

characteristics for non-reforested and reforested sites were compared using ANOVA.<br />

Graphical illustrations of structural attributes were made using EXCEL spreadsheets<br />

and STATISTICA 7.0. Using the allometric equations derived biomass and volume<br />

tables were constructed based on height and diameter. Mean annual increments in<br />

height, D130, volume and biomass were calculated by dividing each attribute by the<br />

age of the stand.<br />


4.1 Soil Factors<br />

4.0 RESULTS<br />

The soil characteristics of the different sites are given in Table 2. Ramisi site had<br />

significantly higher proportions of silt-clay fraction than Gazi reforested and non-<br />

reforested sites (p < 0.001 for both cases). On the other hand Gazi reforested site had<br />

significantly higher soil moisture content and organic carbon than Gazi non-forested<br />

(p < 0.001 for both SOM and SOC) and Ramisi sites (p = 0.002; 0.0001, for SOM and<br />

SOC respectively). Contrary to what is normally expected, Ramisi plantation had a<br />

significantly lower proportions of soil organic carbon than the non-reforested site at<br />

Gazi (p = 0.0001). The proportions of fine sand were significantly higher in the non-<br />

reforested than reforested sites, however, coarse sand did not significantly differ<br />

between Gazi reforested and non-reforested sites (p = 0.08).<br />

Table 2. Soil physical-chemical characteristics in reforested and un-forested sites<br />

Variable* Gazi plantation Ramisi plantation Gazi non-reforested site<br />

Organic matter 31.0 ± 6.9 a 7.6 ± 1.8 c 22.2 ± 6.8 b<br />

Organic carbon 17.4 ± 3.9 a 4.2 ± 1.0 c 12.4 ± 3.8 b<br />

Moisture content 54.6 ± 4.9 a 37.79 ± 5.1 b 8.2 ± 2.4 c<br />

Silt-clay (

ate for R. mucronata was 0.5 ± 0.2 cm/yr. The mean height and stem diameter for B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantation were 4.7 ± 1.1 m and 3.6 ± 0.8 cm and thus it had height and<br />

diameter mean annual growth increment of 0.4 ± 0.1 m/yr and 0.3 ± 0.1 cm/yr<br />

respectively. The overall basal area for R. mucronata plantation was 17.1 ± 3.8 m 2 /ha.<br />

Only B. gymnorrhiza was encountered in the plot studies for adult trees in the B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantation; with basal area of 4.9 ± 2.0 m 2 /ha.<br />

Table 3. Structural characteristics for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations<br />

Mean height<br />

Basal<br />

area<br />

Site Species (m) (x+sd) (m 2 Relative values (%)<br />

/ha) Frequency Dominance Density IV<br />

Gazi B. gymnorrhiza 6.9 ± 1.7 0.1 13.6 0.4 1.0 15.0<br />

C. tagal 6.6 ± 0.9 0.2 13.6 1.0 2.8 17.4<br />

R. mucronata 8.5 ± 1.0 16.5 50.0 96.5 94.8 241.3<br />

S. alba 7.4 ± 1.6 0.2 11.4 0.9 0.7 13.0<br />

X. granatum 6.4 ± 1.8 0.2 11.4 1.1 0.8 13.3<br />

Ramisi B. gymnorrhiza 4.7 ± 1.1 5.0 100 100 100 300<br />

The size class distribution for R. mucronata plantation followed normal general<br />

distribution curve, which is expected for an even-aged forest (FAO, 1994), while that<br />

of B. gymnorrhiza plantation tended towards a reversed J-shaped curve typical of<br />

natural stands (Figure 3). Size class 6-7 cm had the highest stand density (1059<br />

stems/ha) for R. mucronata, while this was true for 3-4 cm (2200 stems/ha) for B.<br />

gymnorrhiza.<br />

Tees/ha<br />

Trees/ha<br />

Rhizophora<br />

1200<br />

800<br />

400<br />

0<br />

Bruguiera<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

2.5-3 3.1-4 4.1-5 5.1-6 6.1-7 7.1-8 8.1-9 9.1-10 10.1-11 >11<br />

2.5-3 3.1 -4 4.1-5 5.1-6 6.1 -7 7.1-8.0 8.1-9 9.1-10 10.1-11 >11<br />

Diameter class (cm)<br />

Figure 3. Size class distribution for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations<br />


Figure 4. Height-diameter distributions for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza<br />

plantations<br />

Figure 4 shows scattergram for each site; 50 % of trees in R. mucronata plantation<br />

ranged from 5-7 cm in diameter, while that in B. gymnorrhiza plantation ranged from<br />

3.8-4.8 cm.<br />

The stand densities for the different utilization classes for both plantations are given<br />

in Table 4. For R. mucronata plantation, 47 % of the total stand had Mazio sized<br />

poles, while 32 % were Pau sized poles. This shows that most of the poles in<br />


eforested R. mucronata stand are of the preferred classes for construction. On the<br />

contrary 78 % of the B. gymnorrhiza plantation had Fito sized stems.<br />

Table 4. Stand table for R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations<br />

Plantation Variables<br />

Fito* Pau Mazio Boriti<br />

R. mucronata Stems/ha 559 1586 2391 327 4864±1477<br />

24<br />

Diameter classes (cm)<br />

≤ 4.0 4.1-6.0 6.1-9.0 9.1-13 Total<br />

§ Merchantable volume (m 3 /ha) 1.4 11.0 36.4 9.4 58.2±13.0<br />

§ Non-merchantable volume (m 3 /ha) 40.3±9.8<br />

§ Aboveground biomass (t/ha) 2.4 18.6 66.4 19.4 106.7±24.0<br />

Belowground biomass (t/ha) 24.9±11.4<br />

B. gymnorrhiza Stems/ha 3570 960 70 - 4600±1887<br />

§ Merchantable volume (m 3 /ha) 8.5 5.1 1.2 - 14.8±7.0<br />

§ Aboveground biomass (t/ha) 10.1 5.6 1.0 - 16.7±8.7<br />

*Fito, Pau, Mazio and Boriti are the local names for the different utilization classes<br />

§ Values were obtained from equations given in Tables 6 and 7.<br />

4.3 Forest Biomass<br />

4.3.1 Aboveground Biomass<br />

Aboveground biomass of tree components and total aboveground biomass (AGB)<br />

were regressed against different variables relating to D130 and height in order to<br />

determine the best allometric models that could be used to estimate biomass (Table 5).<br />

The models were of the form; y = ax 2 + bx +c; where; y = biomass, x = D130 alone or<br />

in combination with height, and a, b and c are constants. For R. mucronata all the<br />

models derived showed a high correlation (r 2 > 0.95), while only models A and B had<br />

r 2 > 0.90 for B. gymnorrhiza.<br />

Since Model A, with D130 2 H as the independent variable, had the highest r 2 and the<br />

smallest SEE it was used to estimate the aboveground biomass for R. mucronata. On<br />

the other hand model B, with D130H as the independent variable had the highest r 2 and<br />

the smallest SEE for B. gymnorrhiza (Table 5). The best biomass estimator models for<br />

each plantation are given in Table 6.

Table 5. Different allometric models derived from different independent variables for<br />

biomass estimation in reforested mangrove stands<br />

Plantation Model X a b c r 2 SEE n<br />

R. mucronata A D130 2 H 1.6E-05 0.0454 0.4951 0.98 1.98 35<br />

B D130H 0.0089 -0.2123 5.1448 0.97 2.53 35<br />

C D130 2 0.0012 0.392 -1.7334 0.97 2.29 35<br />

D D130 0.8113 -3.7898 7.0903 0.97 2.17 35<br />

B. gymnorrhiza A D130 2 H 1.5E-04 0.033 0.655 0.92 0.69 12<br />

B D130H 0.0066 0.059 0.39 0.94 0.59 12<br />

C D130 2 0.215 -0.216 -0.218 0.85 0.94 12<br />

D D130 0.277 0.103 -0.155 0.78 1.16 12<br />

Table 6. Allometric equations for estimating biomass for R. mucronata and B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantations<br />

Plantation Component X a b c r 2 SEE<br />

R. mucronata Total AGB D130 2 H 1.6E-05 0.0454 0.4951 0.98 1.98<br />

Stem D130 2 H 1.4E-05 0.0156 0.70 0.93 1.16<br />

Stilt roots D130 2 H 2.0E-05 0.0054 0.76 0.91 1.69<br />

Branches D130 2 H 8.0E-06 0.005 0.32 0.93 0.79<br />

Leaves D130 2 H -3.0E-07 0.052 0.12 0.89 0.38<br />

B. gymnorrhiza Stem D130H 0.0066 0.059 0.39 0.94 0.59<br />

The total AGB ranged from 65.33 to 144.62 t/ha; with a mean of 106.67 ± 23.95 t/ha,<br />

for R. mucronata; while stem biomass ranged from 8.54 to 36.96 t/ha; with a mean of<br />

16.65 ± 8.73 t/ha, for B. gymnorrhiza (Table 4). Size class ≤ 4.0 cm (Fito) contributed<br />

more than 60% of the total biomass, while the highest size class (Mazio; 6.1-9.0 cm)<br />

contributed just only 0.05 % for B. gymnorrhiza plantation. The reverse was true for<br />

the R. mucronata plantation; in which Mazio contributed over 60 %, while Fito<br />

consisted merely 0.01% of the total AGB.<br />


4.3.2 Belowground Biomass<br />

The belowground biomass (BGB) for the R. mucronata plantation was 24.89 ± 11.4<br />

t/ha (Table 4); of which 44 %, 35 % and 21 % were within 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm<br />

depth respectively. Root biomass distribution by size class along the depth profile is<br />

shown in Figure 5. In the first 20 cm most of the root biomass was in the 10-20 and<br />

20-30 mm diameter classes while the 5-10 mm size class had the lowest. The fine root<br />

biomass (< 5 mm) was almost evenly distributed along all the depth profiles. Except<br />

for the fine roots and 5-10 mm size class, root biomass decreased with increase in<br />

depth.<br />

Root biomass (t/ha)<br />

4<br />

3.5<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0-20cm 20-40cm 40-60cm<br />

Depth (cm)<br />

26<br />

Figure 6. AGB distribution amongst tree components for R. mucronata plantation<br />

Figure 7. Biomass partitioning in relation to tree size in R. mucronata plantation<br />

4.3.4 Biomass Accumulation<br />

The total biomass for R. mucronata plantation at Gazi was 131.56 t/ha, with 18.9 %<br />

being belowground biomass. The aboveground and belowground biomass<br />

accumulation for this plantation was 8.89 and 2.07 t/ha/yr respectively; giving a total<br />

biomass accumulation of 10.96 t/ha/yr.<br />


4.4 Stand Volume<br />

The mean green wood density for stem, stilt roots and branches were 1241.12 ±<br />

150.85, 1180.37 ± 34.04 and 1201.16 ± 62.01 kg/m 3 respectively for R. mucronata at<br />

Gazi. On the other hand B. gymnorrhiza at Ramisi had a mean green stem density of<br />

1166.28 ± 62.46 kg/m 3 .<br />

Volumes of the stem, stilt and branches were estimated using equations given in Table<br />

7. The stem volume for R. mucronata plantation was 58.16 ±13.00 m 3 /ha with a<br />

higher proportion represented in the Mazio sized poles, while that of non-<br />

merchantable (stem tip, stilts and branches) was 40.25 ± 9.81 m 3 /ha (Table 4). The<br />

overall standing volume for the R. mucronata plantation was, therefore, 100.44 ±<br />

22.53 m 3 /ha, with an annual volume increment of 8.4 m 3 /ha/yr. Bruguiera<br />

gymnorrhiza plantation had a stem volume of 14.81 ± 6.96 m 3 /ha.; giving an annual<br />

volume increment of 1.23 m 3 /ha/yr.<br />

Table 7. Allometric equations for estimating wood volume for R. mucronata and B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantations<br />

Plantation Component X a b c r 2 SEE<br />

R. mucronata Total volume D130 2 H 1.39E-08 4.76E-05 8.54E-06 0.99 0.0021<br />

Stem D130 2 H 4.0E-10 3.0E-05 2.0E-05 0.99 0.0006<br />

Branches D130 2 H 6.0E-09 5.0E-06 9.0E-05 0.99 0.0004<br />

Stilt roots D130 2 H 2.0E-08 8.0E-07 6.0E-04 0.99 0.0006<br />

B. gymnorrhiza Stem D130 2 H 1.0 E-07 3E-05 6.0E-04 0.91 0.0005<br />

The biomass expansion factor (BEF), which is a ratio of aboveground biomass to stem<br />

volume, for R. mucronata plantation varied from 1.4 to 4.38 t m -3 , with a mean of<br />

2.04 ± 0.74 m -3 . This value decreased exponentially as the volume increased tending<br />

towards a constant value at high volume (Figure 8), which is expected for tropical<br />

forests (Brown, 2002).<br />


BEF (t/m 3 )<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

29<br />

y = 0.67x -0.22<br />

r 2 = 0.60<br />

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035<br />

Volume (m 3 )<br />

Figure 8. BEF-Stem volume relationship for Rhizophora plantation at Gazi bay<br />

4.5 Natural Regeneration<br />

Table 8 shows the composition of juveniles in R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza<br />

plantations at Gazi Bay and Ramisi respectively. Five juvenile species were<br />

encountered in R. mucronata plantation. The overall density was 4,886 juveniles/ha;<br />

most of which were R. mucronata, and the least were S. alba. RCI had the highest<br />

juvenile density; while RCIII had the least. The regeneration ratio; RCI: RCII: RCIII<br />

for this plantation was 5:3:1.<br />

Table 8. Juvenile densities in R. mucronata and B. gymnorrhiza plantations at Gazi<br />

and Ramisi<br />

*Regeneration classes<br />

Plantation Species<br />

I II III Total/ha<br />

R. mucronata R. mucronata 2527 (89) 964 (62) 350 (66) 3841 (79)<br />

B. gymnorrhiza 155 (6) 195 (13) 68 (13) 418 (9)<br />

C. tagal 105 (4) 186 (12) 86 (16) 377 (8)<br />

X. granatum 23 (1) 200 (13) 23(4) 245 (5)<br />

S. alba 0 (0) 0 (0) 5(1) 5 (

Two juvenile species were encountered in the B. gymnorrhiza plantation with an<br />

overall juvenile density of 18,030 juveniles/ha, of which B. gymnorrhiza constituted<br />

the highest percentage, while X. granatum represented only 1%. In this plantation<br />

RCII had the highest juvenile density, while RCI constituted the least. The<br />

regeneration ratio; RCI: RCII: RCIII, was 1:2:2.<br />

4.6 Primary Production<br />

The leaf area of the R. mucronata was linearly correlated to leaf weight using simple<br />

relation of y = 1.69x; where x = leaf dry weight, y = leaf area, r 2 = 0.92 and n = 50.<br />

From this regression equation the leaf area index (LAI) was 3.99. Using the derived<br />

LAI and the average rate of photosynthesis, 0.32 g C/m2/hr, (assumed to be similar to<br />

that of the South East Asian mangroves; Clough and Sim, 1989; Alongi et al., 2004)<br />

the net canopy photosynthetic production (PN) was estimated as:<br />

30<br />

= 0.32 g C/m 2 /hour x 3.99 x 12 hours<br />

= 15.4 g C/m 2 /hour<br />

= 56 t C/ha/yr.

5.1 Soil Factors<br />


Soil physical-chemical characteristics in the reforested site were within the range of<br />

those observed in East African mangroves (Bosire et al., 2003; Lyimo and Mushi,<br />

2005). The improved soil conditions in mangrove forests have been attributed to the<br />

trapping and binding of sediments by mangrove roots (Thom, 1982; Krauss et al.,<br />

2003). The soil organic matter obtained in for R. mucronata plantation was higher<br />

than that obtained earlier by Bosire et al. (2003) for the same site. This confirms the<br />

view that mangroves are not only influenced by chemical and physical conditions of<br />

their environment, but they usually help to create those conditions (Kathiresan and<br />

Qasim, 2005) thereby producing suitable habitats (Kraus et al., 2003) which would<br />

favour secondary faunal as well as floral colonization of the reforested areas. The high<br />

silt-clay fractions in the B. gymnorrhiza plantation at Ramisi could be attributed to<br />

riverine sediment supply along with land use practices in the hinterlands.<br />

5.2 Forest Structure<br />

The stand density of the R. mucronata plantation was higher than that reported by<br />

Bosire et al. (2006) for the adjacent natural stand of R. mucronata (1796 stems/ha);<br />

however, it had a smaller basal area (17.12 m 2 /ha) than that of the natural stand (21.1<br />

m 2 /ha). This difference in stand density between the replanted and natural forests was<br />

expected because of the planting density (7,500 – 10,000 saplings/ha), survival of<br />

saplings and probably recruitment of juveniles at early stages of forest development.<br />

A decline in stand density and an increase in basal area are typical for a developing<br />

forest (Twilley, 1995); thus, for high stand density the basal area is expected to be<br />

small. The structural attributes for the R. mucronata plantation were comparable to<br />

those of Rhizophora species of similar age in managed plantations in Malaysia<br />

(Saenger, 2002). For instance a 12-year old R. apiculata in Matang Mangrove<br />

Reserve had a stem density of 4181 stems/ha, mean D130 and height of 5.50 cm and<br />

10.96 m, respectively (Srivasatava et al., 1988). The size structure of the R.<br />

mucronata stand was typical of even-aged forest (FAO, 1994), with most stems being<br />

between 6 and 9 cm, which are among the preferred poles for construction in Kenya<br />

(Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2000; Kairo et al., 2002a).<br />


In Kenyan mangrove forests, B. gymnorrhiza normally occurs in stands dominated by<br />

other species such as C. tagal and R. mucronata (Van Speybroeck, 1992; Kairo, 2001)<br />

and therefore, information of structural attributes of this species as a dominant<br />

component of the forest is limited. However, its structural attributes were similar to<br />

those of Bruguiera species elsewhere. For example B. gymnorrhiza in Bangladesh had<br />

a mean D130 and height of 3.5 cm and 3.4 m, respectively (Saenger and Siddiqi,<br />

1993). The tendency of size structure towards natural forest type in the B.<br />

gymnorrhiza plantation could probably be attributed to high recruitment of saplings in<br />

to adult phase due to high density of established regeneration (RCII and RCIII).<br />

The growth increments in both height and D130 for R. mucronata plantation were<br />

comparable to those obtained for mangrove forests in Southeast Asia. Ong et al.<br />

(1995) reported height increment of 1.05 m for 20-year-old R. apiculata forest in<br />

Malaysia, while Devoe and Cole (1998) obtained a diameter growth rate of 0.37<br />

cm/yr for R. mucronata (average diameter 11 cm) in Micronesia. The diameter growth<br />

rate of B. gymnorrhiza (0.30 cm/yr) reported here was similar to that of the same<br />

species reported elsewhere; e.g. 0.26 to 0.35 cm/yr in Micronesia and Bangladesh<br />

(Saenger and Siddiqi, 1993; Devoe and Cole, 1998; Cole et al., 1999). Diameter<br />

growth rates of mangrove species in natural forests have been shown to range from<br />

0.17 to 1.05 cm/yr (Watson, 1931; Durant, 1941; Putz and Chan, 1986;<br />

UNDP/UNESCO, 1991; Devoe and Cole, 1998; Cole et al., 1999). The growth in<br />

diameter for most mangrove species is influenced by factors such as size class,<br />

disturbance, site conditions and suppression by the crown dominant species.<br />

Quality class I poles represented over 95 % of the stand density in both plantations<br />

(Table 9) compared to 32.28 % of class 1 poles in some of the most pristine mangrove<br />

stands in Kenya (Kairo et al., 2002a; b). This was expected in forest plantations where<br />

the regular and closer spacing induce competitive interaction that may be responsible<br />

for straightness of the main stem. The quality of poles also depends on site conditions<br />

and silvicultural treatments. Both plantations were pruned at the age of 5 years.<br />


Table 9. Quality classes for mangrove poles at Gazi Bay and Ramisi<br />

Plantation Species Quality Classes Total/ha<br />

I II III<br />

R. mucronata B. gymnorrhiza 50 0 0 50<br />

C. tagal 141 0 0 141<br />

R. mucronata 4727 127 9 4864<br />

S, alba 31 5 0 36<br />

X. granatum 5 27 9 41<br />

B. gymnorrhiza B. gymnorrhiza 4430 90 80 4600<br />

5.3 Forest Biomass<br />

5.3.1 Aboveground Biomass<br />

The total aboveground biomass and biomass of different tree components were best<br />

estimated by quadratic function having D130 2 H as the independent variable for R.<br />

mucronata. Except for the leaves, the correlation between the variables was high; r 2 ><br />

0.90. The allometric relationships between leaf biomass and tree measurable<br />

parameters are generally less robust than those for total AGB or biomass of other<br />

components because leaves are more easily broken off the trees by strong winds. Leaf<br />

biomass may also vary seasonally (Clough, 1992). The correlation coefficient for total<br />

AGB was very high (r 2 = 0.98), indicating that the total aboveground biomass can be<br />

estimated with confidence from measurements of D130 and height. The correlation<br />

coefficient for stem biomass in B. gymnorrhiza plantation was also high (r 2 = 0.94).<br />

Considering the age of the forest, the total AGB for R. mucronata plantation was<br />

lower than AGB estimates for Rhizophora species in Asia and the Pacific. Estimates<br />

of AGB ranging from 106 to 576 t/ha have been reported for 5 to 85 years old R.<br />

apiculata in Malaysia (Ong et al., 1995; Alongi et al., 2004). The highest published<br />

estimates of AGB in old-aged mangrove forests in Asia and the Pacific are in the<br />

order of 500-550 t/ha (Paijmans and Rollet, 1977; Putz and Chan, 1986). The highest<br />

AGB has been estimated to be up to 700 t/ha for un-disturbed and un-managed forests<br />

in Australia (Clough, 1992); while the lowest reported value is 7.9 t/ha for R. mangle<br />

in Florida (Lugo and Snedaker, 1974). Secondary forests or areas under concession<br />

have been reported to have AGB less than 100 t/ha (Komiyama et al., 2008).<br />


Generally aboveground biomass in mangroves is higher in lower altitudes than in<br />

higher altitudes and may be related to different climatic conditions, such as<br />

temperature, solar radiation, precipitation, and frequency of storms (Komiyama et al.,<br />

2008).<br />

A biomass table for R. mucronata at Gazi was constructed based on tree height (m)<br />

(range 4 – 11 m) and D130 (cm) (range 3 – 13 cm) that now allows rapid estimation of<br />

aboveground tree biomass (Table 10).<br />

Table 10. Biomass table for replanted R. mucronata stand at Gazi bay<br />

4 5 6<br />

Height (m)<br />

7 8 9 10 11<br />

3 *2.72 4.01 5.63 7.60 9.95<br />

4 3.48 5.24 7.45 10.16 13.43 17.30<br />

5 6.48 9.32 12.82 17.07 22.16 28.20<br />

6 7.76 11.23 15.57 20.88 27.28 34.94<br />

7 9.05 13.21 18.42 24.85 32.67 42.08 53.30<br />

8 15.23 21.37 28.98 38.31 49.62 63.18<br />

9 33.28 44.22 57.56 73.65<br />

10 37.74 50.39 65.90 84.71<br />

11 42.37 56.82 74.64 96.35<br />

12 63.52 83.78 108.58<br />

13 93.32 121.40<br />

*Values (Kg) were obtained using the equation:<br />

D130 (cm)<br />

Biomass = 0.00002 (D130 2 H) 2 + 0.0454 D130 2 H + 0.495.<br />

5.3.2 Belowground Biomass<br />

The proportion of the belowground biomass to the total biomass (18.92 %) was within<br />

the range of the values reported in other studies. Comely and McGuiness (2005)<br />

reported that the BGB contributed 32 % of total biomass for R. stylosa, while Ong et<br />

al (1995) reported just only 5 % of the total biomass for the 20-year-old R. apiculata<br />

in Malaysia. Similarly, Ong et al (2004) found that belowground root biomass<br />

proportion of the total biomass ranged from 5 % to 20 % for R. apiculata. The evenly<br />

distribution of fine roots along the depth profiles might be due to their nutrient<br />

absorption functions (Tomlinson, 1986).<br />


5.3.3 Biomass Partitioning<br />

Most of the aboveground biomass was allocated to the trunk and stilt roots than<br />

branches and leaves. Since the stem and stilts are relatively long-lived, stable<br />

structures, the accumulation of biomass in each provides at least some clue to the way<br />

in which carbon is partitioned between them as the tree grows (Clough, 1992). As the<br />

diameter increased the biomass apportioned to the stem declined while there was a<br />

marked increase in allocation to stilt roots. Biomass allocated to the branches<br />

increased slightly but that allocated to the leaves appeared to decline or remained<br />

constant with increase in tree size. This was similar to trend for the same stand at 5<br />

years of age (Kairo, 2001) and for R. apiculata and R. stylosa in Australia (Clough<br />

and Scott, 1989; Clough, 1992). The stilts form the support structures for other<br />

aboveground tree components for Rhizophora species (Tomlinson, 1986), therefore,<br />

they require more biomass investment as the tree grows. Likewise, the branches and<br />

to some extent twigs play an important role in leaf canopy expansion (Clough, 1992),<br />

as such biomass allocated to them tends to be higher than that allocated to the leaves.<br />

There was a higher variability in allocation of biomass to the aboveground tree<br />

components especially for trees below 8.5 cm D130 (Figure 9). This was more<br />

pronounced in stilt and least in leaves. This would imply that there is a high plasticity<br />

in AGB partitioning for small trees. This compares well with the observation made by<br />

Ong et al. (2004), in that variability in biomass partitioning was greatest for trees<br />

below about 25 cm GBH (girth at breast height; 25 cm GBH ≈ 8 cm D130). This<br />

indicates that allocation of biomass to plant components in young trees varies in<br />

response to growth and development, but as they mature allocation of biomass<br />

appears to stabilize. Leaves are the most metabolically components of the tree as a<br />

result they are least variable in terms of biomass partitioning (Ong et al., 2004).<br />


Figure 9. Variability of AGB allocation in relation to tree size for Rhizophora<br />

plantation<br />

The overall biomass partitioning reported here for R. mucronata was different from<br />

that of the 20-year-old R. apiculata forest in Malaysia; in which 74% of the biomass<br />

was in the trunk, 15 % in the roots (10 % in stilts and 5 % belowground roots), and<br />

10. 6 % in the canopy (only 2.6 % in leaves and 8 % in branches, twigs, fruits and<br />

propagules) (Ong et al., 1995). Ong et al. (2004) found that the proportion of<br />

belowground biomass declined with increase in tree size. By comparing the<br />

proportions of root biomass (for both stilt and underground roots) for different sites<br />

and Rhizophora species they also demonstrated that the differences in allocation of<br />

biomass to the root system might be species specific and/or influenced by<br />

environmental parameters. Other factors such as age of the forest, structural and<br />

architectural functions of the plant part are also thought to influence biomass<br />

allocation to different tree components (Tomlinson, 1986).<br />

5.3.4 Biomass Accumulation<br />

The biomass accumulation for R. mucronata plantation is lower than those observed<br />

for managed plantations in Southeast Asia, where annual biomass increment values<br />

ranging from 14 to 34 t/ha/yr for plantations of Rhizophora species (Aksornkoae,<br />


1976; Ong et al., 1984; Ong et al., 1995). Biomass accumulation ranging from 6.3 to<br />

45.4 t/ha/yr has been observed for Australian mangroves (Clough, 1992). The<br />

hydrodynamics of mangrove swamps, climatic conditions, nutrient limitation and soil<br />

factors are thought to influence biomass accumulation; even though the complexity of<br />

interactions between these factors and forest structure and growth often make it<br />

difficult to identify the main factors influencing biomass accumulation in any given<br />

site (Clough, 1992).<br />

5.4 Stand Volume<br />

The stand volume for R. mucronata plantation was within the range of values reported<br />

for Rhizophora species in other parts of the world. Other studies have shown that<br />

stand volume of Rhizophora species range from 3 (for 3 year-old young plantations)<br />

to over 280 m 3 /ha, with yield ranging from 0.1 to 18 m 3 /ha/yr (Da Silva et al., 1993;<br />

FAO, 1993; Devoe and Cole, 1998). Natural stands of R. mucronata in mangrove<br />

forests presumed to be pristine in Kenya, have been found to have standing volume<br />

ranging from 28 to 700 m 3 /ha (Kairo et al., 2002b). The stem volume and annual<br />

volume increment for B. gymnorrhiza plantation was higher than that of the same<br />

species in Bangladesh (5.5 m 3 /ha and 0.6 m 3 /ha/yr) (Saenger and Siddiqi, 1993).<br />

The BEF values obtained for R. mucronata plantation at Gazi were similar to those<br />

reported for tropical forests in other studies. For example Segura and Kaninen (2005)<br />

reported BEF value of 1.4 to 1.9 t/m 3 (mean = 1.6 t/m 3 ) for tropical humid forest. The<br />

discrepancy between their values and those of this study may be due to the sizes of the<br />

tree sampled. The largest tree sampled in this study was of D130 11.5 cm while in their<br />

sampling there were trees of D130 up to 90 cm. However, the values obtained in this<br />

study were within the range of BEF values for tropical forests (Brown, 2002). The r 2<br />

(0.60) for the fitted regression line indicated that there was a relationship between<br />

BEF and stem volume. Therefore, from a given estimate of volume of R. mucronata<br />

the aboveground biomass may be estimated. As is expected for tropical forests<br />

(Brown, 2002), the BEF values in this study decreased exponentially with increase in<br />

volume and tended to a constant value as the volume increased further.<br />


To allow quick estimation of wood volume a local volume table was prepared for the<br />

R. mucronata plantation using 50 trees (Table 11). The biomass and volume tables<br />

(Tables 10 and 11) are most suitable for trees in the diameter range of 2.5 to 13 cm.<br />

Table 11. Volume (m 3 ) table for replanted R. mucronata stand at Gazi bay<br />

D130 (cm)<br />

Height (m)<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />

3 *0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.006<br />

4 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010<br />

5 0.004 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.012 0.015<br />

6 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018<br />

7 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.014 0.017 0.021 0.026<br />

8 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.020 0.024 0.029<br />

9 0.017 0.022 0.027 0.033<br />

10 0.019 0.025 0.030 0.037<br />

11 0.021 0.027 0.034 0.041<br />

12 0.030 0.037 0.044<br />

13 0.040 0.048<br />

*The equation used was y = 0.000000000395x 2 +0.0000311x+0.0000231:<br />

where; y = stem volume, and x = D130 2 H<br />

5.5 Natural Regeneration<br />

Natural regeneration potential in the reforested R. mucronata stand has improved<br />

when compared to earlier assessments in the same plantation. At 5 years age there<br />

were 700 juveniles/ha (Bosire et al., 2003) and 2048 juveniles/ha at 8 years old<br />

(Bosire et al., 2006). Up to 7000 juveniles/ha for the adjacent natural stand of the<br />

same species has been reported (Bosire et al., 2006). In the Bosire et al. (2003) study,<br />

B. gymnorrhiza was the predominant juvenile species (400 juveniles/ha) in R.<br />

mucronata plantation. But results from this study showed that recruitment of non-<br />

planted species appears to be declining at the advantage of R. mucronata. At 8 years<br />

old there were 1036 RCI juveniles/ha of non-planted species (Bosire et al., 2006)<br />

compared to 283 juveniles/ha for this study. Propagule predation has been identified<br />

as one of the factors influencing establishment of mangrove juveniles in a stand<br />

(Dahdouh-Guebas et al 1997). Bosire et al. (2005) demonstrated that predation of<br />

propagules appeared to regulate individual species colonization in the reforested R.<br />

mucronata stand at Gazi whereby R. mucronata was preyed upon less than C. tagal<br />

and B. gymnorrhiza. Therefore, predation coupled with the advantage of being the<br />


crown species, might have influenced the shift in juvenile dominance to R.<br />

mucronata.<br />

Juvenile densities in the B. gymnorrhiza plantation were higher than those observed<br />

for natural mangrove forests in northern Kenya; 7,000-11,000 juveniles/ha (Kairo et<br />

al., 2002b), but lower than those of Mida Creek; over 200,000 juveniles/ha (Kairo et<br />

al., 2002a). The density of RCI seedlings in this plantation was low probably due to<br />

development of closed canopy system as more established regeneration were recruited<br />

to adult stage. This would imply that fewer seedlings would be recruited to the next<br />

stage than it was case previously. Generally mangrove forests lack understory<br />

vegetation and few attempts have been made to explain this phenomenon (Janzen,<br />

1985).<br />

The regeneration ratio observed in this study was smaller than that reported for<br />

pristine forests (Kairo et al., 2002a). A possible explanation of these differences is<br />

attributed to the fact that in natural forests the stand density tends to be low thereby<br />

minimizing the effects of closed canopy on development and distribution of juveniles.<br />

5.6 Primary Production<br />

The leaf area index (LAI) reported in this study is within the range of LAI values<br />

reported for mangrove forests in other parts of the world. Clough (1998) reported LAI<br />

of 3.1 for R. apiculata stand in Australia, while Alongi et al. (2004) estimated LAI of<br />

4.8, 7.0 and 8.2 for 5-, 18-, and 85-year old R. apiculata forest respectively in<br />

Malaysia. The LAI value observed in this study was lower than that of a younger<br />

plantation in Malaysia. This might be due to site history since the mangroves of<br />

Malaysia have been under management for over a century (Watson, 1928) while those<br />

of Kenya have been subjected to degradation with no mangrove management plans to<br />

date. The day time photosynthetic production value was within the range reported for<br />

mangroves in other regions; Alongi et al (2004) reported day time photosynthetic<br />

production for 5-, 18- and 85-year-old R. apiculata stands as 13, 21 and 35 g C/m 2<br />

ground/day (equivalent to 47, 76 and 127 t C/ha/yr) respectively. This indicates that<br />

photosynthetic production increases with forest age.<br />



This study has come up with stand, biomass and volume tables for reforested<br />

mangroves in Kenya, which provide valuable information for mangrove reforestation<br />

and management. Along with these, it has also developed allometric equations that<br />

would be used to assess productivity of restored mangrove forests of similar age.<br />

Consequently, this study has demonstrated that reforestation can be used as a<br />

management tool in rehabilitation of degraded mangrove areas. Reforestation of<br />

degraded mangrove areas has the potential to increase mangrove yield and contribute<br />

to national grid for forest products. This is seen particularly in the structural<br />

development of the reforested mangroves. In less than 15 years R. mucronata<br />

plantation is able to yield high percentage of good quality poles that would be used<br />

for construction. Quantitative information on production of reforested mangroves<br />

provided here is consistent with the role of reforestation in mitigation of climate<br />

change through carbon sequestration. This is useful in gauging carbon budgets for<br />

mangroves. Therefore, the results provided are useful to the sustainable management<br />

of mangroves in Kenya and the East African region.<br />

This study recommends that some sections of the reforested stands be set aside and<br />

appropriate silvicultural treatments such as thinning and pruning be applied to them in<br />

order to enhance forest development. This would provide a baseline for further<br />

research on the effects of these treatments on the productivity and natural regeneration<br />

of the restored forests. It also recommends that monitoring program be initiated by the<br />

relevant institutions in order to assess the development and functionality of restored<br />

mangroves as the forest matures. Further more, subsequent study, especially on<br />

production of restored mangroves, would improve the allometric equations, biomass<br />

and volume tables to allow for inclusion of larger size classes in estimation of forest<br />

productivity.<br />


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8.0 APPENDICES<br />

8.1 Appendix 1. Data used to develop allometric equations for R. mucronata<br />

D130<br />

(cm) Ht (m)<br />

Above-ground dry biomass (kg) Total<br />

Stilts Leaves Stem Branches<br />

2.9 5.74 0.61 0.65 1.67 0.32 3.24<br />

3.2 4.93 1.01 0.39 0.81 0.49 2.70<br />

3.2 5.53 1.05 0.36 1.48 0.21 3.10<br />

3.7 4.19 0.60 0.50 1.81 0.48 3.38<br />

3.7 5.61 0.63 0.32 1.70 1.05 3.70<br />

3.9 5.05 2.01 0.32 2.23 0.39 4.95<br />

4.0 6.44 1.38 0.71 2.58 0.95 5.62<br />

4.5 6.06 0.95 0.64 2.49 0.93 5.01<br />

4.6 5.82 1.84 0.95 2.16 1.15 6.10<br />

4.6 6.62 2.15 0.73 2.77 1.05 6.70<br />

4.7 7.96 1.52 1.04 6.03 1.23 9.83<br />

4.8 7.77 1.41 1.00 4.24 2.77 9.43<br />

4.8 8.28 2.00 0.67 5.62 1.08 9.38<br />

5.3 8.06 1.89 1.00 5.37 1.83 10.08<br />

5.7 6.99 3.09 2.08 4.83 2.38 12.39<br />

5.7 7.37 4.09 1.76 5.73 3.93 15.52<br />

5.7 7.42 1.79 1.66 5.60 3.14 12.19<br />

5.8 6.32 3.68 0.68 4.06 0.83 9.26<br />

5.8 7.49 6.23 1.59 5.86 2.28 15.96<br />

5.9 6.04 3.51 1.54 4.59 2.03 11.66<br />

6.0 6.94 2.91 1.12 5.80 1.90 11.74<br />

6.4 6.73 2.93 1.89 7.25 5.42 17.48<br />

6.4 7.28 4.51 1.42 5.06 2.37 13.36<br />

6.5 6.27 6.37 1.11 4.90 1.28 13.66<br />

6.5 7.57 4.90 1.81 6.07 3.57 16.35<br />

6.6 7.24 4.50 1.11 6.30 1.67 13.58<br />

6.7 8.01 5.28 1.30 7.28 3.22 17.08<br />

7.3 7.53 10.18 2.88 6.65 3.56 23.26<br />

7.3 8.31 6.87 2.12 9.99 2.38 21.36<br />

7.3 8.35 2.90 2.83 10.68 5.55 21.96<br />

7.7 8.21 6.52 1.86 11.63 3.84 23.85<br />

7.8 8.87 6.78 2.24 13.66 4.40 27.09<br />

8.0 8.89 6.73 3.54 17.99 5.05 33.30<br />

9.2 8.22 17.30 3.35 16.45 8.67 45.78<br />

11.5 8.40 29.78 5.47 17.70 15.95 68.90<br />


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