The Glasgow directory - National Library of Scotland

The Glasgow directory - National Library of Scotland

The Glasgow directory - National Library of Scotland


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- BEN 20 BLA<br />

Bennie, James, spirit-dealer, 320, Gallowgate ,<br />

Berry, John, merchant; house, 7, Buchanan-street<br />

Berry, Bogle k Co. brokers, Tontine back buildings<br />

Berry, Robert, writer, 32, Hutcheson-street<br />

Berwick Old Shipping Company, 1 9, Argyll-street<br />

Berwick New Shipping Company, St. Andrew's square<br />

Bewly, Thomson, Ovington & Co. 5, Cochrane-street<br />

Bigby, J. vintner, 181, Trongate<br />

Bilsland, Alex, dealer in old books, 90, High-street<br />

Bilsland, A. jappaner, 218, do.<br />

Biggar, G. & H. grocers, Great Hamilton-street<br />

- Bilton, John, tobacconist, 60, Trongate<br />

Bilton, Wai, do. 630, Argyll-street<br />

Bmnie, John, joiner, Nicholson-street, Laurieston<br />

Binnie, Wm, do. 16, Jamaica-street<br />

Binning, Mrs. milliner, 120, Nelson-street<br />

Birniei George, farrier, veterinary shoeing forge,<br />

Market- lane, John -street ; house, do.<br />

Bishop, Wm. reed-maker, 287, High-street<br />

Bishop, J. saw-maker, Adelphi-street, Hutches on-town<br />

Black, John, merchant; lodging, Jamaica-street<br />

Black, Miss, milliner & dress-maker, 204, George-str.<br />

Black, Joha & Co. calico-printers, 38, Argyll-street<br />

Black, James, merchant; lodging, 25, George's square<br />

Black, James & Co= merchants, 54, Miller-street<br />

Black, Duncan, shoe-shop, 75, Trongate<br />

Black, R. taylor, 124, do.<br />

Black, D. geometrical, &c. academy, 5, Saltmarket<br />

"Clack, Andrew, wooden-clockmaker, 1 4*7, do.<br />

Black, William & Co. manufacts. Commercial Court<br />

Black, Charles, clothes broker, 32, Bridgegate<br />

Black, Archibald, spirit-dealer, 5, Shuttle-street<br />

Black, Robert, Commercial Inn, 413, Gallowgate<br />

Black, Mrs. James, vintner, .<br />

459<br />

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