THE GOLD BUG - Hoover Library

THE GOLD BUG - Hoover Library

THE GOLD BUG - Hoover Library


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2 The Gold Bug, May 3, 1963<br />


That Seventh Sense Again<br />

80's Arrows<br />

What Price Honor?<br />

A Dedication:<br />

As You Graduate<br />

A few weeks ago one of the more conscientious of our stu- This week the <strong>GOLD</strong> <strong>BUG</strong> .introduces the 1!ClVe;t member of .. "let !IS d?'illk a toast" a parade of people and faces and<br />

dents had to attend three committee meetings. Although two its tecture SUlfJ, 80 K'nepp, 01' If you must, Leste,,: J. Knepp, Jr. colors and places and things to do and some that never get done<br />

were unde~ the student government and the third involved faculty Ro will be 1o!'itil!g a weekly .c~llkmn in which he w!ll discus8 vari- .. a blur of a crowd hurrying somewhere with no place to go<br />

members, III each case she was the only one to appear. ous. campus Issues. Any OplnlOJ!S expressed here arll those of the and endless bridge games and never a match when you need one<br />

Forty people must get together to rehearse a program. A W1"ite1:~nd do J!~t necessuJ-ily reitect editorial views. C~Jnments. . new people to meet and forget and some you'll never meet and<br />

few have tests and don't appear. The others are left with the pertammg 1.0 th18 co/1l11m sholfld be addressed ~o the writer, and some you'll remember even after ..<br />

necessity of using un-trained stand-ins, and production slows all 8!lgge8tions for possible subjects of discu88wn are welcomed. .. "to the erose with the most" ... smiles and tears and frowns<br />

down. Now that preparations for strongly disapproving of cheat- and shocks and personalities and characters individuals in a<br />

Deadlines must be met on all campus and organizational pub- the approaching re-evaluation ing in any form, will not inform group getting to be known and knowing and some that come and<br />

licaticns. Some students accept assignments, then decide at the of Western Maryland College on a fellow student who cheats. goo an-d some never know .. bermudns and sweat socks and<br />

last minute that they haven't time to do them. The work must are well under way, perhaps it All these students then, ac- parkas and dirty raincoats and tennis shoes and blazers and the<br />

then be done by the person next highest in authority. is time for the rather uneon- cording to the honor system thing to do at the right time and the right place ... things we've<br />

These are just a few typical incidents showing the way we cerned student body to take a handbook (which few have done and floats and parties and dances and picnics and hayrides<br />

college students accept-or reject-responsibility-we, who were thoughtful look at o_!le of our taken the tr?uble to read), are and spirit.<br />

admitted to Western Maryland because of glowing records of our more questionable campus instf- themselves violators of the code ... "to the elass thut is top~ on the hill". . playing hard and<br />

responsibility. But now some clubs even find it necessary to fine tutions, the honor court. .. and. the pledge they sign as in- having fun and yelling yourself hoarse and winning and losing<br />

students for not working on committees they volunteered for, in . Is t~e honor court a !Fuldlng commg fl:eshmen and should. beating hopkins and the mount and week-end trips and phonthe<br />

heat of good intentions. light III the campus dr-ive for be accordingly prosecuted. A ing home 'cause no time to write a letter .. trying hard in class<br />

Naturally ou:- education comes first. That's why we're here, so~ial pro.gress, a~ ll:any sin- gargantuan task, even for the and maybe not hard enough and struggling with exams and<br />

and no one is gnmg- to insist that we neglect our studies. But cer ely bel.leve, or IS It .a s~l~- energetic court members. . sweating grades and crash programs and the hallowed panic button<br />

there is one striking exception to this rule; wh-en: we have agreed p;erpetuatlflg .boar? of Illq~ISl- !hus, .the honor court,. III ... getting through with a sigh and finally you're winsome, wist-<br />

;1:,l~~efi~~cd:t;e::;:I~~;I}~,; ~n!~~~e~:,~:p~:11~:!:t~:::~t~~:fv::' ~~O~~ti~~rf~r:~~; ~:::re~~;ar~~: ~~~~e1I~~ ~~~ ~:i~'~::~\~~~C~~~~~ ~~I a'~:ei:~S~t~1:e;s been fun for coernono" . things we remem ,<br />

it in I!h:~~:;~~!c~~rr~~~~: ,~~~t~~is;i~~~!y~sW;o:,h~e~~s~~=c~:~~ :~a~e~~v~~~,C~~I~\i~~~S i~o~~~v~.:~~ ~~~u;:O~n~h!.t~~~~~~nt~t~: : ~:;\~ ~~~ ~n:ar~'~:d f:~~~s atno~~~~v!~l~I~~tYg:r~h~l"t~~:n~~b~~~? c~;:;e[t~~<br />

~:~~;::~~:t~:~:~~:.i:l:~~;£:o!::~7v:;:~~~~~:£<br />

:J:~~o~i ~~,t:v s~~::~~bl;,~<br />

~~t ;:g~:~~~! C~I~P~~:'n~~~7~a~a~~1~0 ::c~~: f~\~cceptinl on~ ul~~e m;~~~~a~i~~ca~/t:~~:;~~~ ~;~'s ev~}; t~~:~h~O:~sude~!r!o;; :~~ :~: :;\:e~a~;~:r;om~ pI:on~eth:et ~~~;~I;~d as~;~s t~~et ~~~~<br />

th.an money, none _ofus wastes so few of our wak~ngg~:~rs a:~:~ =~~1~:d m:;n~e;aad:~~i~f h~ri~~~~ ;r~~~~~t;~~e~~:f~.d~:~sa ~~~~:o~~ and the surprises.. and midnight Oil.and sweat and tears and<br />

W~~:h;;~:<br />

h~tng ,nd ,::11 ;ot~"t"on:::;;::7i~0::0~;:~;L~;;!::;~;~::':: ::~~';;;~n:~~<br />

~~~h',h;~:~<br />

time so another worker can be found. With a little fore-thougl~t ~h: waye~~e~~iSa~':~ ~~wal"~~t~e puss;~ :~~~~\n eano l h~n~I'c:;~~ to worsh.ip and _just an~ther game of tennis . battling grades<br />

_many "emergencies" can be anticipated. ' achievement of this goal, and tem which will not conflict with and straight hal,r and tired bl.oo~ and ex~ra poun.ds , and ezra<br />

Fortunately there are people who do accomplish what they several Maryland colleges have the student's standards of per- pound and melvl~le and allpolt and samuelson 01 de\\ey or plato<br />

~et out to do. But all too often we take advantage of these will- expressed approval of and in- sonal honor? Can't supposedl~' or freud or goJdmg or none of these : dou~le dates and long<br />

1~~ ~vorkers, and t.hey end up shouldering our shirked responsi_ terest in our system. mature col!ege students be walks and sunset and the lobby at cUlfew and never enough<br />

~~~tI~e~ts,TohUe;'I"~:~~~s~~e s~;~~;J: :r:k:t:y:~~t-~~n:I;\~~~~r d~T~~~O~~l~ c~:~.~IIi:~ea:~tsi~ ~:s;~~~:i~~~~ttOth~:!~ta~~ \:e;~Tl~~'~~ ~l~~p"~e'~·e togethel' we .take our last bow" we came<br />

.their own job and ours, too. If each of us did our own share, the mirable end but in the means Can't our honor system base it- and. pus~ed oursel:,es our Ideas and new ways and endless<br />

~orko~~s~~~~~~:~~Seib~~~Y '~:'~:;lah~:~e~~~:/~:i~~di~' is a matter ~;~~e;o 0~c~:7:ta~~\~;nh~no;~: ~~~f\~nes~~~n"~;~~~~~~ ~~~~;n~'~ ~:eOJ;~t(~el~t:~:~t~I~~swe ea~~v;:lda~~ aC:da~;~~a~tt~:c~a.~~c:n;1 'it<br />

of chOIce. In the end, it is the person who is not hard-hearted based on a function which most as it now purports to? These wa~ dIfferent a~d It wl7s hard to show someone else and:t changed<br />

c)1ough to say "no" at the beginning that let th th d students consider dishonorable are questions to ponder every: whIle we held It and It became the past and the futule and the<br />

w?en he cannot come through. Commitment: sh~u~d e:: ;;~~ -informing. A brief survey time the inconspicuous an- now .. littl~ things and big thin~s that fit in the pattem. and<br />

WIth care. And they should be kept with care. of student opinion will reveal nouncement appears in the son;e that don t and we force them III and they make a pattel n of<br />

. D. E. Beck ~Ou!~:/n~;s\1:s\o:~,~h~a~y~:~~~ ~e~~Dtr~e~Gf~~ata a v~~~~;i:~ h~; thel~'i~j~i~1;d~hip and loyalty" ... frats and sororities and pledg-<br />

Talklllg makes a ready man, but reading a full man.-Bacon ers (myself included), though honor. ing and sweat and new responsibilities.: and banquets and dec_<br />

"' orating for something or other and meetlllgs that come one right<br />

after the other . and pins and rings and another wedding and<br />

L E T T<br />

E R S TOT H E E D ITO R heartaches and cutting classes and sitting in the grille and com-<br />

CORE Encore sentments, predjudices, and Many of yo_u say we have no ary means they can force<br />

plaining and editorials and the fall when everyone comes back<br />

.. bull s?ssions .and dis~us.sions and argumen~s a;t,d fights and<br />

hatreds on both sides. These right to interfere---we do not Brotherhood into existence. I. water and Ice skatmg and If It snows one more time I II scream ..<br />

To the Editor:<br />

., In reply t~<br />

violent emotions attendant to live here! Do we live behind a student at Western Maryland<br />

y~Ul" editol"i~l, ~~~~ct~~7:~~~a;i~tlil~no:~~nri~~: ~~~ ~~~:nl~U;!I\ii~e O~el!:m~~~~~ ~;~~:~~~n~t:;;lut~~~;l"~~h~~~~~<br />

... "the time is I!eTe let's give a cheer" . another cup of coffee<br />

~t~: t~r;;:~ i~ot;~ :~~~~'~~~ina;~a~e s.h~r\n;~.li:~da~V:~~;~ :~~~~ :~~<br />

I~;::~~~i~: ~~n:;at:ft~:t~P:~ (t:!eavb~g C~bs~~;~u; I;.~~; ;~~~ ~~~n~~,a]"j:veS:~I~e:~~i::a~r~i~~~~ ~el;.~~h:::~l~df~~~ become a sin- ~o:~n: :i~;~da~~lu;h~:jo~t :nnddp~:~~r~I;~~~~~u~:~e ~nhde~~:. ~:a~~<br />

opposed to the activities of fan), I feel that any actions and at the movies. But you say Patience can heal deep-seated and friends ~nd fu~ and sorr9 w ... ', t~;s IS a class perhaps<br />

TkO N L k<br />

St~tes. Ho\\:ever, I believe that ~~~~:~ed~Vit~hcb~t,~e a~ms~~mi~o:~~I~lh:n~e~~o::~b~~l~~ ~~s;~,~ ~~~\{O;;I~ ;;;v;::t~~:. ;~::neti~; Colors I Mascot Change<br />

CORE. . . .' . ~~~~Cha~da~v:~ti1~i~;~s:n~i~~~ ~v:d~;:~ ~~e J~~;~t:a ::e~:~: ~v~~n~;ov~e~~~~ !it~~~~~uf!On~ only part of It f01' the glollJ oJ (ja AJ<br />

~ an.l a film belIevel III the In- ed by hatred for the color of an- no nght, we have the "esponSI- useful tool with which to obtain ==================<br />

eVlta~llity o~ practical .racial oth?r's skin is contrary to the bility! :Ve,don't ha.ve ~o f~llow a ,goal. Good neighbors breed ex cquallty, socIlilly, economIcally, ?aSlC prec~pts of humanitarian_ C?RE 01 N~ACP If \~e dlsap- good neighbors. Your force can I a es n ew 00·<br />

and politically, in the United lsm~ to whIch CORE s.eems to be plove of the.lr met~o?~, but we make me sit beside you, but ,<br />

thIS state wlil only be reflc~ed state again that I am strongly the~e hbertie.s-for onl~' III Ill- it. If; however, I sit beside ,<br />

~~plc:at~~~u~~ t~~n:~:~~~~~:!I:; ~~fs°s~~':~n~~:tli:~th~~~e~;p~:hiC;; ~:el"ln:u:;:n;~;h~he~ o:_;~~r~u~'~~':~t,aS \:/ri~~i~i bte~o~~al ~~~~ Iota Gamma. Chi sorority has ch~nav:n~nd aad~~~i~nh;~;o~'~ce~~<br />

the law. I 1:lve III l\1ontgo~ery reach its goals. selves. friends. recently un~elgone a complete reno';ation of the C:1l11maChi's<br />

9ounty, ~1alYland, whe.re Just lsi Pete Alexander It is difficult to conv~y the im- On a foundation 0 fear :'enovatio~ sl~ce the entrance of is just another step in its de·<br />

:~act :v~~~~~s ~sf 1~!~~hZ::ki~o~ P?rtance of def~n?ing the~e force, and fury only feaf, force: Its cnthuslastlc pledg~ clas.s l~st velopment. The oldest ~orority<br />

place. Again, I emphasize that To the Editor: nghts fOI: evel_Y cltl~en-yet If and fury clln b~ built; but on.:! February. ~h~ baSIC slgn~fi- at WM~, I~X started. In 1894.<br />

this process is a nonviolent one. How about giving up some of you qu~stlOn thIS, talk to. Laszlo, strong foundatIOn. of goodWIll cance and SPII'lt of the SOl"onty as an.eh~e glOup establ.lshed.fol<br />

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