Paper_Continuos_Monitoring_2012 - Microbiological Air Sampler

Paper_Continuos_Monitoring_2012 - Microbiological Air Sampler

Paper_Continuos_Monitoring_2012 - Microbiological Air Sampler


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A new Instrument for the Continuous Measure of <strong>Air</strong> Born<br />

Microorganisms in Isolators and RABS Systems<br />

Beat Glauser 1 , Hans Zingre 1 , Michael Hochstrasser 1 , Deborah Haefeli 2 and Lars Fieseler 2<br />

b.glauser@mbv.ch, h.zingre@mbv.ch, m.hochstrasser@mbv.ch ,<br />

lars.fieseler@zhaw.ch, haee@zhaw.ch<br />

1 MBV AG, Stäfa, Switzerland<br />

2 Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation, Wädenswil, Switzerland<br />

Abstract<br />

A combination of active sampling head instruments and passive settling plates is routinely used to monitor<br />

microorganisms in the air of isolators and RABS systems. While the collection efficiency of an active head<br />

is superior to a settling plate the drawback is the limited sampling time. Applying a newly designed<br />

sampling head the exposure of agar plates was extended from 10 min to up to 4 h during air sampling<br />

without changing the collection efficiency. Both, the water activity and the microbial growth, were analysed<br />

on exposed agar surfaces to prove that the new sample collection head allows efficient detection of air borne<br />

microorganisms.<br />

Key words: Continuous measurement, air sampling, active sampling, impaction principle, biological<br />

contamination, isolator, RABS, settle plate, SQS<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Determination of air quality in an isolator or RABS<br />

system (restricted access barrier system) is typically<br />

performed applying a combination of active<br />

sampling points and settling plates. The collection<br />

efficiency of the active sampling points is usually<br />

high. But due to the short sampling time this<br />

method is less suited for continuous analyses.<br />

Hence settling plates are generally used, because<br />

these can be exposed to the environment for several<br />

hours. The drawback is the low collection efficiency<br />

as well as the lower sensitivity for smaller particles.<br />

A longer active sampling period can be achieved by<br />

dividing the total volume into several smaller<br />

samples taken in regular intervals (Fig. 1). While<br />

this sequential sampling (SQS) is not fully<br />

continuous the interval can be extended to hours<br />

instead of minutes. As long as the agar remains<br />

covered behind the perforated lid no negative<br />

impact from drying could be detected over several<br />

hours (Bijlenga and Obrist, 2006).<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100 Time<br />

Figure 1. Sampling volume divided into five<br />

fractions.<br />

In this study we introduce a novel method for<br />

continuous active sampling for up to 4 h without<br />

changing the collection efficiency compared to<br />

standard active sampling heads.<br />

2. The Impaction principle<br />

The basis of active air sampling by the impaction<br />

principle was introduced by Anderson (Anderson,<br />

1958). It is based on the inertia of air borne<br />

particles: to pass through a restriction the air<br />

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1. sampling<br />

pause<br />

2. sampling<br />

pause<br />

3. sampling<br />

pause<br />

4. sampling<br />

pause<br />

5. sampling

(including the air borne particles) speeds up. After<br />

the restriction the air path direction abruptly<br />

changes. While the air molecules can change their<br />

direction, heavier particles keep going straight and<br />

are captured on the agar surface (Fig. 2).<br />

Figure 2. <strong>Air</strong> sampling by the impaction principle.<br />

A measurement based on the impaction principle is<br />

defined by the flow rate and the measurement time.<br />

Hence the total volume sampled can be described<br />

as:<br />

volume � flowrate * time<br />

(1)<br />

The smaller the area of the restriction, the more the<br />

air is accelerated to pass through:<br />

flowrate<br />

airspeedrestricted � � vimpaction<br />

(2)<br />

area<br />

restricted<br />

The impaction speed defines the collection<br />

efficiency. The higher the impaction speed, the less<br />

mass is needed to have enough inertia to get<br />

captured leading to a wider range of sampled<br />

particle sizes.<br />

3. A new measurement setup<br />

For the new setup described here the sampling time<br />

should increase without changing the collection<br />

efficiency, e.g. the impaction speed, so that the<br />

results are comparable to previous burst<br />

measurements and the same pass criteria can be<br />

applied.<br />

3.1. Reduced flow rate<br />

According to (2) the impaction speed remains the<br />

same when the flow rate and the restricted area are<br />

reduced by the same factor. In the case of the<br />

proposed setup of the MAS-100 Iso NT ®<br />

Continuous the reduction factor is 12 or 24 while<br />

maintaining the impaction speed of the 6 th stage of<br />

an Anderson air sampler. The smaller the flow rate<br />

the longer is the sampling time (1).<br />

3.2. Rotating agar<br />

With a reduced number of aspiration holes the agar<br />

surface in direct contact with the air jets would be<br />

less than 1% of the total agar surface. This would<br />

lead to an excess water loss underneath the air jets<br />

reducing the survival rate of microorganisms at the<br />

area where they are actually collected. Therefore, a<br />

rotating agar dish similar to known slit samplers is<br />

used here. To identify the starting point of the<br />

measurement the rotation stops just before the 12<br />

o’clock position (Fig. 3).<br />

Figure 3. Surface coverage by the air jets.<br />

As a side effect of the rotation each collection is<br />

now time resolved; a microorganism growing at the<br />

“quarter past” position was captured after a quarter<br />

of the total measurement time had elapsed.<br />

3.3. Increased total sample volume<br />

The total measurement time can be extended by<br />

sampling more air. As this further reduces the water<br />

content of the agar, this parameter should be<br />

carefully examined (chapter 5).<br />

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4. The new instrument<br />

4.1. Sampling head<br />

A new developed active sampling head allows the<br />

rotation of the agar plates applied. It is designed for<br />

easy cleaning (Fig. 4) and optimized for a small<br />

form factor (Fig. 5).<br />

Figure 4. Easy cleanable surface of the sampling<br />

head.<br />

Figure 5. Compact head with rotating agar plate.<br />

4.2. D50 cut off value<br />

According to Nevalainen et al. (1993) the physical<br />

sampling efficiency for air samplers can be<br />

described by the size of particles they are able to<br />

collect. The d50 value represents the smallest<br />

particle size where half of the particles are still<br />

captured (3).<br />

d<br />

50<br />

9�Dh<br />

Stk50<br />

� (3)<br />

�UC<br />

Where � is the dynamic viscosity, Dh is the<br />

hydraulic diameter of the holes in the aspiration<br />

sieve, Stk50 is the Stokes number of the opening, �<br />

is the particle density, U is the impact velocity, and<br />

C is the Cunningham correction factor.<br />

For the round openings of the aspiration sieve the<br />

physical diameter is used for Dh and ¼ for Stk50.<br />

The particle density is assumed 1 g/cm 3 and the<br />

Cunningham correction factor was set to 1 (for<br />

particles > 1µm). For an environment with 1013hPa<br />

and 20°C the d50 value translates to 1.1µm (equal to<br />

the MAS-100 NT ® ). To keep this value constant the<br />

number of holes in the aspiration sieve were<br />

changed for different air flows (4, 8, 16 l/min) while<br />

the diameter of the holes remained the same.<br />

4.3. Pump unit<br />

The pump unit is similar to the proven design of the<br />

MAS-100 Iso NT ® . It handles the pump control and<br />

controls the agar rotation.<br />

5. Testing<br />

5.1. Comparison to the MAS-100 NT ®<br />

instrument<br />

The new method was compared to a standard<br />

instrument (MAS-100 NT ® ) sampling a burst of<br />

1000 l of ambient air at 100 l/min (10min). A<br />

second instrument (also MAS-100 NT ® ) sampled in<br />

SQS mode 1000 l in 10 fractions over 1, 2 and 4 h<br />

(also at 100 l/min). The continuous measurement<br />

sampled 1000 l at 16, 8 and 4 l/min with matching<br />

sampling heads so that for all measurements the<br />

impaction speed was 19.6 m/s and the d50 value<br />

1.1µm (same as the MAS-100 NT ® ). All<br />

instruments run at the same time in close proximity.<br />

Fig. 6 depicts that microbial growth is not affected<br />

by the new sampling head compared to established<br />

standards and the SQS measurement.<br />

The variations are mainly due to an uneven<br />

distribution of microorganisms in the ambient air so<br />

that the measurement time and the measurement<br />

duration influence the results.<br />

The shorter the measurement time becomes the<br />

smaller the averaging effect is and therefore a<br />

higher variation in the results can be observed. This<br />

is especially true for the standard measurement time<br />

of 10 min.<br />

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Figure 6. Comparison of microbial growth applying<br />

different sampling instruments.<br />

5.2. Water content of agar plates<br />

As discussed above the walk-away time can be<br />

expanded by sampling more air but this further<br />

reduces the water activity of the agar plates.<br />

Most Gram-negative bacteria require a water<br />

activity aw = 0.97-0.96. However, many other<br />

bacteria can still grow at aw = 0.95-0.91 while some<br />

yeasts can tolerate aw = 0.65-0.60. Below this<br />

threshold the survival rate of any vegetative<br />

microbial cell is dramatically affected.<br />

Using the new sampling head the water activity was<br />

determined before and after the collection of<br />

different air volumes, respectively (Fig. 7).<br />

Figure 7. Sampling points for the determination of<br />

the water activity. A: sample point before air<br />

collection; B-D: sample points after air collection.<br />

Each area of an agar plate used was analysed in<br />

triplicates. Because the agar samples had to be<br />

removed from every plate for the analysis,<br />

measurements of the base line (A) were performed<br />

using independent plates from the same batch so<br />

that the airflow was not disturbed from the missing<br />

piece of agar. The analyses revealed moderate<br />

reduction of the water activity for runs applying<br />

1000 l and 2000 l. When 3000 l were sampled the<br />

water activity of the agar was aw = 0.96. Sampling<br />

4000 l resulted in aw < 0.6.<br />

Figure 8. Water activity (aw) after sampling<br />

different volumes of air (average of point b, c and d<br />

(Fig 7)).<br />

There was no significant difference in the water<br />

activity between sampling areas b, c and d.<br />

Therefore, it can be concluded that the main factor<br />

for drying is the accelerated air jet underneath the<br />

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aspiration hole. Slow flowing air did not<br />

significantly contribute to the drying effect for the<br />

first 4 h. This finding is also supported in a study<br />

about the SQS measurement mode (Bijlenga and<br />

Obrist, 2006).<br />

Due to the asymmetric placement of the exhaust all<br />

air exits toward the outer rim of the plate. To<br />

examine a possible build up effect a second analysis<br />

with more sampling areas was conducted (Fig. 9).<br />

Figure 9. Additional sampling points for the<br />

determination of the water activity.<br />

Rather than excess water loss at the outer regions of<br />

the agar plate (b, d, f) slightly lower water contents<br />

were monitored at the center of the agar plate (c, g,<br />

e) (Tab. 1). This is probably due to a higher air<br />

volume to surface ratio at the center.<br />

Table 1. Water activity at the sampling points a-g.<br />

The equidistant spacing of the aspiration holes was<br />

changed for later tests. The space between two holes<br />

now increased towards the center to achieve a more<br />

homogenous distribution.<br />

5.3. Microorganisms used<br />

To monitor microbial growth experiments were<br />

conducted applying Gram-positive (Staphylococcus<br />

aureus, Micrococcus luteus, and Bacillus subtilis)<br />

and Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas<br />

aeruginosa and Acinetobacter lwoffii). For all tests<br />

20 ml TSA agar plates were used (Oxoid, Art. Nr:<br />

PO5012A).<br />

5.4. Test setup<br />

Maintaining a constant level of evenly distributed<br />

and viable microorganisms suspended in air is<br />

rather difficult. Therefore bacteria were placed onto<br />

the sampling plates using a 45 pin replicator tool<br />

and donor plates (Fig. 10).<br />

Figure 10. Pin replicator tool for bacterial transfer<br />

onto the sampling plates.<br />

To simulate a capture at the beginning of the<br />

sampling period the test agar was inoculated and<br />

placed into the sampling head which was operated<br />

in a biosafety flow cabinet. To simulate a capture at<br />

the end of the measurement the process was<br />

reversed. First the defined amount of clean air was<br />

sampled in the biosafety flow cabinet and then the<br />

agar was inoculated using the pin replicator tool.<br />

The agar plates were incubated at 30°-37°C and<br />

bacterial counts were enumerated after 24 h and<br />

48 h of incubation, respectively. Acinetobacter<br />

lwoffii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Micrococcus<br />

luteus were incubated at 30°C, Staphylococcus<br />

aureus and Bacillus subtilis at 37°C. In Fig. 11 an<br />

inoculated agar plate is shown after incubation.<br />

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Figure 11. Test agar plate after 48 h of incubation<br />

and grown deposited colonies.<br />

5.5. Results<br />

The pin replicator consists of 45 pins in total. The<br />

survivalrate was calculated as the percentage of<br />

grown colonies (4).<br />

colonies<br />

pins<br />

counted<br />

survivalrate� (4)<br />

total<br />

5.6. Maximum volume<br />

A first question was if the maximum acceptable<br />

volume of air, which did not dramatically reduce the<br />

water activity also supported growth of selected<br />

microorganisms.<br />

Figure 12. Survival rate after 48 h; inoculation<br />

before air sampling.<br />

Fig. 12 illustrates that bacteria responded differently<br />

to the total air volume applied. In general no<br />

adverse effect was evident for an air volume of<br />

2000 l. Application of 3000 l revealed that growth<br />

of Acinetobacter lwoffii was slightly affected, while<br />

growth of the other bacterial species used was not<br />

altered. After 4000 l all three bacteria species<br />

showed a reduction in growth. Taken together<br />

2000 l of sampling air volume can be safely applied<br />

to monitor bacterial contamination in air.<br />

5.7. Inoculation of test agar plates at the<br />

beginning vs. the end of a sampling period<br />

A second question was if microbial growth depends<br />

on whether a bacterial cell was present at the<br />

beginning or if it was collected just before the end<br />

of the sampling period. If the bacteria were<br />

transferred before the air flow started colonies<br />

appeared slightly slower at 2000 l air flows after<br />

24 h (Fig. 13). However, after 48 h of incubation<br />

colonies remained equal in size (Fig 14).<br />

Figure 13. Survival rate after 24 h of incubation;<br />

inoculation before air sampling.<br />

Figure 14. Survival rate after 48 h of incubation;<br />

inoculation before air sampling.<br />

If the bacteria were transferred after the collection<br />

of air the effect was still present but less<br />

pronounced (Fig. 15, 16).<br />

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Figure 15. Survival rate after 24 h of incubation;<br />

inoculation after air sampling.<br />

Figure 16. Survival rate after 48 h of incubation;<br />

inoculation after air sampling.<br />

These results demonstrate that the survival rate<br />

remains equal from the beginning to the end of the<br />

sampling period.<br />

5.8. Influence of total sampling time<br />

Applying a 4 l/min head the measurement time<br />

becomes a considerable factor: 4 h are needed to<br />

sample 1000 l; 8 h for 2000 l and 12 h for 3000 l. In<br />

contrast to the 8 l/min and 16 l/min measurement<br />

the water activity was significantly reduced if an air<br />

volume of 2000 l or more was applied (Fig. 17).<br />

Figure 17. Water activity of test agar plates at a<br />

flow rate of 4 l/min.<br />

Hence Micrococcus luteus and Acinetobacter lwoffii<br />

exhibited a clear decline in the survival rate at<br />

2000 l air flow (8 h sampling time) and<br />

Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibited limited growth<br />

at 3000 l air flow (12 h sampling time) (Fig. 18).<br />

Figure 18. Survival rate after 48 h of incubation at<br />

an air flow rate of 4l/min.; inoculation before air<br />

sampling.<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

Continuous measurements of up to 4 hours and an<br />

air volume of up to 2000 l can be achieved with the<br />

same collection efficacy as todays burst<br />

measurements. This allows the construction of air<br />

samplers with the same walk away time as settling<br />

plates combined with all the benefits of an active<br />

measurement.<br />

References<br />

Anderson, V. (1958): New sampler for the<br />

collection, sizing and enumeration of viable<br />

airborne particles, U.S. Army Chemical Corps<br />

Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah, U.S.A.<br />

Bijlenga, R., Obrist D. (2006): A comparative<br />

study of two different Microbial <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Monitoring</strong><br />

Methods: Conventional and Sequential Sampling,<br />

Laboratory of Applied Microbiology / University of<br />

Applied Sciences of Geneva (EIG), Switzerland<br />

Nevalainen A, Willeke K, Liebhaber F, Pastuszka J,<br />

Burge H, Henningson E. Bioaerosol sampling. In:<br />

Willeke K, Baron PA, eds. Aerosol Measurement:<br />

Principles, Techniques and Applications. New<br />

York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993: 471-492.<br />

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