The Franklin NEwS-RECORD

The Franklin NEwS-RECORD

The Franklin NEwS-RECORD


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THURSDAY, JUNE 25,1970<br />

Public Notices Public Notices Community Action Plans<br />

’Gathering’ At Trenton<br />

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the unflerslgned<br />

has appealed to the BOard o! Adjustment of the<br />


Township of <strong>Franklin</strong> for a variance from the "AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISI[ RULES AND<br />

Provisions Of Section (s) V Columu 2p 6 & 9, REGULATIONS FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND<br />

Sac. IX Pare. 4h of the Zoning Ordinance Of the OPERATION OF KENNELSj PETS SHOPS,<br />

Township Of <strong>Franklin</strong>, as amended<br />

w<br />

to permit SHELTERS, POUNDS AND GROOMING ESTAB- SOMERVILLE -- <strong>The</strong> State<br />

the erection of a one family dwelling affecting LISRMENTS IN TOWNSHIP OFHILLSBOROUQN<br />

lands tad premises situated on Thirteenth st. ANDPROVIDINO PENALTIESFOR THE vie- Association of Community Acand<br />

l~own as Loi(s) 0-15 Block 432 on the LATION THEBEOF."<br />

tion Agency Developers has<br />

Tax Map of the Town~hlp of <strong>Franklin</strong>.<br />

This notice Is sent to you as an owner Notice<br />

called for a massive "Gather-<br />

of property affected by the application to the<br />

ing" In Trenton "to raise the<br />

Bmrd of Adjustment. ’me foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by national consciousness and to<br />

A hearing on this eppllnatlo~ by the Boird the Board of Health of the Township of Hillsof<br />

Adjustment will be held on July 23, 1970, borough in the county of Somerset, New press for more effective pro-<br />

at 0:00 P.M. at the Township Rail, June 10, 1070.<br />

grams for New Jersey’s poor."<br />

New Jersey. (<strong>Franklin</strong> Township Municipal<br />

<strong>The</strong> decision tosponsor "<strong>The</strong><br />

Building on AmwelI Road - Locatinn of Police LEGAL NOTICE<br />

Headquarters)<br />

GatherIng" In Trenton on Tues-<br />

You may appear in person or by agent "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FORT HE CaM day, June 30, was made at the<br />

attorney and present any objections which you pUL~;ORy VACCB~ATION OF DOGS AGAINST<br />

may have In the granting of this variance RABIES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HILLSBOR- last S.A.C.A.A.D. meeting and<br />

OUGH, COUNTY OF SOMEBSET, AND TO announced this week by <strong>The</strong>o-<br />


Nlchq]as Nlcolettl<br />

dore Taylor,S.A.C.A.A.D, pre-<br />

THEREOF."<br />

442- C Annette Ct<br />

sident.<br />

Somerset, N. J.<br />

Notice<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Gathering" is expected<br />

FNR 6-25-70 --IT<br />

to brIng a large turn-oat to<br />

’l~e foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by<br />

Fee: $ .%04<br />

the Board of llealth of the Township of Hills- voice the plight of the poor.<br />

-0-<br />

borough In the county of Somerset, Now Jersey In announcIng "<strong>The</strong> Gather-<br />


June 16, 1970.<br />

Francss BOWOn ing," Mr. Taylor referred to a<br />

TAKE NOTICE that I shall apply lethe Zoning<br />

Clerk to the recent speech in which Gov-<br />

BOard of Adjustments of the Borough ot Manville,<br />

Board of Health ernor William Cahlll stressed<br />

N. J., for special exemption from the terms of SEN 6-25-70 1T<br />

an ordinance entitled, "Zoning Ordlntnce #262 FEE: $ S,22<br />

his administration’s dlfficul-<br />

of the Borough Of Menvtlle, NewJersey," passed<br />

-0ties<br />

in meeting New Jersey’s<br />

on December 10, 10.58 and amendments thereto.<br />

! am the owner of lots #36-37-38 in Block #87 THE BOABD OF EDUCATION OF THE problems without a reordering<br />

as shown on Map enlttlefl Menvtlle Tax Map. Tile TOWNSHIP OF HILLSBOROUGH of national and international<br />

This property is located at 44 So. Main St., IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET prior/ties.<br />

blanvllle, N. J. a B area.<br />


<strong>The</strong> exception(s) I request to the Zoning<br />

In that speech, the Governor<br />

Ordinance is (are) that I be permitted to:-- NOTICE OF $3,675,Q00 BOND SALE called foe a "restudying" of<br />

Construct aa additional room to side ot existink<br />

dwelling which will be 11 ft long x 6 It 3" SEALED PBOPCSALS will be received by American foreign policy to<br />

wide. Has side yard of 2 ft Instead or required the Board of Education of the Townsh/p of make it "relevant to the poli-<br />

8 It. A plot plan to this effect will be on file Hllisborough, In the County of Somerset, New tical realities in the world<br />

with the Secretary of the Board. Jersey, at the lllllsborough High School, Am-<br />

Adjacent property owners In the vicinity of well and Romestead Rda., Hlllsberough Town- in the 70’s."<br />

200 feet or any persons residing in the Bar- ship, Belle Mead, New Jersey, on July 13, 1070, <strong>The</strong> Governor also stated<br />

ough of Manville, N. J., who desire to make until 8:00 P.M. at which time they Wit] be that ’~ew Jersey cannot be ad-<br />

objections to my applies[Ion, may do so by publicly opened and announced, for the purwriting<br />

to the Secretary of the Board of Ad= chase of the following issue or issues of ministered effectively without<br />

Jnstment, so that the Communication will be Bonds of said School District due (without<br />

received on or before July 14, 1970 at 8 option of prior redemption) on August a working partnership with the<br />

P.M.; or by appearing in persou at the above- follows:<br />

Federal government."<br />

mentioned time, at the Borough Ball, l~isln $3,675,000 School District Bonds, maturing To this Mr. Taylor added,<br />

Street, Manville, N. J.<br />

In the principal amount of $175,000 In each of<br />

John Stefanchtk the years 1971 to 197.5, beth Inclusive, $225,000 "New Jersey cannot be admin-<br />

44 S. Main St, in each of the years 1976t0 1080,beth inclusive, istered effectively without a<br />

Manville, N.J. $200,000 In each of the years 1981 to 1085, working partnership with the<br />

both Inclusive, $175,000 in 1986, $150,000 In<br />

MN 0-25-70 --IT<br />

each of the years 1987 to 1980, both inclusive<br />

Fee: $ 5.94<br />

and $50,000 In 1990.<br />

-0-<br />

MHS Students<br />


<strong>The</strong> Bonds will be dated AugUst I, 1970,and will<br />

bear interest at the rate per annum specified by<br />

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids herewith, the successful payable on bidder tbe therefor first days In of accordance February Share Award<br />

will be received by the I’.layor and Council and August in each year until maturity.<br />

of the Borough of Manville, Somerset C~un. , All the Bonds will be of the denomination of<br />

ty, New Jersey at tile Municipal Building,<br />

I01 South Main Street, Manville, New Jersey $5,000, except that the Bonds sold of any issue<br />

which mature In any one year In excess of the Three Manville High School stuon<br />

July 13, 1970 at 8:00 P.M<br />

"<br />

for:<br />

largest principal amount thereof equalling a dents share this year’s Latin<br />

18 Catch Basin FramesandGcatingand<br />

multiple of $5,000 will be of the denomination Award, according to John J. Kes-<br />

6 Manholes and Covers<br />

of $1,000. <strong>The</strong> Bonds will be issued in bearer ter, Latin teacher.<br />

form with a slhgle coupon attached for each<br />

Specifications and term of bid for the pro-<br />

I Installment of interest thereon, WIll he register- Lp.tln award winners are Miss<br />

posed bid prepared by Michael S. Kachorsky able as to principal only or as to both principal Kathy Haraputczyk, Thomas RUSO-<br />

Borough Engineer, 20 East Camplaln Ituad and Interest reconverttble at the oupense of<br />

Manville, New Jersey, have been flied In the<br />

the holder into coupon bonds, and will be pay- WICZ, and John Rusowicz,<br />

office of the Borough Clerk and In the office<br />

able In lawful money of the United States of<br />

-0-<br />

of said Engineer and may be inspected by America at the office of <strong>The</strong> First National<br />

prospective bidders during business hours, Bank of Central Jersey, In thu Borough of<br />

Bidders will be furnished w:th a copy of Somerville, New Jersey. THREE EARN CERTIFICATES<br />

¢ the specifications and form of bid by the En- Each proposal must specify In a multiple<br />

glneer, on proper notice and the payment of I/8 or 1/20 of 1%, a single rote of interest<br />

whtch the Bonds are to bear, and no proposal er a deposit of Ten DOllars ($10 0O) which de- NEW BRUNSWICK .- Certifi-<br />

posit will be returned upon the submission of , will than be the considered lowest rate which stated upecffles in any a legally ralahlgher ac- cafes for completion of planned<br />

e bid.<br />

Bids must be made on the standard pro- ceptable the amount proposal. bid for the Each Bonds, proposal which must shall state not study fated fields programs have in been business-re- earned by<br />

posal form In the manner described therein<br />

and required by tl,e specifications, must be be less than $3,676,000 or more than $1,000 in three <strong>Franklin</strong> Townshlpresidents<br />

enclOsed in a sealed envelope bearing the excess of said amount.<br />

name and address of the bidder and marked<br />

As between legally acceptable propusuls ape- ~hrough the Extension Division of<br />

"Catch Basin and Maid,ale Bids" and addressed<br />

cifying the same rate of interest, the Bonds will Burgers University. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of be sold to the bidder complying with the terms<br />

of sale and offering to accept for the amount Clarence residents of its ghettoes."<br />

In calllngfor major siatewide<br />

support of the’~he Gathering,"<br />

the S.A.C.A.A.D. President<br />

tmderLined the value ofpexticlration<br />

in the event as training<br />

tot the many new anti-poverty<br />

workers whohave recentlybeen<br />

added to the Associatioa’s reorganized<br />

membership.<br />

Formerly an organization of<br />

community action program directors,<br />

the organization has<br />

been expanded to include the<br />

people it was originally designed<br />

to serve - the working<br />

poor, the ill-housed, the fitclothed,<br />

and ill-educated citizens<br />

of its rural and urban<br />

slums, as well as the rank-andfile<br />

staff members of Its antipoverty<br />

programs.<br />

Mr. Taylor called for support<br />

of the gathering on Trenton by<br />

all concerned people of this<br />

state: "We ask that the Governor<br />

of this state be made to<br />

respond to the plight of the<br />

poor and minority groups."<br />

<strong>The</strong> gathering will be held<br />

at Cadwalader Park off of West<br />

State Street at 10 a.m.<br />

Guest speakers will be Julian<br />

Bond, Georgia legislator, Yancey<br />

Martin, national chairman<br />

of the Black Caucus of the National<br />

Association of Communiity<br />

Developers, Mr. Taylor, and<br />

others.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "Group of Voices, Inc."<br />

will perform in concert at the<br />

War Memorial at 8 p.m, Proceeds<br />

from performance will<br />

Manville, and muatbeaecompanledbyacertlfled<br />

Brown, 468 Ralph St.;<br />

cbeck upon a National or State Bank, drawn bid the least amount of Bonds, the Bonds so John O’Reilly, 7 Meade Ct., and<br />

and made payable without condition to the accepted to be in any multiple of $1,000 and to .Anthony Sarl~, 440 C. Hamilton<br />

Treasurer of the Borough of Manville, for not<br />

be those first maturing, and if two or more<br />

less than ten (10,%) per cent of the amount bid bidders offer to accept the same least amount St.<br />

and be delivered at the place and on the then to the bidder offering to pay therefor the<br />

hour above named.<br />

highest price, and If two or more such bidders<br />

-0-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mayor and Council reserves the right offer to pay the same highest price, then to<br />

to reject any and all bids, to waive any de-<br />

of said bidders selected by the undersigned<br />

fects or informalities In the bids, and to by lot from among all said bidders. <strong>The</strong> PUr-<br />

accept any hid they should deem to be for chaser must also pay an amount equal to the Public Notices<br />

the best Interest of the Borough at<br />

interest on the Bonds accrued to the date of<br />

Payment of the purchase price.<br />


Dated:<br />

June 23, 1970<br />

Francis A. Pelisck<br />

Borough Clerk<br />

<strong>The</strong> right is reserved to reject all bids and<br />

any bid not complying With the terms of this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular<br />

notice will be rejected.<br />

meeting of the <strong>Franklin</strong> Township Board of Ad-<br />

Each bidder is required to depeslt a cer- Justment held on June 18, 1070, the following<br />

tified or cashier’s or treasurer’s cheekpeyabledeclsioas<br />

were rendered:<br />

MN 0-25-70 --IT<br />

FEE: $ 8.46<br />

-0-<br />

NOTZCE<br />

to the order of <strong>The</strong> Board of Educatton of the<br />

Township of Hlllsborongh, in the County of<br />

Somerset, New Jersey, for $73,500 drawn upon<br />

a t~nk or trusl company, and such check should<br />

be enclosed with the proposal. When the suc-<br />

AMENDED a condBJonal Spu¢lal Exception<br />

previously granted on May 21, 1970, for permission<br />

for Central Now Jersey Home for the<br />

Aged, Inc., to construct a two-alory home for<br />

cessful bidder has been ascerlatned, all such the aged, consisting of approximately 82 bed-<br />

Take notice that JENSEN-SCALZONE POST depostts will be promptly returned to the Perrooms with facilities for 120 beds, together<br />

#478, THE AMEBICAN LEGION, INC., has making the same, except the check of the with dining, recreational and<br />

applied to the Township Council of the Town- successful bidder which will be applied In Part rooms and facilities on the Premises known as<br />

ship of <strong>Franklin</strong>. County of Somerset, State of<br />

Payment for the Bonds or to secure the School BJock 386, Lots 53, 54 and 55 on the T4x Map<br />

New Jersey, for a transfer of Club Lloonse District from any less resultlngfromthe failure situated on DeMott lane in an H-A Zone,.<br />

from 429 Lewis Street, Somerset, New Jersey, of the bidder to comply with the terms of his<br />

to 11 Pershing Avenue, Somerset, New Jersey. bid. Award of the Bonds to the successful DENIED a variance for Richard Felnberg for.<br />

bidder, or reJection of all btds, Is expected to<br />

to erect a dwelling for use as a<br />

Objection, If any, should be madeimmodlatelybe<br />

made within two hours after opening of the model home and office for Sea & Ski Homes on<br />

in writing to:<br />

bids, but such successful bidder may not with- thu lot known as Block 403, Lois 1, 2, 3, 4 and<br />

draw his proposal until after 11:30 o’clock 5 on the Tax Map situated on Eaeton Avenue tn<br />

Sirs. Mercer D. Smith, Clerk<br />

Township of <strong>Franklin</strong><br />

P.M. of tile day at such bid.opening and then an R-20 Zone.<br />

only if such award has not been made prior<br />

Somerset, New Jersey<br />

lo the withdrawal. Toe Bonds will be delivered RECOMMENDED to the TownchlpCouncilthat’<br />

about 30 days after the d~te of sale at such place conditional variance be granted to Joseph E.<br />

NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OF FICERS OF In Now York City as the underal Held, Jr., for permlesinn to use the second<br />


at such other place as may be agreed upon floor of a greenhouse as an apartment to be<br />


s<br />

INC. with the successful bidder, used by appenant’s foreman, on the premises<br />

Each proposal must be enclosed in a sealed I known as Block 507, LOt 60onthe Tax Map sltu-<br />

Silchael J. Botchkor - Commander<br />

envelope and should be marked on the outside ated on Elizabeth Avenue in an R-A Zone.<br />

27 Dewald Avenue<br />

So’nerset, New Jersey<br />

"Proposal for Bonds" and, tf mailed, addressed<br />

to or In Care of the undersigned at the llills- Determtestlon as to the above decistons are on<br />

Louis J. Agg - Vice Commander<br />

borough School, Route 206, ltlllsborough Town- file th the Office of the Secretary to the Board<br />

37 Henry Street<br />

ship, Belle Mend, New Jersey.<br />

of AdJustment and are available for Inspeelion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> successful bidder may at his option re- Mercer D. Smith<br />

Somerset, New Jersey<br />

htso to accept the Bonds if prior to their de- Township Clerk<br />

livery any Income tax law of the United States FNR 6-25-70 ]T<br />

Christian lessen, Sr, - Adjutant<br />

of America shall provide that the Interest FEE: $ 6.30<br />

RD #I, BOX 28<br />

Somerset, New Jersey<br />

thereon Is taxable, or shall be taxabin at a future<br />

date, for federal income tax<br />

and tn such case the deposit made by him wild AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING<br />

Paul Nyitral - Financial Officer<br />

be returned and he will be relieved of hie ON A PORTION OF BALER AVENUE IN<br />

422D Hamllton Street<br />

contractual obligations arising from the ac- THE TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN, SOMER-<br />

Somerset. New Jersey<br />

ceptance of his proposal.<br />


Checklngmeans:<br />

¯ No more minimum<br />

Julius A. Furrlar - Judge Advocate<br />

90 Dehintt Lane<br />

Somerset, New Jersey<br />

<strong>The</strong> successflll bidder will be furnished,<br />

without cost, with (a) the approving opinion<br />

the law firm of Hawkins, Delafield & Wood to<br />

the effect that the Bonds are valid und legally<br />

BE IT ORDAINED by the Townehip Council<br />

of the Township of <strong>Franklin</strong>, CountyofSomerset<br />

and State of New Jersey, ae follows:<br />

FNR 6-25-70 2T<br />

FEE: $ 11.86<br />

-0-<br />




<strong>The</strong> Board of Adjustment of the Township<br />

~f Hlnsborough will meet on Monday, July 6,<br />

970 at 8:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building,<br />

binding obligattous of said School Dtatrtct and<br />

that all the laxablo property tberein willbe sub-<br />


Ject to the levy of ad valorem taxes to pay said<br />

Bonds and interest thereon without limitation It shall be unlawhH for any person to Park<br />

as to rate or amount, and (~) certlftostes in any vehicle or cause any vohlcle robe parked on<br />

form sa[isfactory to said firm ovidenelng the the following Portion of the followingstreet in the<br />

proper execution and delivery of the Bands and Township of <strong>Franklin</strong>, Somerset County, New<br />

receipt of peyment therefor. <strong>The</strong> obligationsJersey.<br />

hereunder to deliver or accept the Bonds pursuant<br />

hereto shall be conditioned on the avail- A. BALER AVENUEs easterlysldes fromltamability<br />

and delivery at the time of delivery of ton Street to <strong>Franklin</strong> Boulevard.<br />

leahanlc, New Jersey. at which time the folawing<br />

applloattoes will be con~tdered:<br />

John Bocchlno, Block 20, Lot 2, Ec~ator &<br />

th Ave., to build on undoreized lot contrary<br />

) Section X of the Zoning Ordinance of the<br />

t)wnship of Hlllsborough.<br />

the Bonds of the said approving oplninn and of<br />

a certJIJcate, In form and tenor saftnfactory<br />

SECTfON fl<br />

to said law Brm and dated as of the date of such<br />

delivery, to the effect that there Is no litiga- Stg~ shall be erected to Carry out the protion<br />

pending or (to the knowledge of the signer vlslons of this ordinance and said signs shall<br />

or signors thereo0 threatened affecting the be In accordance with the speclflcatioss of the<br />

validity of the Bonds. A copy of said approving Revlaed Statutes of New JerseF Title 39, Article<br />

opinion will appear on the Bonds.<br />

18a, Sections 39:4-183 et seq.<br />

James & Margaret Cook, Lot 24, Block 14, Dated: June 2S, 1970.<br />

eekman L~ne, change In Bne.<br />

John R. Pacifleo<br />

SECTION Hi<br />

Secretary<br />

Any person or Persons Inlerested in the above SSN 6-25-70 1T<br />

Unless another penalty Is expressly provided<br />

atler will be given an opportunity to be heard FEE: $ 27.18<br />

by the New Jersey Statute for violation of the<br />

the aforementioned time and place.<br />

-0provisions<br />

of this ordinance or any supplement<br />

Phyllis Vents, Clerk<br />

or amendment thereto, the offender ahallbe lla-<br />

BOard of Adjustment.<br />


ble ta a ponalty of not more than $50 or tinrN<br />

6-25-70 IT<br />

Prisonment (or a term not exceeding 15 days<br />

’:E: $ 3.78<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN that sealed btds or both.<br />

will be received by the Township Manager of<br />

-O-<br />

<strong>Franklin</strong> Township, Somurset County, New Jar-<br />



say. on July 9, 1970, at 8:00 P.M., Prevailing<br />


Time at Sampson G. Smith School, Amwell<br />


Each clause, esctton or aubdivisisn of this<br />

Road, MIddlebush, New Jersey or at the Frank- ordtnance shall be deemed a separate provision<br />

~otlce is hereby given that Nicholas Chabraj<br />

IIn Township Admlnlslratlve Offices, Railroad to the Intent that tf any such clause, secllon or<br />

Avenue, Mtddinbush, New Jersey, prtor to 4:20<br />

125 South 10th Avenue. Manville, Now Jersey<br />

subdivision should be declared invaltd, the re-<br />

P, bi,, on Thursday, July 9, 1070 for the Con-<br />

; applied to the Planning Board of the Bur-<br />

malnder of the ordthanss shall not be affected.<br />

structlon of Sidewalks.<br />

of Manville, Somerset County, New Jersey Specifications and bid blanks may be ob-<br />

Preltmtnary Approval of a major subdlvis-<br />


tatnad at the office of tbe Township Purchasing<br />

of lands known as Block 202, lot #0 on tbe Agent, John E. SPite, at the Admlnlatrattve<br />

c Map of the Borough of ~lanvtllo and lo-<br />

All ordtnanses or parts of ordinances Inconed<br />

on Anglo Avenue, Manville, Now Jersey.<br />

Offices, Railroad Avenue, Mtddlebssh, N. J. slstent with this ordinance are hereby repealed<br />

’he Manville Plam;lng Board will conduct a<br />

Bids must be on stan~rdpropesalformlnthe as to the extent of such Inconsistency and<br />

manner deslg’nated theruln, and be enclosed Ins<br />

lic hosting on the above appliostlon on<br />

speelflo Portion of street involved.<br />

sealed envelope bearing the name and address<br />

~day, July 0th, 1070 at 8:00 p.m. In tho<br />

wllle Muntctpal Balldtng, I01 South Slain<br />

of the bidder on the outside, addressed to the <strong>The</strong> foregoing ordlnence was Introduced at a<br />

Township Manager of <strong>Franklin</strong> Township. <strong>The</strong><br />

3of, Manvllin, In the Second Floor Council<br />

regUlar meeting of the Township Council of the<br />

mbers, at which time and place any Person<br />

words Construction of Concrete SIdewalkl must Township at Franklth held on the llth day of<br />

be printed on the face of the envelope. Bids<br />

rested therein will be given an opportunity<br />

June 1970, and was then read for the first<br />

must be nccomPanlad by a bid bond or a certle<br />

heard.<br />

time.<br />

fled check upon a National or Stale Bank drawn<br />

[ape and plans of the proposed suedivislon<br />

This nrdinanoe will be further coosldared for<br />

and made payable without condlUontothaTresson<br />

file In tho office of the Manville Borough<br />

final passage by the said Tow~lp Cou~eJl at<br />

urer of the Township of Frankltn and an amountSampson G. Smith School, Amwell Road, Mtddln-<br />

rk, 10i South Main Street, for publtc In- not less than ten (10) per cent Of the amount of<br />

:ties.<br />

bush, New Jersey, on July 9, 1970, at sech time<br />

Sara C. Behory, Secretary<br />

the bid, or a bid bond, and be delivered at the and place or at any time andplacelo which euch<br />

place and hour named,<br />

Manville Planning Board<br />

meeting may be adjourned. All persons intere;=-<br />

Manville, New Jersey<br />

} By order of the Municipal Counctl of the ted will be I~ven en opportunity to be beerd ;<br />

[ Township of <strong>Franklin</strong>. eoncernthg such ordinance.<br />

iN G-2.5-70 n"<br />

[ John E. Sptm MERCER D, SMITH<br />

EE:$~.04<br />

[ Township Purchasing Agent Township Clerk<br />

[ FNR 0-25-70 IT FNR 6-2~-70 IT<br />

FEE:$ 6.30 FEE:$ 10.20<br />

"0-<br />

- 0 -<br />

go toward the expenses of the<br />

statewlde gathering.<br />

At Somerset Trust Company<br />

Chec.ldng Plu , means just<br />

what it says,<br />

It means new convenience and economy t or<br />

both old and new customers STC.<br />

And, it’s easy to qualify.<br />


Mayor Officiates At Wedding<br />

History was made In Hillsborough<br />

Township last Saturday<br />

when Mayor William P. Muse<br />

officiated at the marriage of<br />

Joseph S. Palka of West Camplain<br />

Road, Manville, to <strong>The</strong>resa<br />

Mary Ur of Somerset<br />

Court, Bound Brook.<br />

This was the first time a<br />

mayor of the municipallty had<br />

been called on to perform this<br />

official duty.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ceremony took place at<br />

the Hillsberough Municipal<br />

Building, Amwell Road.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Palka plan<br />

to make their home in Hills-<br />

borough.<br />

i i Jm<br />

N TICE<br />


No garbage will be eolleeted,<br />

July 3rd & 4th<br />

Fourth of July Weekend<br />

Regular piek.up will resume<br />

the following week.<br />

O<br />

balances required.<br />

¯ No more individual check charges.<br />

¯ No more monthly service charges.<br />

Pies means:<br />

¯ An extended line of credit.<br />

To learn more about Free Cl cklng<br />

and to get our simple application form,<br />

clip out and mail the coupon today.<br />

nK<br />

Or, if you prefer, call 725-3000 and ask tbr the<br />

Checking Plus desk.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’ll he someone there to answer<br />

all your questions.<br />

Somerville,, NJ. 08876<br />

Councilman Stanley Mleczko<br />

Street Commissioner<br />

All STC Offices Closed<br />

Friday and Saturday<br />

July 3 and 4<br />

Somerset Trust Company<br />



~ta Pr0c0SSlnf<br />

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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