William C. Roentgen - learntoday

William C. Roentgen - learntoday

William C. Roentgen - learntoday


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Sundance Sundance HealthCare HealthCare Systems<br />

Systems<br />

Painted Painted Valley, Valley, USA<br />

USA<br />

NAME X-RAY NO.<br />



Indications: SOB<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />


Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

CHEST: There is mild to moderate pulmonary vascular congestion. There is mild bilateral interstitial<br />

edema. The findings are less prominent than on 1-1-xx. No focal consolidation is seen in<br />

the lungs.<br />

WCR/smb<br />

Newman, Edward C. 47932<br />

Dr. W. J. Wainwright 8/14/xx<br />


<strong>William</strong> C. <strong>Roentgen</strong><br />


Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Instructions: Please follow the instructions given below. This is an important part of your continued<br />

recovery. If, after reading the instructions, you have any questions please ask your physician/nurse for<br />

clarification.<br />

Diet:<br />

Medications:<br />

Activity:<br />

Follow-Up:<br />

1500 calorie ADA, no added salt diet.<br />

Patient Name:<br />

Physician:<br />

Room No.<br />

Mr. Newman has an appointment to see me in the office in approximately<br />

two weeks for recheck. He should call or come in sooner if he has any questions or<br />

problems prior to that appointment.<br />

Diazepam 20 mg p.o. q.h.s., albuterol and Atrovent nebulizers q.d. and p.r.n., Lasix 160<br />

mg p.o. b.i.d.; Theo-Dur 200 mg q.a.m., 300 mg q.h.s.; Imdur 30 mg (1/2 tab) q.h.s., Pilocarpine 4% 1<br />

drop O.D. q.i.d., nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingual p.r.n. chest pain, oxygen 2 to 4 liters per minute per nasal<br />

cannula. Diabetes meds will be: Humulin N 64 U a.m., Humulin N 36 U p.m. and Humalog sliding scale:<br />

Accu-Chek less than 100 = 0,<br />

Accu-Chek 101 - 130 = 3,<br />

Accu-Chek 131 - 170 = 5,<br />

Accu-Chek 117 - 220 = 8,<br />

As tolerated.<br />

Accu-Chek 221 - 300 = 12,<br />

Accu-Chek 301 - 400 = 15,<br />

Accu-Chek less than 400 = 18.<br />

I have read the above instructions and received a copy of them. They were explained to me and all my<br />

questions were answered satisfactorily.<br />

a.m.<br />

p.m.<br />

Patient's Signature Date Time Attending Physician<br />

Edward C. Newman 8/14/xx 6:45 <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />


© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Date/<br />

Time<br />

Orders<br />

8/14 Admit to CCU per Dr. Wainwright.<br />

DX: CHF, COPD.<br />

Condition stable<br />

Vitals q.4h. while awake, daily weight.<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

0010 ALL: PCN -> Hives<br />

Diet - No added salt<br />

Activity Up to BR<br />

IV saline lock<br />

Meds: Lasix 80 mg IV now<br />

Humulin N 64 U SQ q.a.m.<br />

Humulin N 36 U SQ q.p.m.<br />

Humalog 12 U AC t.i.d.<br />

Hold if BS

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Date/<br />

Time<br />

Orders<br />

8/15 LAB: CBC, CMP, theo level, UA, TSH<br />

Lisinopril 20 mg p.o. q.a.m.<br />

EKG üdone ER<br />

CXR state, check if done ER<br />

P-8 in a.m. 8/15<br />

Oximetry daily while on O2<br />

Foley to gravity <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

8/15 May request Valium 10 mg q.h.s. p 3 hr p.m. x1<br />

Accu-Chek q.i.d.<br />

EKG in a.m.<br />

Atrovent inhaler two puffs q.i.d.<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

8/15 Change Atrovent inhaler to SVN’s q.i.d.<br />

v.o. Dr. Wainwright/rla <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

8/15 @ 0945 Humalog q.i.d. S.S.<br />

< 100 = 0<br />

101 - 130 = 3<br />

131 - 170 = 5<br />

171 - 220 = 8<br />

221 - 300 = 12<br />

301 - 400 = 15<br />

D/C H.s. Chlorazepate<br />

Inc Diazepam to 20 mg p.o. q.h.s.<br />

Ativan 2 mg p.o. t.i.d. p.r.n. anxiety<br />

Up walking <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

8/15 @ 1410 D/C Humalog 12 u a.c. t.i.d.<br />

T.O. Sally Mertz, RPO Sall;y J. Mertz, RPO<br />

Form # _ _ _ _<br />

Physician Orders and Progress Notes<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

Progress Notes # 012502<br />

Progress Note: 8/15<br />

Social Services report from yesterday<br />

indicated pt currently uses no services.<br />

Will follow.<br />

W. Scarlett, MSW<br />

8/15 Breathing easier<br />

110/60, P 80<br />

Lungs clear, distant BS<br />

Heart - regular<br />

Abd soft<br />

Ext no edema<br />

Weight down 6 #<br />

- CHF<br />

- IDDM<br />

Increase activity<br />

Monitor O2 sats<br />

Dr. Wagner<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Date/<br />

Time<br />

Orders<br />

8/16 @ 0650<br />

MOM 30 cc p.o. QP p.r.n.<br />

S.O. Dr. Wainwright, A. May, RN<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

8/16 D/C Foley, D/C CCU, D/C IV<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

8/16 Discharge<br />

Meds: Humulin N 64 U a.m.<br />

Humulin N 36 U p.m.<br />

Humalog sliding scale<br />

Accu-Chek<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Units<br />

< 100 = 0<br />

101 - 130 = 3<br />

131 - 170 = 5<br />

171 - 220 = 8<br />

221 - 300 = 12<br />

301 - 400 = 15<br />

> 400 = 18<br />

Diazepam 20 mg p.o. q.h.s.<br />

albuterol & Atrovent SVN’s q.i.d. & p.r.n.<br />

Lasix 160 mg p.o. b.i.d.<br />

Theo-Dur 200 mg q.a.m., 300 mg q.h.s.<br />

Imdur 30 mg (1/2 tab) q.h.s.<br />

Pilocarpine 4% 1 drop O.D. q.i.d.<br />

nitroglycerin 0.4 mg SL p.r.n. chest pain<br />

O2 2 to 4 L/m N.C.<br />

Appt. my office - 2 wks<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Form # _ _ _ _<br />

Physician Orders and Progress Notes<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

Progress Notes # 012502

Date/<br />

Time<br />

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

8/14/xx<br />

0805 Admission Admitted to CCU-3 per w/c from ER. Settles into bed with no c/o @ present.<br />

See admission sheet. HRM, RN Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

0845 Foley catheter inserted. Tolerated well. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

0900 Lisinopril 20 mg p.o. now given per order, Lasix 80 mg IV now given per order.<br />

Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1000 Visiting with wife in room. No c/o at present. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1300 Dozing in bed quietly. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1500 Visiting in room with family. No c/o. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1900 Summary Appetite good. Denies pain. Resting quietly. Wife @ bedside. Rhythm unchanged.<br />

Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

2200 Summary Uneventful evening, denies pain. Does become SOB with activity, respirations<br />

easy @ rest. No c/o. Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

8/15/xx<br />

0115 SOB Resting awake in bed, had “Charley Horse” in leg. Better now, but dyspneic, resp<br />

30/m et breathing rapidly, feels winded. LS dim throughout with left base crackles. Patient<br />

quite anxious. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0115 SVN with albuterol 0.5 cc given. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0130 Breathing easier, increased air exchange throughout. Lungs fields with bibasilar crackles now.<br />

Feeling better, remains anxious. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0150 Valium 10 mg p.o. repeated Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0600 Awakened for assessment, had been sleeping. Becomes dyspneic on exertion with mild<br />

dyspnea with rest. LS remains dim throughout. Crackles lower 1/2 left and 1/4 left.<br />

Admits to feeling SOB, wants treatment. Robert K. Russo, RN

Date/<br />

Time<br />

8/15/xx<br />

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

0615 SVN given with albuterol and atrovent Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0625 Feeling better after treatment. Increased air exchange to lung fields though crackles remain,<br />

still has c/o feeling slightly SOB. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0630 Lasix 160 mg p.o. given Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0800 Resting well. Upon awakening slightly SOB. Sats 91-92% on 2 liters. Dim LS with faint<br />

bibasilar crackles. BS pos, Abd. neg. Ext. no edema. VS stable. Patient alert & oriented.<br />

Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

0830 Wife here. Patient eating. No c/o. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1000 Resting now. Resp. more at ease. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1030 Explained new S.S. insulin to patient and wife. No c/o, questions.<br />

Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1230 Stable. Resting. Resp. easy. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1300 Tried pt on 1L O2/NC, sats decrease to 87%. Increased to 2L/NC, sats 95%. Amb with<br />

2LO2, 2 assist & Sat monitor on, 100 Fahrenheit. Sats to 92%. Back to room & up in chair.<br />

Did get slightly dyspneic with amb. More rested in chair. Sats back up 95% when sitting.<br />

Anne Odinson, RN<br />

1400 Back to bed with 2LO2. Sats 98%. No c/o. Restful. Lights out for a bit. Call light placed.<br />

Anne Odinson, RN<br />

1450 Resting with easy, snoring like resp. Wife in room. Anne Odinson, RN<br />

1600 Pt awake & talkative. Denies any discomfort. Resp easy at rest. Still has coarse rales in bases<br />

bilaterally. Color pink. Sats in mid 90’s on 2L. No pedal edema. C/o some weakness.<br />

Leslie Scorch, RN

Date/<br />

Time<br />

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

8/15/xx<br />

1830 Appetite good. Assisted to ambulate 100 ft in hall with 2 assist & cont O2. Only slight<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

staggered steps at times. Otherwise gait steady. To BR but unable to have BMO.<br />

Passed flatus. Had prune juice with supper. Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

1930 VSS, resting quietly, denies physical c/o. Lungs diminished BS, O2 decreased 1/4 lit with<br />

some crackles, dec 1/4 lit SO2 96% @ 2L/NC. Re AP, inc pulses x 2, no c/o. Soft abd,<br />

Pos BS x 4, Foley patent with clear yellow urine. Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

2030 Bath done, cares done. Linen changed. Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

2050 Accu ü Accu ü 105, pt given Humalog 3 units. Pt h.s. snack.<br />

Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

2105 SVN SVN with V.S. Albuterol & Atrovent given, tolerated well.<br />

Leslie Scorch, RN<br />

8/16/xx<br />

0200 Sleeping in bed, breathing easily. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0115 SVN with albuterol 0.5 cc given. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0130 Breathing easy, good air exchange. Lungs fields with only minor crackles. No c/o at<br />

this time. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0640 Feels better after treatment. Improving air flow in all lung fields. Foley catheter removed.<br />

IV discontinued. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0700 Up to BR, voids well. Robert K. Russo, RN<br />

0800 Dr. Wainwright visits, discharge order written and discharge instructions given. Patient resting<br />

well. Blood sugar 130, vital signs stable. Ext. no edema. VS stable. Patient alert & oriented.<br />

Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

0830 Wife here. Patient eating. No c/o. Breakfast, eats well, somewhat short of breath while<br />

eating, otherwise no dyspnea, no c/o. Brenda Kellye, RN

Date/<br />

Time<br />

Sundance Medical Center<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

8/16/xx<br />

1045 Discharge instructions discussed with patient and wife. They voice understanding. Will<br />

follow up with Dr. Wainwright at his office in two weeks. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

1115 Discharged per wheelchair, escorted to car. Brenda Kellye, RN<br />

Nursing Progress Notes<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502

Patient Family Name First Name Age Room No. Hosp. No.<br />

Newman, Edward C. 78 CCU #2 # 012502<br />

Attending Physician Date Lab. No.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright 8/14/xx 7734-2002<br />

24 Hour Urine 0 - 30<br />

for Microalbumin<br />

Sundance HealthCare Systems Painted Valley, USA<br />

Component Normal First Second Third Fourth<br />

Date 08/14/xx<br />

Color Yellow<br />

Character Clear<br />

Spec Gravity 1.020 or less<br />

Leukocytes Negative<br />

Nitrates Negative<br />

PH 5-6<br />

Protein Urine Negative<br />

Glucose Urine Negative<br />

Ketones Urine Negative<br />

Urobilinogen 0 - 1 mg/dl<br />

Bilirubin Urine Negative<br />

Occ Blood Urine Negative<br />

WBC/HPF 0 - 5<br />

RBC/HPF<br />

Epitheial<br />

Casts/LPF<br />

Crystals<br />

Amorphorus<br />

Mucous<br />

0 - 5<br />

Yeast Cells Negative<br />

Bacteria Negative<br />

Yellow<br />

Clear<br />

1.015<br />

Negative<br />

Negative<br />

5.2<br />

Negative<br />

Negative<br />

Negative<br />

Negative<br />

Negative<br />

Negative<br />

3 - 5<br />

Few<br />

15-20 Hylalin<br />

Sent for Culture: Y / N Y / N Y / N Y / N<br />

Form L-9001 (5/01) pa URINALYSIS<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Diagnosis: CHF, COPD<br />

Allergies: Penicillin<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

13.<br />

14.<br />

15.<br />

16.<br />

17.<br />

18.<br />

19.<br />

20.<br />

Medication and Hosp Day Hosp Day Hosp Day Hosp Day<br />

Date of Order Route 8/14 #1 8/15 # 8/16#3<br />

#4<br />

Lisinopril 40 mg p.o. q.a.m. 08 SMB SGA<br />

Theo-Dur 200 mg p.o. b.i.d. 08 ams SMB KJN<br />

21 nmr kl<br />

Lasix 160 mg p.o. b.i.d. 08 ams 1200 SMB KJN<br />


© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

17 pvm rlw KJN<br />

EC ASA 1 p.o. daily 08 ams SMB KJN<br />

Imdur 60 p.o. q.h.s. 21 nh kl<br />

Diazepam 10 mg p.o. q.h.s. 21 nh see D’s below<br />

Pilocarpine 4% 1 gtt OD q.i.d. 08 / SMB KJN<br />

12 pvm SMB<br />

16 mds swb<br />

21 taf ko<br />

Clorazepate 15 mg q.h.s. 21 wlk dcd 8/15<br />

Diazepam 20 mg p.o. q.h.s. 21 / ko<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502

Sundance HealthCare Systems Painted Valley, USA<br />

Patient Family Name First Name Age Room No. Hosp. No.<br />

Newman, Edward C. 78 CCU #2 # 012502<br />

Attending Physician Date Lab. No.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright 8/14/xx 7734-2002<br />

Component Normal First Second Third Fourth<br />

Date 08/14/xx 08/15/xx<br />

Chemistry 10<br />

Sodium 135 - 145<br />

Potassium 3.5 - 5.3<br />

Chloride 100 - 110<br />

CO2 23 - 29<br />

Glucose 80 - 116<br />

BUN 12 - 20<br />

Creatinine 0.6 - 1.3<br />

Total Bili 0.0 - 1.3<br />

Albumin 3.5 - 5.0<br />

Calcium 8.2 - 10.1<br />

ALP 56 - 112<br />

AST 0 - 27<br />

ALT 14 - 26<br />

Total Protein 6.0 - 8.0<br />

Theo 10.0 - 20.0<br />

TSH 0.4 - 6.2<br />

Lipid Profile<br />

Total Choles 100 - 200<br />

HDL 40 - 80<br />

LDL 66 - 130<br />

Triglycerides 50 - 150<br />

HG A1C 4.0 - 6.0<br />

PSA 0.0 - 4.0<br />

143 143<br />

4.4 3.8<br />

100 100<br />

35 H 36 H<br />

238 H 91<br />

27 H 35 H<br />

1.5<br />

0.7<br />

3.9<br />

H 1.6 H<br />

9.8 9.4<br />

58<br />

21<br />

18<br />

6.6<br />

8.2 L<br />

1.9<br />

Form L-9003 (5/01) pa CHEMISTRY<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

Sundance HealthCare Systems Painted Valley, USA<br />

Patient Family Name First Name Age Room No. Hosp. No.<br />

Newman, Edward C. 78 CCU #2 # 012502<br />

Attending Physician Date Lab. No.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright 8/14/xx 7734-2002<br />

Component Normal First Second Third Fourth<br />

Date 08/14/xx<br />

Hematology<br />

WBC (x 103 ) M/F 4.3 - 11.0<br />

RBC (x 103 ) M 4.6 - 6.2<br />

F 4.2 - 5.4<br />

Hgb (g/dl) M 12 - 18<br />

F 12 - 16<br />

HCt (%) M 40 - 54<br />

F 36 - 47<br />

MCV (x 103 ) M 80 - 94<br />

F 82 - 100<br />

MCH (x 103 ) M/F 26 - 33<br />

MCHC (%) M/F 31 - 36<br />

PLT (x 103 ) M/F 150 - 375<br />

Differential<br />

Band 0 - 6%<br />

Seg 46 - 82%<br />

Lymph 13 - 37%<br />

Mono 4 - 12%<br />

Eosin 0 - 5%<br />

Baso<br />

NRBC<br />

Atyp Lymph<br />

Meta<br />

Myelo<br />

Pros<br />

Blast<br />

2 - 2%<br />

10.4 H<br />

4.25<br />

13.6<br />

40.6<br />

95.7<br />

32.0<br />

33.4<br />

76<br />

15<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3 H<br />

Form L-9003 (5/01) pa HEMATOLOGY<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

CHIEF COMPLAINT: Shortness of breath.<br />

Form 9427 (8/00) mr HISTORY & PHYSICAL<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Dr.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient is a 78-year-old resident of Podunk Center. He has a<br />

long-standing history of severe COPD, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and ASHD and status post MI’s.<br />

According to the patient he has been severely short of breath over the past several months. Apparently this has<br />

increased over the past two days and yesterday it severely limited his ability to get up and walk around. During<br />

the night last night, at approximately 5:00 a.m., he had a severe episode of shortness of breath. He received<br />

two nebulizer treatments and his wife turned his home oxygen up wide open. Despite this, however, he remained<br />

severely short of breath. His wife then called 911 and he was brought to the ER via ambulance.<br />

The patient denies substernal chest pain. He states that he has gained approximately five pounds over the past<br />

couple of weeks. He also admits to swelling of both ankles at the end of the day.<br />

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Several episodes of COPD in the past. He has also been admitted with MI’s<br />

at age 66 and again in September, three years ago. He has had congestive heart failure and long-standing<br />

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. He has glaucoma and chronic blindness in his right eye. He has a history of<br />

long-standing noncardiac chest pain. He has also had peptic ulcer disease.<br />

PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: He is status post T&A, hemorrhoidectomy x 2, colonoscopy with<br />

polypectomy in six years ago which revealed a tubular adenoma, right inguinal herniorrhaphy four years ago,<br />

another colonoscopy repeated three years ago. He had a TURP in 1981 for benign prostatic hypertrophy.<br />

MEDICATIONS: Humulin N 64 units in the morning and 64 units in the evening. Humalog sliding scale t.i.d.,<br />

usually taking 14 to 16 units at mealtimes. He also takes Theo-Dur 200 mg b.i.d., Lasix 160 mg a.m. and 80<br />

mg at noon q.d. Ecotrin 325 mg q.d. Pilocarpine 4% ophthalmic drops 1 drop right eye q.i.d., Imdur 60 mg<br />

q.h.s., Diazepam 10 mg q.h.s., Clorazepate 15 mg q.h.s., nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingual p.r.n. chest pain,<br />

albuterol and Atrovent nebulizer q.i.d. and p.r.n. He is on home O2 routinely at 2 liters per minute per nasal<br />

cannula.<br />

ALLERGIES: Penicillin causes a rash.<br />

HABITS: 150 pack year history of cigarette smoking. He is currently a nonsmoker, does not drink alcohol.<br />

FAMILY HISTORY: The patient is married and is a retired teacher. He lives in Podunk Center with his wife<br />

who also has had some health problems, including atrial fibrillation. They have three children in the area.<br />


General: No seizures or syncope. He has had the weight gain as mentioned above.<br />

HEENT: No recent change in hearing or vision. He does have the glaucoma as mentioned above.<br />


Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

PLAN: The patient will be admitted to the CCU. Monitor his O2 saturations, provide oxygen as necessary<br />

and diurese him.<br />

D&T: 8/14/xx<br />

Dr.<br />

Signature<br />

Form 9427 (8/00) mr HISTORY & PHYSICAL<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

Respiratory: As above.<br />

Cardiac: See HPI.<br />

GI: No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hematochezia or melena.<br />

GU: No burning, hematuria or recent UTI. He states that he does have nocturia one to two times per night.<br />

Musculoskeletal: Negative.<br />

Neurologic: He has been depressed over his breathing difficulties.<br />


General: This is a well-developed, well-nourished 78-year-old white male, sitting up on the examining table<br />

with oxygen running. He appears in no acute distress at this time.<br />

Vital Signs: Blood pressure 144/72, pulse 108, respirations 38, temperature 96.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Weight<br />

190 pounds.<br />

Skin: Anicteric, warm and dry. Face is slightly flushed at this time.<br />

Heent: Shows clear TMs. Pupils equal, round and reactive to light on the left. There is evidence of corneal<br />

dystrophy on the right. Oropharynx is clear.<br />

Neck: Supple, no cervical lymphadenopathy.<br />

Chest: Lungs have slight crackles in the right mid-lung field and base, clear on the left.<br />

Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur or gallop.<br />

Abdomen: Normal bowel sounds, soft and nontender. No masses, hernias or organomegaly noted.<br />

Genitalia: External genitalia is normal.<br />

Extremities: Warm and well perfused. There is trace edema bilaterally. Pedal pulses are palpable.<br />

Neurologic: Motor and strength are 5/5 bilaterally. DTRs are symmetrical.<br />

Psych: Affect is more flat than typically seen. Recent and remote memory are good. Judgement and insight<br />

are intact. Does seem to be slightly depressed.<br />

LABS: Chest x-ray shows cardiomegaly and evidence of vascular redistribution consistent with CHF. EKG<br />

shows normal sinus rhythm at a rate of 94 beats per minute. There is evidence of an old anterior MI and an old<br />

inferior MI. No acute appearing ST-T wave changes. Sodium is 143, potassium 4.4, BUN 27, creatinine 1.5,<br />

glucose 238. CBC shows white count 10,400 with a normal differential, hemoglobin 13.6, hematocrit 37.9.<br />


1. A 78-year-old white male with cor pulmonale and congestive heart failure secondary to his severe<br />

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary artery disease.<br />

2. Arteriosclerotic heart disease with history of previous myocardial infarctions and congestive heart failure.<br />

3. Chronic glaucoma with right eye blindness.<br />

4. Chronic insomnia.<br />

5. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.<br />

6. Benign prostatic hypertrophy, status post transurethral resection of prostate.<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

Date _____________ 08/14 _____________ 08/15 _____________ 08/16<br />

_____________<br />

Time 3691215182124 3691215182124 3691215182124 3691215182124<br />

105 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

104 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

103 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

102 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

101 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

100 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

99 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

98 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

97 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

96 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

95 ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

Pulse<br />

Resp.<br />

93 102 89 88 86 76<br />

38 20 21 24 20 18<br />

B/P ___/___| 143 72 144 ___/___| 62 136 ___/___ 74 ___/___| 140 78 ___/___| 110 60 122 ___/______/___| 76 122 78 ___/___| ___/___ ___/___| ___/___| ___/___<br />

___/___| ___/___| ___/___ ___/___| ___/___| ___/______/___| ___/___| ___/___ ___/___| ___/___| ___/___<br />

In ______| ______| ______ ______| ______| ______ ______| ______| ______ ______| ______| ______<br />

Out ______| ______| ______ ______| ______| ______ ______| ______| ______ ______| ______| ______<br />

Weight: ______ 195.7 | _______ 194.9 ______ 193.3 | _______ 192.6 ______ 190.4 | _______ ______ | _______<br />

Diet ______| ______| ADA ______ ADA ______| ADA ______| ADA ADA ______ ______| ADA ______| ______ ______| ______| ______<br />

Appetite______| ______| Good ______ Fair ______| Fair ______| Good Good ______ ______| Fair<br />

______| ______ ______| ______| ______<br />


© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Newman, Edward C.<br />

Dr. Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502

Patient's Name<br />

Birth Date Age<br />

Street Address<br />

Sex Marital Status State Zip County<br />

Soc. Sec. #<br />

Patient's Occupation<br />

Notify In<br />

Emergency<br />

Address<br />

Name<br />

City<br />

Religion<br />

Relationship<br />

Phone No.<br />

Hospital Number<br />

Phone Number<br />

Responsible for Account<br />

Date Admitted<br />

8/14/xx<br />

Time<br />

0645<br />

AM<br />

PM<br />

Date Discharged<br />

08/16/xx<br />

Time<br />

1111<br />

AM<br />

PM<br />

Date of Last Admission Name & Address of Any Institution From Which Discharged in Last 60 Days<br />

Admitting Physician<br />

Aitemding Physician<br />

Sundance Sundance HealthCare HealthCare Systems<br />

Systems<br />

Painted Painted Valley, Valley, USA USA<br />

USA<br />

Newman, Edward C. 2720 Mountain View # 012502<br />

04/01/xx 78 Devils Lake 701 801-7734<br />

Consultant<br />

Room<br />

M Married N.D. 58301 Ramsey CCU #2<br />

504-59-3132 Methodist W<br />

Race<br />

Ethnicity<br />

Teacher (Retired) Non-Hispanic<br />

Admitting Diagnosis (Within 24 Hours) ICD-9-CM ICD-9-CM ICD-9-CM CODES<br />

CODES<br />

Principal Diagnosis<br />

Secondary Diagnoses<br />

Complications<br />

Operative Procedures (Date & Title)<br />

Mildred Wife Self<br />

2720 Mountain View, Devils Lake 701 801-7734<br />

2/29/xx N/A<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Cor pulmonale and congestive heart failure secondary to severe chronic obstructive<br />

pulmonary disease and coronary artery disease.<br />

1. Congestive heart failure complicating severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.<br />

2. Arteriosclerotic heart disease with history of myocardial infarctions.<br />

3. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.<br />

4. Glaucoma.<br />

ü<br />

Discharged Alive ____ Died ____ Autopsy Yes ____ No ____<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />


Physician Signature<br />

This is a simulated health record created and intended for educational purposes only. All scenarios, names, demographic information, medical events, and data<br />

portrayed herein are fictitious. No identification with or similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or entities is intended or should be<br />

inferred. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.




I am presenting myself for admission to St. Jude’s Medical Center. I voluntarily consent to the rendering of medical<br />

care which is determined to be necessary or beneficial in the professional judgement of my physician. This includes<br />

routine diagnostic procedures and medical treatment by authorized agents and employees of the Hospital, and by its<br />

medical staff, or their designees.<br />

I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such examination or treatment on my<br />

condition.<br />


I authorize St. Jude’s Medical Center to release such information from my medical record as may be necessary for<br />

the completion of the hospital’s or my physician’s claims for reimbursement to my insurance company or agency. I<br />






In consideration of the services received or to be received for this admission to St. Jude’s Medical Center, I assign all<br />

insurance benefits due me. I further warrant that the hospital shall be entitled to the full amount of its charges. Any<br />

credit balance resulting for any reason will be applied to other existing accounts. This also assigns benefits to<br />

Anesthesia Consultants, PC.<br />

I hereby agree to pay any and all hospital charges that exceed or that are not covered by my hospitalization insurance<br />

coverage. This assignment shall be irrevocable.<br />


I understand that St. Jude’s Medical Center maintains a safe for the safekeeping of money and valuables. I, also,<br />

understand that I assume full responsibility for any and all of my valuables, money, clothing, dentures, and other<br />

personal items while a patient in the hospital unless deposited with the Hospital for safekeeping.<br />

Valuables Deposited with the Hospital YES NO<br />


I agree to pay to the Hospital any difference between the semi-private rate provided by my hospitalization insurance<br />

and the Hospital charges for a private accommodation. I understand that private accommodations are more expensive<br />

than the room rate payable by my hospitalization insurance and that it is my responsibility to pay the difference.<br />

I request a Private Room YES NO<br />

This document has been fully explained to me, and I certify that I understand its contents and agree to it freely.<br />

August 14, xx 0645 Edward C. Newman<br />

AM<br />

DATE TIME PM Patient or authorized person<br />

Marilyn Flemming<br />

Witness Relationship<br />

Signature is not that of the patient because: ( ) patient is a minor<br />

( ) other reason (specify):<br />

ü<br />

ü<br />

Guarantor/Insured Certificate Holder

Patient's Name<br />

Birth Date Age<br />

Street Address<br />

Sex Marital Status State Zip County<br />

Soc. Sec. #<br />

Patient's Occupation<br />

Notify In<br />

Emergency<br />

Address<br />

Name<br />

Date Admitted Time AM<br />

PM<br />

City<br />

Religion<br />

Relationship<br />

Phone No.<br />

Date Discharged Time AM<br />

PM<br />

Hospital Number<br />

Phone Number<br />

Responsible for Account<br />

Date of Last Admission Name & Address of Any Institution From Which Discharged in Last 60 Days<br />

Admitting Physician<br />

Aitemding Physician<br />

Sundance Sundance HealthCare HealthCare Systems<br />

Systems<br />

Painted Painted Valley, Valley, USA USA<br />

USA<br />

Consultant<br />

Room<br />

Race<br />

Ethnicity<br />

Admitting Diagnosis (Within 24 Hours) ICD-9-CM ICD-9-CM ICD-9-CM CODES<br />

CODES<br />

Principal Diagnosis<br />

Secondary Diagnoses<br />

Complications<br />

Operative Procedures (Date & Title)<br />

Discharged Alive ____ Died ____ Autopsy Yes ____ No ____<br />


Physician Signature<br />

This is a simulated health record created and intended for educational purposes only. All scenarios, names, demographic information, medical events, and data<br />

portrayed herein are fictitious. No identification with or similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or entities is intended or should be<br />

inferred. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />


Account Number:<br />

Patient's Name: Last Name First Name Middle Initial Home Phone Admission Date a.m. Med.Rec. Number<br />

Newman, Edward C. 701 801-7734 08/14 p.m. # 012502<br />

Address:<br />

Devils Lake<br />

State<br />

N.D.<br />

Zip<br />

58301<br />

Age<br />

78<br />

Sex<br />

M<br />

Date of Birth<br />

04/01<br />

Civil Status<br />

S M W D Sep<br />

Religion<br />

Methodist<br />

Employer: Retired Occupation: Teacher Soc. Sec. # 504-59-3132<br />

Address: Tokyo, ND<br />

Phone No: Notify Press Yes No<br />

Responsible Party: Alfred E. Newman Occupation: Teacher Family Doctor: Dr. Wainwright<br />

Address: Devils Lake, ND Phone No: 801-7734<br />

Notified Yes No<br />

Brought In By: ___ xx Self<br />

Name of Insurance Company Medicare Policy No. AP 504-39-3132<br />

___ Police ___ Fire<br />

Address of Insurance Co. Hooterville, ND<br />

___ Relative ___ Other<br />

Notified: Relative Mildred Relationiship: Wife By Whom Agathie Chrsty Race:<br />

Police No Coroner No Time 0645 a.m./p.m. Ethnicity:<br />

BRIEF HISTORY: (If accident, state where, when & how injured; if illness describe)<br />

:<br />

78-year-old male to ER per ambulance. Awoke at 0600 with acute respiratory distress. Hx COPD. Did home nebulizers<br />

without relief. Ambulance called for transport. Second neb started et finished en route. Accu ü done also “200”. Currently<br />

mildly dyspneic, respirations 38, lungs slightly et moderate diminished. SAO2 98% on 2 liter p.m. NC. ??? Rhythm NS without<br />

ectopics. 0725 Saline lock 22 g 28 mm Jelco started L hand - Lasix 80 mg IV push. Lock flushed per protocol NUB.<br />

0730 Dr. Wainwright in to examine patient.<br />

0740 Admit Coronary care unit .<br />

0810 Patient to floor in W/C per RN<br />

Allergies: Penicillin Patient Medications: See attached sheet.<br />

Condition on Admission:<br />

Good ____ Fair ____ xx<br />

Poor ____ Shock ____<br />

Coma ____ Hemorrhage ____<br />

Vital Signs:<br />

Temp. 96.4 ____ Height: 72"<br />

Pulse 108 ____ Weight: 190<br />

Resp. 48 ____ SAO2 96%<br />

B.P. 143 ____/____ 72<br />

Normal Other System Inventory:<br />

o o Mental/Emotional<br />

o o Status:<br />

ü<br />

o o Skin<br />

ü<br />

o o Respiratory<br />

ü<br />

ü<br />

ü<br />

ü<br />

ü<br />

ü<br />

o o Cardiovascular.<br />

o o Musculoskeletal:<br />

o o Gastrointestinal<br />

o o Genitourinary<br />

o o Neurological<br />

PHYSICIAN'S REPORT: History & Physical Findings:<br />

Increasing shortness of breath 6:00 a.m. No chest pain. No cough. Has been on<br />

home O2. O2 sat on 2LNC 96% Pulse increased,<br />

Adm H: CHF RR 28 pm<br />

ASHD Heart: WNL.<br />

Diagnosis:<br />

Lungs: Expiratory wheezes bilaterally.<br />

Lower extremity edema 1+.<br />

Treatment (including medications):<br />

Disposition of Case: Admitted to CCU, LAB: CXR, EKG, CBC, PO2 (Theo Old charts<br />

per Dr. Wainright / Ries RN) A: Acute exacerbation of asthma / LVF.<br />

Referred to Dr. Lasix 20 mg IV Date:<br />

Instructions to Patient:<br />

P: Admit to CCU.<br />

Edward C. Newman 8/14/xx 6:45 <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

o o EENT<br />

Form # _ _ _ _ Patient's Signature Date Time Attending Physician<br />

Simulated record. ©2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

PATIENT:<br />

A.M.<br />

DATE: DATE: P.M.<br />

1. I, (or ) acting for )<br />

knowing that I, (or ) am (is) suffering from a condition requiring emergency or out patient care do hereby<br />

voluntarily consent to such care encompassing diagnostic procedures and medical treatment by Dr.<br />

his assistants or his designees as is necessary in his judgement.<br />

2. I am aware that the practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science and I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the result<br />

of treatments or examination in the hospital.<br />

3. This form has been fully explained to me and I certify that I understand its contents.<br />

Witness Signature of Patient<br />

(If patient is unable to consent or is a minor, complete the following):<br />

Patient (is a minor years of age) is unable to consent because<br />

Witness Closest Relative or Legal Guardian<br />

Simulated record. ©2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />


Account Number:<br />

Patient's Name: Last Name First Name Middle Initial Home Phone Admission Date a.m.<br />

p.m.<br />

Med.Rec. Number<br />

Address: State Zip Age Sex Date of Birth Civil Status Religion<br />

S M W D Sep<br />

Employer: Occupation: Soc. Sec. #<br />

Address: Phone No: Notify Press Yes No<br />

Responsible Party: Occupation: Family Doctor:<br />

Address: Phone No: Notified Yes No<br />

Brought In By: ___ Self<br />

Name of Insurance Company Policy No. ___ Police ___ Fire<br />

Address of Insurance Co. ___ Relative ___ Other<br />

Notified: Relative Relationiship: By Whom Race:<br />

Police Coroner Time a.m./p.m. Ethnicity:<br />

BRIEF HISTORY: (If accident, state where, when & how injured; if illness describe)<br />

:<br />

Condition on Admission:<br />

Good ____ Fair ____<br />

Poor ____ Shock ____<br />

Coma ____ Hemorrhage ____<br />

Vital Signs:<br />

Temp. ____<br />

Pulse ____<br />

Resp. ____<br />

B.P. ____/____<br />

Normal Other System Inventory:<br />

o o Mental/Emotional<br />

o o Status:<br />

o o Skin<br />

o o Respiratory<br />

o o Cardiovascular.<br />

o o Musculoskeletal:<br />

o o Gastrointestinal<br />

o o Genitourinary<br />

o o Neurological<br />

PHYSICIAN'S REPORT: History & Physical Findings:<br />

Diagnosis:<br />

Treatment (including medications):<br />

Disposition of Case:<br />

Referred to Dr. Date:<br />

Instructions to Patient:<br />

o o EENT<br />

Form # _ _ _ _ Patient's Signature Date Time Attending Physician<br />

Simulated record. ©2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />

NEWMAN, Edward C. # 012502<br />

Age 78 CCU<br />

Dr. D. J. Wagner 8-14-xx a.m.<br />

MECHANISM: Normal sinus rhythm<br />

RATE: 94 beats per minute<br />

AXIS Left axis deviation. P-R-T axes 68 - 55 116<br />

PW: Are broadened. P-R interval 162 ms<br />

COMPLEXES: Normal voltage. Left ventricular hypertrophy with QRS widening. Left atrial<br />

enlargement. QT/Qtc 317/398 ms. QRS interval is 118 ms.<br />

TW: Nonspecific ST and T-wave abnormality.<br />

COMMENT: Abnormal EKG, possible lateral ischemia. Old anterior MI. No change from<br />

previous EKG.<br />

DJW/bg<br />

St. Luke’s<br />

D&T: 8-14-xx<br />

Form 4101 (10/01) mr ELECTRCARDIOGRAM<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

Donald J. Wagner<br />

Cardiologist Signature

Sundance HealthCare Systems<br />

Painted Valley, USA<br />


Form 9055 (3/98) him DISCHARGE SUMMARY<br />

© 2003. American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved.<br />

NEWMAN, Edward C.<br />

Dr. <strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright<br />

Coronary care unit<br />

# 012502<br />

This patient is a 78-year-old gentleman from Podunk Center. He was admitted because of increasing problems<br />

associated with his chronic congestive heart failure, COPD, diabetes and ASHD. The patient was experiencing<br />

increasing dyspnea associated with the CHF. He was given an IV and increased dose of Lasix. Following this<br />

the patient diuresed approximately five pounds during his hospitalization. Both his O2 saturations and breathing<br />

steadily improved.<br />

Two days after admission he was feeling much better. He had been up walking and was having no chest pain.<br />

He is being discharged in improved condition.<br />


Diazepam 20 mg p.o. q.h.s., albuterol and Atrovent nebulizers q.i.d. and p.r.n., Lasix 160 mg p.o. b.i.d.; Theo-<br />

Dur 200 mg q.a.m., 300 mg q.h.s.; Imdur 30 mg (1/2 tab) q.h.s., Pilocarpine 4% 1 drop O.D. q.i.d., nitroglycerin<br />

0.4 mg sublingual p.r.n. chest pain, oxygen 2 to 4 liters per minute per nasal cannula. For his diabetes he<br />

will be on Humulin N 64 U a.m., Humulin N 36 U p.m. and Humalog sliding scale as follows:<br />

Accu-Chek less than 100 = 0,<br />

Accu-Chek 101 - 130 = 3,<br />

Accu-Chek 131 - 170 = 5,<br />

Accu-Chek 171 - 220 = 8,<br />

Accu-Chek 221 - 300 = 12,<br />

Accu-Chek 301 - 400 = 15,<br />

Accu-Chek more than 400 = 18.<br />

FOLLOW-UP: Mr. Newman has an appointment to see me in the office in approximately two weeks for<br />

recheck. He should call or come in sooner if he has any questions or problems prior to that appointment. He is<br />

to check his weights on a daily basis at home and if he gains more than two pounds from his discharge weight he<br />

is to call me at once or come into the ER or walk-in clinic.<br />


1. Congestive heart failure complicating severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.<br />

2. Arteriosclerotic heart disease with history of myocardial infarctions.<br />

3. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.<br />

4. Glaucoma.<br />

PROCEDURES: None.<br />


DJW/sgs<br />

D&T: 8/16/xx<br />

<strong>William</strong> J. Wainwright

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