GLOSSARY A - Guerrelec

GLOSSARY A - Guerrelec

GLOSSARY A - Guerrelec


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<strong>GLOSSARY</strong><br />

2D Two Dimensional<br />

3D Three Dimensional<br />

4GL Fourth Generation Language<br />

A<br />

A Verification by Analysis<br />

A Ampere<br />

A.D. Applicable Document<br />

A/C Aircraft<br />

A-A Air to Air<br />

AAA Anti Aircraft Artillery<br />

AAM Air to Air Missile<br />

AAU Airborne Antenna Unit<br />

ABL Allocated Baseline<br />

ABW Antenna Beam Width<br />

AC Alternative Current<br />

ACA Associate Contractor Agreement<br />

ACDD Accuracy Control Data Document<br />

ACI Allocated Configuration Identification<br />

ACP127 Allied Communication Publication 127<br />

ACU Antenna Control Unit<br />

ADC Analog to Digital Converter<br />

ADF Automatic Direction Finding<br />

ADFU Amplitude Direction Finding Unit<br />

ADI Attitude Direction Indicator<br />

ADP Automatic Data Processing<br />

ADU Air Data Unit<br />

ADW Amplitude Description Word<br />

AEISS Automated Electronic Intelligence and Surveillance System<br />

AEW Airborne Early Warning<br />

AF Audio Frequency<br />

AFCS Automatic Flight Control Systems<br />

AFL Automatic Fault Location<br />

AFT Acceptance Flight Test<br />

AG Accelerated Graphics<br />

A-G Air to Ground<br />

AGC Automatic Gain Control<br />

AGI AGIlity<br />

AGR Air to Ground Ranging<br />

AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System<br />

AIC Aircraft In-habited Carrier<br />

AIP Aircraft Interface Processor<br />

AIT Alternate Internal Technique<br />

ALAT Aviation Légère de l’Armée de Terre<br />

ALDT Administrative and Logistic Delay Time<br />

ALE Automatic Link Establishment<br />

AM Amplitude Modulation<br />

AM/FM Amplitude Modulation / Frequency Modulation<br />

AMA Airborne Modem Assembly<br />

AMASCOS Airborne Maritime Situation Control System<br />

AMCW Amplitude Modulation Continuous Wave<br />

AMOP Amplitude Modulation On Pulse<br />

ANDC Agence Nationale des Documents Centralisés<br />

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ANTU : Antenna Unit<br />

AOA Angle Of Arrival<br />

AOD Air Operation Department<br />

AOG Aircraft On Ground<br />

AOI Area Of Interest<br />

AP Autopilot<br />

APA Availability Performance Analysis<br />

APB Acoustic Processing Board<br />

APGS ASTAC Processing Ground Station<br />

API Application Programming Interfaces<br />

APU Auxiliary Power Unit<br />

AQAP Allied Quality Assurance Publication<br />

ARB Armament Relay Box<br />

ARF Appreciation Report Form<br />

ARINC Aeronautical Radio INCorporation<br />

ARO Alphanumeric Read Out<br />

ARP Antenna Rotation Period<br />

ARQ Automatic ReQuest<br />

ART ARTiculation<br />

ASE Aircraft Survivability Equipment<br />

ASL Authorized Storage List<br />

ASP Antenna Scanning Period<br />

ASTAC Analyseur de Signaux TACtiques (French Acronym)<br />

ATC Air Traffic Control<br />

ATE Automatic Test Equipment (ILS)<br />

ATHREIS Architecture de Transport Haut débit pour Réseau Embarqué Indépendant<br />

des Supports<br />

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode<br />

ATP Acceptance Test Procedure<br />

ATR Acceptance Test Report<br />

AUC Aircraft Un-habited Carrrier<br />

AURIS Airborne Universal Reconnaissance and Intelligence System<br />

AURORE Architecture Universelle de Réseaux de cOmmunications Embarqués<br />

AUTO AUTOmatic<br />

B<br />

BC Bus Cable<br />

BCV Boîtier de Commande et de Visualisation<br />

BEA BEAmwidth<br />

BER Bit Error Rate<br />

BF Basse Fréquence<br />

BFE Buyer’s Furnished Equipment<br />

BFI Buyer Furnished Information<br />

BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator<br />

BFP Buyer Furnished Property<br />

BFS Buyer’s Furnished Support<br />

BII Basic Issue Item<br />

BIT Built-In-Test<br />

BITE Built-In Test Equipment<br />

BLU Bande Latérale Unique (Single Side Band)<br />

BMP Bit MaP<br />

BNL Bas Niveau de Lumière<br />

BOA Basic Ordering Agreement<br />

BPF Band Pass Filter<br />

Bps Baud per second<br />

BRASS BRoadcast and Ship / Shore

BRF RF (or IF) bandwidth<br />

BSM/BL/BF Boîtier de Surveillance Magnétique/Bombe Lisse/Bombe Fraissée<br />

BSR Battle Space Radio (unité de THALES Communications)<br />

BTM Bench Technical Manual<br />

BTR Burn Through Range<br />

BURST A burst is the formation of a reflective volume of chaff from an individual<br />

cartridge.<br />

BV Bureau Veritas<br />

BV Video bandwidth<br />

BVR Beyond Visual Range<br />

bw Black & White<br />

BW Bandwidth<br />

C<br />

C&DL Command and Data Link<br />

C.D. Contractual Document<br />

C/F Chaff and Flares<br />

C3I Control Command and Communication Information<br />

CAD Computer Aided Design<br />

CAF Chilean Air Force<br />

CAN Controller Area Network<br />

CAP Computer Aided Publication<br />

CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering<br />

CATAS Computer Aided Training And Simulation<br />

CBIT Continuous Built in Test<br />

CBS Commercial / Cost Breakdown Structure<br />

CBT Computer Based Training<br />

CCA Circuit Card Assembly<br />

CCB Configuration Control Board<br />

CCD Charged Coupled Device<br />

CCIP Continuous Computation of the Impact Point<br />

CCIR Comité Consultatif International Radio<br />

CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee<br />

CCLT Calcul Continu de la Ligne Traceurs<br />

CCME Contre-Contre Mesures Electroniques<br />

CCMS Communication & Control Monitoring System<br />

CCMS Communication & Command Management System<br />

CCN : Contract Change Notice<br />

CCPI Calcul Continu du Point d’Impact<br />

CCPL Calcul Continu du Point de Largage<br />

CCRP Continuous Computation of the Release Point<br />

CCS Communication Control System<br />

CCTL Continuous Computation of Tracer Line<br />

CCTV Close-Circuit Television<br />

CCU Centralised Control Unit<br />

CCU Cockpit Control Unit<br />

CCV Central de Cap et de Vertical<br />

CD Confidentiel Défense<br />

CDM Cartridge Dispenser Module<br />

CDR Critical Design Review<br />

CDRL Contract Data Requirement List<br />

CDRL Contractual Document Requirement List<br />

CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory<br />

CDU Control Display Unit<br />

CDU Cockpit Display Unit<br />

CDU Chaff and Flares Dispenser Unit

CDU : Command and Display Unit<br />

CECMED Commandant en Chef pour la Méditerranée<br />

CEF Current Emitter File<br />

CEM Compatibilité ElectroMagnétique<br />

CEOB Communications Electronic Order of Battle<br />

CEP Circle of Error Probability<br />

CEP Cercle Ecart Portable<br />

CEP Centre d’Expérimentation du Pacifique<br />

CF Center Frequency<br />

CFAR Constant False Alarm Rate<br />

CFD Chaff and Flare Dispenser<br />

CFDCU Chaff and Flare Dispenser Control Unit<br />

CFDS Chaff and Flare Dispenser System<br />

CFDU Chaff and Flare Dispenser Unit<br />

CFE Contractor Furnished Equipment<br />

CFI Contractor Furnished Information<br />

CFS Contractor Furnished Services<br />

Ch/s Channels per second<br />

CHAFF Chaff consists of aluminised glass fibre filaments which act as half wave<br />

dipoles and can thus reflect radio frequency electromagnetic energy.<br />

CHAFF CARTRIDGE A chaff cartridge is an individual package of chaff. The cartridge may<br />

contain several different cut lengths of chaff to optimise response over the<br />

required frequency band.<br />

CI Configuration Item<br />

CIC Combat Information Center<br />

CIDS Critical Item Development Specification<br />

CIPU Centralized Intelligent Programmable Unit<br />

CIS Communication Information System<br />

CKCU CocKpit Control Unit<br />

CKDSP CocKpit DiSPlay<br />

CLIN Contract Line Item Number<br />

CLS Closed Loop Simulation<br />

CLSP Closed Loop Simulation Testing Phase<br />

CLST Closed Loop Simulation Testing<br />

CM Configuration Management<br />

CM Contract Manager<br />

CMCP Counter-Measures Control Panel<br />

CMD Countermeasures Dispenser<br />

CMDS Counter Measure Dispensing System<br />

CMM Component Maintenance Manual<br />

CMP Configuration Management Plan<br />

CMS Combat Management System<br />

CMU Compatibility Management Unit<br />

CMX Commutateur<br />

COC Certificate Of Conformity<br />

COMINT COMmunication INTelligence<br />

COMO COMINT Operator<br />

COMSEC COMmunications SECurity<br />

COSRO COnical Scan on Receive Only<br />

COTS Commercial Off The Shelf<br />

CP Customization Phase<br />

CP Change Proposal<br />

CPA Closest Point Of Approach<br />

CPU Central Processing Unit<br />

CRFT Coherent Range False Target

CRLU Computer, Recorder and Localizer Unit<br />

CROC Comptes-Rendus Opérationnels de Contre-Mesures<br />

CRT Cathode Ray Tube<br />

CRV Comptes Rendus de Vol<br />

CS Central Site<br />

CSB Company Standard Baseline<br />

CSC Computer Software Configuration Item<br />

CSC Configuration of Source Code<br />

CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item<br />

CSOM Computer Software Operator’s Manuals<br />

CSP Concurrent Spares Parts<br />

CSU Computer Software Unit<br />

CTR Board Digital Receiver Board<br />

CU Charge Utile<br />

CU Control Unit<br />

CVR Crystal Video Receiver<br />

CW Continuous Wave<br />

CWBS Contractual Work Breakdown Structure<br />

CWP Central Warning Panel<br />

CWS Central Warning System<br />

D<br />

D Verification by demonstration<br />

D Level Depot Level<br />

D.R.L. Documentation Requirement List<br />

D/F Direction Finding<br />

DAM Détecteur d’Approche Missile<br />

DAO Direction of Arrival<br />

DAR DP Analysis Report<br />

DAR Détecteur d’Alerte Radar<br />

DASA Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG<br />

DASS Defensive Aids Suite System<br />

DASY Directional Antenna Sub-assemblY<br />

DAT Digital Audio Tape<br />

dB Decibel<br />

DB DataBase<br />

dBi Decibel referenced to isotropic radiation<br />

dBm Decibel referenced to milliwatt<br />

DBMS Data Base Management System<br />

DBS Doppler Beam Sharpening<br />

dBW Decibel referenced to Watt<br />

DC Direct Current<br />

DC Inspection file (Dossier de Contrôle)<br />

DCA Digitally Controlled Attenuator<br />

DCH Detection Channel<br />

DCN Direction des Constructions Navales<br />

DCO Digitally Controlled Oscillator<br />

DCW Digital Chart of the World<br />

DD Dossier de Définition<br />

DD Definition file (Dossier de Définition)<br />

DDL Dispersive Delay Line<br />

DDS Direct Digital Synthesizer<br />

DDU Delivery Duty Unpaid<br />

DEMUX DEMUltipleX<br />

DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency<br />

DETDDS Digital ECM Techniques Design / Development System

DF Direction Finding<br />

DF Definition File<br />

DF Manufacturing file (Dossier de Fabrication)<br />

DFAD Digital Feature Analysis Data<br />

DGA Direction Générale des Armées (French MOD)<br />

DID Data Item Description<br />

DIFM Digital Instantaneous Frequency Measurement<br />

DIFM Digital Instantaneous Frequency Meter<br />

DIRCM Direct Infra Red Counter Measures<br />

DIS Distributed Information System<br />

DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation<br />

DJD Dossier Justificatif de Définition<br />

DJD Definition justification file (Dossier Justificatif de la Définition)<br />

DL Data-Link<br />

DLIU Data Link Interface Unit<br />

DLM Depot Level Maintenance<br />

DLRP Data Link Report Point<br />

DLVA Detector Logarithmic Frequency Measurement<br />

DME Distance Measuring Equipment<br />

DMI : Directorate of Military Intelligence<br />

DMM Data Management Mode<br />

DOA Direction Of Arrival<br />

DOD US Department Of Defense<br />

DOD-STD DOD StandarD<br />

DOORS Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System<br />

DP Data Package<br />

DQA Direction de la QuAlité<br />

DRFM Digital Radio Frequency Memory<br />

DRL Data Requirement List<br />

DRM Direction du Renseignement Militaire<br />

DRM Data Recorder Module<br />

DRMDDS Digital Receiver Design / Development System<br />

DRU Data Recorder Unit<br />

DS Direct Sequence<br />

DSA Digital Spectral Analysis<br />

DSC Digital Selective Call (Appel sélectif numérique)<br />

DSD Detailed System Design document<br />

DSG Digital Signal Generator<br />

DSHR Digital Superheterodyne Receiver<br />

DSL Document Summary List<br />

DSP Digital Signal Processor<br />

DSS Detailed System Specification<br />

DSU Data Storage Unit<br />

DTC Data Transfer Cartridge<br />

DTED Digital Terrain Evaluation Data<br />

DTG Distance To Go<br />

DTP Deferred Time Processing<br />

DTPM Deferred Time Processing Mode<br />

DTS Data Transfer System<br />

DTU : Data Transfer Unit<br />

DU Discardable Unit (e.g. not repairable LRU)<br />

DVIP Design Verification And Integration Phase<br />

E<br />

e.g. Exempli Gratia (for instance)<br />

E.M. Electro-Magnetic

EA Engineering Analysis<br />

EAR Engineering Analysis Report<br />

EAT EWSC Acceptance Test<br />

EATP EAT Procedure<br />

ECCM Electronic Counter-Counter Measures<br />

ECL English Comprehensive level<br />

ECM Electronic Counter-Measures<br />

ECN Engineering Change Notice<br />

ECP Engineering Change Proposal<br />

ECR Engineering Change Request<br />

ECS Environmental Control System<br />

EDC Effective Date of Contract<br />

EDMS Electronic Document Management System<br />

EDOC Effective Date Of Contract<br />

EECM Electronic Counter-Measures<br />

EESMS Engineering Evaluation Simulation / Modeling System<br />

EEZ Economical and Exclusion Zone Control<br />

EGC Enhanced Group Calling (Service SMDSM au profit des navires)<br />

EGIDE Ensemble de Goniométrie et d'Interception en ondes DEcamétriques<br />

EHDM Elektronik Harp Destek Merkezi (Electronic Warfare Support Center)<br />

EIC External Intelligence Center<br />

EIP EWSC Installation Plan<br />

ELIB Electronic LIBrary<br />

ELINT ELectronic INTelligence<br />

ELnot ELINT notification<br />

ELO ELINT operator<br />


EM ElectroMagnetic<br />

EM Electro Magnétique<br />

EMB EMBallage (French name for packing)<br />

EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility<br />

EMCON Emission CONtrol<br />

EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference<br />

EMI/EMC Electro-Magnetic Interference/Electro-Magnetic Compatibility<br />

EMM Etat-Major de la Marine<br />

EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse<br />

ENOB Effective Number of Bits<br />

EO Electro-Optics<br />

EOB Electronic Order of Battle<br />

EPDW Extended PDW<br />

EPDW : Extended Pulse Descriptor Word<br />

EPL Emitter Parameter List<br />

EP-LIB Ejection Program LIBrary<br />

EPM Electronic Protective Measures, dont l’EVF<br />

EQT Environmental Qualification Test<br />

EQTP EQT Procedures<br />

ERP Effective Radiated Power<br />

ERP Exciter Receiver Processing<br />

ERRC Expandable, Recoverable, Reparable Category item<br />

ERS EWSC Requirement Specifications<br />

ESAS ECM System Analysis System<br />

ESCP External Store Control Panel<br />

ESIB External Store Interface Box<br />

ESM Electronic Support Measures<br />

ESMO ESM Operator<br />

ESP Equivalent System Proposal

ESPU ESM/ELINT Sensor Processing Unit<br />

ESS Environmental Stress Screening<br />

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival<br />

ETDC ECM Techniques Development Center<br />

ETM Equipment Technical Manual<br />

ETS Engineering Technical Services<br />

ETWS : Electronic Track While Scan<br />

EUCLID European Co-operation for the Long term In Defence<br />

EVF EVasion de Fréquence<br />

EVT Environmental Verification Test<br />

EVTP Environmental Verification Test Procedure<br />

EW Electronic Warfare<br />

EWC Electronic Warfare Center<br />

EWSC Electronic Warfare System Controller<br />

EWDB Electronic Warfare DataBase<br />

EWDM Electronic Warfare Data Module<br />

EWIP Electronic Warfare Interface Processor<br />

EWL Electronic Warfare Library<br />

EWMPS Electronic Warfare Mission Programming System<br />

EWOC Electronic Warfare Operational Center<br />

EWR Electronic Warfare Receiver<br />

EWS Electronic Warfare System<br />

EWS Electronic Warfare Suite<br />

EWSC Electronic Warfare Support Center<br />

EWSC Electronic Warfare System Controller<br />

EWS-H Electronic Warning System for Helicopter<br />

EWS-H Electronic Warning System for Helicopter<br />

EWS-H Electronic Warfare Suite H<br />

EWTD Electronic Warfare Threat Database<br />

Ex Exchange<br />

EXPENDABLE An expendable is an individual unit of chaff or flare which after deployment<br />

cannot be recovered.<br />

F<br />

F Frequency<br />

F Factory reparable<br />

FAA Federal Aviation Agency<br />

FAAT First Article Acceptance Test<br />

FACh Fuerza Aérea de Chile<br />

FAF Finnish Air Force<br />

FAF ESMG FAF Electronic Support Measures Group<br />

FAF, FAF HQ Finnish Air Force, Finnish Air Force Headquarters<br />

FAI Finnish Aviation Industry or First Article Inspection<br />

FAI First Article Inspection<br />

FAN Force d’Action Navale<br />

FAR Failure/Discrepancy Analysis Reports<br />

FAR False Alarm Rate<br />

FAT Factory Acceptance Test<br />

FATP Factory Acceptance Test Procedure<br />

FBL Functional Baseline<br />

FC Fully Complies<br />

FC Frequency Converter<br />

FC : Fully Complies<br />

FCA Functional Configuration Audit<br />

FCR Fire Control Radar<br />

FCU Frequency Converter Unit

FDD Floppy Disk Driver<br />

FDDI Fiber Data Digital Interface<br />

FDM Frequency Domain Multiplex<br />

FDR Final Design Review<br />

FDW Frequency Descriptor Word<br />

FEA Fully Equipped Aircraft<br />

FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area<br />

FEC Forward Error Correction<br />

FFF Form, Fit, Function<br />

FFT Fast Fourier Transform<br />

FH Frequency Hopping<br />

FH Flight Hour<br />

FHIT First Helicopter Installation Test<br />

FHITP FHIT Procedure<br />

FIMC Finnish Industry Modification Center<br />

FIP Final Installation Plan<br />

FIRA Finnish Intelligence Research Agency<br />

FL Flight Level<br />

FL Forward Link<br />

FLARE Flares are pyrotechnic devices which are designed to emit IR energy.<br />

FLARE CARTRIDGE A flare cartridge is an individual package of combustible material which,<br />

when deployed, is designed to produce intense electromagnetic output in<br />

the IR region.<br />

FLIR Forward Looking Infra Red radar<br />

FLM Factory Level Modulation<br />

FLM Factory Level of Maintenance<br />

FM Frequency Modulation<br />

FM Functional Monitoring<br />

FMAA Finnish Military Aviation Authority<br />

FMC Full Mission Capability<br />

FMCW Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave<br />

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis<br />

FMECA Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis<br />

FMOP Frequency Modulation On Pulse<br />

FMS : Flight Management System<br />

FNC Failure Not Confirmed<br />

FNHQ Finnish Navy Head Quarters<br />

FNMC Finnish Navy Material Command<br />

FOB Free On Board<br />

FOS French Official Services<br />

FOS Follow On Support<br />

FOV Field Of View<br />

FP: PIDP Final Phase: Production, Installation and Delivery Phase<br />

FPB Fast Patrol Boat<br />

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Arrays<br />

FPIP First Phase Installation Plan<br />

FQR Formal Qualification Review<br />

FR Frequency Range<br />

FRACAS Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System<br />

FRB Failure Review Board<br />

FRR Flight Readiness Review<br />

FSA Functional System Item<br />

FSK Frequency Shift Keying<br />

FSO Frequency Set On<br />

FSO Fast Settling Oscillator

ft Feet<br />

FTDPAR Final TDP / OR Analysis Report<br />

FTM Flight Testing Methodology<br />

FTMP Flight Testing Methodology Phase<br />

FTP Factory Test Plan<br />

FWD ForWarD<br />

G<br />

GaAs Gallium Arsenium<br />

GAC Gulfstream Aircraft Corporation<br />

GAM Guerre,Air, Mer (French MOD Standard)<br />

GCA Cyro Compass Alignment<br />

GCP Graphic Color Printer<br />

GEO Geographical Overview<br />

GF Ground Fixed<br />

GFE Government Furnished Equipment<br />

GHE Ground Handling Equipment<br />

GHz GigaHertz<br />

GIF Graphic Interchange Format<br />

GIPF Ground Integrated Processing Facility<br />

GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System<br />

GMT : Greenwich Mean Time<br />

GND GrouND<br />

GO GOod<br />

GO/NOGO GOod/NOGOod<br />

GOT Government of Turkey<br />

GPS Global Positioning System<br />

GPTE General Purpose Test Equipment<br />

GPU Ground Power Unit<br />

GRD : Ground Resolved Definition<br />

GS Glide Slope<br />

GSE Ground Support Equipment<br />

GSI Ground Control Interceptor<br />

GUI Graphic User Interface<br />

GV French acronym for "Grande Visite" (=Major Inspection)<br />

H<br />

H Horizontal<br />

H/C HeliCopter<br />

H/W Hardware<br />

HAT Harbour Acceptance Test<br />

HB High Band<br />

HBJ : High Band Jammer<br />

HCI Human Computer Interface<br />

HDB High Drag Bomb<br />

HDD Hardware Design Documentation<br />

HEWS Helicopter Electronic Warfare System (Helicopter Electronic Warfare Suite)<br />

HF : High Frequency<br />

HFR High Frequency Repetition<br />

HGND Housing GrouND<br />

HHC Hand Held Camera<br />

HLA High Level Architecture<br />

HLL High Level Language<br />

HMI Human Machine Interface<br />

HN Hellenic Navy<br />

HOTAS Hands On Throttle And Stick<br />

HPOI High Probability Of Intercept

HPRF High Pulse Repetition Frequency<br />

HQ : Head Quarter<br />

HRRS Hybrid Radar Receiver Simulator<br />

HRS Hardware Requirement Specifications<br />

HSDP High Speed Data Processor<br />

HSI Horizon Situation Indicator<br />

HSP High Band RF Switching and Preamplifier<br />

HTIT Helicopter Type Installation Test<br />

HUD Head Up Display<br />

HUMINT HUMan INTelligence<br />

HW HardWare<br />

HWCI HardWare Configuration Item<br />

Hz : Hertz<br />

I<br />

I Verification by Inspection<br />

I Input<br />

I ILM reparable<br />

i.e. Id est (that is)<br />

I.P. Industrial Participation<br />

I/O Input / Output<br />

IAF Indian Air Force<br />

IAGC Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control<br />

IBIT Initiated BIT<br />

IBIT Interruptive Built in Test<br />

IBIT Initial Built-In-Test<br />

IBIT Initiated Built In Test<br />

ICD Document de maîtrise des interfaces (Interface Control Document)<br />

ICMS Integrated Counter Measures System<br />

ICS InterCommunication System<br />

ICTB IMEWS Common Test Bench<br />

ICW Interrupted Continuous Wave<br />

ICWG Interface Control Working Group<br />

ID IDentification<br />

IDD Interface Design Document<br />

IDW Intrapulse Data Words<br />

IEEE Institute of Electronic and Electronics Engineers<br />

IEMM-BA Impulsion électromagnétique d’origine nucléaire –détonation à basse<br />

altitude<br />

IEMM-HA Impulsion électromagnétique d’origine nucléaire – détonation à haute<br />

altitude<br />

IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual<br />

IETP Interactive Electronic Technical Publication<br />

IEV Installation d’Essais en Vol<br />

IEWS Integrated Electronic Warfare System<br />

IF Intermediate Frequency<br />

IF Inspection File<br />

IFAT In Field Acceptance Tests<br />

IFB Intention For Bids<br />

IFDC Intermediate Frequency Down Converter<br />

IFDU Intermediate Frequency Distribution Unit<br />

IFF Identification, Friend or Foe<br />

IFF-T Identification Friend of Foe - Transponder<br />

IFM Instantaneous Frequency Measurement<br />

IFR : In-Flight Report<br />

IFVR IF Receiver and Processing Unit

IG Image Generator<br />

IGN Institut Géographique National<br />

IHM<br />

Interface Homme-Machine<br />

IHS Interface Homme Système<br />

IHSS/HMD Integrated Helmet Sight System / Helmet Mount Display<br />

ILBG Irrevocable Letter of Bank Guarantee<br />

ILM Intermediate Level Maintenance<br />

ILS Integration Logistic Support<br />

ILS Instrument Landing System<br />

ILSR Integrated Logistics Support Requirements<br />

IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions<br />

IMEWS Integrated Multimission Electronic Warfare System<br />

IMEWS-H Integrated Multimission Electronic Warfare System for Helicopter<br />

IMINT IMagery INTelligence<br />

IMM International Maritime Mobile<br />

IMO International Maritime Organization<br />

IMOP Intentional Modulation On Pulse<br />

IMS Interface Management Software<br />

INS Inertial Navigation System<br />

INTEL Electronic INTELligence<br />

INU Inertial Navigation Unit<br />

IOS Instructor Operating Station<br />

IP Initial Point<br />

IPAT In Plant Acceptance Tests<br />

IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue<br />

IPER Indisponibilité Programmée pour Entretien et Réparations<br />

IPL Initial Provisioning List<br />

IPS Inch Per Second<br />

IR Infra Red<br />

IRCM Infra-Red Counter Measures<br />

IRS Interface Requirements Specification (Engineering)<br />

IRS Inertial Reference System (Avionic)<br />

IRS Inertial Reference System<br />

IRS Interface Requirements Specifications<br />

IS Interception Site<br />

IS Interphone System<br />

ISA Interconnect Standard Architecture (Computer)<br />

ISA International Standard Atmosphere (Avionic)<br />

ISAR Inverse SAR<br />

ISM Integrated Sensor Module<br />

ISO International Standards Organization<br />

ISP Integrated Support Plan<br />

ISSL Initial Supply Support List<br />

ISSL Interim Support Spares List<br />

ISST Integrated Suite Specification Compliance and Simulation Test<br />

ISSTP ISST Procedure<br />

IST Integration Sample Test<br />

ISU Intermediate frequency Switching Unit<br />

IT Instructions Techniques<br />

IVP Integration and Validation Plan<br />

IVQ Integration / Validation / Qualification<br />

IWBR Instantaneous Wide Band Receiver<br />

IWG<br />

J<br />

Installation Working Group<br />

JDP Jammer system Data Package

JDPAR ECM System Analysis Report<br />

JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Center<br />

JIU Joint Interface Unit<br />

JSU Jamming Source Unit<br />

JTG Jamming Technique Generator<br />

K<br />

KAF Kuwait Air Force<br />

KARTEK ECM Development Program<br />

kbps Kilobits per second<br />

KDU Keyboard Display Unit<br />

KHz KiloHertz<br />

KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia<br />

KT KnoT<br />

KVA Kilo Volts Amperes<br />

L<br />

LAN Local Area Network<br />

LAT Location At a given Time<br />

LB Low Band<br />

LB Local Bureau<br />

LBA Low Band Antenna<br />

LBI Long Base Interferometer<br />

LBIAB Long Base Interferometer Antenna Block<br />

LBJ Low Band Jammer<br />

LBR Laser Beamrider<br />

LBTS Land Based Test Site<br />

LC Local CU<br />

LC Walkthrough (Lecture Croisée)<br />

LCB Logistic Configuration Baseline<br />

LCC Life Cycle Cost<br />

LCD Liquid Crystal Display<br />

LCDF Local Complete Data Fusion<br />

LCM Laser Counter-Measures<br />

LCN Logistic Code Number<br />

LD Local Doc/Archivage<br />

LD Laser Designator<br />

LD Lateral Display<br />

LDB Low Drag Bomb<br />

LDF Local Data Fusion<br />

LFK LenkFlugKörpersysteme GmbH<br />

LFR Low Frequency Repetition<br />

LH Left Hand<br />

LHBA Left High Band & K band Antenna block<br />

LHBA Left High Band Antenna<br />

LHC Left Hand Circular<br />

LHCP Left Hand Circular Polarization<br />

LHRS Low and High band RF Switching unit<br />

LICOM LIaison de COMmandement<br />

LICOP LIaison de COopération<br />

Lin : Linear<br />

LM Local Magasin<br />

LMALC Loockheed Martin Alenia Corporation<br />

LNA Low Noise Amplifier<br />

LO Local Oscillator<br />

LOAP List Of Applicable Publication<br />

LOB Line Of Bearing

LOC LOCalization<br />

LOC Localizer<br />

Log Logarithmic<br />

LOGIC SUPPLY The logic supply is a 28V dc supply used to power the Vicon 78 system with<br />

the exception of the firing circuits. This supply is not broken by the aircraft's<br />

weight-off-wheels switch. The term 'powered up' refers to the situation that<br />

normally exists directly after application of this supply.<br />

LORA Level Of Repair Analysis<br />

LORO Lobe-On Receive Only<br />

LOROP Long Range Oblique Photography<br />

LOS Line Of Sight<br />

LPC Logistic Planning Conference<br />

LPF Low Pass Filter<br />

LPI Low Probability of Intercept<br />

LR Local Réserve<br />

LR Long Range<br />

LRF Laser Rangefinder<br />

LRt Listening Report<br />

LRU Line Replaceable Unit<br />

LRWS Long Range weapon System<br />

LSAR Logistic Support Analysis Record<br />

LSB Least Significant Bit<br />

LSB Lower Side Band<br />

LSC Logistics Support Costs<br />

LSD Localization Simplified Data<br />

LSP Logistic Support Plan<br />

LSP Low band RF Switching and Preamplifier<br />

LSP Logistic Support Plan<br />

LSU Laser Sensor Unit<br />

LT Local Technique<br />

LTA Logistics Technical Assistance<br />

LTASP Local Target Situation Picture<br />

LUF Lowest Usable Frequency<br />

LVL LeVeL<br />

LVL pulse LeVeL<br />

LVT LRU Validation Test<br />

LVTP LRU Validation Test Procedure<br />

LW<br />

Laser Warning<br />

LWR Laser Warning Receiver (Détecteur d’Alerte Laser)<br />

LWS<br />

M<br />

Laser Warning Simulator<br />

M.D. Manufacturer Document<br />

M/F Maintenance / Float<br />

MACE Months After Contract Effectivity<br />

MAG Magazine<br />

MAG MAGIC II mode<br />

MAG Magazine<br />

MAN MANual<br />

MAN MANufacturer<br />

MARIE Messagerie d’AutoRité et Informelle Embarquée<br />

MASTER Milint Advanced Sigint Tactical Electronic Raptor<br />

MAW Missile Approach Warning<br />

Mb Megabyte<br />

MBI : Medium Base Interferometer<br />

Mbps : Megabits per second

MBWF Manufacturer’s Bare Weight Empty<br />

MC Mission Computer<br />

MC Mission Commander<br />

MC Main Computer<br />

MCM : Multi Chip Module<br />

MCMV Mine-hunter Conter Measure Vessel<br />

MCO Maintenance in operational condition (Maintien en Condition Opérationnelle)<br />

MCPA Methodologie de Conduite de Projet et d'Affaire (Methodology for Proposal<br />

and Project Management)<br />

MCTA Multi Channel Technical Analyzer<br />

MCU Management and Compatibility Unit<br />

MDD Multirole Digital Detection<br />

MDF Mission Data Files<br />

MDJ-H Multi-role Digital Jamming for Helicopter<br />

MDR-H Multi-function Digital Reception for Helicopter<br />

MDS : Multi Distance Sensor<br />

MDSU Missile Detection Sensor Unit<br />

MDU Management Dispenser Unit<br />

MDU Management and Distribution Unit<br />

MET Meteo / Weather<br />

MEUTE Module d’Insertion de Paramètres (MIP)<br />

MF Moyenne Fréquence<br />

MFC Multi Function Console<br />

MFD Multi Function Display<br />

MFHBF Mean Flight Hours Between Failure<br />

MFR Medium Frequency Repetition<br />

MHS Message Handling System<br />

MHSU Mast Head Sensor Unit<br />

MHz MegaHertz<br />

MIBIT Manually Initiated Built In Test<br />

MIDS Multi-function Information Distribution System<br />

MIL STD Military Standard<br />

MILDS MIssile Launch Detection System<br />

MILDS Missile Launch Detector System<br />

MILDS ® Brand Name for the MW: Missile Launch Detector System<br />

MILDS AN/AAR60 MIssile Launch Detector System<br />

MIL-HDBK MILitary HanDBooK<br />

MILINT MILitary INTelligence<br />

MIL-STD MILitary STandard<br />

MIP Module d’Insertion de Paramètres<br />

MIPS Mega Instruction Per Second<br />

ML Maintenance Level<br />

ML1 Maintenance Level 1<br />

ML2 Maintenance Level 2<br />

MLD Missile Launch Detector<br />

MLD Mean Logistic Delay<br />

MLDSU Missile Launch Detector Sensor Unit<br />

MLP Moyen Local de Programmation<br />

MMF Mass Memory Function<br />

MMH Man Maintenance Hour<br />

MMH Mean Man Hour<br />

MMH : Man Maintenance Hour<br />

MMH/FH Mean Man-Hours per Flight Hour<br />

MMH/OH Man Maintenance Hour per Operation Hour<br />

MMH/OH Mean Man Hour per Operation Hour

MMI Man Machine Interface<br />

MMIC Millimetric Microwaves Integrated circuits<br />

MMPFH Maintenance Manhours Per Flying Hour<br />

MMSS Modular Mission Support System<br />

mn minute<br />

MND Ministry of National Defence<br />

MOB Main Operating Base<br />

MOD Ministry Of Defense<br />

MODA Ministry Of Defense and Aviation<br />

MOP Modulation On Pulse<br />

MOTS Military Off The Shelf<br />

MP Mission Preparation<br />

MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft<br />

MPM Mission Preparation Mode<br />

MPR Module for Programming and Recording<br />

MPRF Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency<br />

MPRGS Mission Planning and Restitution Ground Station<br />

MPS Mission Planning System<br />

MPS Maritime Patrol System<br />

MPS Mission Preparation System (ou MLP)<br />

MPS Mission Preparation Simulator<br />

MPS : Mission Planning System<br />

MRT Mean Repair Time<br />

MRWS Medium Range Weapon System<br />

ms Millisecond<br />

MSB Most Significant Bit<br />

MSC Mission Support Center<br />

MSE Mission Support Equipment<br />

MSP : Mission System Package<br />

MSPS Mega Samples Per Second<br />

MST Multi Sensor Tracking<br />

MST Main STructure<br />

MTBCF Mean Time Before Critical Failure<br />

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure<br />

MTBF Moyenne de Temps de Bon Fonctionnement<br />

MTBM : Mean Time Between Maintenance<br />

MTBMA Mean Time Between Maintenance Action<br />

MTBOMF Mean Time Between Operational Mission Failures<br />

MTBPM Mean Time Between Preventive Maintenance<br />

MTBR Mean Time Between Removal<br />

MTD Module de Transfert de Données<br />

MTD Moving Target Detector<br />

MTI Moving Target Indicator<br />

MTOW Maximum Take Off Weight<br />

MTP Master Test Plan<br />

MTTR Mean-Time-To-Repair<br />

MUF Maximum Usable Frequency<br />

MUR Mock Up Review<br />

MUSE Messagerie Universelle SEcurisée<br />

MUX MUltipleX<br />

MW MicroWave<br />

MW Missile Warning<br />

MW Missile Warner (MLD)<br />

MWC Mission and Weapon Computer

MWG Management Working Group<br />

MWR Missile Warning Receiver<br />

MWS Missile Warning System<br />

MWS Missile Warning System (ou DAM)<br />

N<br />

NA Not Applicable<br />

NA : Not Applicable<br />

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization<br />

NAV NAVigation<br />

NAVITER liaisons NAVires vers la TERre<br />

NAVITER Liaison HF NAVIre TERre<br />

NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical<br />

NC Not Connected<br />

NCO Non-Commissioned Officer (Sous-officier)<br />

NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement<br />

NDB Navigation Data Base<br />

NDI Non Developmental Item<br />

NDR Narrow band Digital Receiver<br />

NDS Non-Developmental Software<br />

NDTS NATO Tactical Display System<br />

NF Noise Figure<br />

NFOV Narrow Field Of View<br />

NG New Generation<br />

NHA Next Higher Assembly<br />

NIIRS Nato Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale<br />

NM Nautical mile<br />

NMCU Navigation Mission Computer Unit<br />

NOGO NO GOod<br />

NON COM Non Communication<br />

NOR Notice Of Revision<br />

NQAA National Quality Assurance Authority<br />

NR Not Reparable<br />

NRT Near Real Time<br />

ns nano second<br />

NSN : Nato Stock Number<br />

NSP Non Shortage Probability<br />

NSR Narrow and medium band Superheterodyne Receiver<br />

NSS North Seeking System<br />

NTSC US video standard<br />

NVG Night Vision Goggles<br />

NWS : Navigation Weapon System<br />

O<br />

O Output<br />

OAT Operational Acceptance Test<br />

OBS Organization Breakdown Structure<br />

OC On Condition<br />

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer<br />

OET On Equipment Training<br />

OEW Operating Empty Weight<br />

OFP Operational Flight Program<br />

OH Operating Hours<br />

OHIT Other Helicopter Installation Test<br />

OHITP OHIT Procedure<br />

OJT On-the-Job Training<br />

OLM Organizational Level Maintenance

OM 100 Ocean Master 100<br />

OMNA Omni-directional Antenna<br />

OPTINT OPTronic INTelligence<br />

OR Operational Requirements<br />

ORSR Operational Requirement Specifications Review<br />

OS Operating Software<br />

OS Operation Supplement orders<br />

OS Operating System<br />

OSAT On Site Acceptance Test<br />

OSU Optical Sensor Unit<br />

OTAN Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord<br />

OTS Off The Shelf<br />

OWS Operator Workstation<br />

P<br />

PA Pulse Amplitude<br />

PABX Private Automatic Branch eXchange<br />

PAFLAT Prototype Aircraft Flight Acceptance Testing<br />

PAGAT Prototype Aircraft Ground Acceptance Test<br />

PAN PANoramic<br />

PATTERN A pattern is that portion of a dispensing programme that is specific to a<br />

given expendable type.<br />

PAU Pulse Analyzer Unit<br />

PB Performance Bond<br />

PBDR : Programmable Broadband Digital receiver<br />

PBIT Power on Built-In Test<br />

PBL Production Base Line<br />

PC Personal Computer (Computer)<br />

PCA Physical Configuration Audit<br />

PCB Printed Circuit Board<br />

PCI Calculateur PC Industriel<br />

PCI Product Configuration Identification<br />

PCM Pulse Code Modulation<br />

PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association<br />

PCO Project Control Office<br />

PCTELEC Poste de Commandement TELECommunications<br />

PCTS Poste de Commandement Télécommunication de Secours<br />

Pd Probability of detection<br />

PD Pulse Duration<br />

PD Preliminary Design<br />

PDB Pulse Description Block<br />

PDC Preliminary Domain Controller<br />

PDD Preliminary Design Documentation<br />

PDL Software Development Plan ( Plan de Développement Logiciel )<br />

PDM Pulse Descriptor Message<br />

PDP Phase Direction finding Processor<br />

PDR Preliminary Design Review<br />

PDRM Program Design Review Meeting<br />

PDS Passive Detection System<br />

PDS Portable Data Store<br />

PDS Passive Detection System<br />

PDW Pulse Description Word<br />

PEA Pre-Equipped Aircraft<br />

PEC Plug-in Module<br />

PEC Personal Equipment Connector<br />

PEC : Plug-in Module<br />

PEMMROEM Plan d’Emploi des Moyens Militaires de ROEM

PF Production File<br />

PFa : Probability of False alarm<br />

PFM : Pre-Flight Message<br />

PFRt : Position Fixing Report<br />

PGAR Production Go-Ahead Review<br />

PGRI Pulse Group Repetition Interval<br />

PI Pulse Interval<br />

PID Production, Installation and Delivery Phase<br />

PIVQ Plan Integration / Validation / Qualification<br />

PL Pulse Level<br />

PLU Program Loader Unit<br />

PM Phase Modulation<br />

PM Program head manager<br />

PM Management Plan (Plan de Management)<br />

PM/RM Préparation de Mission / Restitution de Mission<br />

PMDB Program Management Database<br />

PME : Prime Mission Equipment<br />

PMM Program Management Meeting<br />

PMO Program Management Office<br />

PMOP Phase Modulation On Pulse<br />

PMP Program Management Plan<br />

PMP Receiver Main Processor<br />

PMR Program head Manager Representative<br />

PMR Program Management Review<br />

PMS Program Management System<br />

PMS Program Master Schedule<br />

PN Pseudo Noise<br />

PN Part Number<br />

PNR Plan National de Renseignement<br />

PNS Probability of Nil Stockout<br />

PNS Probability of Non-Shortage<br />

PO Program Office<br />

POC Point Of Contact<br />

POD Probability Of Detection<br />

POI Probability Of Interception<br />

POI Probability Of Intercept<br />

POI Probability of Emitter Interception<br />

POSN Position<br />

PPE Plan de Recherche Electromagnétique<br />

ppi pixel per inch<br />

PPI Pulse Position Interval<br />

PPM Preflight Programmable Module<br />

PPM Pulse Position Modulation<br />

PPM Preflight Program Memory<br />

Ppmi Page per minute<br />

PPR Periodic Program Report<br />

pps pulses per second<br />

PPSN Pulse to Pulse Spot Noise<br />

PQL Software quality plan (Plan Qualité Logiciel)<br />

PQP Program Quality Plan<br />

PR Progress Review<br />

PR Progress Report<br />

PR4G Poste Radio de 4ème Génération<br />

PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency<br />

PRF/PRI Pulse Repetition Frequency/Pulse Repetition Intervals

PRI Pulse Repetition Interval<br />

PRM Program Review Meetings<br />

PROGRAMME A dispense programme is a pre-determined sequence of deployment for<br />

both chaff and flares. A programme consists of a chaff pattern and flare<br />

pattern.<br />

PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory<br />

PRP : Pulse Repetition Period<br />

PRR Production Readiness Review<br />

PRS Portable Radar Simulator<br />

PSK Phase Shift Keying<br />

PSN Passive Surveillance Network<br />

PSP Processeur du Signal Programmable<br />

PST Production Sample Test<br />

PSTP Production Sample Test Procedure<br />

PSU Power Supply Unit<br />

PT Production Test<br />

PTDPAR Preliminary TDP/OR Analysis Report<br />

PTMU Pressure and Temperature Measurement Unit<br />

PTOA Pulse Time Of Arrival<br />

PTP Production Test Procedure<br />

PTP Preliminary Test Plan<br />

PTT Push-To-Talk<br />

PV Plan de Validation<br />

PVI Pilot Vehicle Interface<br />

PW Pulse Width<br />


Q<br />

QA Quality Assurance<br />

QAM Quality Assurance Manager<br />

QAP Quality Assurance Program<br />

QAPP Quality Assurance Program Plan<br />

QAR Quality Assurance Representative<br />

QAR QA Record<br />

QAR Quality Assurance Representative<br />

QASR : Quality Assurance Status Report<br />

QCVM : Quality Conformance Verification Matrix<br />

QHi Quantity per Higher assembly<br />

QHNA Quantity per Next Higher Assembly<br />

QP Quality Plan<br />

QPA : Quantity Per Assembly<br />

QPP Qualification Program Plan<br />

QPSK Quadration Phase Shift Keying<br />

QR Qualification Review<br />

QRC Quick Reaction Capability<br />

QST : Qualification Sample Test<br />

QTOT Quantity TOTal<br />

QTOT Total Quantity in The Equipment<br />

QTP Qualification Test Procedure<br />

Qty Quantity<br />

R<br />

R Repairable<br />

R&D Research & Development<br />

R. Alt Radio Altimeter<br />

R.D. Reference Document<br />

RA or DRA Project manager or project manager delegate (Responsable Affaire ou

RAD<br />

Délégué au Responsable Affaire)<br />

Rapid Application Development<br />

RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks<br />

RAM Random Access Memory<br />

RAM Reliability / Availability / Maintainability (ILS)<br />

RAP Draft project manager ( Responsable Avant-Projet )<br />

RAQ Règlement sur l'Assurance de la Qualité (AQAP in English))<br />

RCA<br />

Responsable Chargé d’Affaire<br />

RCE<br />

Rear Cover Equipped<br />

RCH<br />

Reference Channel<br />

RCM<br />

Reliability Centered Maintenance<br />

RCM<br />

Radar & Contre-Mesures (Thomson-CSF subsidiary)<br />

RCo<br />

Contract manager (Responsable Commercial)<br />

RCPA Régles de Conduite de Projet et Affaire<br />

RCRB Role Control Rule Base<br />

RCS Radar Cross Section<br />

RCS System Design Review (Revue de Conception System)<br />

RCS Radar Cross Section<br />

RCU Remote Control Unit<br />

RCVR Receiver<br />

RDBMS Relational Data-Base Management System<br />

RDMS Relational Database Model System<br />

RE Reserve<br />

Rep Repair<br />

REP Recommended Equipment Planning<br />

RF Radio-Frequency<br />

RF Jammer Radar Frequency Jammer<br />

RFC Request For Change<br />

RFDC : Radio Frequency Down Converter<br />

RFDU Radio Frequency Distribution Unit<br />

RFFE Radio-Frequency Front End<br />

RFI Request For Information<br />

RFI Radio Frequency Interference<br />

RFP Request for Proposal<br />

RFQ Request For Quotation<br />

RG Renseignements Généraux<br />

RGB Red, Green, Blue<br />

RGPI Range Gate Push In<br />

RGPO Range Gate Pull Off<br />

RGPO(I) Range Gate Pull Off (In)<br />

RH Right Hand<br />

RHBA Right High Band and K-band Antenna<br />

RHC Right Hand Circular<br />

RHCP Right Hand Circular Polarization<br />

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer<br />

RITA Réseau Intégré de Transmissions Automatiques<br />

RIU Radar Interface Unit<br />

RL Return Link<br />

RLN Réseau Local Naval<br />

RLT Cost Account Manager (Responsable de Lot de Travaux)<br />

RMN Réseau Multi-service Naval<br />

RMP Receiver Main Processor<br />

RMP Risk Management Plan<br />

RMS Root Mean Square<br />

RMS Recce Management System

RMT Reliability, Maintenability, Testability<br />

RN : Review Notification<br />

RNIS Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Services<br />

ROC : Republic Of China<br />

ROCAF : Republic Of China Air Force<br />

ROM Rough Order of Magnitude<br />

RPM Recording and Programming Module<br />

RPM Revolutions Per Minute<br />

RPU Receiver and Processing Unit<br />

RQ Quality Project Manager (Responsable Qualité)<br />

RQP<br />

Revue de Qualification Préliminaire<br />

RS Reserve<br />

RSA Replaceable Subassembly<br />

RSADF Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces<br />

RSAF Royal Saudi Air Forces<br />

RSG Radar Signal Generator<br />

RSLF Royal Saudi Land Forces<br />

RSNF Royal Saudi Naval Forces<br />

RSR : Review Summary Report<br />

RSU Radar Synchro Unit<br />

RSU Radar Sensor Unit<br />

RT Real Time<br />

RT Response Time<br />

RT Reaction Time<br />

RTC Réseau Téléphonique Commuté<br />

RTM Real Time Memory<br />

RTP Real Time Processing<br />

RTPM Real Time Processing Mode<br />

RTRT Repair Turn Round Time<br />

RU Receiver Unit<br />

RVGPO Range Velocity Gate Pull Off<br />

RW Radar Warning<br />

RWR Radar Warning Receiver<br />

Rx : Receiver<br />

S<br />

S Single shielded wire<br />

S/W Software<br />

SACRE French acronym for “Système d’ACquisition des Radars Ennemis”<br />

(Acquisition System of Enemy Radars)<br />

SALVO A salvo is an individual group of chaff bursts which are separated by predetermined<br />

intervals.<br />

SAM Surface Air Missile<br />

SAP Système d’AutoProtection<br />

SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar<br />

SAR Search And Rescue<br />

SAT Sea Acceptance Test<br />

SATCOM: SATellite COMmunications<br />

SATURN Second Generation Anti-jam Transmission Uhf Radio for Nato<br />

SAW Surface Acoustic Wave<br />

SB Service Bulletin<br />

SBI : Short Base Interferometer<br />

SCI Système de Communications Intégré du MINREM<br />

SCM Software Configuration Management<br />

SCN : Specification Change Notion<br />

SCPU Suit Control Processor Unit

SCSI Small Computer System Interface<br />

SCT Subsystem Specification Compliance Test<br />

SCTP Subsystem Specification Compliance Test Procedure<br />

SDD Software Design Document<br />

SDF Software Development File<br />

SDLA : Successive Detector Logarithmic Amplifier<br />

SDP Software Development Plan<br />

SDR Super High Frequency<br />

SDR System Design Review<br />

SDR Sous Direction Recherche<br />

SDU System Debugging Unit<br />

SDU Safety Disarm Unit.<br />

SE Synthetic Environment<br />

SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defense<br />

SEAT Support Equipment Acceptance Test<br />

SEI : Specific Emitter Identification<br />

SEM Sensor Electronic Module<br />

SEMP System Engineering Management Plan<br />

SEP System Engineering Plan<br />

SEQUENCE In the context of dispensing chaff and flares, a sequence is a defined series<br />

of events to deploy chaff and/or flares in accordance with a programme.<br />

SFDR Spurious Free Dynamic Range<br />

SGDN Secrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale<br />

SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated<br />

SGS Software Generation System<br />

SHA Stored Heading Alignment<br />

SHOM Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine<br />

SHTP : Storage Handling Transportation and Packing<br />

SHUD Smart Head Up Display<br />

SI System International<br />

SIC Système Information et de Commandement<br />

SIC Standard Industry Category<br />

SIEWS Shipborne Integrated Electronic Warfare System<br />

SIGINT SIGnal INTelligence<br />

SIGMA The system proposed by Thomson-CSF for MODA JEWC<br />

SIL System Integration Laboratory<br />

SILDD SIL Design Documentation<br />

SILRS SIL Requirement Specifications<br />

SIM Station d’Interface de Mission<br />

SIP Short Integration Platform<br />

SIR System Integration Rig<br />

SITA : SITuation Awareness<br />

SIU System Interface Unit<br />

SLC Surface Leader Ship<br />

SLI Soutien Logistique Intégré<br />

SLR Side Looking Radar<br />

SLS Side Lobe Suppression<br />

SMD Smart Multifunction Display<br />

SMDSM Système Mondial de Détresse et de Sécurité en Mer<br />

SMM System Management Mode<br />

SMTP Simple Management Transfer Protocol<br />

SMTP Single Mail Transfer Protocol<br />

SMU System Monitoring Unit<br />

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol<br />

SNR Signal to Noise Ratio<br />

SNRI Signal to Noise Ratio at Input

SNRO Signal to Noise Ratio at Video<br />

SOF Safety Of Flight<br />

SOI Signal of Interest<br />

SOLAS Safety Of Life At Sea<br />

SON Scope of Operation Needs<br />

SOP Standard Operation Procedure<br />

SOW Statement Of Work<br />

SPEWS II Self Protection Electronic Warfare System Procurement Program<br />

SPJ Self Protection Jammer<br />

SPM Software Programmer’s Manual<br />

SPR SPaRe<br />

SPS Software Product Specification<br />

SPS-H Self Protection System for Helicopter<br />

SPU Safety Pin Unit<br />

SPU : System Processor Unit<br />

SPU Signal Parameter Unit<br />

SQA Software Quality Assurance<br />

SQL Structured Query Language<br />

SQPP Software Quality Program Plan<br />

SQUIB A squib is an electro-explosive initiator. Application of the "all fire" current to<br />

the device will cause it to explode and generate sufficient gas pressure to<br />

eject an expendable.<br />

SR Short Range<br />

SR Specification Review<br />

SR System Requirement<br />

SRAAM Short Range Air to Air Missile<br />

SRAD Short Range Air Defence<br />

SRP Superheterodyne Receiver and Processor<br />

SRR System Requirements Review<br />

SRS Software Requirement Specification<br />

SRU Shop ReplaceableUnit<br />

SRWS Short Range Weapon System<br />

SS Spread Spectrum<br />

SS Safety Supplement orders<br />

SSAT System and Software Acceptance Testing<br />

SSB : Single SideBand<br />

SSD System Specification Document<br />

SSDD System / Segment Design Document<br />

SSM Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı)<br />

SSM Undersecretariat for Defense Industries<br />

SSM Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı (Undersecretariat for Defense )<br />

SSR Software Specification Review<br />

SSS System / Segment Specification<br />

SSS Software Support System<br />

SSTU Solid-State Trans-receiver Unit<br />

SSU Sequencing, supply and Safety Unit<br />

STANAG STANdardization Agreement<br />

STANAG Standard NATO Agreement<br />

STB Spécification Technique du Besoin<br />

STBY STand BY<br />

STC Sensitivity Time Control<br />

STD STandarD<br />

STD Software Test Description<br />

STM The Turkish defense company Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Tic<br />


STP Software Test Plan<br />

STPA Service Technique des Programmes Avion<br />

STR System Technical Review<br />

STS Spécification Technique du Système<br />

STTE Special to Type Test Equipment<br />

SU Safety Unit<br />

SUM Software User’s Manual<br />

SURICATE Thomson-CSF Detexis ESM/ELINT Sensor Name<br />

SVT Software Verification Test<br />

SVTP Software Verification Test Procedure<br />

SW Spectrum Width<br />

SW SotfWare<br />

SWAP Size, Weight And Power<br />

SWCI Software Configuration Item<br />

T<br />

T Verification by Test<br />

T Twisted wire pair<br />

T&E : Test and Evaluation<br />

T/R Transmitter Receiver<br />

TA Technical Analysis<br />

TACAN Tactical Air Navigation System<br />

TACAN TACtical Air Navigation<br />

TACCO Tactical Coordinator<br />

TAF Turkish Armed Forces<br />

TAP Threat and jamming strategy Analysis Phase<br />

TAR : Technical Analysis Receiver<br />

TAS Thales Airborne Systems<br />

TAS Threat System Analysis<br />

TASP Target Situation Picture<br />

TASP Tactical Situation Picture<br />

TAT Turn Around Time<br />

TBD To Be Defined<br />

TBDL To Be Defined Later<br />

TBR To Be Reviewed<br />

TC Technical COMINT Operator<br />

TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System<br />

TCF THALES Communications France<br />

TCI Tableau de Composition Illustré<br />

TCP-IP Transfer Control Protocol – Internet Protocol<br />

TCSF Thomson-CSF<br />

TCU Time Domain Multiplex<br />

TD Target Designation<br />

TDB Technical Data Base<br />

TDL Tactical Data Link<br />

TDOA Time Difference Of Arrival<br />

TDP Technical Data Publications<br />

TDP Tactical Data Computer<br />

TDP Threat Data Package<br />

TDP : Technical Data Publications<br />

TEAT EWSC Tools and Equipment Acceptance Test<br />

TEATP EWSC Tools and Equipment Acceptance Test Procedure<br />

TECHNIQUE A technique is a dispense programme that has been designed to counter a<br />

given threat.<br />

TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan<br />

TEP Test Evaluation Plan

TERL Test Equipment Requirement List<br />

TES Techniques Emulator System<br />

TFG Test For Good<br />

TFL Test for Failure Localization<br />

TFT Thin Film Transistor<br />

TG Technical General unit<br />

TGP Techniques Generation Phase<br />

TGT Targeting<br />

THR THR eshold<br />

THREAT A threat is a weapon system that is perceived to be hostile. In the context of<br />

this document a threat may be associated with radar (or IR) search, tracking<br />

or guidance systems.<br />

TIM Technical Interchange Meeting<br />

TIP Technique Implementation Phase<br />

TIS Tracking and Indentification Software<br />

TLFC Turkish Land Forces Command<br />

TLP Tracking Localization Processor<br />

TM Training Mode<br />

TMS Tactical Management Subsystem<br />

TNA Training Needs Analysis<br />

TOA Time Of Arrival<br />

TOA Target Operation Angle<br />

TOI Target Of Interest<br />

TOT Time Over Target<br />

TOW : Take Off Weight<br />

TP Training Plan<br />

TPM Technical Progress Meetings<br />

TPS Test Program Set<br />

TPU : Transceiver and Processing Unit<br />

TQ Track Quality<br />

TRAM TRansmission avec Adresse Multiple<br />

TRANSEC TRANsmission SECurity<br />

TRIAX TRIAXial cable<br />

TRR Test Readiness Review<br />

TS Twisted Shielded wire pair<br />

TSA Tactical Situation Awareness<br />

TSH Trouble Shooting Test<br />

TSOU : Terminal System of Operation Unit<br />

TSP Target Situation Picture<br />

TSS Tangential Sensitivity<br />

TT&S Thomson Training & Simulation<br />

TTG Time To Go<br />

TTH Tactical Transport Helicopter<br />

TTI : Time To Impact<br />

TTM Time Totalizing Meter<br />

TTTDB Threats, Tactics and Techniques Database<br />

TU Transmitter Unit<br />

TWE Threat Warning Equipment<br />

TWS Track While Scan<br />

TWT Traveling Wave Tube<br />

TWT Traveling Wave Transmitter<br />

Tx : Transmitter<br />

U<br />

U twisted wire triplet

UAE : United Arab Emirates<br />

UAMOP : Unintentional Amplitude Modulation On Pulse<br />

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter<br />

UAV Unmanned Air Vehicle<br />

UDF User Data File<br />

UEJ Unexpected Expandable Jammer<br />

UFCP Up Front Control Panel<br />

UFMOP Unintentional Frequency Modulation On Pulse<br />

UHF Ultra-High Frequency<br />

UIT Union Internationale des Télécommunications<br />

UK United Kingdom<br />

UMOP Unintentional Modulation On Pulse<br />

UMPT Unité de Mesure de Pression et Température<br />

UPMOP Unintentional Phase Modulation On Pulse<br />

URL Unité Remplaçable en Ligne<br />

US United States<br />

USB Upper Side Band<br />

UTDPAR Updated TDP/OR Analysis Report<br />

UUT Unit Under Test<br />

UV Ultra-Violet<br />

V<br />

V Twisted wire quartet<br />

V Vertical<br />

V/UHF Very / Ultra High Frequency<br />

Vcc Video coax cable<br />

VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator<br />

VDD Version Description Document<br />

VDU Video Display Unit<br />

VERTREP VERTical REPlenishment<br />

VGA Video Graphics Array<br />

VGPO Velocity Gate Pull-Off<br />

VGPO(I) Velocity Gate Pull Off (In)<br />

VHF Very High Frequency<br />

VICON Vinten product name<br />

VLB : Very Low Band<br />

VLBA Very Low Band Antenna<br />

VLCD Visualisation Liquid Crystal Display<br />

VMAP Vector MAP<br />

VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions<br />

VME Versatile Modular Eurocard<br />

VME Versa Module Europe<br />

VOR VHF Omnidirectionnal Range<br />

VOR Very High Frequency Omni-directional Radio<br />

VOR/ILS VHF Omnidirectional Radio range/Instrument Landing System<br />

VP French acronym for "Visite périodique" (= Aircraft inspection)<br />

VS twisted shielded wire quartet<br />

V-SAT Very Small Aperture Terminal<br />

VSRAD Very Short Range Air Defence<br />

VSRWS Very Short Range Weapon System<br />

VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio<br />

VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing (Atterissage et décollage à la verticale)<br />

W<br />

WAN Wide Area Network<br />

WBIFM Wide Band Intermediate Frequency Measurement

WBR Wide Band Recorder<br />

WBRR Wide Band Receiver Recorder<br />

WBS Work Breakdown Structure<br />

WCR Wide band Compressive Receiver<br />

WDIU : Wide band Digital IFM monopulse receiver Unit<br />

WDNS : Weapon Delivery and Navigation System<br />

WFOV Wide Field Of View<br />

WOW Weight Of Wheels<br />

WP : Work Package<br />

WPM Work Package Manager<br />

WS Weapon System<br />

WS Work Station<br />

WST Weapon System Trainer<br />

WTAB Wing Tip Antenna Block<br />

WTAB Wing Tip Antenna Block<br />

WTH Weather<br />

WVL W. Vinten Ltd<br />

WVR Within Visual Range<br />

X<br />

XCRIP Transcriptor<br />

Z<br />

ZFW Zero Fuel Weight<br />

ZS Zone Scanning

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