9LV CMS Brochure - Saab

9LV CMS Brochure - Saab

9LV CMS Brochure - Saab


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<strong>9LV</strong><br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > thE <strong>9LV</strong> CoNCEpt<br />

2<br />

SItUatIoNaL<br />

aWaRENESS<br />

taCtICaL<br />

RESpoNSE<br />

DECISIoN<br />

SUpERIoRItY<br />

CoMMUNICatIoNS<br />


The <strong>9LV</strong> ConCepT: CompLeTe<br />

ConTroL for aLL weapons,<br />

sensors and CommuniCaTions<br />

<strong>Saab</strong>’s <strong>9LV</strong> family offers complete C4I for<br />

all types of naval platforms, including<br />

frigates, patrol vessels, larger vessels and<br />

submarines. <strong>9LV</strong> provides the command<br />

team with outstanding operational<br />

capabilities, supporting all mission types<br />

from littorals to the open ocean.<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>9LV</strong> FCS<br />

Options range from FCS solutions to<br />

complex Combat Management Systems<br />

with large numbers of interfaces and vast<br />

responsive decision support. The whole<br />

family uses open standards, and <strong>Saab</strong><br />

can integrate any subsystem with<br />

a <strong>9LV</strong> solution.<br />

<strong>Saab</strong> has more than 40 years of experience<br />

in naval weapon control systems. Our <strong>9LV</strong><br />

solutions have been provided to leading<br />

navies around the world, with deliveries<br />

being completed to more than 230 ships.<br />

Many of the Fire Control Systems we<br />

delivered 25-30 years ago are still<br />

in operation.<br />

<strong>9LV</strong><br />

CoMpaCt <strong>9LV</strong> Sat

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > INtRoDUCtIoN<br />



The <strong>9LV</strong> Cms aLLows Command<br />

Teams To maKe CorreCT deCisions<br />

and TaKe deCisiVe aCTion.<br />

By enabling flexible, effective operations,<br />

it increases mission capability.<br />

The system is modular and scalable,<br />

allowing unique software connectivity and<br />

interoperability. Its design means that it is<br />

quicker and more affordable to develop,<br />

upgrade and support.<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> solutions are built around <strong>Saab</strong>’s<br />

battle-proven CEROS 200 and EOS 500<br />

directors. The latest release of the system<br />

is Mk4, meaning <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> customers<br />

benefit from over 40 years of experience,<br />

development and innovation.<br />

The <strong>9LV</strong> family is based on open<br />

architecture. This enables straightforward<br />

integration of any third-party module,<br />

and likewise enables any <strong>9LV</strong> module to<br />

be integrated with equipment from other<br />

providers. This gives you complete freedom<br />

of choice and flexible technology which<br />

can be adapted to meet specific needs and<br />

requirements.<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > opERatIoNaL CapabILItIES<br />


the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> puts you in total<br />

control of the local seas. It is built<br />

around a simple concept: use<br />

onboard and off-board sensors and<br />

effectors in the most efficient and<br />

effective way. the system leads the<br />

way in data fusion, real-time effects<br />

and integration.<br />

Over the course of its development, the<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> has taken into account evolving<br />

naval doctrines and the complex littoral<br />

environments which are increasingly<br />

becoming places of conflict. The level of<br />

power projection and defence capability<br />

previously restricted to large ships is now<br />

needed for all vessels, regardless of size.<br />

This allows forces to retain control in<br />

archipelagos or choke-points with<br />

extensive land cover.<br />

4<br />

In practice, this creates a need for extremely<br />

short response times, a driving principle in<br />

the development of the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong>. Being<br />

first to act allows you to retain the<br />

tactical initiative.<br />

While taking care of the three dimensions<br />

of naval warfare – air, surface and subsurface<br />

– the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> also supports the<br />

fourth dimension, the internal decision<br />

cycle. Its advanced decision-making tools<br />

provide maximum uptime, even in the<br />

toughest situations.<br />

In essence, the system provides a<br />

combination of power and flexibility<br />

which allows a <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong>-equipped unit to<br />

participate in national and international<br />

operations, either alone or as part of<br />

a task force.<br />

proTeCT and enCounTer<br />

the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> provides world-leading<br />

C4I and precision engagement<br />

capabilities, enabling you to control<br />

large areas and several dimensions at<br />

the same time.<br />

ToTaL ConTroL<br />

the system includes complete and<br />

fully integrated security concepts<br />

to provide total control. these are<br />

precisely tailored to your needs.<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> supports:<br />

• Naval doctrines<br />

• Littoral operations<br />

• Short response times<br />

• advanced decision support<br />

• National and international<br />

operations<br />

• Single ships or larger force tasks

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > opERatIoNaL CapabILItIES<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > opERatIoNaL CapabILItIES > aChIEVINg YoUR MISSIoN<br />


today’s forces face an<br />

unprecedented range of missions<br />

and tactical situations. operational<br />

flexibility is the key to effective<br />

response.<br />

At the heart of the combat system, the <strong>9LV</strong><br />

<strong>CMS</strong> is built with operational flexibility<br />

in mind, to support command across<br />

the entire range of possible missions and<br />

scenarios. It optimises the use of organic<br />

resources and addresses command, control<br />

and communications in a holistic approach.<br />

It offers effective task group command and<br />

efficient multi-tasking.<br />

These elements of its design produce<br />

a solution that is greater than the sum<br />

of its parts.<br />

6<br />

• offensive operations<br />

• Defensive operations<br />

• Surface warfare<br />

• anti-air warfare<br />

• Underwater warfare<br />

• Electronic warfare<br />

• peace support operations<br />

• protection and escort<br />

• border control<br />

• Maritime patrol and response<br />

• Interdiction<br />

• anti-piracy<br />

• Search and rescue<br />

• Environmental control<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> SUppoRtS thE ENtIRE SpECtRUM oF NaVaL opERatIoNS<br />

seCurinG aLL<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > opERatIoNaL CapabILItIES > CREatINg thE pICtURE<br />


Controlling larger areas requires<br />

more than just complex sensor<br />

systems. It also requires situational<br />

awareness in all naval dimensions.<br />

any funCTion may be used<br />

by any operaTor, aT any<br />

ConsoLe, aT any Time<br />

To achieve multi-dimensional awareness,<br />

the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> provides a common situation<br />

picture. Operators are presented with a<br />

single, clear picture of the entire naval<br />

domain.<br />

This incorporates data from internal<br />

and external sensors, using data fusion<br />

to present combined land-sea pictures.<br />

Information is shared via multiple<br />

data links.<br />

By establishing and maintaining a<br />

coherent maritime picture, the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong><br />

provides a basis for the operator to make<br />

informed situation assessments and tactical<br />

judgements, based on readiness<br />

and priority.<br />

aLLoCaTion of roLes<br />

Key to mission success is effective<br />

distribution of work in the Combat<br />

Information Centre (CIC). this<br />

allows the commander to obtain the<br />

maximum capability and efficiency<br />

from the CIC team. the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong><br />

provides functional-based allocation<br />

of roles and is configurable during<br />

runtime. this provides the basis for<br />

flexible and sustainable workload<br />

management.<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > opERatIoNaL CapabILItIES > DEFENDINg YoUR UNIt<br />


the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> provides a range of<br />

weapon and sensor control options,<br />

from manual to fully automatic. this<br />

allows the operator to optimise<br />

reaction times and weapon and<br />

sensor usage.<br />

the system supports command<br />

by going beyond the capability of<br />

traditional tEWa. It considers all<br />

available weapons and ammunition<br />

to calculate and recalculate optimal<br />

kill probability, assigning the right<br />

weapon to the right target,<br />

every time.<br />

8<br />

the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> reduces the operator’s workload in critical conditions by automating<br />

the following tasks:<br />

• threat evaluation: finding and prioritising threats, largely based on performance<br />

as well as Eta, using all known characteristics from the <strong>CMS</strong> intelligence library<br />

• Engagement planning: evaluating weapon deployment alternatives and selecting<br />

the optimised solution. this is performed cyclically, adapting quickly to rapidly<br />

changing, unpredictable situations<br />

• Execute control: sending engagement requests to the directors and weapons,<br />

and sending ship-heading recommendations for lowest RCS, supporting<br />

integration of softkill measures into the ship defence plan<br />

feaTures:<br />

• Coordinates all sensors and weapons (hardkill and softkill)<br />

• probability-based evaluation<br />

• Cyclic re-evaluation and feedback loop<br />

• Quick response to scenario changes<br />

• Manual/semi-auto/full automatic options

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > opERatIoNaL CapabILItIES > SUppoRtINg thE opERatoR<br />


there is a visible trend of<br />

depopulation in the battlespace.<br />

battle assets are manned by fewer<br />

and fewer operators. this creates a<br />

greater need for multi-tasking and,<br />

in turn, a greater reliance<br />

on technology.<br />

the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> is designed with this trend in mind. Its features allow small crews to<br />

handle multiple tasks by reducing manual workload and automating simple functions.<br />

Key features that support the operator include:<br />

• Automation: automatic control of weapons and sensors at various levels,<br />

supporting the operator in critical conditions<br />

• Anomaly detection: bringing unusual activity to the operator’s attention,<br />

supporting normal operations and reducing human error in detection<br />

• Ergonomic HMI: based on thorough studies, testing and user experience,<br />

allowing operation to be as intuitive as possible<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > DIFFERENt CoNFIgURatIoNS<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> solutions can be provided<br />

in a large variety of configurations.<br />

the design also enables its modules<br />

to be simultaneously deployed in<br />

various ways. this reduces cost and<br />

maintenance burdens and ensures<br />

high quality in deliveries.<br />

10<br />

2D/3D<br />

Radar/IFF<br />

GYRO<br />

LOG<br />

GPS x 2<br />

WIND<br />

SENSOR<br />

RDDS<br />

Rr<br />

Director<br />

E/O<br />

Director<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> technology is able to interface many<br />

subsystems and its architecture readily<br />

scales to large frigate or destroyer-type<br />

vessels. These solutions will typically<br />

support a large number of Multi-Function<br />

Consoles. They meet the demanding needs<br />

of battle resilience through extensive<br />

redundancy and physical separation of<br />

computer cabinets.<br />

Comms<br />

EW<br />

EW<br />

System<br />

UAV<br />

ROV<br />

UUV<br />

Decoy<br />

System<br />

Nav System<br />

Anti-sub<br />

Torpedo<br />

Multiple<br />

MFCs<br />

Comm.<br />

Internal<br />

Comm.<br />

External<br />


Helo<br />

Navigation Radar x2<br />

Large configurations can provide<br />

multiple tactical data links and highly<br />

automated tactical responses to a range<br />

of simultaneous threats. They can also<br />

integrate with Command Support Systems<br />

to provide the ship with complete<br />

C4I capability.<br />

Data<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > DIFFERENt CoNFIgURatIoNS<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > C2 aND Data FUSIoN<br />


the key to situational awareness is a<br />

single, coherent tactical picture.<br />

The <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> utilises all surveillance<br />

resources and merges sensor data with<br />

manual and platform data to provide a<br />

complete, correlated situational picture.<br />

The system achieves this through an<br />

integrated data fusion process. It generates<br />

the picture automatically from received<br />

data inputs. The operator is able to interact<br />

with the plot and can select different<br />

correlation processing modes, as well as<br />

inputting direct intervention and override<br />

commands.<br />

12<br />

tRaCK Data FUSIoN ENgINE<br />

Tracks<br />

(local sensor<br />

systems, data<br />

links, etc)<br />

sensor data<br />

(plots, strobes,<br />

iff, etc)<br />

The <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> tactical decision support<br />

tools include:<br />

• track motion analysis<br />

• Route handling<br />

• track history<br />

• track surveillance<br />

• tactical support functions<br />

• platform library<br />

Tdfe<br />

node<br />

Tdfe node<br />

Local<br />

tracks<br />

Track<br />

data<br />

Tdfe<br />

neTworK<br />

Track<br />

data<br />

Track<br />

data<br />

distributed Track management<br />

module (dTmm)<br />

multi sensor<br />

Tracker (msT)<br />

Track<br />

data<br />

manual/automatic<br />

commands<br />

Track Correlation<br />

fusion module<br />

(TCfm)<br />

Tdfe<br />

node<br />

our daTa fusion<br />

TraCK reCord<br />

Examples include:<br />

Correlated/<br />

fused track data<br />

Multi-sensor tracking for ships<br />

Wide area fusion for disparate<br />

sensors<br />

Data fusion for fire control<br />

Data fusion from passive sources<br />

Global<br />

situation<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > SENSoR aND WEapoN CoNtRoL<br />



the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> integrates all onboard<br />

weapons and sensors, putting full<br />

control in the hands of the operator.<br />

All assets, and any <strong>CMS</strong> function, can be<br />

controlled by any operator at any console<br />

and adapted to changing roles in runtime.<br />

This provides an exceptionally high degree<br />

of operational flexibility.<br />

The system’s architecture also makes it well<br />

suited to future upgrades and extensions<br />

with additional sensors and weapons.<br />

our weapon and sensor<br />

ConTroL TraCK reCord<br />

Naval guns including:<br />

40mm, 57mm, 76mm, 137mm<br />

SAMs and SSMs including:<br />

Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)<br />

Exocet<br />

RbS15 Mk3<br />

harpoon<br />

Naval radars including:<br />

Sea gIRaFFE aMb<br />

SpS 49<br />

Signaal LW and Da series<br />

SMaRt series<br />

CEaFaR active phased arrays<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > hYbRID <strong>9LV</strong> SoLUtIoNS<br />

HYBRID <strong>9LV</strong> SOLUTIONS<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> solutions can be readily integrated<br />

with systems from other providers and<br />

tailored to meet customer requirements.<br />

this diagram shows one example of how<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> functionality can be combined in a<br />

hybrid system.<br />

• COTS Refresh<br />

• ARCI/RCIP<br />

14<br />

COTS<br />

Infrastructure<br />

• Open Architecture<br />

• Multi-Mission Core<br />

• System Services<br />

• Tactical Operations<br />

• Engagement Manager<br />

• Threat Ranking<br />

• ID Fusion<br />

Other Provider<br />

ID Fusion/<br />

Track Mgmt<br />

Sensor/Wpn<br />

Adaptation<br />

Generic <strong>9LV</strong> System<br />

Sensor<br />

Adaptation<br />

Sensor<br />

Adaptation<br />

Open<br />

Architecture<br />

Computing<br />

Threat Eval/<br />

Engage Mgr<br />

Open Arch<br />

Core Services<br />

Data<br />

Fusion<br />

Situational<br />

Awareness<br />

Threat Eval/<br />

Engage Mgr<br />

AAW<br />

Engagement<br />

Coordination<br />

• Linux OS<br />

• DDS/CORBA MW<br />

• C++/JAVA<br />

• Open Architecture<br />

• Data Fusion<br />

• TEWA<br />

• ESSM Engagement<br />

• 57mm Gun Engage<br />

• Sensor/Weapon I/F Control<br />

• Display Framework<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> Mk4<br />

Data<br />

Fusion<br />

Sensor/Wpn<br />

Adaptation<br />

Common System Services<br />

ExaMpLE oF a hYbRID <strong>9LV</strong> SYStEM<br />

Weapon<br />

Adaptation<br />

Weapon<br />

Adaptation<br />

Air Defence<br />

Coordination<br />

HMI<br />

Base<br />

• COTS Processors<br />

• Gbit Ethernet<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > INtEgRatIoN<br />


the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> supports a range<br />

of integration options, including<br />

point-to-point, legacy messagebased<br />

interfaces and newer<br />

open architecture interfaces.<br />

For integration of other C2<br />

systems, for example a mission<br />

package for embarked army staff,<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> supports widely used<br />

Web Services standards.<br />

<strong>Saab</strong> employs the principles of<br />

Naval open architecture (Noa)<br />

for the <strong>9LV</strong> family. this increases<br />

opportunities for innovation and<br />

competition, as well as reducing<br />

burdens of cost and risk through life.<br />

NOA involves creating modular,<br />

interoperable systems that adopt open<br />

standards and have published interfaces.<br />

The <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> can also function as a service<br />

provider in a Service Oriented Architecture<br />

(SOA) concept. It can support either<br />

Windows or POSIX-compliant operating<br />

systems, as well as heterogeneous solutions<br />

with different operating systems in different<br />

nodes. Other supported standards include<br />

TCP/IP, XML, HLA, SNMP and NTP.<br />

The Touch Input Display, with its softkeys,<br />

can be used as a shared resource. It<br />

can control third-party equipment using<br />

either the Data Distribution Service (DDS)<br />

function or web services technology. It can<br />

also be accessed locally by hosted clients.<br />


The benefits of this approach include:<br />

reduction of system and<br />

lifecycle cost:<br />

• Reduces development cycle time<br />

• Enables reuse of components<br />

• Reduces maintenance constraints<br />

encourages innovation:<br />

• Facilitates rapid technology insertion<br />

• allows continued access to cuttingedge<br />

technologies from multiple<br />

suppliers, creating best-of-breed<br />

solutions<br />

The <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> can easily be integrated with<br />

any third-party subsystem. It provides a<br />

wide range of options for user interface<br />

integration, including hosted vendor<br />

clients, web services, thin clients or fully<br />

integrated HMIs.<br />

<strong>Saab</strong> can also supply specialised, highperformance<br />

subsystems or modules<br />

for integration with another vendor’s<br />

C2 system.<br />

mitigates risks, avoiding:<br />

• technology obsolescence<br />

• Unwanted ties with proprietary or<br />

vendor-unique technology<br />

• Reliance on a single source of supply<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > INtERopERabILItY<br />


16<br />

the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> provides fully<br />

integrated data links, allowing<br />

exchange of the compiled<br />

situational picture. It also facilitates<br />

the transmission and reception<br />

of orders, free text and status<br />

information.<br />

The communication process is largely<br />

automatic. This frees up the operator to<br />

focus their attention on other duties.<br />

The <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> also provides support for C4I<br />

functionality via a web service interface.<br />

This allows the C4I system to subscribe to<br />

the compiled situational picture.<br />

daTa LinK CapabiLiTies<br />

Examples include:<br />

Link 11<br />

Link 16<br />

Link Y<br />

Variable Message Format (VMF)<br />

National Data Links<br />

asset Control Links<br />

(for unmanned vehicles)<br />

Sensor Links<br />

Multiple Link solutions

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > INtERopERabILItY<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > oNboaRD tRaININg aND SIMULatIoN<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > oNboaRD tRaININg aND SIMULatIoN<br />



the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> features a<br />

simulation function which supports<br />

Command team training (CCt).<br />

It provides flexible game functions<br />

which support a wide variety of<br />

training exercises to be prepared<br />

and executed in a simulated<br />

environment. Sensors and weapons<br />

are simulated to provide realistic<br />

training for the whole chain, from<br />

detection to engagement.<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> operators can create and save<br />

sequences involving simulated aircraft,<br />

missiles, submarines and surface ships<br />

moving along predefined trajectories. These<br />

are observed by simulated own-ship sensors<br />

and are engaged by the simulated weapon<br />

systems. Engagement results are evaluated<br />

to determine if a target would have<br />

been defeated.<br />

The simulation provides an experience<br />

which is almost identical to live operations<br />

with the exception that some functions are<br />

inhibited or reduced for maximum safety.<br />

Land-based TraininG<br />

sysTems<br />

a range of system configurations<br />

have been delivered to support<br />

training, testing, experimentation and<br />

development at shore-based facilities.<br />

Examples range from full <strong>CMS</strong><br />

equipment installations supporting<br />

immersive Ctt to part task trainers<br />

and configurable emulators for an<br />

office environment.<br />

Examples of delivered and supported<br />

systems in australia include:<br />

Command team trainer – Royal<br />

australian Navy, hMaS Watson and<br />

hMaS Stirling<br />

Emulator system for the<br />

classroom – Royal australian Navy,<br />

hMaS Watson and hMaS Stirling<br />

Combat System Integration Lab<br />

– Defence Science and technology<br />

organisation<br />

Land-based test and<br />

Development Site – <strong>Saab</strong> adelaide<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > MULtI-FUNCtIoN CoNSoLE<br />


the Multi-Function Console (MFC)<br />

has been developed with the<br />

operator in mind, with ergonomic<br />

excellence as a leading principle.<br />

An ultra-high resolution 30-inch screen<br />

display provides an extremely clear and<br />

distinct presentation. It is capable of<br />

displaying any combination of situational<br />

images, including tactical graphics, textual<br />

and graphical forms and S57 standard<br />

charts. It also displays digital TV/IR video<br />

in dedicated windows.<br />

20<br />

The console includes a Touch Input Display<br />

(TID) used for operating the system. This<br />

comprises the following:<br />

• Soft keys<br />

• two trackballs or a joystick<br />

• a ‘coffee-safe’ keyboard with<br />

numeric keypad<br />

• a hard-key module, providing<br />

weapon safety switches and<br />

weapon-firing push buttons<br />

DISpLaY<br />

gRaphICS<br />

INpUt<br />

ConfiGurabLe ConsoLes<br />

Multi-Function Consoles have been<br />

continuously improved since the first<br />

generation. Variants and options are<br />

available to meet your requirements.<br />

Examples include:<br />

Various cooling techniques to<br />

suit your installation<br />

physical user interface<br />

customisation, including:<br />

• Integrated communications<br />

equipment<br />

• Integrated key interlocks and<br />

control functions<br />

• Joystick and other controllers<br />

Surface ship design<br />

Submarine design<br />

hi-res 30"<br />

phoToGraphiC Grade<br />

sofT/hard Keys

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > CabINEtS aND CoMpUtER haRDWaRE<br />



Military specification 19-inch<br />

cabinets house the majority of the<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> equipment. they also<br />

contain the computer units for<br />

directors and guns, including the<br />

power supply for the EoS 500.<br />

The cabinets are designed to withstand the<br />

harshest naval environments. Constructed<br />

from aluminium, they include anti-vibration<br />

shock mounts, EMI/EMC shielding,<br />

and cooling and anti-condensation<br />

arrangements. This ensures maximum<br />

reliability under any conditions.<br />

Under most circumstances, even large<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> configurations with high levels<br />

of redundancy require only two cabinets.<br />

All sensors and weapons will be connected<br />

directly to these cabinets, with no need for<br />

external junction boxes.<br />

The technology platform inside the <strong>9LV</strong><br />

<strong>CMS</strong> is the compact PCI family of singleboard<br />

computers. The cabinets and boards<br />

are designed for high availability with builtin<br />

redundancy, minimum footprint and<br />

straightforward maintenance.<br />

The system features high-end computer<br />

hardware with the capacity to exceed initial<br />

performance requirements. This provides<br />

the expansion capability to meet needs well<br />

into the future.<br />

tEChNoLogY<br />

CapabILItY<br />

MaINtENaNCE<br />

desiGned for CombaT<br />

readiness<br />

the compact design of the physical<br />

components of the system means<br />

that a full-size <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> could be<br />

installed in a single cabinet including<br />

gun and director control. alternatively<br />

it can be separated into two cabinets,<br />

supported by a dual-gigabit LaN, for<br />

maximum combat redundancy. this<br />

also provides significant capacity for<br />

future expansion.<br />

pCi sinGLe board CompuTers<br />

hiGh-use TeLeComs sTandard<br />

Very sTraiGhTforward<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > CERoS 200<br />

CEROS 200<br />

the CERoS 200 is a fully stabilised<br />

radar and optronic tracking system,<br />

purpose-built for use on naval<br />

ships. Working in combination with<br />

missile and gun systems, it provides<br />

excellent defence against any threat,<br />

including advanced sea-skimming<br />

missiles and asymmetric surface<br />

threats in littoral environments.<br />

22<br />

The CEROS 200 features world-class<br />

acquisition speed and tracking precision. It<br />

has the ability to track any target, including<br />

supersonic missiles and surface targets, in<br />

any weather conditions. It provides these<br />

capabilities over long distances as well as<br />

extremely close to the ship.<br />

The system features options for tracking<br />

multiple targets, including the facility<br />

for the operator to seamlessly switch<br />

designation of the primary target.<br />

It is available in a CWI configuration with<br />

the <strong>9LV</strong> ESSM Missile Control Module.<br />

It provides an X-band channel for CWI<br />

illumination of a target, for guidance of the<br />

semi-active surface-to-air missile.<br />

The system has a top weight of 630-750 kg,<br />

much lighter than comparable systems.<br />

This makes it easy to integrate with all<br />

platform types.<br />

The CEROS 200 provides reliable<br />

performance even in cluttered<br />

environments and is highly resistant<br />

to the latest jamming technology.<br />

The system can also be combined with the<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> Gun Fire Control and SAM modules,<br />

providing precision control for any naval<br />

gun or a semi-active SAM missile system.<br />

Key sTrenGThs<br />

• Extremely high accuracy<br />

• Fast reaction<br />

• Extremely high availability<br />

• patented ChaSE algorithm<br />

• proven performance<br />

• Unique capabilities<br />

• Long range<br />

• Extremely wide bandwidth (2 ghz)<br />

• Low weight<br />

• Low lifecycle cost<br />

• Inherent growth potential<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > EoS 500<br />

EOS 500<br />

the EoS 500 is a smart sensor<br />

system capable of performing<br />

high-accuracy 3D-tracking and<br />

surveillance. It is well suited to<br />

identifying ships and tracking air<br />

targets, as well as to supporting<br />

search and rescue operations.<br />

The EOS 500 consists of some of the most<br />

capable sensors the market can offer. It also<br />

comprises one observation TV and one<br />

thermal imager, both of which are suitable<br />

for target tracking, as well as an 8 Hz laser<br />

rangefinder, well suited to locking on and<br />

tracking air targets, which performs up to<br />

four times better than competitor systems.<br />

The system also features the ability to<br />

switch quickly between targets.<br />

The EOS 500 includes the same advanced<br />

video tracker as the CEROS 200, which<br />

includes a number of automatic functions<br />

to reduce the operator’s workload. The<br />

electrically-stabilised pedestal houses all<br />

of the system’s sensors.<br />

Its low weight (120 kg) makes it easy to<br />

integrate on a wide range of platforms and<br />

its design enables straightforward future<br />

sensor upgrades.<br />

Combined with the <strong>9LV</strong> Gun Fire Control<br />

module, the EOS 500 provides precision<br />

anti-air and anti-surface engagement for<br />

any naval gun.<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > taRgEt DESIgNatoRS<br />


24<br />

No matter how robust your combat<br />

systems are, it’s vital to have<br />

comprehensive redundancy to<br />

ensure the security of your forces.<br />

For this reason, <strong>Saab</strong>’s <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong><br />

includes target designators, used<br />

by lookouts for direct optical<br />

designation of targets.<br />

By using two designators, one for starboard<br />

and one for port, the installation is not<br />

restricted to those few areas onboard where<br />

360 degrees of free sight is possible.<br />

The target designators are capable day<br />

and night and are equipped with an Aim<br />

Point device for Red Dot aiming. An<br />

optional image intensifier enhances night<br />

capability. They feature two push buttons,<br />

the first of which is used for designation<br />

in bearing and elevation to the <strong>CMS</strong>. The<br />

second button allows the lookout to take<br />

immediate control of the director, starting<br />

an acquisition process.

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > CoMbat SYStEM INtEgRatIoN<br />


<strong>Saab</strong> provides comprehensive Combat<br />

System Integration (CSI) solutions. We<br />

have the competence to undertake complex<br />

projects, involving a large number of tasks<br />

over several work phases:<br />

• Contracts and purchasing<br />

• Management, planning<br />

and administration<br />

• Design and engineering<br />

• Factory acceptance and delivery<br />

• Installation, checkout, integration<br />

and test<br />

We have participated in successful<br />

international programmes. We have<br />

integrated a range of complex, cutting-edge<br />

weapons and sensors with the <strong>9LV</strong> family<br />

to form leading integrated Combat Systems.<br />

This has allowed us to develop in-depth<br />

knowledge of the challenges that arise with<br />

projects of this kind.<br />

During the past 40 years the <strong>9LV</strong> family<br />

has continuously evolved and adapted to<br />

account for all types of subsystem:<br />

• Naval guns<br />

• Missiles (SaM and SSM)<br />

• Electronic support measures<br />

• Electronic countermeasures<br />

• Surveillance radars<br />

• Sonar systems<br />

• IFF, navigation and<br />

communication systems<br />

Other integrated equipment includes gyros,<br />

logs, depth charges and ASW grenades.<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> systems have also been adapted to<br />

numerous national and international data<br />

links, including Link 16, Link 11 and<br />

Link Y.<br />

<strong>Saab</strong> will undertake CSI for all types of<br />

programme where a <strong>9LV</strong> system is part<br />

of the onboard equipment. Roles and<br />

responsibilities are discussed and defined<br />

at the outset to ensure smooth, efficient<br />

relations between customer, shipyard,<br />

suppliers and sub-suppliers.<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > SUppoRt aND MaINtENaNCE<br />


the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> is designed to provide<br />

optimum performance throughout<br />

its lifecycle. this makes it a lowcost,<br />

high-value investment for our<br />

customers around the world.<br />

The CEROS 200 features a lower lifecycle<br />

cost and higher operational Mean Time<br />

Between Failure than any comparable<br />

director, electro-driven or hydraulic.<br />

Comprehensive training and publication<br />

packages mean that operational procedures<br />

and first-level maintenance are<br />

easy to perform.<br />

26<br />

on-siTe<br />

supporT<br />

faCTory<br />

supporT<br />



Cutting-edge systems need to be supported<br />

by equally competent and well-crafted<br />

support packages. <strong>Saab</strong> offers complete,<br />

highly customised through-life support<br />

programmes for the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong>, ensuring<br />

maximum availability and cost-efficiency<br />

over the entire lifecycle.<br />

We are well-known for our long-term<br />

customer commitments and we currently<br />

support more than 200 systems around the<br />

world, including some that have been in<br />

service for over 30 years.<br />

LoGisTiCaL<br />

supporT<br />

our proven support concept<br />

consists of several elements:<br />

• on-site support: emergency<br />

or scheduled assistance on a<br />

global basis<br />

• factory support: major overhauls<br />

and upgrades<br />

• Logistical support: spares supply,<br />

end-of-life handling and in-country<br />

support capability<br />

These options are tailored into packages<br />

which meet the unique needs of each<br />

individual customer.

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > tRaCK RECoRD<br />


Since its conception the <strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> has entered<br />

operational service with over 230 ships and<br />

multiple submarines, all around the world. With<br />

the latest release of the system being at Mk4,<br />

new <strong>9LV</strong> customers benefit from over 40 years<br />

of experience, development and innovation.<br />

fasT aTTaCK CrafTs (150+)<br />

friGaTes (53)<br />

CorVeTTes (16) (16)<br />

CoMpoSItIoN DRaFt V1.0<br />

Command & supporT ships (4)<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > thE <strong>Saab</strong> gRoUp<br />

28<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> is an integral part of <strong>Saab</strong>’s<br />

naval offer. our capabilities cover all<br />

dimensions of the domain, including<br />

air, surface and sub-surface. We<br />

work with naval and civil security<br />

organisations around the globe to<br />

make the maritime domain safer<br />

and more secure.<br />


<strong>Saab</strong> is a core part of Investor<br />

ab. the group features major<br />

corporations from sectors<br />

including finance, telecoms and<br />

pharmaceuticals. our position in<br />

the group not only provides <strong>Saab</strong><br />

with robust financial stability – it also<br />

allows us to partner with a wide<br />

range of prestigious organisations<br />

to provide outstanding offset and<br />

Industrial Cooperation offers.<br />

ew<br />

NaVaL LaSER WaRNER 310<br />

SME 200<br />

UME 200<br />


IN bESt-IN-CLaSS<br />

CoMpaNIES<br />

INDUStRIaL<br />

pRoDUCtIVItY<br />

SoLUtIoNS<br />

oUtDooR poWER<br />

pRoDUCtS<br />

mine warfare<br />

SMaRt C3I<br />

SIgNatURE MaNagEMENt<br />


direCTors<br />

CERoS 200<br />

EoS 500<br />

poWER aND<br />

aUtoMatIoN<br />

tEChNoLogIES<br />

hoUSEhoLD<br />

appLIaNCES<br />

uaVs<br />

SKELDaR<br />

WoRLD LEaDINg<br />

phaRMaCEUtICaL<br />

CoMpaNY<br />



baNKINg tELECoM<br />

SYStEMS<br />

weapons<br />

RbS15 Mk3<br />


toRpEDoES<br />

<strong>9LV</strong><br />

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong><br />

<strong>9LV</strong> FCS<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> CoMpaCt<br />

<strong>9LV</strong> Sat<br />

radars<br />

pILot<br />

SEa gIRaFFE aMb & Lt<br />

CommuniCaTion<br />

aIS<br />

taCtICaLL<br />

mariTime<br />

surVeiLLanCe<br />

Data FUSIoN ENgINE<br />

SEa CoNtRoL<br />


underwaTer<br />

DoUbLE EagLE<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > tEChNICaL Data<br />


muLTi-funCTion ConsoLe (mfC)<br />

Main/head display 30-inch TFT display, 2560 x 1600<br />

pixels, ± 85º viewing angle<br />

Protective anti-reflex glass<br />

Touch input device 15-inch TFT display, 1024x768<br />

pixels, ± 70º viewing angle,<br />

resistive touch overlay<br />

Keyboard Alphanumeric with 103 backlit<br />

keys and integrated numeric<br />

keyboard<br />

Trackballs Two with four push buttons: left<br />

and right mouse buttons, drag<br />

and drop and trackball/joystick<br />

functions<br />

Loudspeakers Stereo: 2W<br />

Temperature supervision Includes high temperature<br />

warning, auto shut down and shut<br />

down inhibit functionality<br />

Anti- condensation heaters Yes<br />

Power 1-phase 115/230VAC 50/60Hz<br />

or 28VDC according to STANAG<br />

1008 edition 8<br />

Power consumption typically less<br />

than 400VA<br />

Dimensions Width: 720 mm<br />

Depth: 910 mm<br />

Height: 1,345 mm<br />

Weight < 100 kg<br />

Shock MIL-STD 901D Grade A with antivibration<br />

shock mounts<br />

Vibration MIL-STD-167-1 (Ships) Type I<br />

with anti-vibration shock mounts<br />

Temperature Operating: 0-50 ºC<br />

Storage: -20-55 ºC<br />

(MIL-STD-810D<br />

Method 501.2 and 502.2)<br />

Humidity 20-95% RH non-condensing<br />

(MIL-STD-810C<br />

Method 507.1, Humidity,<br />

Procedure IV)<br />

Airborne noise Max 49 dB(A) at 1 m, according<br />

to ISO9614<br />

Enclosure protection IP 65 at desk area IP22<br />

elsewhere (IEC 60529:1992)<br />

EMC CE101, CE102, CS101, CS114,<br />

CS116, RS101 and RS103<br />

RE101 and RE102 with minor<br />

deviation<br />

ESD: 8kV air discharge<br />

(MIL-STD-461E for surface ships)<br />

MTTR (estimated) > 30 minutes<br />


<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > tEChNICaL Data<br />

Ceros 200<br />

Sensors<br />

Radar K u -band<br />

TV camera Colour/black & white<br />

IR camera MWIR/LWIR<br />

3rd generation<br />

Laser rangefinder Eye-safe<br />

High PRF (10 Hz)<br />

Antenna<br />

Type Cassegrain, monopulse<br />

Diameter 1 metre<br />

Gain 41 dBi<br />

X-band (CWI version)<br />

Transmitter<br />

Illumination<br />

Type TWT<br />

Frequency 16.5 GHz band<br />

Band width<br />

Receiver<br />

12 %<br />

Type Digital<br />

Instrumented range<br />

Director<br />

> 100 km<br />

Bearing coverage Unlimited<br />

Elevation coverage -25º to +85º servo controlled<br />

Can be extended mechanically<br />

Top deck weight 630-750 kg<br />

(depending on version)<br />

30<br />

eos 500<br />

Sensors: basic package<br />

TV camera Colour/black & white<br />

Several FOVs<br />

IR camera MWIR/LWIR<br />

3rd generation<br />

Laser rangefinder Eye-safe<br />

3 Hz continuously, 8 Hz burst<br />

Director<br />

Bearing coverage Unlimited<br />

Elevation coverage -30º to +85º<br />

Can be extended<br />

Top deck weight 120 kg<br />

Stabilisation accuracy < 50 μrad RMS

<strong>9LV</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> > tEChNICaL Data<br />

CabineT<br />

Power 1-phase 115/230 VAC 50/60 Hz<br />

or 28 VDC according to STANAG<br />

1008 edition 8<br />

Dimensions Width: 590 mm<br />

Depth: 600 mm<br />

Height: 1,260 mm<br />

Weight 140 kg<br />

High temperature MIL-STD 810 E, method 501.3,<br />

proc. II<br />

+40° C operating, +50° C nonoperating<br />

Low temperature MIL-STD 810 E, method 502.3,<br />

proc. II<br />

0° C operating, 0° C non-operating<br />

Humidity MIL-STD 810C, method 507.1,<br />

proc. IV<br />

> 95 % RH<br />

Vibration MIL-STD 810C, method 514.2,<br />

proc. VIII<br />

5-33 Hz, 0.125 mm peak<br />

Shock MIL-STD 810E, method 516.4,<br />

proc. I<br />

Vertical: 30 g/6 ms<br />

Horizontal:15 g/11 ms<br />

EMI/EMC MIL-STD 461E<br />

RS02, RS03, CS01, CS02, CS06,<br />

RE02, CE01 and CE03<br />


www.saabgroup.com<br />


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