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Marcia Geisler, <strong>Club</strong> Queen<br />

FIN ISHING touches are gradually added<br />

to the Alpha Phi Kappa homecoming<br />

float by a nxious members as The parade<br />

deadli ne dote draws much closer .<br />

T wenty energ-etic ArK pl edg-es fulfilled their<br />

rC'quirem ('n ts to be accepted and initiated into<br />

the dub. Comhined d fort s of the old and new<br />

members produced a fl oa t for the H omecoming<br />

parade. Tn Novemher. a fall in fo rmal function<br />

was enjoyed a t Ca mp Wyldewood . Kelly's Grill<br />

was th e locale for the formal banquet on<br />

March 1.<br />

U nder the g uidance of their two sponsors. the<br />

boys enjoyed a year of varied acti vities. Of<br />

special in lcn::osl was th e' competi ti on in sports.<br />

The APK's enthusias tically pa rticipated in foot·<br />

ball. voll ey hall. hasketba]] and t" ark and field<br />

day events.<br />

OFfiCERS . FAll: Griffin, Pres .; Fa rr is, V ice·Pres .; Keeth , Sec. ; SmiTh,<br />

Treas . SPRING: Sandl in, Sec.; Pete Word, Roy We borne, Sponsor<br />

Wyldewood is chosen for APK informal function<br />

ALPHA PHI KAPPA. TOP ROW : W ord (sponsor). Well borne (sponsor). Akers , Benne tt, Bowman, Bridges, Comp, Copeland, Crosby. SECOND ROW : Crow, B<br />

Farris, J. Farris, Gahr, Goins, Green, Griffin, Hamlett, Hancock, Ha rr ison . THI RD ROW : Keeth, lambert, lynds, G . MOTe, J. Mote, O'Dell, Porke r, Philli ps,<br />

Pitner, Rag sdale. FOURTH ROW: Randall, Richie, Sandlin, G . Smith , W . SmiTh , Spears, Stone , Wa ters, W ilson , Wright<br />


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