Firestorm Armada Firestorm Armada v2 ... - The Black Ocean

Firestorm Armada Firestorm Armada v2 ... - The Black Ocean

Firestorm Armada Firestorm Armada v2 ... - The Black Ocean


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<strong>Firestorm</strong> <strong>Armada</strong><br />

Player Made<br />

Ship Stat Cards<br />

<strong>Firestorm</strong> <strong>Armada</strong> <strong>v2</strong><br />

Compiled by<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Black</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

www.theblackocean.com<br />

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Table of Contents<br />

Contents<br />

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2<br />

Key ................................................................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Core Races ........................................................................................................................................................ 5<br />

Terran Alliance ............................................................................................................................................... 6<br />

Aquan Prime ................................................................................................................................................ 19<br />

Sorylian Collective ....................................................................................................................................... 31<br />

Dindrenzi Federation ................................................................................................................................... 35<br />

Relthoza ........................................................................................................................................................ 60<br />

<strong>The</strong> Directorate ............................................................................................................................................ 67<br />

Alliance of Kurak ............................................................................................................................................. 71<br />

Tarakian ........................................................................................................................................................ 72<br />

Xelocian Primate ......................................................................................................................................... 73<br />

Ryushi ............................................................................................................................................................ 79<br />

Zenian League ................................................................................................................................................ 85<br />

Ba’Kash ......................................................................................................................................................... 86<br />

Outsiders ........................................................................................................................................................... 89<br />

<strong>The</strong> Goum ..................................................................................................................................................... 90<br />

Index ................................................................................................................................................................. 93<br />

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Key<br />

<strong>The</strong> Blue Model Assigned Rules are the optional Retro Fit<br />

Model Assigned Rules.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Black</strong> Model Assigned Rules for each ship found on pages<br />

58 – 61 in the Hardback Edition for the <strong>Firestorm</strong> <strong>Armada</strong> rules.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Green Model Assigned Rules are player made. Find those<br />

at the end of each race section<br />

Red Model Assigned Rules are from the v1 document Alliance<br />

MAR Rules archived on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Black</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong>.<br />

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Core Races<br />

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Terran Alliance<br />


Skirmisher Class Light Cruiser 4 6 9” 3<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 5 3 2 2 2 3 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 2 3 4 5 Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Shield Modulation, Maneuverable<br />

Author: Commodore Jones<br />

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Lancer Class Gunship 5 7 8” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 100 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 7 8 4 2 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 6 7 5 4 4 4 4 0<br />

Turrets 7 8 4 2 Shields = 2<br />

Torpedoes<br />

4 5 5 6 Wings = 0<br />

(Any Arc)<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE GUNSHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be GUNSHIPS<br />

MARS: Shield Modulation<br />

Author: Commodore Jones<br />

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Pioneer Class Frigate 3 5 11” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 30 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 3 4 2 1 CP AP PD MN<br />

Turrets 3 4 - - 1 1 1 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 1 2 3 4 Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Commodore Jones<br />

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Conestoga Class Light Cruiser 4 6 7” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 5 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 5 3 2 3 2 2 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 2 3 4 5 Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 3<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Deck Crews, Joint Operations, Shield Modulation<br />

Author: Dark Excalibur 42<br />

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Arachne Class Gunship 5 6 5” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 65 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 2 4 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 5 3 2 3 3 3 0<br />

Turrets 4 6 4 2 Shields = 1<br />

Torpedoes<br />

3 4 5 6 Wings = 0<br />

(Any Arc)<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE GUNSHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be GUNSHIPS<br />

MARS: Shield Modulation, Torpedo Spook<br />

Author: Pok<br />

Arachne class gunships, named after the master weaver of mythology, are a variation of the<br />

Zenith carrier hull, built by one of the Hawker subsidiaries after it became clear the old<br />

carriers are simply too vunerable in the face of the Dindrenzi blitz. <strong>The</strong> extensive flight bays<br />

were replaced in this design with torpedo magazines numerous enough to rival battleships of<br />

other races, while the C&C capability previously used by the flight command were<br />

repurposed towards electronic warfare, which coupled with the E/W warheads whose first<br />

batches were field-tested by the Titan dreadnoughts, granted them unprecedented<br />

accuracy.<br />

Conventional weapons of the vessel are based on the Hawker corporation designs, favoring<br />

turrets to broadsides, and supplementing them with modest fixed fore mass drivers.<br />

Unfortunately the sudden increase in mass stored onboard as the largely hollow interior was<br />

filled with torpedoes, proved impossible to offset and ships of this class are best<br />

characterized as sluggish and unresponsive to steering.<br />

This lack of speed, coupled with predominance for torpedoes rather than guns, earned<br />

those repurposed vessels a nickname of "space katyusha". <strong>The</strong> name was unofficially<br />

adapted through the fleet and some ordinance officers are known to program the E/W<br />

warheads to transmit the hymn of the long-dead Soviet Union to enemy vessels, a fact that<br />

seems to infuriate especially the Dindrenzi officers for some reason.<br />

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Although the ships of Arachne class are based on outdated hull designs and slower than<br />

typical combat vessel, no one that ever saw the torrent of blazing death that a full squadron<br />

of the gunships can produce doubts their effectiveness and the long-range firepower they<br />

add to the fleet proved invaluable in defense of the Terran strongholds of the Fathoms<br />

Reach.<br />

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Thorn Class Battleship 6 8 6” 7<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 110 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 6 8 3 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 6 4 3 4 4 6 0<br />

Fore 6 8 3 - Shields = 1<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 2 3 4 5 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Thorn Class was the predecessor of the Razorthorn, a traditional design with standard<br />

broadside arcs, without the innovation of any-arc turrets to increase versatility. One of the<br />

first standard battleships to carry an energy shield as standard, the Thorn is still pressed into<br />

service in desperate situations or technological backwater worlds.<br />

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Guardsman Class Cruiser 4 6 8” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 45 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 6 3 1 3 2 2 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 2 3 4 5 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />


Gatekeeper Class Cruiser 4 6 8” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 45 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 6 3 1 3 2 2 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 2 3 4 5 Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: No FSD<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Guardsman was one of the best ships in its class for its time. <strong>The</strong> hull design was basically<br />

almost unchanged for the current Sentinel class, showing how good it was at the time of its<br />

introduction. <strong>The</strong> Sentinel upgraded the weapons fit, increased the PD & torpedo coverage,<br />

introduced shield generators and an increased compliment of marines, but the basic design<br />

was sound. Although sometimes still pressed into service today, the Guardsman is starting to<br />

show its age, it's limited firing arcs, vulnerability to torpedoes and lack of a defense<br />

generator making its use one of necessity rather than choice. It is also seen in planetary<br />

defense forces, where it is known as the Gatekeeper - in this case the FSD is stripped out and<br />

replaced with a modern shield generator, making it ideal for planetary security operations<br />

and repelling pirate incursions.<br />

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Missionary Class Frigate 3 4 8” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 10 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 3 4 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 1 1 2 - 1 0 0 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />


Missionary II Class Frigate 3 4 8” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 15 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 3 5 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

After operational usage exposed dramatic shortcomings of the Missionary class (leading to<br />

unacceptable losses), the hulls were rapidly refitted to provide greater firepower, together<br />

with protection from torpedoes and navigational hazards<br />

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Spartan Class R&D Cruiser 4 6 10” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 90 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 5 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 6 7 5 6 2 4 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 3 4 - - Shields = 3<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL R&D CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE R&D CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Sector Shielding, Shield Projector<br />

Author: wanklesnavy<br />

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Sysiphus Support Cruiser 4 6 5” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 6 4 3 CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 2 3 4 5 3 2 3 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL R&D CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TERRAN ALLIANCE SUPPORT CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 Cruiser and 1-3 Gun<br />

Platforms models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Sector Shielding, Rearm (Torpedo Spook) (Terran Alliance) (10pts Large and Massive,<br />

5pts Medium), Repair Shuttles (1)<br />

Author: Pok<br />

With the establishment of the Terran Satellite Network, Terran Navy has commissioned a line<br />

of modified cruisers to service the satellites. Armed more lightly than proper combat ships,<br />

these ships were crucial to maintaining the supply and communication lines within the Terran<br />

Space. With the onslaught of the Dindrenzi, ships serving in the Storm Zone were quickly<br />

refitted to serve as combat tenders, replenishing munitions and aiding in repairs, as well as<br />

delivering the new “Spookums” warheads directly to frontline units which might otherwise<br />

wait to be restocked with the newest weapons. Due to their construction, each ship is<br />

capable of towing up to three satellites, invaluable to bolstering system defenses in the<br />

Storm Zone.<br />

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• Joint Operations: This ship MUST form combined flights from the Wings of ships in its<br />

squadrons. When launching Wings, all ships in the squadron must launch their wings<br />

and place all wings of like kind into a single flight as if deployed from one ship in the<br />

squadron. Wings from any ship in this squadron may treat any other ship in this<br />

squadron as though it were their carrier. Collectively, this squadron may only take two<br />

types of Wings.<br />

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Aquan Prime<br />


Nautilis Class Battle Cruiser 6 8 10” 7<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 160 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 8 11 4 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 5 7 3 - 5 0 6 6<br />

Aft 8 7 3 - Shields = 2<br />

Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />

AQUAN PRIME BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the BATTLESHIP<br />

MARS: Maneuverable, Energy Transfer, Double Mines, Minefields<br />

Author: 011121<br />

<strong>The</strong> Aquan Nautilus is designed to be a very fast light battleship with tremendous mine laying<br />

capability. It's designed to travel with a light compliment of frigates and cruisers laying vast<br />

mine fields to limit enemy movements. During an allied offensive the Nautilus moves behind<br />

enemy lines to cut off retreat. During enemy offensives it withdraws before the enemy<br />

leaving one field of mines after another. To maintain the high speed the Nautilus sacrifices<br />

some firepower and armor as well as the fighter wings and marine compliment of a<br />

Poseidon. It's largest drawback is also it's greatest weapon- the ordinance it uses to mine<br />

space. <strong>The</strong> experimental devices provide a bigger bang than the typical Aquan mines but<br />

they're also prone to detonate if the ship takes internal damage.<br />

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Whaleshark Class Dreadnought 7 13 6” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 280 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 13 17 6 2 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 7 9 3 - 8 5 8 5<br />

Aft 7 9 3 - Shields = 2<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 7 7 7 7 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points can be spent on DREADNOUGHTS<br />

AQUAN PRIME DREADNOUGHTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the DREADNOUGHT<br />

MARS: Elite Crew, Energy Transfer, Impervious, Maneuverable, Pride of the Fleet,<br />

Strengthened Hull<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

Following traditional Aquan design philosophy, and to combat the increasing escalation of<br />

conflict in the Storm Zone, the Aquans have built the Whaleshark Dreadnought. This mighty<br />

ship draws heavily on upscaled design systems from the Poseidon and Manta classes, whilst<br />

also incorporating technology applied in the Medusa. Commanders familiar with the<br />

traditional Aquan tactics of close range fighting welcome the focus of the Whaleshark,<br />

which is designed to get into the heart of an enemy fleet and deal out devastation. As such<br />

(and due to experiences combatting the Dindrenzi Federation), the desicion was made to<br />

forego any flights on the ship, and instead strengthen her construction to resist damage -<br />

keeping the massive ship in the fight for longer. Concentration on heavier, short-range<br />

weapons batteries and cutting-edge energy transfer systems make the Whaleshark a<br />

purpose-built ship destroyer, fulfilling a different niche in Aquan fleets to the all-round<br />

Medusa.<br />

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Tigershark Class Leviathan 8 12 4” 12<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 400 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 12 14 10 6 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 14 18 12 8 12 8 8 6<br />

Aft 8 10 6 6 Shields = 4<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 6 8 8 8 Wings = 10<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MASSIVE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on LEVIATHANS<br />

AQUAN PRIME LEVIATHANS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the LEVIATHAN<br />

MARS: Elite Crew, Energy Transfer, Impervious, Maneuverable, Pride of the Fleet<br />

Author: Solvok<br />

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Demolition Class Cruiser 5 6 10” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 55 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 4 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 5 6 3 - 3 2 3 5<br />

Aft 3 4 - - Shields = 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 4 4 4 4 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

AQUAN PRIME CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Double Mines, Drone Mines, Liner Drive Enhancement, Maneuverable<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

Shorthanded on their ability to patrol the vast space between themselves and the<br />

Directorate, Aquan engineers turned to better ways of controlling the border. <strong>The</strong> Demolition<br />

cruiser was the answer to this. Able to deploy massive quantities of mines in a short stretch of<br />

time, and allow them to exert limited control over the drift of the fields to keep them in<br />

proper place. Raiders have begun to founder near these fields, as their ships take<br />

progressively more damage before they are forced to turn back. Unfortunately, to make<br />

room for the vast mine bay, the torpedo launch systems had to be removed, making this<br />

cruiser somewhat under gunned for its class.<br />

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Scylla Class Escort 4 5 8” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points<br />

- - - - - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 1 0 1 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

AQUAN PRIME ESCORTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

An Escort model can perform Combined Fire with its Parent model, and any other Escort<br />

models from the same Squadron, when using Point defense systems for an Attack, Defensive<br />

Fire or Anti-Boarding Point defense fire.<br />

MARS: Drone Mines, Liner Drive Enhancement, Heat Seeking (Port & Starboard), Minefields<br />

Author: Dark Excalibur 42<br />

o <strong>The</strong> Scylla's Drone Mines MAR also applies to the Mines dropped by its parent model<br />

and other Scylla escorts in the squadron.<br />

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Piranha Class MKII Frigate 3 5 11” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 4 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 1 3 - - 2 0 1 0<br />

Aft 1 3 - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

AQUAN PRIME FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 6 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: veritechc<br />

Due to unacceptable loses the Aquan Sebrutan had dictated a change in tactics and<br />

command and control in their frigate core. Through the use of better communications<br />

equipment and diligent training the much maligned Piranha Class Frigate has come out<br />

even better than before.<br />

Although there has been no real change in any of the defensive or offensive systems this<br />

class of frigate has been designated with a MKII status. Through their "schooling" formation<br />

they are able up their coordinated squadron size to six frigates.<br />

This yet untried designation is nevertheless being rushed to the front lines in the hope of<br />

stemming the Zenian League push for the Aquan home stars.<br />

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Pterois Class MKII Frigate 3 5 11” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 4 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 1 3 - - 2 0 3 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

AQUAN PRIME FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: veritechc<br />

It has not gone unnoticed in the Aquan high command that the use of small craft in all<br />

engagements has been increasing as the conflict in the Storm Zone continues. To combat<br />

this the Delphis engineers have turned to their maligned frigate hulls for an answer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pterois (Lionfish) Frigate is a stop gap measure trading the characteristic aft weaponry<br />

for three times the point defense guns. Also included is an upgraded targeting and control<br />

node and communication package.<br />

<strong>The</strong> planned use of the Pterois Frigates is as an anti-aircraft frigate to clear space of<br />

interceptors for the Aquan bombers now in use on many carriers. It is hoped that a squadron<br />

of the Lionfish can take the place of interceptors allowing for a bomber only follow-on force<br />

to shred the enemy.<br />

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Oculus Class Heavy Support Cruiser 5 8 9” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 115 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 4 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 6 7 4 2 5 2 4 5<br />

Aft 4 5 2 - Shields = 2<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 5 5 5 5 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

AQUAN PRIME CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be HEAVY CRUISERS<br />

You CAN mix CRUISERS, HEAVY CRUISERS and VARIANT CRUISERS in the same squadron<br />

You CANNOT mix R&D CRUISERS with CRUISERS in the same squadron<br />

Author: Endgame<br />

MARS: Maneuverable, Remote Energy Transfer Arrays<br />

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Typhoon Class R&D Cruiser 5 7 10” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 3 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 5 6 4 1 4 2 4 0<br />

Aft 4 3 1 - Shields = 1<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 4 4 4 4 Wings = 3<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

AQUAN PRIME R&D CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Deck Crews, Combined Squadrons, Maneuverable, Without Number<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

<strong>The</strong> Aquans have long established the use of wings to maintain space superiority, and their<br />

researchers have labored to maintain this advantage. <strong>The</strong> Typhoon is an attempt to create<br />

what is essentially a flying factory, producing swarms of drone controlled craft to fill<br />

space. Possessed of impressive speed, and protected by efficient shield systems, the<br />

typhoon is an able support cruiser, able to rearm fighters quickly, and affect repairs to<br />

damaged craft. First deployed in test runs against the Directorate, the Typhoon achieved<br />

resounding success, crippling the advancing Directorate cruiser forces with bombing runs,<br />

and acting as a rearming platform for local support craft, as well as for those remaining from<br />

a destroyed carrier. Several stages of further testing must be performed before the Sebrutan<br />

offers their final approval on the craft, but the future of the design looks to be bright.<br />

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Charybdis Class R&D Cruiser 5 7 10” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 70 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 3 4 2 1 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore * - - - 4 2 4 5<br />

Aft 3 4 2 1 Shields = 1<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 4 4 4 4 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL R&D CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

AQUAN PRIME R&D CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Drone Mines, Double Mines, Maneuverable, Mine Launcher (Fore)<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

<strong>The</strong> Charybdis class cruiser is the culmination of the Aquan development of mine<br />

control. Possessing vast stores of munitions on board the ship, they bring incredible<br />

destructive capability. Traditional weapons cover three arcs, allowing them to engage foes<br />

on all sides, but the fore mount carries a launch system allowing the delivery of mines from<br />

far longer distances than normally capable. Early field testing of the Charybdis has shown it<br />

to be devastatingly effective against frigate classes, able to annihilate entire squadrons in a<br />

single sweep. Working in tandem, a full squadron has been able to lay low even opposing<br />

cruiser groups, leaving enemy ships with crippling damage, if not outright destrustion. Any<br />

that survive the volley from the fore often run afoul the vast sweep of mines that show in the<br />

wake of these ships. Time is proving that the Charybdis may well be the next ship destined<br />

for mass production in the Sebrutan.<br />

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Nautilus Class R&D Cruiser 5 6 10” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Forward 3 6 3 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Port/Starboard 3 5 2 - 3 2 3 5<br />

Aft 3 4 2 - Shields = 1<br />

Torps(Any) 4 4 4 4 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

AQUAN PRIME R&D CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Mine Launcher (Fore)<br />

Author: Zaknafn<br />

Designed as a refit to make use of the aging Storm class cruiser hulls these ships were fitted<br />

with a shield system and mounted with forward facing mine launchers. Enhancements to the<br />

power system allowed for a slight increase in overall firepower.<br />

Nicknamed "Inkers" by Dindrenzi captains for the clouds of black mines they lay down before<br />

them they quickly earned the respect of enemy forces for their ability to create dangerous<br />

minefields and funnel enemy ships into awaiting Aquan traps.<br />

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o Combined Squadrons: Wings Launched from these ships may combine into<br />

single squadrons, and flights may add the FW rating of the ships in this squadron<br />

together for determining bay capacity for rearming.<br />

o Remote Energy Transfer Arrays: During the Command Segment of its Squadron<br />

Activation, this model can increase the current Attack Dice (AD) value of ALL<br />

Primary weapon system of OTHER ships in this squadron by 3, and reduce the<br />

current Attack Dice (AD) value of ALL Primary weapon system on this ship by 2.<br />

A ship may only benefit from one Energy Transfer Array per turn. <strong>The</strong> Attack Dice<br />

(AD) value of any Primary weapon system on the model will return to their<br />

original value during the End Phase of the current Turn.<br />

o Without Number: When this squadron is activated, roll a d6 for each ship. On a<br />

roll of a 5 or6 you may deploy 1 additional wing on the ship. All wings gained in<br />

this manner must be of the same type, and must form a single flight (Unless they<br />

exceed 6 wings, in which case additional wings form a second flight, and can<br />

be of a different type)<br />

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o<br />

Sorylian Collective<br />


Yumi Class Frigate 3 5 10” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 25 Points<br />

Torpdeoes<br />

(Fore)<br />

Torpedoes<br />

(Any Arc)<br />

1 2 3 4 CP AP PD MN<br />

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 7”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

SORYLLIAN COLLECTIVE FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 5 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: veritechc<br />

With the war in the Storm Zone raging, even the slow to act Sorylian Collective recognizes<br />

the need to upgrade their fleet. In a joint venture between themselves and the Terrans the<br />

Collective has created a ship that fills in a void in their battle plan. <strong>The</strong> Yumi, named after the<br />

Japanese word for bow by the Terran engineers working on the project, discards the<br />

advanced guns and energy weapons of the Scythe Frigate for a suite of advanced long<br />

range torpedoes. This ship, in simulations, has been used as a standoff weapon in large<br />

formations coordinating attacks on larger capital ships to devastating effect. It is believed by<br />

both the Alliance and the Collective that the Yumi will provide fire support early in<br />

engagements were the Sorylians are currently lacking. Soon this ship will be entering service<br />

in the Collective's navy and it is hoped to blunt the Dindrenzi's early thrusts into the region.<br />

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Lucern Class Assault Cruiser 4 7 10” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 5 6 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 5 - - 3 6 4 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 7”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 80% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

SORYLLIAN COLLECTIVE CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Launch Tubes, Linear Drive Enhancement<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lucern assault cruiser is an older model of warship, one that was very nearly<br />

decommissioned completely before the war broke out. Less popular than the ubiquitous<br />

Skyhammer, the Lucern has been pressed back into service to fill gaps in the Collective war<br />

fleets. Structurally similar to the Skyhammer, the Lucern sacrifices a great deal of firepower to<br />

expand the internal carrying capacity to house more Sorylian marines for fast boarding<br />

actions. <strong>The</strong> bays for drop ships have also been expanded, and enhanced lunch tubes have<br />

been mounted, allowing troops to attempt boarding from much greater distances. Despite<br />

a venerable age, and being somewhat lightly armed for its weight, the Lucern has been a<br />

welcome addition in Collective forces, often driving hard into the heart of enemy fleets to<br />

launch daring raids at enemy flagships, often crippling the vessels in a single blistering wave<br />

as troops<br />

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Fang Class Frigate 3 5 13” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 2 1 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Torpedoes<br />

(Fore)<br />

1 2 3 3 1 1 1 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 7”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

SORYLLIAN COLLECTIVE FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 5 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Ravager<br />

This is a recent ship design from the yards at Kalath, working to respond to long range threats<br />

with something more effective than the light grasers on the current Scythe class frigates. <strong>The</strong><br />

superstructure was kept the same, but most of the gun decks were ripped out to make<br />

space for spinal mount fusion torpedo magazine and launch array. While not as flexible as<br />

the torpedo ships of other races, the Fang is still a potent threat due to the fact it operates in<br />

large squadrons. Additionally, the large torpedo magazine necessitated the removal of most<br />

of the ship's marine quarters, halving the complement normally available on a Scythe.<br />

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Broadsword Class Dreadnought 6 12 8” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 285 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 10 13 8 6 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 15 17 11 6 7 8 6 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 5 8 8 8 Shields = 2<br />

- - - - - Wings = 1<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 7”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points can be spent on DREADNOUGHTS<br />


This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the DREADNOUGHT<br />

MARS: Elite Crew, Experienced Engineers, Impervious, Lots of Guns, Pride of the Fleet,<br />

Reinforced Fore<br />

Author: Stormchaser<br />

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Dindrenzi Federation<br />


Light Cruiser 4 7 10” 3<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 40 Points<br />

Gun Rack 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 6 4 3 3 1 3 0<br />

Aft 2 - - - Shields = 0<br />

Torps (Fore Fixed) 4 4 4 4 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Secured Bulkheads<br />

Author: kaptyn_Krys<br />

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Assault Cruiser 5 8 8” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Gun Rack 6 8 3 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 5 3 2 3 6 4 0<br />

Aft 2 - - - Shields = 0<br />

Torps (Fore Fixed) 5 5 5 5 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Assault Blitz, Secured Bulkheads, Special Forces<br />

Author: kaptyn_Krys<br />

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Javelin Torpedo Destroyer Cruiser 4 8 7” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Torpedo Gun<br />

Rack<br />

5 5 5 5 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 5 3 2 3 1 3 4<br />

Aft 2 - - - Shields = 0<br />

Starboard/Port 3 4 2 - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Torpedo Spook<br />

Author: kaptyn_Krys<br />

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Champion Class Battle Cruiser 6 9 8” 8<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 140 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 7 10 4 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 11 14 9 7 3 4 5 0<br />

Aft 5 1 - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 3<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Secured Bulkheads, Transmission Decoder<br />

Author: Uncle_Biggins<br />

Dindrenzi Battle Cruisers have been common sights on the fringes of the Storm Zone long<br />

before hostilities have flared between the Zenian League and Kurak Allaince. Champion<br />

Class Battle Cruisers are among some of the finest vessels in the galaxy with its well-balanced<br />

design and clever use of space and component layout making it the perfect command<br />

vessel for low priority sectors.<br />

Champion class Battle Cruisers are well equipped with well-trained crew, a suite of<br />

advanced sensors and communications gear allowing them to function as system<br />

command ships. Systems plagued by Pirates or under the threat of incursions from alien<br />

powers usual have at least one such ship serving within their territories to deter enemy<br />

invasions. After a lengthy negotiation with the Directorate, the existing Champion Class<br />

Battle Cruiser is currently testing an array of prototype sensors and technology designed for<br />

electronic warfare. Also, due to the low energy requirements of other systems and the<br />

cutting edge engine technology employed, the Champion is one of the faster Battle Cruisers<br />

serving in the known universe. In the instance that the Champion cannot outrun enemy ships<br />

such as nimble marauder vessel that sometimes plague outlying systems, it houses a launch<br />

bay with enough room to house several squadrons of bombers or interceptors.<br />

It was decided that the Champion would have to forgo torpedo tubes and mines in order to<br />

include a satisfactory level of armored plating and other offensive weaponry. Like the<br />

Gladius Gunship, the Champion mounts impressive broadsides rather than dual directional<br />

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Gunracks. Its primary weapon, the spinal mounted railgun has been calibrated for long<br />

ranged encounters.<br />

In game terms, the Champion is a decent alternative to the Conqueror or Retribution if you<br />

wanted a budget large ship to fulfill your army requirements. It would be great for keeping<br />

up with a fast or cruiser heavy army as it has good speed and is still great at shrugging of<br />

enemy hits. It also has better broadsides than the Battleships but that is compensated that it<br />

still has fewer crew, less hp and CR with a weaker forward weapon. It mounts a small<br />

contingent of tiny fliers that can provide CAP or bombers/assaulters to chase down lonely<br />

enemy ships.<br />

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Rage Class Torpedo Cruiser 4 8 9” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 65 Points<br />

Gun Rack 4 6 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Aft 2 - - - 3 2 3 4<br />

Torps (Fore Fixed) 5 5 5 5 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Secured Bulkheads, Torpedo Spook<br />

Author: Uncle_Biggins<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rage class Torpedo Cruiser demonstrates the ingenuity of Dindrenzi science as well as<br />

the flexibility of their weaponry. <strong>The</strong> Rage Class Torpedo Cruiser is less of a retrofit and more<br />

of a complete redesign of the Fury Class Cruisers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> value of Torpedo weaponry in space combat is apart with the need for guided explosive<br />

munitions being incredibly vital, especially during inter planetary invasion where low yield<br />

explosives could destroy or cripple military targets while leaving the rest of the planet viable<br />

for occupation. <strong>The</strong> Dindrenzi have always maximized the strength of their torpedo<br />

weaponry against their narrow firing arc’s allowing them to be fired concurrently with their<br />

Railguns. With other factions demonstrating the effectiveness of dedicated Torpedo attack<br />

cruisers that overwhelm the targets point defenses, the Rage Cruiser was designed to<br />

provide accurate and powerful torpedo support to the advancing fleets.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Torpedo tubes on the Fury were removed, as was the Rail Gun and was replaced by a<br />

singular torpedo launcher that employed the same firing principles of the Dindrenzi railguns.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gun fires a salvo of Torpedo’s shielded with stealth metals allowing them to travel<br />

unguided at rapid speeds towards their target. As the torpedoes are fired so fast and in<br />

rapid succession, the odds of them directly hitting their target are astronomically small,<br />

therefore after they reach a pre-programmed distance, the torpedoes engage counter trust<br />

and a second stage rocket ignition then guides the ordinance towards its intended target.<br />

<strong>The</strong> surprise factor of this weaponry had devastating effect during their initial engagements<br />

as the weapons launch often goes undetected by enemy ships due to the low energy<br />

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equirements and speed of the torpedo. Point Defense systems scramble to counter the new<br />

threat and often they prove ineffective or fail to intercept the torpedoes entirely.<br />

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Sickle Class Frigate 3 6 12” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 25 Points<br />

Gun Rack 5 5 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 1 2 2 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Reinforced Fore<br />

Author: Uncle_Biggins<br />

In the months after the initial invasion of the Storm Zone, the Dindrenzi military has shifted its<br />

focus from driving into enemy held territories to a consolidation of its newly acquired and<br />

vulnerable territories. With the fleets of the Kurak Alliance fully engaging their military<br />

complexes, battle lines have been drawn and the nature of engagements have transformed<br />

from short decisive battles to lengthy encounters.<br />

Dindrenzi ship designers aware of the inherent weakness of their ships design and reliance on<br />

railgun technology have had to design ships to complement tradition ship types in these<br />

coming battles. <strong>The</strong> Sickle Class Frigate has therefore become an increasingly common sight<br />

in the storm zone with many arriving to relieve and reinforce battle hardened fleets.<br />

Whereas the Hammer exemplifies the Dindrenzi’s favored weapon, employing a singularly<br />

powerful railgun capable of firing at incredible ranges for a ship of its size and class, the<br />

firepower on the Sickle appears under gunned and unwieldy. Despite retaining much of the<br />

same super structure and layout as the Hammer, its forward section has been extensively<br />

armoured and the removal of its primary weapon has allowed the introduction of ablative<br />

armor plating, additional redundant systems and room for short ranged assault craft and<br />

boarding launch tubes. It retains its light rear armaments and has expertly placed broadsides<br />

concealed within the ships gunracks allowing for optimal engagement at extremely close<br />

ranges.<br />

In combat, the Sickle is a second wave attack ship, it joins the battle as the bulk of the<br />

Dindrenzi vessels pass enemy capital ships. With its reinforced fore, and its already<br />

exceptional CR, the Sickle is not an ideal target to pick off in the early turns of the game. It<br />

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has the single highest CR on any Frigate in the game and with 2 PD a full squadron would be<br />

difficult to remove at RB 4 with anything but the most determined attacks.<br />

It has extra AP than the Hammer as it is intended to board enemy ships. Its Gunracks are<br />

extremely powerful and have been modified and configured to be at optimum efficiency at<br />

RB 1 instead of 2. This is the only place where the Sickle has any firepower but with its high<br />

defensive abilities for a ship in this class it stands a great shot at arriving there with enough<br />

firepower left to threaten medium or even large capital ships in high enough numbers.<br />

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Stiletto Corvette 3 5 15” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 25 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 4 3 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 1 1 1 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CORVETTES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Vectored Engines<br />

Author: Uncle_Biggins<br />

<strong>The</strong> Stilleto Corvette is a fast nimble combatant with the speed to dive past an enemy<br />

headlong and then run it down with its speed and firepower. Designed first and foremost as<br />

a scouting ship or an early warning vessel, the Stilleto was used by the Dindrenzi navy to<br />

intercept unarmed vessels carrying pirates, illegal goods or to police its boarders during<br />

peace time.<br />

As the preparation for the war began, fewer Stilleto’s were constructed and they were<br />

initially deemed inappropriate and too far outdated to be used on the frontlines. <strong>The</strong><br />

deployment of enemy corvettes and light vessels that are capable of outrunning and<br />

evading Dindrenzi patrols however has forced a large number of these ships retrofit and<br />

deployed to fill in holes in the Dindrenzi Battle strategy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dindrenzi have always maintained excellent engine technology that rivals the swift and<br />

elegant design of the Aquans. <strong>The</strong> Stiletto has powerful engines and a sleek design that is<br />

capable of maintaining incredible speeds. <strong>The</strong> weapon on the Stilleto class corvette has<br />

been affectionately nicknamed the Needler, in part for the shape of its munitions and the<br />

clean punctures it leaves on enemy ships from impacts.<br />

Stilleto’s speed enables them to overcome a major weakness of Dindrenzi ship design, their<br />

limited firing arcs that are dangerously easy to avoid in a close quarters battle. <strong>The</strong> Stilleto<br />

combines its incredible speeds with a level of maneuverability that is nearly impossible to<br />

match from other ship designs. Sub engines located along the length of the ships main gun<br />

are capable of enabling hyper sharp turns and counter thrust to control its approach to a<br />

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attlefield. <strong>The</strong> Stilleto can make minute adjustments to its attack run as it closes with the<br />

enemy where other ships are forced to travel with their momentum. When an opening<br />

presents itself, it dives on the target and drives it down with its forward weapon impaling the<br />

target ship with round after round from its high powered railgun.<br />

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Pilum Class R&D Weapons Platform 4 8 7” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 3 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Disruption<br />

Cannon<br />

5 9 6 3 3 3 3 5<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = n/a Command Distance = n/a<br />


Up to 20% of your points can be spent on INSTALLATIONS<br />

DINDRENZI PILUM R&D WEAPONS PLATFORMS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 2 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

<strong>The</strong>se models use the Fleet Tactics and Command Distance ratings of the Fleet they have<br />

been added to.<br />

A single Squadron CANNOT contain a mix of Military Installations and other models.<br />

MARS: Disruption Cannon, No FSD, Secured Bulkheads<br />

Author: Hadhafang V2<br />

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Backsword Class Carrier 5 10 6” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 70 Points<br />

Gun Rack 5 7 3 1 CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Fore Fixed) 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 0<br />

Torps (Fore Fixed) - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 10<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points can be spent on CARRIER models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Incinerator Ammo (Fore Fixed), Secured Bulkheads<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Backsword is a relatively recent refit of the Claymore Carrier after feedback from field<br />

officers. <strong>The</strong> main rail cannon is stripped out of the ship (and usually then redeployed into a<br />

Victory class hull), together with the forward torpedo launchers. This allows a substantial<br />

upgrade of the flight deck space on the ship (with the central rail cannon accelerator tube<br />

converted into a rapid deployment launch facility), and a slight reduction in weapons<br />

officers (though security staff are retained to deter possible boarding actions). <strong>The</strong> gunrack is<br />

upgraded to provide better close-support fire and torpedo tubes refitted throughout the<br />

ships forward structure, giving a broader (though less substantial) all-range offensive<br />

capacity. <strong>The</strong> refit also results in a substantial upgrade of the Backsword's maneuvering<br />

capacity, which was a consistent weak point of the Claymore from combat experience.<br />

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Frenzy Class Cruiser 4 7 8” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 35 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 6 7 5 4 CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Fore) 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Secured Bulkheads<br />

Author: Dark Excalibur 42<br />

Early models of the standard cruiser now used by the Dindrenzi Navy did not possess the<br />

characteristic gunracks seen in their modern naval arsenal due to a lack of necessary<br />

components. While the older model cruisers possessed Torpedo launch tubes that could fire<br />

in the entire 90 degree fore arc, they were plagued with targeting errors leading to poor<br />

accuracy at extended range. <strong>The</strong> most notable design element of Dindrenzi warships, the<br />

massive fixed fore rail weaponry, was still developmentally in its infancy and was highly<br />

susceptible to damage and overloads. Any hit to the vessel had the potential for<br />

catastrophic results.<br />

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Sigil Class Battleship 7 12 6” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 195 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 8 11 6 3 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 7 8 6 5 3 5 6 0<br />

Fore (Fixed) 7 8 6 5 Shields = 0<br />

Aft 6 4 - - Wings = 3<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />


This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Incinerator Ammo (Fore Fixed), Protected Systems, Secured Bulkheads, Staggered Fire<br />

Author: Uncle_Biggins<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dindrenzi Federation have a reputation for crafting solid vessels and weapons of war.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sigil Class Battleship has been deployed the newly conquered sectors and regions of<br />

space as a demonstration of the dominance earned by the fleets of the Zenian League.<br />

With the subjugation of local fleets, the Sigil was designed to hold regions of space and exert<br />

influence over captured territories. After the initial engagment, resistance to the Federations<br />

advance would weaken with it expected than only a few picket ships or remenants of<br />

squadrons would be all to remain the harass the Leagues forces after securing a system or<br />

sector. Wary of a surprise attack that could endanger the Federations assets, considerations<br />

were made to ensure that the Sigil would be as well protected as it is dangerious. <strong>The</strong> Sigil<br />

has a few peculiarities that make it a standout design as it breaks some of the Dindrenzi's<br />

typical pinciples with its systems layout. One is its simple design requires extremely few limited<br />

crew, well below average for a ship of its size. This was intended so that fewer personel<br />

would be wasted engaging in rear action defense. Also the Dindrenzi's favoured primary<br />

weapon has been considerably downsized in its application to the Sigil with more room<br />

being spent on additonal armor, redundant systems and emergency repair systems left the<br />

room typically reserved for the fore railgun all but used. A smaller trunicated version is<br />

mounted in an 'underslung' fashion to the ships hull, however it is much smaller roughly<br />

equivelent to a Cruiser sized weapon However as a fortunate offset of being mounted to a<br />

ship of its size, the installed weapon has plentiful cooling systems and a battleship grade<br />

power system has increased the installed units rate of fire by nearly double. As with several of<br />

the newer designs of Dindrenzi vessel, the Sigil has been equipped with a limited flight bay<br />

capable of deploying interceptor wings or other flight support as needed. <strong>The</strong> Sigil was<br />

mounted with broadside weaponry as the new layout could afford to apply more turrets and<br />

49 | P age Revised: 3/1/2013 12:56 PM

secondary weapons across the hull. <strong>The</strong> engine housing contains many aft facing weapons<br />

giving the Sigil and intimidating complement of firepower. This flexibility has come at the cost<br />

of the ships Torpedo weaponry and mine laying capabilities.<br />

To date the design has proven its worth and despite the relative infancy of the conflict, not a<br />

single Sigil Class Battleship has sustained enough damage to have it removed from active<br />

duty though with opposition to the advance stiffening it is only a matter of time before<br />

several will be called to the front line.<br />

(My idea for the Sigil was that it would be a boxy, thicker vessel layered with broadsides<br />

similar to the Gladius. It was designed that way because paltry pirates or opportunists that<br />

might have had a shot at inflicted damage or even destroying a battleship would be faced<br />

with a near impossible task trying to assault the well defended Sigil that when complete with<br />

escort would be an impregnable sign of the Dindrenzi militaries superiority. I liked the idea of<br />

a weapon that was far better suited for dealing with lighter vessels than Capital Ships, I<br />

came up with the idea that the Sigil mounts the same foreward firepower of the Victory as<br />

well. It quite impressively has nearly the same defensive statistics as the Retribution<br />

Dreadnaught. <strong>The</strong> Sigil is however very well armed and so its not a budget battleship, fully<br />

equpied it deserves to be one of the more expensive ships in the game I would reason.<br />

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Deliverance Class Penal Battleship 6 11 6” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 100 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 5 6 3 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 10 14 8 4 3 7 5 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 6 5 5 4 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 3<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />


This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: : Combustible Cargo, Incinerator Ammo (Fore Fixed), Isolated, Last Chance Saloon,<br />

No FSD, Secured Bulkheads, Vulnerable<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dindrenzi Federation believes itself to be fair and just - and for those who do not agree<br />

there are the penal planets where inmates are given time to adjust their beliefs. For minor<br />

criminals there is always the hope of rejoining the wider Federation, and the Penal legions<br />

are their chance to do just that. Pressed into service in substandard ships, these forces can<br />

be used to bolster forces in desperate circumstances. For the prisoners onboard, there<br />

remains the opportunity to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Federation and return to<br />

normal society by glory in battle.<br />

In order to ensure loyalty, the ships used by the penal legions have had their FSDs removed,<br />

thus needing to be jumped into (and out of!) theatre by another similarly sized vessel. In<br />

addition, they will be old hulls, not benefitting from the modern data-net support of the<br />

Dindrenzi military nor even necessarily well maintained. Finally, they have an interlock system<br />

allowing the ships reactors to be detonated remotely should any of the "volunteers" loyalty<br />

waver mid-battle.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Deliverance class is a prime example of a Penal legion ship - based on an older (usually<br />

battle-damaged and repaired) Challenger-Class hull (described in the Crummy ships<br />

thread!), it has had torpedo, FSD and advanced communications equipment removed,<br />

which reduces the required crew compliment and PD effectiveness, the space being used<br />

to house more "inmates" seeking freedom. Given simple kinetic weapons with limited<br />

ammunition, this force relies on numbers and sheer ferocity to achieve results. Of course, if<br />

the force do manage to successfully board an enemy ship, there is no guarantee that they<br />

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will return to the welcome of Dindrenzi space - given a working FSD drive, they may choose<br />

exile elsewhere!<br />

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Challenger Class Battleship 6 11 6” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 125 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 5 6 3 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 10 14 8 4 5 3 6 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 6 5 5 4 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />


This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: : Vulnerable<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Challenger design was one of the earliest designs in new Dindrenzi Naval design, which<br />

came as a complete surprise to Terran forces - the extremely rugged hull built around a<br />

massive rail cannon with tremendous power, specifically aimed at destroying Terran capital<br />

ships. <strong>The</strong> Conqueror bears many similarities with the Challenger, though as the Challenger<br />

design was completely new it tended to be non-optimal, leading to odd design quirks that<br />

could prove fatal if the ship was seriously damaged. Fortunately this was not a common<br />

occurrence (due to the ship's rugged construction) until new Terran designs began to<br />

emerge. Where the ship belies its age are in the traditional port & starboard broadside<br />

armaments, which lacked heavy hitting power at range; the broad fore-arc torpedoes that<br />

produced so many long-range targeting issues in early Dindrenzi naval design and the<br />

complete absence of aft armament or mines, leading to a serious blind arc. <strong>The</strong>se issues<br />

were all addressed in the Conqueror, plus optimization of design produced increased<br />

survivability and resilience, and also allowed for installation of mine laying systems to prevent<br />

tail-gating by smaller ships.<br />

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Cudgel Class Frigate 3 6 10” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 15 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 3 5 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 2 1 2 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on SMALL models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cudgel class is the direct forerunner of the Hammer class, utilizing exactly the same hull,<br />

only having the single signature rail cannon for offense. Being an early utilization of the rail<br />

cannon in such a small hull, the Cudgel's systems were tuned for optimum-range encounters,<br />

without the long distance engagement capabilities of the present Hammer-class gun. As<br />

gunracks had not been implemented as standard designs at the time, and the hull was<br />

judged too small to mount meaningful broadside capabilities, the designers concentrated<br />

on a well-developed PD system to aid survivability. Although an older ship, Cudgel's can still<br />

be seen serving with current warships, this bearing testament to their rugged design and<br />

durability.<br />

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Scutum Class Point Defense Cruiser 4 8 9” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 6 7 5 4 CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 3 3 5 4<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Secured Bulkheads, Rapid Fire PD<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Scutum class is a variant of the standard Fury class cruiser, designed to minimize the<br />

threat of high-density torpedo attack tactics employed by some of the Federations<br />

opponents. It can be deployed with other cruisers, or in its own squadrons as need dictates,<br />

and retains full rail cannon armament to maintain offensive potential. At this point the<br />

Scutum diverges from the Fury class, with torpedo tubes and gunrack sacrificed in favour of<br />

multiply-redundant and higher powered point defense systems, with enhanced and<br />

dispersed sensor, tracking and targeting suites co-developed by the RSN. <strong>The</strong>se modiications<br />

lead to a longer-range and more intense PD bubble, able to operate even when the ship is<br />

severely damaged.<br />

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Targe Class Support Cruiser 4 7 9” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points<br />

Gun Rack 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Aft 3 1 - - 3 2 5 4<br />

Torps (Fore Fixed) 3 3 3 3 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Bigger Batteries, Rapid Fire, Secured Bulkheads<br />

Author: kaptyn_Krys<br />

Based around a standard cruiser hull. With the removal of the rail gun systems more power<br />

can be diverted to the point defense and coolant systems, increasing the rate of fire of the<br />

numerous batteries. Developed as one design to deal with large numbers of torpedoes and<br />

wings that common enemies of the Dindrenzi have been fielding.<br />

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Excalibur Class R&D Cruiser 5 8 9” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 90 Points<br />

Gun Rack 5 6 4 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 7 4 3 4 2 4 0<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 7 4 3 Shields = 0<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 7 4 3 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL R&D CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DINDRENZI FEDERATION R&D CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: Firing Solution (Fore Fixed), Secured Bulkheads, Vulnerable<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

<strong>The</strong> Excalbur class cruiser is an experiment in rail weaponry, only now entering the prototype<br />

phase. Dindrenzi engineers have been constantly pushing to expand the available firepower<br />

of their warships, and have labored hard to create the potent Trinity class Rail cannon,<br />

mounting three accelerators fixed into a single chassis. Capable of delivering devastating<br />

firepower upon other cruisers with individual fire, or linking systems together for pinpoint<br />

delivery of their ultra-density payload to bring down the hardest of targets, <strong>The</strong> Excalibur<br />

class has been deployed in limited numbers throughout the Storm Zone. <strong>The</strong> advanced<br />

targeting and control systems that allow such devastating firing are incredibly intricate and<br />

are impossible to co-ordinate in more than a pair of vessels. Some commanders are<br />

reluctant to surrender more proven vessels, such as the Gladius, since both ships can bring<br />

devastating firepower to bear on targets, but the Gladius offers it in a more resilient<br />

package. <strong>The</strong> immense power drain from the Trinity cannon requires enormous capacitors to<br />

charge, and if these systems suffer damage while fully charged, can catastrophically<br />

discharge into the ship itself. This has been rated as a high priority to correct if the cannon<br />

proves successful in field tests. Even with such drawbacks, the ship has proven to be capable<br />

of inflicting truly staggering damage in a very short period of time, earning a terrifying, and<br />

fearsome reputation amongst any who have faced it in combat.<br />

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Zweihander Battle Cruiser 6 10 7” 8<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 160 Points<br />

Gun Rack 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 8 10 7 6 4 3 6 0<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 7 4 3 Shields = 0<br />

Fore (Fixed) 5 7 4 3 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +3 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points can be spent on BATTLECRUISER models<br />


This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Firing Solution (Fore Fixed), Secured Bulkheads<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

While the Excalibur cruiser was done as a proof of concept craft, the powerful Trinity rail<br />

cannon was proving hard to improve. <strong>The</strong> limits of current power generation and<br />

transmission were causing a great deal of difficulty in phasing out the overlarge capacitors<br />

that allowed the firing of such a weapon system. After months without improvement,<br />

Dindrenzi High Command threatened to pull the plug on Trinity Research. In desperation, the<br />

research team turned to upscaling the weapon, mounting it on the chassis of a battle<br />

cruiser, a class of vessel that had long since been supplanted by the powerful Conquerer<br />

battleship. Layering the hull in additional armour, the research team ensured that the<br />

capacitors would be adequately protected. In an attempt to free up addition power, the<br />

gun racks were scaled back significantly, brought to the level of the aging Claymore carrier.<br />

When the power requirements were still too high, the research team turned to captured<br />

enemy technology. Fitting superconductors taken from captured Xelocian vessels, the teams<br />

were finally able to balance the power transmission issues. <strong>The</strong> first Zweihander was<br />

deployed to a reserve fleet, and was regarded as a toy, until it faced the Terran<br />

dreadnought, the Atlas. Closing to optimum range, the vessel fired a volley that scored<br />

devastating damage on the much larger warship, even through the powerful shielding. <strong>The</strong><br />

Atlas withdrew from the field, not willing to risk further damage. Since this incident, High<br />

Command has renewed interest in the Trinity cannon project.<br />

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o Vector Engines: Once during this models activation it may make a 90 degree<br />

turn instead of a 45 degree one while moving. This ship has a minimum move<br />

distance of 2”<br />

o Transmission Decoder: Enemy ships in RB1 lose Cloaking and the stealth systems<br />

MARs.<br />

o Staggered Fire: This model cannot link fire with any of its own weapon systems.<br />

o Last Chance Saloon: <strong>The</strong> boarding forces of the ship are desperate, selling their<br />

lives for a chance of freedom. <strong>The</strong>y gain an additional D3 AD for the first round<br />

of combat when boarding, but immediately suffer 1AP casualty. In addtion, if AP<br />

forces from a ship with this MAR successfully capture a ship, roll 1D6 - on a 1-3<br />

the boarders choose exile, and the ship is removed from play after shunting as<br />

normal, but does not provide any VP to the victor.<br />

o Rapid Fire PD: <strong>The</strong> ship may re-roll missed PD rolls against torpedoes, boarders<br />

and wings that approach within 4" of this ship. Note that this does NOT apply to<br />

additional rolls from exploding 6's.<br />

o Rapid Fire: This model can make up to 2 re-rolls when it Point Defense dice<br />

during its activations and during the activation of other models, but MUST use<br />

the second result.<br />

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Relthoza<br />


Venom MkII Class Destroyer 4 6 7” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 3 4 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps<br />

(Starboard/Port)<br />

5 5 6 6 2 1 6 0<br />

- - - - - Cloaking Field<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 8”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

RELTHOZA DESTROYERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be DESTROYERS<br />

MARS: Hidden Killer, Maneuverable, Stealth Systems<br />

Author: Rich<br />

Venom’s formed part of the Retholza battleline in the Storm Zone for several years before the<br />

introduction of the mark two. Though hailed by the Retholzian warleaders as a new design, it<br />

has been designated as a mark two Venom class by most other parties. <strong>The</strong> hull form<br />

remains the same, with minor exterior changes made to accommodate the replacement of<br />

the hydroxide cannon batteries with torpedo silos. Military analysts, particularly Directorate,<br />

have shown a keen interest in this development and are speculating why it has taken the<br />

Retholza so long to develop a long range torpedo vessel to tactically exploit their cloaking<br />

technology. Though not likely to shift the balance of power, this updated design is likely to<br />

frustrate admirals and may force a shift in tactical deployments.<br />

Design notes: With Retholza ships coming with cloaks and stealth systems as standard, why<br />

didn’t their destroyer make use of torpedoes? Torpedo starboard and port broadsides are a<br />

little odd, but hey….<br />

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Chitin Class Assault Carrier 5 8 7” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 85 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 6 7 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 3 6 2 - 3 5 5 0<br />

- - - - - Cloaking Field<br />

- - - - - Wings = 5<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 8”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on CARRIER models<br />

RELTHOZA CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Bigger Batteries, Stealth Systems, Shunter<br />

Author: Rich<br />

<strong>The</strong> first combat sighting of the Chitin Class Assault Carrier occurred in the Chalkeria system.<br />

Emerging suddenly from fold space in orbit above a key military installation a squadron of<br />

Chitins managed to hold station whilst coming under heavy fire from surrounding gun<br />

platforms. Reltholza warriors were able to conduct orbital drop raids whilst under the<br />

protective umbrella of the squadron’s point defense. After sustaining catastrophic losses the<br />

local emergency response wings were forced to disengage, giving the Relthozan warships<br />

an opportunity to cloak and slip away before inbound reinforcements could enter weapons<br />

range.<br />

Blunt and brutal looking these Assault Carriers represent an escalation in the Storm Zone and<br />

surprisingly rapid innovation on the part of the Retholza in incorporating what were until<br />

recently cutting edge technologies.<br />

Design Notes: Intended to be close in and be fairly durable for its size class, and either deliver<br />

a wave of bombers or boarders, and then withdraw. <strong>The</strong> Chitin is intended as a ‘several<br />

years down the line’ ship where the technologies proven in the Bane R&D prototypes have<br />

been brought into front line units. <strong>The</strong> Chitin has a shunt move option like the Bane, but to a<br />

more modest degree. This allows it to rapidly close with the enemy before launching its<br />

wings, and to make a quick getaway if things get too rough. Likewise it incorporates the<br />

Apex’s bigger batteries design as a proven and ‘Reltholzaesque’ MAR. Having this MAR on a<br />

61 | P age Revised: 3/1/2013 12:56 PM

squadron of ships with a decent PD is presumably pretty good. Hopefully this gives the<br />

Retholza a carrier that is an interesting ship that lends itself to various strategies.<br />

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Husk Class Carrier 5 8 7” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 70 Points<br />

Torps (Fore Arc) 5 6 7 7 CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 5 0 4 0<br />

- - - - - Cloaking Field<br />

- - - - - Wings = 12<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 8”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points can be spent on CARRIER models<br />

RELTHOZA CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Hull Tearer Ammo (Port and Starboard), Stealth Systems<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Husk class carrier is designed purely as a wing-delivery system. It shares a common hull<br />

design with the Hive, but production of the Husk deviates after fitment of the fore torpedo<br />

tubes. Whereas the Hive goes onto a full weapons fit with sophisticated targeting systems,<br />

the Husk has much simpler weapons tracking, the extra space being taken by further flight<br />

bays. This results in slightly poorer automated defense and close-range torpedo<br />

effectiveness, despite the same load out (longer ranges are not affected as the torpedoes<br />

own systems are fully in play by this time). With no boarding personnel, increased flight crew<br />

and bay operations compliment, the Husk is designed to lurk at the rear of an engagement,<br />

relying on its cloak and stealth systems to survive and torpedoes for long-range fire support.<br />

Whilst initially discounted by some, the Hive has a distinct advantage in the speed and cost<br />

of its production - a fully operational and wing-loaded Husk can deliver 150% of the wings at<br />

the front line for roughly the same cost in materiel as a bare Hive, and in two-thirds of the<br />

time.<br />

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Funnelweb Class Assault Cruiser 4 6 10” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Aft Arc) 3 3 4 5 3 6 4 0<br />

Cloaking Field<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 8”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 70% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

RELTHOZA CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Assault Blitz, Fast FSD, Stealth Systems<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Funnelweb is a deadly new implementation of the Relthozas skill with FSD technology. At<br />

first its introduction was only noticed as an increased loss of civilian shipping in the dangerous<br />

but busy FSD points between <strong>The</strong> Wyndham Cluster and Muishkin's Rift. On investigation,<br />

however, very little evidence of military intervention was discovered - ships had just vanished<br />

- and it was initially thought there may be some increased foldspace distortion or other<br />

natural phenomenon accounting for the ships disappearances. Increased military ship<br />

contingents in more important convoys, however, led to the discovery of the Funnelweb<br />

class.<br />

<strong>The</strong> standard tactic of the Funnelweb (and it's primary design philosophy), is to wait in<br />

nearby interstellar space with minimal systems active, cloaked and stealthed to avoid<br />

detection. On detection of its targets FSD energy signatures, the Funnelweb jumps into<br />

boarding distance and assaults the enemy ship without warning. Being assaulted under<br />

these conditions leads to ineffective PD fire and so the crew can quickly become<br />

overwhelmed and the ship captured - even before any distress transmissions are broadcast.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Funnelweb typically rapidly retreats after disgorging it's assault troops, using it's stealth<br />

systems and cloaking device to aid it, and rear-mounted torpedoes to deter pursuit. It also<br />

has close-range port/starboard HELL batteries should it need to defend itself whilst in the fray,<br />

these being favored over the the usual hydroxide cannons as a convenient means of<br />

dumping ship system heat.<br />

This "shock and awe" surprise attack tactic is made possible due to the rapid recharge FSD<br />

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units on the ships, allowing them to jump directly into theatre, immediately correcting FSD<br />

placement errors and being fully combat effective with no shunt-lag. Whilst their introduction<br />

was aimed at tapping primary shipping routes for valuable resources, reports have also been<br />

made about their use in military-only engagements to subjugate important vessels, or even<br />

smaller vessels to sap the overall strength of their enemy.<br />

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• Shunter: As per a Bane, but pick between 2 and 4 D6.<br />

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•<br />

<strong>The</strong> Directorate<br />


Loki Class R&D Cruiser 4 7 8” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 70 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 5 6 4 2 CP AP PD MN<br />

Turrets 5 6 2 - 4 1 5 0<br />

- - - - - Cloaking Field<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

DIRECTORATE R&D CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Only ONE Squadron of R&D CRUISERS may be taken<br />

MARS: ECM Shroud, Reinforced Fore<br />

Author: veritechc<br />

With the continued cooperation from the enigmatic Relthoza, the Directorate has begun an<br />

intensive program of resource and development. To maintain security this R&D program has<br />

been based on a small fleet that jumps from secret location to secret location. From this<br />

“<strong>Black</strong> Fleet” the Loki Class Cruiser was developed.<br />

Buy starting from a Tormentor’s hull the <strong>Black</strong> Fleet scions have managed to keep production<br />

costs to a minimum. <strong>The</strong> refit on each ship is quite an undertaking still as it requires removing<br />

the entire suite of torpedoes that are a Tormentor’s hallmark and replacing those with more<br />

conventional broadsides and turrets. <strong>The</strong>y did manage to repurpose the Tormentor’s ECM<br />

suite and kept the Reactors and engines intact.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crowning achievement of the <strong>Black</strong> Fleet R&D group is the Loki’s ECM suite. When<br />

activated the vast arrays scattered throughout the ship renders an area of space distorted<br />

and tortured to ships sensors and target systems. This shroud renders all within “invisible to<br />

those systems.<br />

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When the Shroud ECM is fully active the Loki Cruiser is unable to fire its weapons such is the<br />

power draw so it must rely on its shroud field for protection. From the Tormentor it does retain<br />

its cloaking field to give its captain the option between being hidden, or being obscured<br />

and able to fire.<br />

It should be noted that in tests with the Shroud Field activated that Fighter craft were able to<br />

still target the Loki Cruiser visually.<br />

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Subjugation Class Carrier 5 9 6” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 70 Points<br />

Fore (Fixed) 7 11 5 - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 3 4 5 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 8<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points can be spent on CARRIER models<br />

DIRECTORATE CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Espionage, Biohazard Ammo (Fore), Maneuverable<br />

Author: Alexmann<br />

<strong>The</strong> Subjugation Class is a refinement of the Overseer class that focuses on delivering wings<br />

to the front line whilst still retaining full combat effectiveness once that mission is achieved.<br />

Exchanging the extensive torpedo fitments of the Overseer with further flight capacity and<br />

port/starboard maneuvering drive outlets enables the Subjugation to bring it's substantial<br />

fixed armament to bear effectively in the heart of a battle (with only a slight loss of overall<br />

drive performance). With only a slightly diminished compliment of security/offensive crew<br />

"units", it remains flexible in all situations. <strong>The</strong> Subjugation conversion is even possible in<br />

forward field repair bays, making it an extremely cost-efficient prospect for any combat<br />

director.<br />

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o Joint Operations: This model has a Shroud Field that extends 4”around it in all<br />

directions. Any model, friend or foe, within this field cannot be targeted by<br />

Broadsides, Turret or Torpedo attacks. This does include the model generating the ECM<br />

Shroud. When a Ship with a ECM Shroud is Activated, declare whether the Shroud is<br />

turned on or off BEFORE it is moved. <strong>The</strong>n place a Shroud Token next to the Ship at the<br />

end of its movement. <strong>The</strong> Ship gains the benefits AND drawbacks of the ECM Shroud<br />

until it removes the token at the end of a subsequent Activation. While the shroud<br />

activated this model may not make any Broadsides, Turret or Torpedo attacks or<br />

launch Boarding Assaults. Models within the Shroud are able to fire out at HALF AD.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ECM Shroud does block line of sight.<br />

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Alliance of<br />

Kurak<br />

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Tarakian<br />


Sarmah Class Heavy Torpedo Cruiser 5 7 8” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 80 Points<br />

Torps<br />

(Fore Fixed)<br />

5 5 5 5 CP AP PD MN<br />

Torps (Fore Arc) 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 0<br />

Torps<br />

(Starboard/Port)<br />

5 5 5 5 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

TARAKIAN CRUISERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 model<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be HEAVY CRUISERS<br />

You CAN mix CRUISERS, HEAVY CRUISERS and VARIANT CRUISERS in the same squadron<br />

You CANNOT mix R&D CRUISERS with CRUISERS in the same squadron<br />

MARS: Protected Systems, Firing Solution (Fore Fixed, Fore)<br />

Author: SPBTool<br />

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Xelocian Primate<br />


Bantri Class Carrier 6 8 7” 6<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 150 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 7 8 6 5 8 2 8 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 3 4 5 6 Shields = 2<br />

- - - - - Wings = *<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on CARRIER models<br />

XELOCIAN PRIMATE CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Ad Hoc Bays, Bigger Batteries, Disengage Freight, Experienced Engineers, Point<br />

Defense Barrage<br />

Author: SPBTool<br />

<strong>The</strong> Xelocian Bantri class Carrier is a prime example of Xelocian nomadic ways. <strong>The</strong> Bantri is<br />

primarily used as an HQ for the many scavenging and salvage operations the Xelocians do<br />

on a regular basis.<br />

<strong>The</strong> focus of the design was originally to be highly defensible against the smaller strike craft,<br />

corvettes and frigates used by raiders that would harass these harvesting missions away from<br />

the Imperial fleet. It was latter realized that the modular design and built in command and<br />

control would allow it to work as a carrier as well.<br />

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Gunship 4 7 9” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 85 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 5 7 3 1 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 7 8 6 4 4 4 4 0<br />

Torpedoes<br />

(Fore Arc)<br />

5 5 5 5 Shields = 2<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 7”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a Support Fleet) can be spent on Medium models<br />

XELOCIAN PRIMATE GUNSHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be GUNSHIPS<br />

MARS: Reinforced Fore<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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Battleship 6 9 7” 8<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 165 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 9 12 4 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 10 15 8 6 6 5 5 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 6 6 7 7 Shields = 3<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />

XELOCIAN PRIMATE BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Reinforced Fore<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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Escort 3 4 10” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 25 Points<br />

- - - - - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 2 1 3 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

XELOCIAN PRIMATE ESCORTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

An Escort model can perform Combined Fire with its Parent model, and any other Escort<br />

models from the same Squadron, when using Point defense systems for an Attack, Defensive<br />

Fire or Anti-Boarding Point defense fire.<br />

MARS: Modulator, Shield Modulation, Systems Network<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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Carradenri Class Leviathan 7 14 6” 11<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 490 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 15 18 12 9 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 18 20 16 12 10 8 9 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 8 8 9 9 Shields = 5<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MASSIVE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on LEVIATHANS<br />

XELOCIAN PRIMATE LEVIATHANS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Awesome, Dirty Secrets, Elite Crew, Impervious, Pride of the Fleet, Reinforced Fore,<br />

Strengthened Hull<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

<strong>The</strong> Carradenri is the primary flagship of the Xelocian Imperium, and widely regarded as one<br />

of the most powerful warship that has been seen. Able to unleash blistering waves of<br />

firepower at any range, and wrapped in multiple layers of shields make it nearly invulnerable<br />

to incoming fire. While the Carradenri is still with the majority of the Imperium fleets behind<br />

the lines, the increasing ferocity of the war has been forcing Xelocian admirals to consider<br />

deploying this engine of destruction to the front lines.<br />

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o Modulator: the parent ship can use the Shield Modulation MAR<br />

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Terquai Empire<br />


Zenrai Class Battleship 6 10 7” 8<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 220 Points<br />

Gun Rack 10 15 8 4 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 8 12 5 - 5 5 7 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 5 6 6 8 Shields = 2<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on BATTLESHIPS<br />

TERQUAI EMPIRE BATTLESHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Countermeasures, Reinforced Port/Starboard,<br />

Author: Shaun Sains<br />

<strong>The</strong> Terquai's Zenrai Battleship is becoming quickly a more common sight in Kurak Alliance<br />

and Support fleets as a bigger class of ship was required to rival stronger invading fleets<br />

following the outbreak of the current crisis and the increased threat from raiders. <strong>The</strong> Zenrai<br />

Class follows the familiar hull design of the Cruisers and Frigates with big central Gun Racks,<br />

Fore guns and Torps mounted in the Fore. Its large reinforced Port and Starboard armour<br />

adds to overall ships look as a bastion of defiance to invaders.<br />

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Zaiku Class Frigate 3 5 10” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 35 Points<br />

Gun Rack 3 4 - - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 3 5 2 - 2 1 2 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 1 2 3 4 Shields = 1<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on SMALL models<br />

TERQUAI EMPIRE FRIGATES are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 model<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Reinforced Port/Starboard,<br />

Author: Shaun Sains<br />

<strong>The</strong> Terquai are known for the defense of their home and the Zailku Frigate is no exception. It<br />

follows the same Hull design as its larger cousins with reinforced sides for protection, only<br />

scaled down and compact. <strong>The</strong> weapons it bares gives any invader pause for thought.<br />

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Ryushi<br />


Dreadfleet Leviathan 8 13 4” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 350 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 12 16 10 6 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 12 16 10 6 12 6 10 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 9 9 9 9 Shields = 3<br />

- - - - - Wings = 18<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MASSIVE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 30% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on LEVIATHANS<br />

RYUSHI LEVIATHANS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: Bigger Batteries, Elite Crew, Frigate Carrier, Impervious, Large Bays, Point Defense<br />

Barrage, Pride of the Fleet, Without Number<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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Light Carrier 4 8 7” 4<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 60 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 4 6 2 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 4 6 3 1 4 1 4 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 4 4 4 4 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 3<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

RYUSHI LIGHT CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 4 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Combined Squadrons, Bigger Batteries, Deck Crews<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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Pocket Carrier 3 6 10” 3<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 2 3 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 2 0 2 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 1<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on SMALL models<br />

RYUSHI POCKET CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 to 6 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Combined Squadrons, Deck Crews<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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Escort 3 4 8” 2<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 20 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 2 3 1 - CP AP PD MN<br />

- - - - - 1 0 2 0<br />

- - - - - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 1<br />

Fleet Tactics = +1 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a SMALL CLASS model<br />

Up to 60% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on SMALL models<br />

RYUSHI ESCORTS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 to 3 models<br />

This model MUST move 0” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

An Escort model can perform Combined Fire with its Parent model, and any other Escort<br />

models from the same Squadron, when using Point defense systems for an Attack, Defensive<br />

Fire or Anti-Boarding Point defense fire.<br />

MARS: Combined Squadrons<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

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o Combined Squadrons: Wings Launched from these ships may combine into single<br />

squadrons, and flights may add the FW rating of the ships in this squadron together for<br />

determining bay capacity for rearming<br />

o Frigate Carrier: This ship may start with up to six frigates docked, and launch them at<br />

the start of any activation, just like a wing flight. As long as the frigates are docked,<br />

they may not be targeted by enemy units.<br />

o Large Bays: Ships with this MAR may house up to 4 flights within themselves. Flights<br />

must still be divided evenly.<br />

o Without Number: When this squadron is activated, roll a d6 for each ship. On a roll of a<br />

5 or 6 you may deploy 1 additional wing on the ship. All wings gained in this manner<br />

must be of the same type, and must form a single flight (Unless they exceed 6 wings, in<br />

which case additional wings form a second flight, and can be of a different type)<br />

Zenian League<br />

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Ba’Kash<br />


Carrier 6 8 8” 8<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 145 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 9 8 5 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 7 6 5 - 5 7 5 0<br />

Torps (Fore) 7 7 6 5 Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 8<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 40% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on CARRIER models<br />

BA’KASH CARRIERS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

Wings are paid for in addition to the CARRIER<br />

MARS: Assault Blitz, Launch Tubes<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

One of the largest ships that the Ba'Kash radiers are able to field. As large capital ships are<br />

difficult to extricate from engagements that turn against the raiders, the carrier has only<br />

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ecently been sighted emerging from the raider sectors in greater numbers. Able to provide<br />

impressive wing support for the raiding fleet, it still maintains reasonable firepower. It also<br />

carries launch tubes that allow it to fire boarding troops a much greater distance. Using<br />

crude, yet effective boarding torpedoes, the troops are able to better evade the defending<br />

ships defenses. This has earned it fearsome reputation throughout the region.<br />

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Gunship 5 8 8” 5<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: 75 Points<br />

Starboard/Port 10 8 7 - CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore 6 5 4 - 3 5 3 4<br />

Torps (Fore) 6 6 6 - Shields = 0<br />

- - - - - Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a MEDIUM CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

Up to 50% of your points (in a SUPPORT FLEET) can be spent on MEDIUM models<br />

BA’KASH GUNSHIPS are deployed in SQUADRONS of 2 models<br />

This model MUST move 1” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

No more than HALF of the MEDIUM models in your fleet can be GUNSHIPS<br />

MARS: Pack Hunters (Fore, Starboard/Port)<br />

Author: RageofAeons<br />

Feared by convoys everywhere, the Ba'kash gunships are a mobile platform of heavy guns<br />

that lay waste to ships within range. <strong>The</strong> very appearance of squadrons of these ships is often<br />

enough to cow small convoys into surrendering. As the conflict escaltes, these warships have<br />

been brought to bear on the Alliance of Kurak with deadly results. Carrying an impressive<br />

array of marines to act as boarding teams, these ships are able to bring down even<br />

opposing battleships, typically after presenting a devastating broadside.<br />

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Outsiders<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Goum<br />

<strong>The</strong> Goum Phenomena is an area bordering Sorylian space along Fathom's reach. <strong>The</strong><br />

Sorylians have studied the phenomenon for centuries but rarely attempt to send ships into it,<br />

after several disastrous attempts in the 3200s. At first the phenomenon appears to be nothing<br />

more than an especially dense cluster of stars. Closer inspection reveals a number of bizarre<br />

properties. Attempts to chart the star systems within the Phenomena via passive observation<br />

from without reveal a seemingly endless number of stars. Over a hundred billion unique<br />

stellar bodies have been recognized, despite the fact that the size of the Phenomenon<br />

could not possibly contain so many stars so closely without them collapsing together. <strong>The</strong>n to<br />

the distance measurements of the stars place them very far away, much longer distances<br />

than the size of the Phenomenon. It's as if you looked into a 10' square room and saw millions<br />

of people scattered across continents within it. What's more some of the charted stars<br />

exactly match characteristics of known stars throughout the galaxy.<br />

Attempts to explore the rift have resulted in disaster, in part because crossing the threshold<br />

that marks the edge of the Phenomenon exerts tremedous stresses upon any ship. <strong>The</strong> first<br />

exploration probes were literally ripped apart as they passed into the phenomenon.<br />

Eventually Sorylian physicists found ways to lessen the mysterious stresses, allowing for probes<br />

and ships to pass into the Phenomenon. Probes sent back limited telemetry, and that<br />

seemed delayed by years in it's passage back through the threshold. A few ships of living<br />

explorers have penetrated the Phenomenon. It is from them we get the only data on what<br />

we call the Goum. In 3277, transmissions were received of the Solar Sojourner that showed<br />

what can only be assumed to be a ship. <strong>The</strong> vessel was of utterly alien design of spinning<br />

rings and seemingly disconnected parts. It moved by contracting in on itself until gone and<br />

then expanding outward in a new location. <strong>The</strong> Sojourner attempted communication and<br />

the transmission abruptly ended. Over the centuries the Goum vessels have been spotted<br />

within the Phenomenon 3 other times. <strong>The</strong>y may in fact have all been the same vessel, for<br />

although it has at times appeared somewhat differently the nature of the ship hardly<br />

precludes this.<br />

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Unique Large Capital Class 8 12 0” 10<br />

Range Band 1 2 3 4 Cost: * Points<br />

Starboard/Port 6 8 4 2 CP AP PD MN<br />

Fore (Fixed) 7 8 6 5 12 0 0 0<br />

Turrets 10 12 6 4 Shields = 0<br />

Torps (Any Arc) 5 6 7 8 Wings = 0<br />

Fleet Tactics = +2 Command Distance = 6”<br />

This is a LARGE CAPITAL CLASS model<br />

GOUM ENIGMA are deployed in SQUADRONS of 1 model<br />

This model MUST move 2” straight ahead before making each 45 degree turn<br />

MARS: All Belonging to Us, Elusive Target, Firing Solution, Impervious, Shunt Drive, Small<br />

Target, Strengthened Hull<br />

Author: 011121<br />

91 | P age Revised: 3/1/2013 12:56 PM

o All Belonging to Us: all enemy ships are hit on a 4+ regardless of size/MARs,<br />

cloaks still work as normal.<br />

o Shunt Drive: identical to Relthoza Bane Cruiser but may choose 1-8 d6 to roll.<br />

92 | P age Revised: 3/1/2013 12:56 PM

011121, 19, 91<br />

Ad Hoc Bays, 73<br />

Alexmann, 12, 13, 15, 20, 47, 51, 53, 54, 55, 63, 64, 69<br />

All Belonging to Us, 91, 92<br />

Arachne Class Gunship, 10<br />

Assault Blitz, 36, 64, 86<br />

Assault Cruiser, 36<br />

Awesome, 77<br />

Backsword Class Carrier, 47<br />

Bantri Class Carrier, 73<br />

Battleship, 75<br />

Bigger Batteries, 56, 61, 73, 81, 82<br />

Biohazard Ammo (Fore),, 69<br />

Broadsword Class Dreadnought, 34<br />

Carradenri Class Leviathan, 77<br />

Carrier, 86<br />

Challenger Class Battleship, 53<br />

Champion Class Battle Cruiser, 38<br />

Charybdis Class R&D Cruiser, 28<br />

Chitin Class Assault Carrier, 61<br />

Combined Squadrons, 27, 30, 82, 83, 84, 85<br />

Combined Squadrons,, 27, 82, 83<br />

Combustible Cargo, 51<br />

Commodore Jones, 6, 7, 8<br />

Conestoga Class Light Cruiser, 9<br />

Conqueror Class MKI Battleship, 51<br />

Countermeasures, 79<br />

Cudgel Class Frigate, 54<br />

Dark Excalibur 42, 9, 23, 48<br />

Deck Crews, 9, 27, 82, 83<br />

Demolition Class Cruiser, 22<br />

Dirty Secrets, 77<br />

Disengage Freight, 73<br />

Disruption Cannon, 46<br />

Double Mines, 19, 22, 28<br />

Dreadfleet Leviathan, 81<br />

Drone Mines,, 22, 23, 28<br />

ECM Shroud, 67, 70<br />

Elite Crew, 20, 21, 34, 77, 81<br />

Elusive Target, 91<br />

Index<br />

Endgame, 26<br />

Energy Transfer, 19, 20, 21, 30<br />

Escort, 76, 84<br />

Espionage, 69<br />

Excalibur Class R&D Cruiser, 57<br />

Experienced Engineers, 34, 73<br />

Fang Class Frigate, 33<br />

Fast FSD, 64<br />

Firing Solution, 72, 91<br />

Firing Solution (Fore Fixed), 57, 58<br />

Firing Solution (Fore Fixed, Fore), 72<br />

Frenzy Class Cruiser, 48<br />

Frigate Carrier, 81, 85<br />

Funnelweb Class Assault Cruiser, 64<br />

Gatekeeper Class Cruiser, 13<br />

Guardsman Class Cruiser, 13<br />

Gunship, 74, 88<br />

Hadhafang V2, 46<br />

Heat Seeking (Port & Starboard),, 23<br />

Hidden Killer, 60<br />

Hull Tearer Ammo (Port and Starboard),, 63<br />

Husk Class Carrier, 63<br />

Impervious, 20, 21, 34, 77, 81, 91<br />

Incinerator Ammo (Fore Fixed), 47, 49, 51<br />

Incinerator Ammo (Fore Fixed),, 47<br />

Isolated, 51<br />

Javelin Torpedo Destroyer Cruiser, 37<br />

Joint Operations, 9, 18, 70<br />

kaptyn_Krys, 35, 36, 37, 56<br />

Lancer Class Gunship, 7<br />

Large Bays, 81, 85<br />

Last Chance Saloon, 51, 59<br />

Launch Tubes, 32, 86<br />

Light Carrier, 82<br />

Light Cruiser, 35<br />

Linear Drive Enhancement, 32<br />

Liner Drive Enhancement, 22, 23<br />

Loki Class R&D Cruiser, 67<br />

Lots of Guns, 34<br />

Lucern Class Assault Cruiser, 32<br />

93 | P age Revised: 3/1/2013 12:56 PM

Maneuverable, 6, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 60, 69<br />

Mine Launcher (Fore), 28, 29<br />

Minefields, 19, 23<br />

Missionary Class Frigate, 15<br />

Missionary II Class Frigate, 15<br />

Modulator, 76, 78<br />

Nautilis Class Battle Cruiser, 19<br />

Nautilus Class R&D Cruiser, 29<br />

No FSD, 13, 46, 51<br />

Oculus Class Heavy Support Cruiser, 26<br />

Pack Hunters, 88<br />

Pilum Class R&D Weapons Platform, 46<br />

Pioneer Class Frigate, 8<br />

Piranha Class MKII Frigate, 24<br />

Pocket Carrier, 83<br />

Point Defense Barrage, 73, 81<br />

Pok, 10, 17<br />

Pride of the Fleet, 20, 21, 34, 77, 81<br />

Protected Systems, 49, 72<br />

Pterois Class MKII Frigate, 25<br />

Rage Class Torpedo Cruiser, 40<br />

RageofAeons, 22, 27, 28, 32, 57, 58, 74, 75, 76, 77,<br />

81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88<br />

Rapid Fire, 55, 56, 59<br />

Rapid Fire PD, 55<br />

Ravager, 33<br />

Rearm (Torpedo Spook), 17<br />

Reinforced Fore, 34, 42, 67, 74, 75, 77<br />

Reinforced Port/Starboard, 79, 80<br />

Remote Energy Transfer Arrays, 26<br />

Repair Shuttles, 17<br />

Rich, 60, 61<br />

Sarmah Class Heavy Torpedo Cruiser, 72<br />

Scutum Class Point Defense Cruiser, 55<br />

Scylla Class Escort, 23<br />

Sector Shielding, 6, 16, 17<br />

Secured Bulkheads, 35, 36, 38, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49,<br />

51, 55, 56, 57, 58<br />

Sentinel Class Cruiser, 6<br />

Shaun Sains, 79, 80<br />

Shield Modulation, 6, 7, 9, 10, 76, 78<br />

Shield Projector, 16<br />

Shunt Drive, 91, 92<br />

Shunter, 66<br />

Sickle Class Frigate, 42<br />

Sigil Class Battleship, 49<br />

Small Target, 91<br />

Solvok, 21<br />

Spartan Class R&D Cruiser, 16<br />

SPBTool, 72, 73<br />

Special Forces, 36<br />

Staggered Fire, 49, 59<br />

Stealth Systems, 60, 61, 63, 64<br />

Stiletto Corvette, 44<br />

Stormchaser, 34<br />

Strengthened Hull, 20, 77, 91<br />

Subjugation Class Carrier, 69<br />

Sysiphus Support Cruiser, 17<br />

Systems Network, 61, 63, 76<br />

Targe Class Support Cruiser, 56<br />

Thorn Class Battleship, 12<br />

Tigershark Class Leviathan, 21<br />

Torpedo Spook, 10, 37, 40<br />

Transmission Decoder, 38, 59<br />

Typhoon Class R&D Cruiser, 27<br />

Uncle_Biggins, 38, 40, 42, 44, 49<br />

Unique Large Capital Class, 91<br />

Vector Engines, 59<br />

Vectored Engines, 44<br />

Venom MkII Class Destroyer, 60<br />

veritechc, 24, 25, 31, 67<br />

Vulnerable, 51, 53, 57<br />

wanklesnavy, 16<br />

Whaleshark Class Dreadnought, 20<br />

Without Number, 27, 30, 81, 85<br />

Yumi Class Frigate, 31<br />

Zaiku Class Frigate, 80<br />

Zaknafn, 29<br />

Zenrai Class Battleship, 79<br />

Zweihander Battle Cruiser, 58<br />

94 | P age Revised: 3/1/2013 12:56 PM

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