r011/S9 - Indian Railway

r011/S9 - Indian Railway

r011/S9 - Indian Railway


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MACHINE Nq~ VGIIII89/12/Q?/~5/?<br />

<strong>r011</strong>/<strong>S9</strong> 7<br />

: ;<br />




Sub': centra). Go:v~rnmant ~mpl,Qye€!s GrQl,lp Insl,l-1,rance<br />

s6h~roe, 19~O - inc.t;"e~$~ ~nthe ,r.ate s of sl,1bscription<br />

and, insurance ,cover effect;!. ve from 1.1.1990- rate<br />

of premium for, new entrants t. GClvernment service •<br />

.<br />

I Ministry of Finance O.H. No. "F.7(S)"",E.V/<strong>S9</strong> dated 9th August,<br />

1989 on the above subjectis,fOJ;'Wgrd~d he.pewith for information<br />

and necessary .;i~t;lor,l. Th~ir earl~~~ C.M. Of even nl,..1mPer dated<br />

15.5.89 as referre¢l.t:o<br />

already been circulated<br />

dated 19! 9~89. .<br />

;lnJ?qJ;"~ l"of t/1i,9 QM of 9.8.89 has<br />

unde,tr Board's letter Of ~ven nuIl'ber<br />

.. " .<br />

,.- ,<br />

I!.,,\ ('.<br />

\ ...,-~'\4"<br />

1\,<br />

-.-(tLIAS' KU~~U) .<br />


" . RA:t~MAY 1?OARD. :<br />

No. PCIJ;I!89/GIS/l New Delhi, dated 7 ~11-89<br />

Copy(with 40 sPa,res) fo~ard~d to the ADAI (Rlys~) ,Nev. 1 D9 i ':·1i<br />

ffjrFinanqial Commissiane.:"', <strong>Railway</strong>,,;<br />

No. PCII;r:/<strong>S9</strong>!GI$/1 ~W .Qelhi, qated '7-1!f.1·.,<strong>S9</strong>'<br />

C~:?¥ to !1j"nistry of Financ'~, :ceptt. of Expenditure, New !"'elh~<br />

witlf X-espect to their OMNo~ F.7(S)-EV,le9 'dated 15.5.~9.<br />

--<br />

0:-?~---"~~~<br />

----r--- ,. .' "t ~ .•.\ .<br />

\ELIAS KUL-'.JY· '.•;<br />


RAILWAY 9JARJ.. .<br />

No. PCI1I/89/G+S/l New r::elhi, dated: -1:1.--80' ..<br />

Co:py(with 35 ~pares) forw,a.p-ded to :_<br />

, "<br />

1. 'rhE)O~nlaral sec¥ ~of NfIR,t 3, Chelmsford Rd., New I:'elh~.<br />

2. The ~ne.tal ~GY.,·, f.IRF, 4, state Entry Roa,-:, New ~:"hi.<br />

~. All me~ers of NatiQna+ C.uncil, pepa+t~~tal cou~;i~<br />

and the Secq::-si;aryof th~ 'stctff S.td~.of the Natiallc2.<br />

C;f)t1ncil,l3,Fe·rOzesh'~h ;Roaq, NE)w ['e.1ni•

No. PCIII/89/GIS/l<br />

Copy to ~-<br />

PSs/~Ra,rC,MM, ~{ M~f AdV($taf,f), A~V(F~, EUE, EnE~IR),<br />

~DP9-:C, ED(F), EpF(B)~ EDE(N), pEJ'(P&A/, JS.<br />

P.z;{s/JDF(E),JDE(N~, PDE(G)J;I, ~:q:/DDEO·;r), DDPC.-IV, Ua(A),<br />

u a (G), DDE (LR) I, I:r;.· . . .'. ',: '.,<br />

E (LR) I, Itl II:C: f E (1JL), E (8), f (E) I, IJ:, II!; SPl;J., E (F&A)I, IT .•.<br />

~RB~I, 1:1;,III, IV I ~ocounts..•. IJ;, .+I+ r E (NG)l, II, E (,Rep) Of, 11, 1II,<br />

~uqget and P9-IV Branph~s of aQa~d'~ bf!iQe.<br />

, ,.' .1'. .,. > "<br />

c.-,py tQ:~ (with 5 spar~s)<br />

1. SFlcy., Icrenl ../F~de+ai:~,on of ftly •.Qff+~~+.,st AssC)Y.i.:'lt.iI.,.'n"<br />

Room Nff. 307, Rail Bb.&wan, "., '. ' .<br />

2. The Rly.Bnard Ministe~ial Stmf£ Asso9iati0~,<br />

ROurn N(')~ '7~S,. R/3.il Shewan. '.<br />

I, \- "<br />

3.. The ~ailway Soard Class II OffiGers'Assp~iation,<br />

521, Rail Bhawan •.<br />

4.. The ~ailwaY .Board C~ass I 0fffoers' Asso~iation<br />

Room No. 3:3204' Rail Bha'N~n•.<br />

5 •. <strong>Railway</strong> CJ.a.ss ;r::c Offi9l?rs Fede.rati,on, RaLl. Nilayam,<br />

seC'l.mde+:>&bacl- ,-' 5)00371. . , '<br />

6..<br />

7.<br />

. Ra;iJ.way Boa,ro C;]j,a$s~vStqft AssPQ,iat::iqll, 7-C Rail Bjawan. ....<br />

~a;t,i-;~~i-i8d~~'~tio-; of R~11way:1?~n81oners,-J.-o,,-Pom~:ndc=--a--<br />

:p; qt.r~et, MI:l.d+a~ •.•p'oO 025,. . . .

No. F. 7 ( 5 )-~ •V•Is 9<br />

GQvernment'· be India<br />

,M:i,.nistrY of f;i.nance<br />

. ~l?artment '.of ~xPEFnq.itur6<br />


...........,.,. ,4, " . .1. -, J:- " .::; :'\. ,_ ',,'<br />

New Delhi, the 9th! Aug~ 1989<br />

" sUJ:)jeC!t:~' Cent'ral Government Employees Gro1,lp InS\l+FPce<br />

Scheme, ~98~-incJ:"erao?~ in t,he'rates of SUPS .••<br />

a,riPtion" and insp.~cim.ce qovere:t;fective from<br />

1.~1•.199 0 .~ rate of Pr$miwn for new ,entrf.ints<br />

to Governmeht' service. '." ' ,<br />

:"'" - , P,' " Pi ••••I·ll" ',I: ".: :', _,: i "_,t ,,:F . ': - i .<br />

. The unqer-s;lgn~d is diI"~oted t,p .invite the s,t;:teni:.ioI1<br />

of all Mini9tries/Pepqrtm~nt$ oethec~nt~al GovernmenL<br />

1:0 t;h.i,$ Ministry' ~ Q~N~ of evenrll.lmb~r aai:;eCi 15~5.1g8~<br />

upder which \lPdated Centr&l GoV'ernm~mt F]mploy~es Gr-oup ,<br />

Intsurance Sch~me, 1980 ha,SPt;\)en qircu~p.tep.. In Para 2 Ci)<br />

bf the qforesaid O.}1. dat~d 15~5.+9$Sl 'and para q of the<br />

ufldated Scheme" it has peen ~:rtt~tec.'ithat the f1empJ,Q}'ees;' 'l<br />

entE;:rJng ::;srvice r>n Or a.fter 2nd ,January of any· ye~r V\'~';'~.<br />

be 9iven penefi t of

after 2nd Januqry ~n any year will p~ g~ven the ben@fit<br />

of appropriate insura,nce cover from .thedate of j oJ,ning<br />

Government Service to ·the'date G'f :their beQoming members<br />

of the Scheme on Fayrnent pf a suPsQ.:;-ip~ioh. of Rs.5. CW<br />

per month' af:! tbe prelJ\;Lumfor every Rs.15,·OOO/~ of the<br />

.;insurance CovE?.t'.Therefore, for prov.tding in£>uranGe<br />

.cov~r of Rs~1, 20, ooo/~ Rs.60,OOO!"", R$130, OOO/-'a,qa .<br />

RS.15,OOO/- to qrO\lp 'A'f IS', . Ie.! and 'P! employees<br />

respectively during th~ year of the:Lr ent+ytci Gove+rllTlent<br />

srarvice (if thfi:y el1lt~r.r;;;ov~pnment- ~ry~cp: on OP ,after<br />

2nd Lianuary), .they YlilJ; f'ay' suli's9r:j.p't;ion @ Rs.40/ ~, .<br />

Rs.20!_,· Rs.l0/ ••• and Rs.S!,:", pElr rr.cmth :respel":tive].y &8<br />

the premium from. the rnol'ltl1 of' entr¥. i;o C-

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