2010 Eq. Standings - New York State Saddle Horse Association

2010 Eq. Standings - New York State Saddle Horse Association

2010 Eq. Standings - New York State Saddle Horse Association


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<strong>2010</strong> <strong>Eq</strong>. <strong>Standings</strong><br />

Leadline <strong>Eq</strong>. HS 3-8<br />

Olivia Mowrey 10 Morgan Champion<br />

Ashlyn Fish 8 Morgan Reserve<br />

Adrianna Murray 7 Morgan 3rd<br />

Leadline <strong>Eq</strong>. SS 3-8<br />

Allison Peek 4 Morgan Champion<br />

Leadline <strong>Eq</strong>. West 3-8<br />

Hannah Wetsell 26 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Alexa Livingston 24 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Allison Peek 18 Morgan 3 rd<br />

Adrianna Murray 15 Morgan 4 th<br />

Tia Butler 14 YoScoHaro 5 th<br />

Olivia Mowrey 13 Morgan 6 th<br />

Ayden Greive 11 Morgan Participant<br />

Olivia Schultz 6 Morgan Participant<br />

Will Wetsell 2 YoScoHaro Participant<br />

Leadline Pl. HS 3-8<br />

Olivia Mowrey 7 Morgan Champion<br />

Ashlyn Fish 7 Morgan Champion<br />

Adrianna Murray 5 Morgan Reserve<br />

Leadline Pl. SS 3-8<br />

Allison Peek 6 Morgan Champion

Leadline Pl. West 3-8<br />

Alexa Livingston 18 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Hanna Wetsell 16 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Tia Butler 15 YoScoHaro 3rd<br />

Allison Peek 13 Morgan 4th<br />

Adrianna Murray 9 Morgan 5th<br />

Olivia Mowrey 9 Morgan 5th<br />

Ayden Grieve 8 Morgan 6th<br />

Olivia Schultz 8 Morgan 6th<br />

Will Wetsell 2 YoScoHaro Participant<br />

Leadline Showmanship 5-8<br />

Alexa Livingston 11 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Tia Butler 7 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Olivia Mowrey 6 Morgan 3rd<br />

Walk/Trot <strong>Eq</strong>. HS 11& Under<br />

Alena Gannon 24 Morgan Champion<br />

Kaitlyn Serpa 12 Morgan Reserve<br />

Angel Frith 12 Silver Reserve<br />

Alexa Rahman 8 Morgan 3rd<br />

Walk/Trot <strong>Eq</strong>. SS 11&Under<br />

Alyson Fish 6 Morgan Champion<br />

Savannah Bell 5 Morgan Reserve<br />

Walk/Jog <strong>Eq</strong>. West 11&Under<br />

Hanna Luongo 24 Morgan Champion<br />

Angel Frith 17 Silver Reserve<br />

Kaitlyn Serpa 16 Morgan 3 rd<br />

Analiese Meidenbauer 12 Morgan 4 th<br />

Cassandra Darrah 11 Morgan 5 th<br />

Jillian Peek 7 Morgan 6 th<br />

Huntseat <strong>Eq</strong>. 13&Under<br />

Megan Krisowaty 32 YoScoHaro Champion

Sarah Converse 16 Walker Reserve<br />

Haley Claes 7 Silver 3 rd<br />

Huntseat <strong>Eq</strong>. 14-17<br />

Kristine Hay 30 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Heather Mayoka 14 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Huntseat <strong>Eq</strong>. 18&Over<br />

Traci Fritz 38 Silver Champion<br />

Meaghan DePaula 28 Walker Reserve<br />

Alex Paris 12 YoScoHaro 3 rd<br />

CJ Mathewson 10 Silver 4th<br />

<strong>Saddle</strong>seat <strong>Eq</strong>. 13&Under<br />

Alexa Bik 9 Morgan Champion<br />

<strong>Saddle</strong>seat <strong>Eq</strong>. 14-17<br />

Kara Duh 3 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

<strong>Saddle</strong>seat <strong>Eq</strong>. 18&Over<br />

Kayla Winsman 5 Morgan Champion<br />

West. <strong>Eq</strong>. 13&Under<br />

Sarah Converse 25 Walker Champion<br />

Megan Krisowaty 23 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Emma Keating 17 YoScoHaro 3 rd<br />

Deryn DiMarco 14 YoScoHaro 4 th<br />

Lorelei Meidenbauer 6 Morgan 5 th<br />

West <strong>Eq</strong>. 14-17<br />

Kristine Hay 28 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Kenni Ball 11 Morgan Reserve<br />

Evelyn Darrah 9 Morgan 3 rd<br />

Heather Mayoka 7 YoScoHaro 4 th<br />

West <strong>Eq</strong>. 18&Over<br />

Cheryl Rudolph 26 Silver Champion<br />

Cheryl Hathaway 23 Classic Reserve

Stacey Mullady 11 Morgan 3 rd<br />

BJ Lazarou 10 Silver 4 th<br />

Heidi Meidenbauer 4 Morgan 5 th<br />

Emily DePaula 3 Walker 6 th<br />

Fitting&Showmanship 10&Under<br />

Kaitlyn Serpa 13 Morgan Champion<br />

Fitting&Showmanship 11-13<br />

Megan Krisowaty 40 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Deryn DiMarco 26 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Emma Keating 23 YoScoHaro 3 rd<br />

Sarah Converse 19 Walker 4 th<br />

Arhianna Fleres 8 Amhc 5th<br />

Nicole Webster 7 Morgan 6th<br />

Fitting&Showmanship 14-17<br />

Heather Mayoka 21 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Kristine Hay 19 YoScoHaro Reserve<br />

Fitting&Showmanship 18&Over<br />

Meaghan DePaula 30 Walkers Champion<br />

Cheryl Hathaway 29 Classic Reserve<br />

BJ Lazarou 21 Silver 3 rd<br />

Cheryl Rudolph 18 Silver 4 th<br />

Traci Fritz 18 Silver 4 th<br />

Melissa Riehl 14 Classic 5 th<br />

Emily DePaula 9 Walkers 6th<br />

Miniature <strong>Horse</strong> Fitting&Showmanship<br />

BJ Lazarou 34 Silver Champion<br />

Arhianna Fleres 20 Amhc Reserve<br />

Katrina Sweet 9 Amhc 3 rd<br />

Barb Sommerville 4 Amhc 4 th<br />

Reinsmanship<br />

Arhianna Fleres 24 Amhc Champion<br />

BJ Lazarou 23 Silver Reserve<br />

Robin Winchell 15 Silver 3 rd<br />

Beginner Rider WTJ 12&Over

Josephine Petteys 12 Walker Champion<br />

Beginner Rider WTJCL All Ages<br />

Samantha Martin 13 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Walk/Trot/Jog 12-17<br />

Josephine Petteys 13 Walker Champion<br />

Walk/Trot/Jog 18&Over<br />

Stephanie Livingston 14 YoScoHaro Champion<br />

Eileen DePaula 13 Walker Reserve<br />

Jack Benny 39&Over<br />

Cheryl Rudolph 51 Classic Champion<br />

Nancy Walrath 22 Rugmakers Reserve<br />

Heidi Meidenbauer 19 Walker 3 rd<br />

Marsha Roberts 16 YoScoHaro 4 th<br />

Antonia Ackerly 12 Morgan 5 th<br />

Robin Winchell 5 Silver 6 th<br />

Academy WTJ Any Age<br />

Elizabeth Duh 22 YoScoHaro Champion

PLEASURE POINTS <strong>2010</strong><br />

West. Mares In Hand<br />

No Emotions Involved Silver 47 Rudolph Champion<br />

Cash’s Final Impulse YSH 18 DiMarco Reserve<br />

Obviously A Cool Fleur Silver 9 Fowler 3 rd<br />

Zippo’s Pass M&M’s to Me Classic 8 Riehl 4 th<br />

I’m So Fancy Walkers 7 DePaula 5 th<br />

West. Geldings In Hand<br />

Jetset Jackie Bar YSH 33 Krisowaty Champion<br />

Aprils Mr. Good Bar Walker 26 Warner Reserve<br />

Sure Lucky Too YSH 25 Emanuel 3 rd<br />

Pass Me In the Shade Classic 21 Hathaway 4 th<br />

Rahkibs Raging Cajun Rugmakers 3 Walrath 5 th<br />

Huntseat Mares in Hand<br />

Fine Detail YSH 18 Emanuel Champion<br />

I’m So Fancy Walkers 13 DePaula Reserve<br />

Zippo’s Pass M&M’s Classic 8 Riehl 3 rd<br />

Huntseat Geldings In Hand<br />

Hope I Make it Back Silver 24 Fritz Champion<br />

5&Under <strong>Horse</strong> In Hand<br />

Obviously A Cool Fleur Silver 10 Fowler Champion<br />

Good Little Version Silver 9 Matis Reserve<br />

Zippo’s Pass M&M’s Classic 6 Riehl 3 rd<br />

Pony 11.2 & Over In Hand<br />

FS Blazin Cowboy YSH 20 Emanuel Champion<br />

Rusty Deck YSH 20 Ravencroft Champion<br />

Mr. Chips YSH 19 Emanul Reserve<br />

CFF Kaebryn Silver 14 Winchell 3rd<br />

Destined to Command Morgan 9 Friday 4 th<br />

Kerry Love Child Morgan 7 Friday/Darrah 5th<br />

FS Princess Patriots Run Classic 5 Riehl 6th

Driving Type Pony In Hand<br />

CFF Kaebryn Silver 8 Winchell Champion<br />

Whitney YSH 7 Roberts Reserve<br />

Miniature Mares In Hand<br />

Secret Stash of Cash AMHC 16 Montano Champion<br />

Fancy Pants Silver 5 Wheeler Reserve<br />

Naughty Nadia Amhc 4 Fountain 3 rd<br />

Miniature Geldings/Stallions In Hand<br />

Mr Squigglesworth Silver 31 Lazarou Champion<br />

LH Hollywood Knight Sac 26 Hayner Reserve<br />

Mr. Nike Sac 20 Hayner/Ryle 3 rd<br />

Jone’s Hez N Tyson Amhc 9 Sommerville 4 th<br />

Reuben Amhc 9 Fleres 4 th<br />

Secret Amhc 5 Sweet 5 th<br />

Miniature Multi-Color In Hand<br />

Mr Nike Sac 14 Hayner/Ryle Champion<br />

Naughty Nadia Amhc 8 Fountain Reserve<br />

Secret Stash of Cash Amhc 3 Montano 3 rd<br />

Miniature Solid Color In Hand<br />

Mr. Squigglesworth Amhc 27 Lazarou Champion<br />

LH Hollywood Knight Sac 14 Hayner Reserve<br />

Secret Amhc 5 Sweet 3 rd<br />

Trinidad Amhc 1 Sweet 4 th<br />

<strong>Saddle</strong>seat Pleasure <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Fox’s U Bet Rugmakers 43 Bryant Champion<br />

www Raisin Cain Morgan 27 Winsman Reserve<br />

Southern Carribean Morgan 22 Boshart 3 rd<br />

The Budmeister YSH 9 Duh 4 th<br />

<strong>Saddle</strong>seat Road Hack<br />

The Budmeister YSH 3 Duh Champion

Park Type <strong>Saddle</strong> <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Foxy’s U Bet Rugmakers 18 Bryant Champion<br />

Southern Carribean Morgan 13 Boshart Reserve<br />

www Raisin Cain Morgan 9 Winsman 3 rd<br />

The Budmeister YSH 6 Duh 4 th<br />

Huntseat Pleasure <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Hope I Make it Back Silver 125 Fritz Champion<br />

Casenova’s Kept Secret Silver 49 Mathewson Reserve<br />

I’m So Fancy Walkers 29 DePaula 3 rd<br />

Bid Bayou YSH 19 Paris 4 th<br />

Fine Detail YSH 14 Emanuel 5 th<br />

Overly Exposed Silver 6 Claes 6 th<br />

Huntseat Performance <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Hope I Make it Back Silver 59 Fritz Champion<br />

Casenova’s Kept Secret Silver 30 Mathewson Reserve<br />

I’m So Fancy Walkers 26 DePaula 3 rd<br />

Overly Exposed Silver 10 Claes 4 th<br />

Bid Bayou YSH 8 Paris 5 th<br />

Western Pleasure <strong>Horse</strong><br />

No Emotions Involved Silver 61 Rudolph Champion<br />

Aprils Mr. Goodbar Walker 50 Warner Reserve<br />

Jetset Jackie Bar YSH 44 Krisowaty 3 rd<br />

Pass Me In the Shade Classic 35 Hathaway 4 th<br />

Caches Advantage Silver 29 Matis 5 th<br />

Noble Excellence Morgan 28 Peek 6 th<br />

Western Performance <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Rakhib’s Ragin Cajun Rugmakers 10 Walrath Champion<br />

Dial’s JetBar Walker 4 Depaula Reserve<br />

Western Road Hack <strong>Horse</strong><br />

No Emotions Involved Silver 23 Rudolph Champion<br />

Aprils Mr. Goodbar Walker 15 Warner Reserve<br />

Caches Advantage Silver 11 Matis 3 rd<br />

Rakhib’s Ragin Cajun Rugmakers 6 Walrath 4 th

Pleasure Driving Pony 11.2 & Over<br />

CFF Kaebryn Silver 14 Winchell Champion<br />

Pleasure Driving Miniature <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Mr. Squigglesworth Silver 37 Lazarou Champion<br />

Reuben Amhc 37 Fleres Champion<br />

Fancy Pants Silver 17 Wheeler Reserve<br />

Naughty Nadia Amhc 9 Fountain 3rd<br />

Driving Performance(horse/pony/mini)<br />

Reuben Amhc 29 Fleres Champion<br />

Fancy Pants Silver 20 Wheeler Reserve<br />

CFF Kaebryn Silver 19 Winchell 3 rd<br />

Mr Squigglesworth Silver 17 Lazarou 4 th<br />

Walk Trot Huntseat Pleasure 11&under<br />

Cingate Suzy Q Morgan 19 Gannon Champion<br />

Paint By Heart Morgan 8 Mowrey Reserve<br />

Walk Trot <strong>Saddle</strong>seat Pleasure 11&under<br />

Pheonix’s Sunshine Morgan 9 Bell Champion<br />

Walk Jog West. Pleasure 11&under<br />

Destined To Command Morgan 19 Friday Champion<br />

Mikela’s The Overcomer Morgan 15 Groff Reserve<br />

Paint By Heart Morgan 9 Mowrey 3 rd<br />

Pony Performance<br />

Rusty Deck YSH 84 Ravencroft Champion<br />

FS Princes Patriots Run Classic 53 Riehl Reserve<br />

CFF Kaebryn Silver 42 Winchell 3 rd<br />

Destined To Command Morgan 41 Friday 4 th<br />

Whitney YSH 25 Roberts 5 th<br />

Kerry Love Child Morgan 22 Friday 6 th

Miniature In Hand Performance<br />

Mr. Squigglesworth 62 Silver Lazarou Champion<br />

Reuben 52 Amhc Fleres Reserve<br />

Tony 36 Silver Claes 3rd<br />

Jone’s Hez N Tyson 14 Amhc Sommerville 4 th<br />

Lite Shod Pleasure<br />

Hi Dollar Dandy Walker 55 Delap Champion<br />

Renegades Lonesome Spirit Walker 17 Petteys Reserve<br />

Lite Shod Performance<br />

Hi Dollar Dandy Walker 12 Delap Champion<br />

Renegades Lonesome Spirit Walker 6 Petteys Reserve<br />

5&Under <strong>Horse</strong> Performance<br />

Good Little Version Silver 67 Matis Champion<br />

Sonny’s Invested Zip YSH 52 Chicoski Reserve<br />

Southern Carribean Morgan 28 Boshart 3 rd<br />

Green <strong>Horse</strong><br />

Zippo’s Pass M&M’s Classic 159 Riehl Champion<br />

Major JD Versified Silver 110 Sprague Reserve<br />

NYPD Blue Silver 45 Frasier 3 rd<br />

I am a Tardee Two Silver 29 Barton 4 th<br />

Kings Moonbeam YSH 28 Emanuel 5 thl<br />

Cherokee Rugmakers 10 Matis 6 th<br />

Trail<br />

No Emotions Involved Silver 16 Rudolph Champion<br />

I’m so Fancy Walkers 16 DePaula Champion<br />

FS Princes Patriots Run Classic 15 Riehl Reserve<br />

Hope I Make it Back Silver 15 Fritz Reserve<br />

Rusty Deck YSH 15 Ravencroft Reserve<br />

Rakhibs Ragin Cajun Rugmakers 11 Walrath 3 rd<br />

Overly Exposed Silver 11 Claes 3 rd<br />

Jet Set Jackie Bar YSH 8 Krisowaty 4 th<br />

Eyed Be Dynamite YSH 7 Hay 5th

<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Saddle</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>2010</strong> Year End Trail Riding Points<br />

39 & Over<br />

1st Brian LaSalle Yoscoharo 119 hrs Champion<br />

2nd Christy Griffin Yoscoharo 89.5 hrs Reserve<br />

3rd Debra Rickard Yoscoharo 79 hrs<br />

4th Sally Conkling NYSMH 67.5 hrs<br />

5th Kelly MacDougal Sacandaga 53.5 hrs<br />

6th Nancy <strong>New</strong>kirk Sacandaga 47 hrs<br />

18-38<br />

1st Rosemarie Chicoski Yoscoharo 79 hrs Champion<br />

2nd Ken Griffin Yoscoharo 5 hrs Reserve<br />

17 & Under<br />

1st Abigail Chicoski Yoscoharo 79 hrs Champion<br />

2nd Lily Kocker Yosocharo 70 hrs Reserve<br />

3rd Kelly Donavan NYSMH 26.5 hrs<br />

4th Emily Griffin Yoscoharo 10.5 hrs

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