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msflii - eVols


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IP---- ; Heroic<br />

.V<br />

I<br />

i<br />

III<br />

1<br />


one of tie Marvels of ie Big II i<br />

Statues of Striking Character Wondentilf6tnfbMhe sons,<br />

Stud Tower of Jewels, 435 Feet mm Mi<br />

M<br />

With the Beautiful Fountain of Cer<br />

v<br />

r<br />

: v<br />

JAW<br />

- -<br />

i a<br />

f jr - n . . J ; . Vc<br />

31.<br />

TIliij435"foot Tower of Jewell of tbe rnami-rclfl- c International Expotltlon, feanJ- - Frandco. Jtudded with<br />

A Iieroic iculptnre. In the accompanying picture are $ooj the OCTtes done John jrunaoo. The type<br />

'the left the ,AdTentuer, and on the right ls,lthe -- r b on<br />

U<br />

Philosopher." The photograph wars taken Just before<br />

theie Xsurea were drawn into place.<br />

:<br />

's<br />

'<br />

'<br />

Ham id iBacbii<br />

r are piild, sweet, tendercarefully<br />

selected unifonhly cured 'and per--V<br />

fectly smoked over, hardwood fires.'<br />

;<br />

"U. S. Inspected and JPasccd<br />

mm<br />

Prices Reasonable<br />

Zlzj CL, text to Touf inis.<br />


COUPON -<br />

'<br />

t (<br />

overs<br />

lltT4 VWephonas 1ITI<br />

EUROPE<br />

to th84 Star-Bulleti- n 'and receive, ! the newjand<br />

cp-tdda- te map of Europe, vy<br />

.v<br />

;<br />

f5mLE175 GENTS PER BJTII<br />

- :<br />

T'-<br />

x<br />

"<br />

t<br />

t '..V<br />



' At times the time-honore- d senatorial<br />

courtesy becomes in the heat of<br />

debate somewhat, strained; :,A.n Inter-<br />

,? Smith of South Carollna-I- f<br />

senator,<br />

the<br />

from<br />

ImmigraUon<br />

may<br />

1<br />

North Carolina Is going<br />

s the bill, shall<br />

be Very glad -- to hear him. : ' v<br />

r:' Mr. Overman 1 want say t<br />

am- - in .favor of the ImmigraUon bill,<br />

and --do "hot desire in presenUng'UiIs<br />

report delar It; but there cn is ah<br />

'ot $2,500,000 a provision<br />

contained in the deficiency bill<br />

combat the ravages of the footind-nlcut- vMr.<br />

I<br />

to that<br />

to<br />

In<br />

urgent<br />

to<br />

h<br />

disease.; For. the. adopUon cf<br />

item, ine, people, of ;thla country<br />

are clamoring,,,. All I ask . ia that the<br />

bIU be received ,so that It may be<br />

printed, so that theenate exam-<br />

for consideration when we get through<br />

'<br />

with Ue immigration bill? .; '<br />

' 7<br />

.Mr. SmiUi.of SouUx: Carollna-M- r.<br />

President we ourselves are suffering<br />

terribly here with the mouth disease"<br />

and; I. must" object unless ' an .appro--<br />

This many striking tf-ta- la one of. the<br />

s<br />

at the Panama; Pacific Exposition,<br />

which opens at San Francisco on. Feb.<br />

20. The Tower of Jewels is seen dim.<br />

ly In the distance.<br />

mm inn<br />

prlatlon Js made to cure that disease<br />

In this bedy. (Laughter.) I object;<br />

MrJ Otermantr-Mr- : .President I fear<br />

somjething the' matter with 1th e<br />

esting example Is afforded by the Record<br />

of December list : Perhaps the<br />

lllustraticn is more - interesting be<br />

cause the illustrative' colloquy . occurred<br />

between a senator from North<br />

Carolina"1 and a heads some and perhaps<br />

ought have a approprla-- '<br />

tion that account'<br />


senator from . South Congressmen may: know<br />

Carolina. Whether, At Its conclusion : 'mar have fhim' nAMls<br />

the<br />

prtattoitibiU<br />

given<br />

immigration<br />

cc-uld- i course,<br />

under liberal<br />

' senators t'reeotted to one cf ths 'rrtrvi 'mfiftv efniVXl'nt? 'mov have<br />

cloaX. rooms and quoted the historical '<br />

reai our history; may be our' best<br />

contersatlon which, occurred between j mends. Just the same, some of them<br />

the go vernors 1 their respective bften" forget the proper des-stat- es<br />

method of<br />

many --years ago<br />

''K'X<br />

not noted In jignatuig us.' In the Congressional<br />

December a apeech<br />

SenatCr Smith cf South Carbllna, ! delltered by .Senator Weeks ' of 'Mas-charg- e<br />

of r ImmigraUon ; bUI, u ob- - j sachusetts, whlcli rls a "careful; review<br />

jected - strenuously; the request, of J of the military sltuatiqn. of.' fheUnit-Senato- r<br />

Overman of v North Carolina ed?States.r The tdistlnAifsfced enit:<br />

. ranort ureentdrieripv:aiinra7ftrtf.'-An- a ..ffi- - mifefatiatvJmSrS liners<br />

j Aclalmlhgthat; Consent<br />

' to such' presentation would; de<br />

lay the passage, of the<br />

but - On Smith's objection the . report<br />

of not Toe presehted,: but<br />

the-- there<br />

to little<br />

cn<br />

of<br />

wail<br />

is<br />

ot liatfpnf<br />

In<br />

the<br />

to<br />

to<br />

leagues speak him such<br />

apparently careful<br />

armyr and naval<br />

rules of the senate,<br />

Senator Overman discussed his . ap--<br />

; is<br />

of senators,<br />

we -<br />

'<br />

1.<br />

inucn Ha- -<br />

ituiAl<br />

of<br />

Re<br />

tha<br />

of as has<br />

made ?a study; of<br />

affairs.' VHis ; discus-eion-fwi- ll<br />

go :down as classic 'Just<br />

the same, the senator speaks of us as<br />

the 'Sandwich Islands." Here' la<br />

proprlatlon 1)111 while the- - Immigration' paragraphr from the speed! in' qtes-bi- ll<br />

was ' under consideration. Here tlon: :' "Thegarison of the Sandwich<br />

Is the debate:. :'.v-r.- - w.-V- i Islands is eight, thousand and;proh- -<br />

;;Mr. Ovennani desire to ask unan- - ably- - should; be to. twenty<br />

Imcus consent to report the urgent thousand In order to provide a naval<br />

deficiency appfopriation : to secure a Mrborand.<br />

.; Mr.Smith South Carolina I ob-- coaling .staUonifor? our-etvi- increased<br />

of<br />

.the<br />

i<br />

i j This may be all right aid may .<br />

The' presWent pro ' be<br />

tempore--Obje"-c.<br />

i 1 intelligent reference, Hawaii. If<br />

Air. - to<br />

Overman The whole country produces the twelve Vthousand ex-I- s,<br />

14<br />

ticn' isv made. v an<br />

:<br />

interested Inthis question. rj ; . men we r may . forgive : Senator<br />

Mr. Smith South Carolina I oV 1 Weeks for. overlooking the fact that<br />

: : - V - v , . , are - Territory, . and v of<br />

we<br />

in this en--<br />

1 he president -- pro . tempore-Th- e HlMened age no Jonger: known aa the<br />

ject. ' -<br />

senator from Scutn CaroUna has obV"Sa?dwIch Islands- - --<br />

jected. i',:',<br />

: '<br />

u-<br />

-' -- ,': '.;." r. t ... I r--'-<br />

"'., , .<br />

.<br />


r Mr, OvermanAThe --I wlil discuss<br />

the immigraUcn biU a little. - 1 the Congressional, Record ; one<br />

The president - pro i tempore-Th-e secure information, sometimea<br />

sub-nize- d.<br />

Hoor. iiXililt " vV1. speech which covered is5 age8VPt<br />

Mr.vSmithj of; South' 'clinM11!''?11?' Afn'<br />

not' the chair recogniiethe senator strated, certainly to-hi- s owa<br />

South Carolina' tion and perhaps to the satisfaction<br />

j .The v president .pro tempore-T-he<br />

'<br />

senator irom North rr.-""."- CaroUna has ' the "."r '<br />

floor; the senator from South Carolina' S0" JS may - be .cured by<br />

Christian - Letters are-- insert-por- objected to ,hls presentaUoh t<br />

ofa '<br />

at thia time and, tne: strongly<br />

senator<br />

of Patent<br />

I<br />

! from North rr u medicine advertisements, and Metho- - steamer Isthmian in convoying her to<br />

Immhrratlon hm j from a rock<br />

V I sen-rth- e<br />

'<br />

Wl?m. dlscusa'the dist experience meetings. This. fSan Diego after she struck on<br />

Mr. Overman want cL one of letters inserted by the. coast of Lower California, '<br />

. .<br />

thing about the immigration bill" "1 ator bis lengthy speech, has a fa-M-r.<br />

. Smith South Carolina--As mHJat 8wing,4to u - of<br />

- v '<br />

socn as, I conclnde badqulte become a. chronic<br />

point 1 vasahouttoinakitwUlyiel<br />

to the senator from North Carolina<br />

means for relief, tried as a last<br />

1<br />

: Mr. Overman-W- :<br />

ho has the "sort Christian Science,-- I<br />

as it prom-iTh- e<br />

floor?.<br />

president "pro '<br />

: temDore Tii .' "<br />

senator from North Carolina Is recbg: T<br />

nized. ".v "v .<br />

: I<br />

ine It, and ' that it may be .brought up<br />

.y<br />

"' y '.1<br />

--Adv. .<br />

1<br />

N.-.V .y.'<br />

i 1<br />

j!<br />

x v<br />

4. VI<br />

II<br />

v<br />

'<br />

- -<br />

.:,-VI- V<br />

kHE accompanylnj picture shows a part of the Coort of the Four Seasons of the Panama-PaclS- c InteTfiitlczalXx- -<br />

. position, San Francisco, with the. Fountain? of Ceres," by.Erelyn Beatrice Longman, In the foreground. Thsgrttt 3<br />

- - display of the nations will open on scheduled time, Feb. 20. The European war wlU not aJTect the Eipcsltioa j i<br />

'<br />

::S v- 'fr'zV'- :: ---4' ;'';----;-r: , y',-- -, '<br />

:<br />

,, .<br />

at all, and It will bea huge success.-- '<br />

ised relief. I started a treatment and<br />

a short time I: was completiel)<br />

healed of: this trouble,-s- o that I became<br />

strong, well and useful" 5 ,<br />

The SUr-Bullet- ln has no doub that<br />

copies cf the speech will be gladly<br />

forwarded by Senator Works to any<br />

one who may care address him at<br />

Washington, fD, C. : in<br />

to<br />

'<br />

v.' :s-- .1 v i<br />

Fdbraaiyil2th<br />

- Come In toour store and took over ,<br />

our big stock' or, valentines; some are ,<br />

too dainty to put in our window .for<br />

display; and then the comic ones and A<br />

online awfurunes-bu- t they 'do sell<br />

hike hot cakes:-iWal- l NIchr'-Co- ;<br />

Ltd., leaders in all holiday attractions;<br />

.<br />

- - r .<br />

frDlGtSTION, GA OR<br />


Time It! Tape's- Dlapepsln.'makes<br />

S yotnr vpsct bloated stomach feel<br />

A-- fine. In; Ore .minutes<br />

' ., 'i'v'.y : -; ::zix:'<br />

'RalIy ."doca.'puf ;bad stomachs Jn f<br />

order "really does- - overcome lndl-gesUo- n,<br />

dyspepsia gas, heartburn and<br />

sourness in five minutes that Just<br />

Uiat makes Pape's JDIapepsin the<br />

largest-sellin- g stomach regulator In<br />

Uj world, i. If what no eat ferments<br />

;<br />

Into : stubborn ; lumps you - belch gas<br />

rnd eructate sour; undigested food and<br />

add; head Is dizzy and aches; breath<br />

foul; tongue coated; your insldes fill-<br />

ed with bile and Indigestible waste, re--'<br />

member the moment "Pape's Dlapepsin"<br />

comes in contact with ,the stomach<br />

all such distress r vanishes. C It's<br />

truly - astonishing :L almost marvelous,<br />

and the Joy Is Its harmlessness<br />

A large fifty-cen- t cat e of Pape a Dia-peps-in<br />

will give you a htndred dollars-wortof<br />

satisfaction or your druggist<br />

senator from North Carolina la recog reliable, sememes jnoV a any<br />

'<br />

,<br />

.. ? .. ject. - Bellevereto Christian ."Sctence<br />

Mr. Overinan-- -I wish to say that 1 1 can sectin : sound-hav- e<br />

a8ttrailce ,9' the<br />

been trying to perform - -- hands you your money back. ' ,<br />

Irs worth Us weight in gold men<br />

and women who can't get their stom- - ,<br />

1 - I ness the doctrine which , of<br />

In they achs ; regulated. It belongs In<br />

r Mr. Smith of South Carolina flsi 'aith by a perusal of tkeRecort,<br />

the senator frdm--' North, Carolina the of 191.' SenatorAVorks of<br />

noon viCalifonlIa' a 3?6 firm believer in Christian<br />

;<br />

The - president pro ; tempore-T- occupied, the time the<br />

he' Science,'<br />

of<br />

senatorJromr<br />

senate on January 5th and ,6th for a<br />

-<br />

f always be kept handy ;<br />

in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach ,<br />

during the day - or night i -- It's the<br />

quickest, - surest and ' most harmless '<br />

to<br />

stomach jfloctor in the world.--advc- r-<br />

v'-<br />

Usement' :.i ,v'<br />

? :''.-'V- -<br />

;V, '.''mm .?'ri -<br />

'I Secretary Daniels haa received i<br />

letter from President George, S. Dear- -<br />

born of the Ha wallah Steamship Company<br />

- expressing , appreciation of the<br />

services rendered Ay the cruiser West<br />

Virginia, destroyer Perry and tug Iro- -<br />

quois - to the " Hawaiian company's<br />

By hiring a one-arm- ed cop who will;<br />

the' town of South Connells-yill- e.<br />

Pa,, forM0 "peiKmontb, the town<br />

taxpayers $20 per<br />

protect ,<br />

council saves , thet<br />

month: ; '<br />

V<br />

e- : ', r?- - r<br />

5<br />

?v. -- 1<br />

- r-- x. :<br />

.: .<br />

V' .<br />

y- 'yfiy' Includes :' ': ''..,';:<br />

I<br />

l PERFECT CLEANLINESS in every data it. ?<br />

i<br />

;ABSOIAJfTE PURITY pf everyJngredi cut<br />

- UTiSST CARRin dispensing. T<br />

f<br />

C<br />

- 7 t<br />

'<br />

'<br />

yrZrt TJie-Rexal-<br />

JOps ore ipeneveniDw<br />

: .<br />

' U f<br />

l .Store, jr- - h s f'v-y'-<br />

-<br />

' V<br />

Fort and Hotel Sts.5.? 1' J f F 3 Phono 1207'.:.'<br />

id-paci-<br />

fic cAnnrjAL<br />

nr.Tus<br />

1 Hawaii to Honolulu and Return .. ; , ; . ;J. . . . 2 C 3 r .1<br />

; Maul to Honolulu and Return . .V ; . - J :i . t . , . J A . .... 8.C 3<br />

Kauai to Honolulu and Return . . A ; . . i:.; ; i . . . ' CCD<br />

Crf! Ah etra charge of One Dollar will b made for certafa dcci'<br />

f;' berths ' on 'steainers' oetitreeailauC.. Kauai and Honolulu," witii the t.;--<br />

of the w. o.rHa;t ana Mikahaia.n v , - tf - c<br />

Tickets issued to arrive at Honolulu February 20, "131 3,".return<br />

'<br />

.llmit as follows: c v .1- , '<br />

i J<br />

' , V-- -' - ''; v :<br />

'<br />

--<br />

i<br />

j<br />

?.<br />

1 1 w tint v<br />

Hawaii; ind-Maf- - 27. 13lS v<br />

& Kauai i ... ..'.;.,;. .v.;.. . ;; March 2, 1315<br />

- Inter-Islan- d Steam Navisation Co.. Ltd.<br />

PHOIIE 2205 I2HACZ3<br />

ijtaq o- - Pecli ; C c.,'<br />



-- 2,<br />


-- AND COAL. , - , ' ..<br />

' . - p.<br />

il li V ii IL<br />

o. E02 in<br />

We; have opened ai<br />

Oriental<br />

Gbodsland; tKev are ow on display :bG stock is most complete and<br />

;<br />

; r'v<br />

to<br />

prices e: reasonable a;nd it trouble show Goods.<br />

1180-118- 4 Fort; Street, Opposite Catholic Church<br />

4- -<br />

o,<br />

- E

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