Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 13 March 2013 (by category)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 13 March 2013 (by category)

Silverhill Seeds Catalogue 13 March 2013 (by category)


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Melolobium adenodes (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn to 60cm, 3-foliate lvs, lax raceme of yellow pea fl Sp. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Melolobium exudans (Fabaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Sticky perenn to 60cm, 3-foliate lvs, lax racemes yellow fl fading to orange Wi - Sp. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Mentha aquatica (Lamiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Water mint", to 40cm perenn, small pale to dark mauve fl Au-Wi, wet/water. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Mentha longifolia (Lamiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Wildekruisement", to 15cm shrublet, sessile lvs, white to mauve fl in spiky terminal heads Su-Au, aromatic. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Momordica balsamina (Cucurbitaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

Perenn climber, leaf margins irregularly toothed, orange-red knobbed fruit, edible. Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Monopsis lutea (Lobeliaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

Straggling perenn, narrow leaves on thin stems, attractive sulphur-yellow fl Su-Au, damp areas. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Myrothamnus flabellifolius (Myrothamnaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

"Resurrection plant", 0.5m erect shrublet, paired folded lvs, inconspic male & female fl on different plants Sp-Su. In droughts the whole plant dries out,<br />

but revives within hours of rain. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Nemesia fruticans (Scrophulariaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 40cm shrublet, linear-lanceolate slightly toothed leaves, racemes of pink/lilac fl with raised yellow palate Sp. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Nemesia macrocarpa (Scrophulariaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Short-lived perenn to 40cm, toothed lvs, white to pale pink fl Sp-Su. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Nemesia melissifolia (Scrophulariaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Short lived perenn to 50cm, racemes of white fl with grey veins Su, grows at forest margins. Sow Sp/Au. Zone 8.<br />

Nesaea sagittifolia (Lythraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn to 40cm, lvs arrowhead-shaped, lovely pink fl up stems Au., very attractive. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Orphium frutescens (Gentianaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt / US$ 6.00 per 100<br />

0.8m shrub, soft thick leaves, stalked deep pink fl Su, coastal often marshy areas, spectacular in flower. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Orthosiphon labiatus (Lamiaceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

1m shrub, masses of pink fl Au. Sow Sp. Zone 8.<br />

Osmitopsis osmitoides (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

50cm perenn, aromatic, narrow leaves with serrated edges, white & yellow daisy fl Sp-Su, moist shade/sun. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Osteospermum fruticosum - mixture of colours (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

"Rankmargriet", spreading/prostrate perenn, soft fleshy foliage, white to purple fl Wi-Sp, coastal. Sow Au/Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Osteospermum jucundum (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

30cm, beautiful pink daisy fl Sp. Sow Sp. Zone 7.<br />

Osteospermum scariosum (old name Tripteris aghillana) (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 20cm perenn, rough hairy lvs in basal clusters, lovely big yellow fl on long stalks Sp, showy. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Osteospermum sinuatum (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

20-50cm shrublet, semi-succulent greyish-green leaves, yellow fl Wi-Su, 3-winged fruit, dry, palatable plant. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Osteospermum striatum (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Erect perenn with thick lignified caudex, pointed lvs rough to touch, solitary bright yellow fl Sp, Sow Sp. Zone 9.<br />

Othonna auriculifolia (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

To 5cm tufted perenn, large deeply lobed leathery leaves, solitary pale yellow fl Wi-Sp. Sow Au. Zone 8.<br />

Othonna bulbosa (Asteraceae) US$ 3.50 per Pkt<br />

Perenn with ann stems from tuberous root, leathery lvs in basal tuft, bright yellow daisy fl Sp. Sow Au. Zone 8.

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