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"Do the young men of Gondor think of nothing but war?" Mithrandir<br />

growled, half to himself. Perhaps it was not to be wondered at; Minas Tirith was,<br />

after all, within sight of the Shadow. In such a place, people thought constantly of<br />

danger and praised those who defended their city. Still, the boy he remembered<br />

had been a promising student of the arts of peace. It would be a sad loss if he too<br />

had learned to prize warfare above all else.<br />

“Alas, sometimes it seems that we must,” Faramir answered ruefully. “But<br />

now that you are here, I hope you will teach me about other things, as you used<br />

to do! You promised once, long ago, to tell me of the time you visited the Elven<br />

havens and saw the harbor where their ships sail for the West.”<br />

The wistfulness of his tone eased Mithrandir’s mind. Perhaps, he reflected,<br />

it was not only the need to find information which had brought him to the city<br />

this winter instead of searching for Gollum immediately, as he had originally<br />

planned. Perhaps some power understood that this young man was in need of his<br />

teaching and had directed him here.<br />

"I shall make sure to spare time for that," he promised. "But do you not<br />

have duties to attend to?"<br />

"Sometimes," Faramir replied. "If there are more orc-raids, I may be called<br />

to go out with the city guard or the Rangers of Ithilien, as my father pleases. He<br />

says it is important for me to learn something of the duties of all Gondor's<br />

companies. He does the same with Boromir – he is home now for year's end, but I<br />

think Father intends him to serve at Cair Andros for a time."<br />

They turned a corner and emerged at the edge of the Court of the Fountain.<br />

The paved paths had been swept clean of snow, but an unmarked layer of it<br />

covered the grass around the White Tree. The tower doors, standing wide open to<br />

welcome guests, flooded the courtyard with warm, golden light. Glittering stars<br />

studded the clear night sky. The two men's backs were to the east, shutting out<br />

the pitiless Shadow rising there.<br />

Though he had not visited Minas Tirith as often as the north, Mithrandir<br />

had walked this path many times before. The first time had been a brilliant spring<br />

day when the Tree was in blossom, already an ancient symbol of Gondor then,<br />

though still strong and healthy. Its white blossoms were each the size of a man's<br />

fist, their perfume strong enough to fill the Citadel and yet delicate enough not to<br />

cloy even when one paused beside the fountain, as he and Faramir did now.<br />

Water played around the base of the Tree despite the cold weather, for it was<br />

warmed deep underground before emerging here.<br />

Faramir gazed at the bare branches furred with a coating of snow, and a<br />

smile played about his lips. "I like the Tree best in winter," he commented in a<br />


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